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2019-2020年高三英语下学期时文阅读2时文阅读:刘翔职业生涯十大瞬间2015年4月7日,刘翔宣布,由于伤病困扰,正式退役。退役后他不想当教练,也不想当体育官员,而是计划投身体育公益事业。Liu Xiangs career started as a high jumper. Mr. Sun Haiping encouraged him to move up to hurdles. Without him, Lius career _ _ _(e) to a halt(停止) as his parents had withdrawn him from the sports school.刘翔最开始是一名跳高运动员。他后来的教练孙海平鼓励他转跑跨栏。如果不是孙教练,刘翔的职业生涯可能会就此中断,因为他的父母当时已经让他从体校退学。In xx, Liu won his first world championship at World University Games in Beijing. xx年,在北京举行的世界大学生运动会上,刘翔获得了个人的第一个世界冠军。Gold in 110m hurdles at xx Busan Asian Games is the first one of Lius three consecutive(连续的) titles of Asian Games. xx年釜山亚运会上,刘翔获得110米栏冠军,开始了亚运会三连冠。The acme of his career came in the summer of xx. Liu became the first ever Chinese man _ _ a gold medal in track events at Olympics. xx年夏天的雅典奥运会上,刘翔迎来了个人职业生涯的高峰,成为中国径赛项目的第一个男子奥运冠军。In xx, Liu _ a new world record at the Super Grand Prix in Lausanne with a time of 12.88 seconds. xx年,刘翔在国际田联超级大奖赛洛桑站上以12秒88的成绩刷新了世界纪录。He raced to victory in the 60m hurdles at xx IAAF World Indoor Championships in Valencia, Spain. It is his first and only title at World Indoor Championships. 在西班牙瓦伦西亚举行的xx世界室内田径锦标赛60米栏决赛中,刘翔拿到了个人第一个也是唯一一个室内赛世界冠军头衔。Liu suffered _ (injure) in his right Achilles tendon, and withdrew from the 110m hurdles at Beijing Olympic Games. 北京奥运会110米栏比赛中,刘翔右脚跟腱受伤,退出了比赛。Recovering from injury, Liu won at the Prefontaine Classic with a time of 12.87 seconds, matching the world record albeit with wind-assistance of 2.4m/s. Unfortunately, no result can be registered as a record with wind-assistance more than 2m/s. 从伤病中恢复后,xx年普里方腾经典赛比赛中,刘翔以12秒87斩获冠军,平了世界纪录。遗憾的是,当时的顺风风速为2.4m/s,超过了规定的2m/s的风速,因此该记录无效。In the 110 meter hurdles at xx Olympics, Liu pulled his Achilles tendon and fell down. He kissed the last hurdle, left the track, and _ (participate) no more petitions. xx年伦敦奥运会110米比赛中,刘翔跟腱拉伤,摔倒在地。他在亲吻了最后一个跨栏后,从此离开了跑道。_ April 7, xx, Chinas flying man announced _ (retire).2015年4月7日,中国“飞人”刘翔宣布退役。词汇积累_时文阅读答案:would have e; to win; set; injury; participated; On; retirement错题反馈一、补全句子1. I_ _ (本来想mean) to help you, but I was too busy at that moment.In the past few years, great changes_ _ _(发生) in my hometown.This is the first time that I _ _(来) here.I will go with you as soon as I _ _ (finish)my work.(完成)He should_ _ _(本应该露面), but he had an _(expect)visitor(不速之客).Bad habits have been_ _ _ (改掉). But for the fact that he _ busy now, he _ _ here. Its time that we _(go) to bed. 二、选择1 I had always traveled to Malaysia by plane or car, so this was the first time I was on a train. I did not particularly relish the long train journey and had brought along a dozen magazines to read and reread.1)The author expected the train trip to be_ .A. adventurous B. pleasant C. exciting D. dull2) Which of the following words can best take the place of the word relish in the second paragraph?A. choose B. enjoy C. prepare for D. carry on2We also wele new fiction. A light, humorous touch is appreciated. We are always in need of straight humor articles. Make us laugh, and well buy it. touch:风格;手法;特有方式 If someone has a particular kind of touch, they have a particular way of doing something.From the paragraph we can learn that the Post _. A. allows article submission within six weeks B. favors science articles within xx words C. have a huge demand for humorous works D. prefers nonfiction to fiction articles3. Recently, an old milk box in the countryside I saw brought back my childhood memories. Why did the author bring back home an old milk box?A. He missed the good old days.B. He wanted to tell interesting stories.C. He needed it for his milk bottles.D. He planted flowers in it. 三、选词填空decided; open; more; observed; if; changedIntroduction to Letters to Sam- So I wondered if I would have thetime to tell Sam what I had_. For years I have been hosting a program on theradio and writing articles for a magazine. Beingunable to move freely, I have learned to sit still and keep my heart_ , exchanging thoughts with thousands of listeners andreaders. So when Sam was born, I_ to tell him about school and friendship, romance and work, love and everything else. However, that expectation_ when Sam showed signs of autism(自闭症) at the age of two. He had actually stopped talking before the discovery of the signs. He refusedto municate with others, even the family members. That washeartbreaking for me but didnt stop me writing on. I realized that I had even_ now to tell him. I wanted him tounderstand what it means to be different from others, and learn how to fight against the misfortune hellface as I myself, his grandfather, did. I justdoubt if I could write all that I wanted to say in the rest of my life.Now,_ the book has been published, I have been given the chance. Every chapter in the book is a letter to Sam: some about my life, and all about what it means to be aman. 四、句子改错:It was a chance of a lifetime to win the firstprize on the Story Writing Show.


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