高考英语大一轮复习 专项7 动词的时态和语态课件.ppt

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专项七 动词的时态和语态,一、一般现在时 (1)表示经常或习惯性的动作,多用行为动词,且常与表频率的时间状语连用。 (2013陕西卷) On Monday mornings it usually _ (take)me an hour to drive to work although the actual distance is only 20 miles. (2)表示客观事实或普遍真理(不受主句时态的限制) The geography teacher told us the earth _ (move) around the sun.,Part,规律印证 考 点 落 实 , 步 步 为 “ 赢 ”,边 做 边 悟,(3)表示一个按规定、计划或安排要发生的动作,只用一般现在时。 (2013重庆卷) A Midsummer Nights Dream _ (open)at the Theatre Royal on 19th June, and then tours throughout Scotland. (4)在时间、条件状语从句中常用一般现在时代替将来时。但要注意由if 引导的条件状语从句中有时可以用shall或will表“意愿”,不表示时态。 (2013新课标全国卷)If we _ (not act)now to protect the environment, well live to regret it.,(5)以here, there开头的句子里,go, come等少数动词的一般现在时表示正在发生的动作。 There comes the bus.汽车来了。 Here she comes.她来了。 答案 takes moves opens dont act,二、一般过去时 (1)过去某一时间内经常发生或反复发生的动作或存在的状态。 (四川卷)You speak very good French! Thanks.I _ (study)French in Sichuan University for four years. (2)表达过去发生的动作。 (2013山东卷) I didnt think Id like the movie, but actually it _ (be)pretty good. (2013安徽卷)Im calling about the apartment you _ (advertise)the other day.Could you tell me more about it?,(3)有些动词如:think, want, plan等用在一般过去时中常常译为“原来认为/以为,原来想,原计划”。 I thought the film would be interesting, but it isnt. 我原以为这部电影是很有趣的,但是事实并非如此。 答案 studied was advertised,三、现在完成时 (1)表示过去发生的动作对现在产生的影响或结果,说话时已完成的动作。 (2013新课标全国卷) When I first met Bryan I didnt like him, but I _ ( change)my mind. (2013山东卷) Oh no! Were too late.The train _ (leave) Thats OK.Well catch the next train to London. 答案 have changed has left,(2)表示从过去开始,持续到现在的动作或状态,往往和“for.”,“since.”表述的一段时间状语连用。 He has learned English for six years. 他学英语已经六年了。 They have worked here since they left college. 他们大学毕业以后就在这里工作。,四、过去进行时 (1)表示按计划安排即将发生的动作。 (2013新课标全国卷) We _ (leave)very early so we packed the night before. 答案 were leaving,(2)表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间内正在进行的动作(这一过去时间须用时间状语表示)。 He was preparing his lecture all day yesterday. 昨天一整天他都在准备他的演讲。 (3)表示过去将来动作。 He said he was arriving the next day. 他说他将在第二天到达。,五、现在进行时 (1)表示现在正在进行的动作。 (2013天津卷)The water supply has been cut off temporarily because the workers _ ( repaired)one of the main pipes. 答案 are repairing (2)表示按计划安排即将发生的动作。 My father is coming to see me this Saturday. 这个星期六我爸爸要来看我。,六、一般将来时 (1)表示将来的动作和存在的状态。 (2013湖南卷) “What do you want to be?” asked Mrs.Crawford.“ Oh, I _ (be)president,” said the boy with a smile. 答案 will be (2)表示一种倾向或习惯性动作。 Oil will float on water.油会浮在水面上。 Crops will die without water.没有水庄稼会死亡。,七、被动语态 (1)只有及物动词或相当于及物动词的短语才有被动语态;不及物动词或短语无被动语态。 Food supplies in the flood stricken area _ (快要用完了)We must act immediately before theres none left. (2013北京卷)So what is the procedure? All the applicants _ ( interview)before a final decision is made by the authority.,(2)被动语态的构成为be过去分词,只要变换be的形式就可以得到不同时态的被动语态,除be外被动语态的构成形式还有:get/become 过去分词 Mum, I was wondering if you could lend me a few dollars until I _ (被付给报酬)on Friday. 答案 are running out are interviewed get paid,(3)有一类动词既可作及物动词又可作不及物动词。如果表示主语内在的特征、性质或所处的状态而不是强调动作本身,一般用主动形式表示被动含义,常见的有read, write, drive, sell, wash, open, lock, shut等。请试着体会下面句子中黑体部分的不同。 His books sell well, so they are sold soon. 他的书很畅销,因此很快就卖光了。 The door wont open, so we will ask a repairman to open it.这门打不开,所以我们请修理工打开它。,1Nancy is not coming tonight.But she _!(promise) 【误】 has promised 【正】 promised 解析 南希“答应要来”这个动作应该发生在过去,是过去作出的承诺,前文已告诉我们“她不来了”,因此诺言已跟现在没有关系,只是过去的一个动作。,考 点 警 示,2托尼给我打电话时,我刚完成工作,要开始洗澡。 【误】 When Tony phoned me I had just finished my work and started to take a shower. 【正】 When Tony phoned me I had just finished my work and was starting to take a shower. 解析 从关键信息 I had just finished my work 可以看出是“正要开始洗澡”应该是进行时,was starting 可以表示马上就要进行的动作;而 started 表示“开始了”。,3. 很多的鸟类正被人们捕杀。 【误】 Many birds are killed now. 【正】 Many birds are being killed now. 解析 现在进行时的被动语态结构要完整,不能遗漏 其中的助动词,导致时态错误。,1一般现在时与现在完成时的比较 一般现在时表示经常性、习惯性或永久性的状态;现在完成时则强调过去发生的动作到现在已完成,或过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响。 (江西高考)Look! Somebody _ (clean)the sofa. Well, it wasnt me.I didnt do it. (安徽高考)In order to find the missing child, villagers _ (do)all they can over the past five hours.,易 错 防 范,2一般过去时与现在完成时的比较 一般过去时表示过去某时发生的动作或情况,常与过去时间状语连用。而现在完成时表示从过去开始持续到现在的动作或情况,常与一段时间连用;一般过去时表示过去某时发生的动作或情况,与现在没什么联系;现在完成时表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,常与already, ever, never, yet, just等词连用。 (湖南高考)It is the most instructive lecture that I _ (attend)since I came to this school.,3一般过去时与过去完成时的比较 一般过去时表示动作发生在过去;而过去完成时表示在过去某个动作发生之前已经发生或完成的动作或存在的状态,即“过去的过去”。 (山东高考)She was surprised to find the fridge empty;the children _ (eat)everything! (全国卷)If you dont like the drink you _ (order)just leave it and try a different one. 答案 has cleaned have been doing have attended had eaten ordered,4be going to与will表将来的比较 be going to表示按计划或安排将要发生的事情;而will不强调行为的计划性,多指临时的决定或安排。 Mary is ill.I am going to visit her. Sorry, I didnt know.I will go with you. 玛丽病了,我打算去看她。 抱歉我不知道,我和你一块去。,


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