高中英语 Module5 Intrduction课件 外研版选修6.ppt

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Module 5,Introduction,Cloning,Do you enjoy reading science fictions? What is your favorite one? Have you ever read Frankenstein? How much do you know about it?,Look at the picture from the film Frankenstein and answer the questions.,1. When was the film made?,In 1931.,2. Say what you know about the story.,3. Describe the monster, using words from the box below.,huge human being lip monster terrifying ugly,3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.,create frightening horror resemble terrify wrinkled,I saw a _ film yesterday. It was really _.,frightening,horror,2. The monster was huge, with ugly. _ skin. It _ me.,terrified,create frightening horror resemble terrify wrinkled,wrinked,3. The creature had wings and _ a bird.,resembled,create frightening horror resemble terrify wrinkled,4. The writer _ a very exciting story.,created,create frightening horror resemble terrify wrinkled,Discussion,1) What do you think of horrible films ? 2) Can you tell why a film director directs some science fiction films? What is their meaning for? 3) If you are a film director, do you like to make some terrifying scene in a science fiction film? Why do you do like that? Tell the reasons.,Homework Preview the text “Frankensteins Monster” Try to search some science fiction films.,


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