2019-2020年高三英语 语法专项谚语和交际用语 Word版含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高三英语 语法专项谚语和交际用语 Word版含答案【考点透视】英语交际用语试题,主要考查考生对对英语知识的观解和语言应用的能力,考查考生对中西方文化差异的掌握情况及对英语的使用和驾驭能力。近几年江苏高考也逐渐加大了交际用语的考查力度,每年必考。该类测试体现了以情景为条件,以对话为表达形式,而且既短小又灵活,前言后语连接紧凑,答语多呈现省略等特点,这就增加了答案的隐蔽性,给考生解题带来了难度。考查的方式以应答为主,提问为辅,以跨文化交际中差异明显的交际项目为重点考查对象。【例题感悟】考点1.情景对话1.Linda didnt invite us to the party. _? I dont care. (2011.江苏卷) A.For what B.So that C.Whats on D.Whats up点拨: 考查对某事的反应。For what 为什么;So what 那又怎么样;Whats on 在播放什么;Whats up发生什么事了、怎么了。 句意琳达没邀请我们去参加聚会。那又怎么样?我不在乎。从上下文语气来看,So what最为适合此处的语境。故:答案为B2.So you gave her your phone? _,She said shed return it to we shen she could afford her own. A.My pleasure B.Not exactly C.No doubt D.All right点拨: 考查否定对方的回答,Not exactly意为“不完全是”,用于委婉地否定对方的话,符合此处的语境。My pleasure 不客气,用于回答别人的感谢;No doubt 毫无疑问,表示肯定对方;All right 相当于 OK,表示接受或答应。故:答案为B3.Im sorry I broke the vase. Oh,_.It wasnt very expensive.(2011.江苏卷)Youd better not Im afraid notAs you wishThats all right点拨:考查对道歉的回答。Thats all right 不用谢、没关系,用于回答感谢或道歉,符合此处语境。句意对不起,我打碎了花瓶。哦,没关系,它不是很贵。 Youd better not 你最好别那样做;Im afraid not 恐怕不是这样;As you wish 正如你希望的。故:答案为D。4.We can give you a ride into town. _.Thank you.A. Yes, why not?B. Oh, it would be my pleasure.C. Yes, please.D. Oh, that would be great.点拨:考查当对方主动提供帮助时的应答。Oh,it would be my pleasure意为“那太好了”,符合此处语境。句意我们可以顺路载你去镇上。那太好了,谢谢你。Yes,why not? 用于同意对方的提议;Oh,it would be my pleasure 用于回答别人的感谢或请求;Yes,please 用于回答对方的请求。故答案为D考点2. 谚语5.I know he is right,but I cant stand his saying so. Oh, he is straightforward, but_. A.a good medicine tastes bitter B.actions speak louder than words C.a faithful friend is hard to find D.bad luck often brings good luck点拨:考查谚语意义。A.项:良药苦口;B项:行动胜于雄辩;C项:知音难觅;D项:塞翁失马安知非福。 句意:-我知道他是对的,但我就是受不了他那样说.-哦,良药苦口(利于病)嘛。故答案为A.6. They may be getting married soon. How did you know it? _.A.Its a piece of cake B.I have butterflies in my stomachC.A little bird told me D.Beauty lies in lovers eyes点拨:A项:小菜一碟;B项:紧张不安,忐忑不安;C.项:有人告诉我的(不一定指谁);D项:情人眼里出西施。故答案为C.7.Have you gone over the language points that the teacher taught in class?Not yet.Better remember“_”.A. no pains,no gains B.a bird in hand is worth two in the bushC.strike while the iron is hot D.all roads lead to Rome点拨;考查言语的运用。A项:不劳无获。B项:两鸟在林不如一鸟在手。C项:趁热打铁。D项:条条大路通罗马。根据句意-你复习了老师在课堂上讲的语言点了吗?-还没,-记住“趁热打铁”。故答案为C.8.Youre going to have a rise this month ,arent you? Yes,only $100. Well,_.A.the more, the better B.easier said than done C.better than never D.better than nothing点拨:-这个月你涨工资了,是吗?-只涨了100,-有总比没有好。答案为D.A项越多越好;B项说起来容易做起来难;C项做总比不做好。干扰项最大的就是C项,C项强调的是做与不做。【解题技巧】注意使用语境分析法,情景交际题总是自然巧妙地设置一定的语言情景,仅凭语法和词汇知识很难做出选择,只有分析具体的语言情景,注意中西方文化差异,才能找出答案。【考点透视】历年的高考英语试题中的谚语的出现频率越来越高,它通常与情景对话题、交际用语题、完形填空题、阅读理解等题型结合,用来提供情景或点明观点主旨。一)、情景交际中的谚语知识英语谚语文字精练、表达生动、情景性强,因此常用在情景交际题中作为试题背景。You may not have played very well today, but at least youve got through to the next round and _. A. tomorrow never es B. tomorrow is another day C. never put off till tomorrow D. there is no tomorrow解析:正确答案为B 。A. 明日复明日,明日何其多;我生待明日,万事成蹉跎。(因为永远有明天,也就永远会宕延)B. 明天又是新的一天。(有明天就有希望)C. 今日事,今日做。(今日事,今日毕)D. 切莫依赖明天。全句意思是:你今天或许表现欠佳,但至少可以参加下一轮的比赛,有明天就有希望。二)、阅读理解中的谚语知识谚语包含了朴素的哲理和深刻的寓意,用在阅读理解题中常用来推断、总结、做结论。考试需要透过文字的表层信息进行推理、分析、理解文章的真正内涵,找准文章意义与谚语寓意的切入点。请看下面两篇阅读理解:AYou hear the same plaint all the time: “My memory is terrible.” Is it all in the mind, or do real changes take place in the brain with the passing of time? The answer is that the brains cells decline and die with age. However, according to Professor Arthur Shimamura of the University of California, people vary greatly in how they change mentally with age, as well as how much their mental ability declines.There are three main ways in which mental function changes. The first concerns speed, such as how quickly you can react to fast-moving incidents on the road. Drivers in their late teens react quickly but often drive too fast, while the over -60s are more careful but react more slowly. This type of mental slowing results from a reduction in the efficiency with which the brainss neurons (神经细胞) work.The fact that adults find it harder to learn musical instrument than children points to a second type of mental decline, the loss of learning ability with age. The part of the brain which is known to control new learning is particularly sensitive to the effects of ageing. This means we have to depend more on diaries and other mental aids as we get older, take longer to learn a new language and are slower to master new things at work.“Working memory” is the third brain function that is sensitive to the effects of ageing. Absentmindedness occurs at all ages because of imperfections in the working memory system. For example, you may continually lose your glasses, or find yourself walking into a room of your house only to find that you cannot remember what you came for. Such absent-mindedness also occurs more often as we get older.However, evidence also shows that the principle “use it or lose it” applies to the ageing brain. Professor Shimamura studied a group of university professors who were still mentally active, and pared their performance on neuropsychological tests with that of others of their age group, as well as with younger people. He found that on several tests of memory, the mentally active professors in their 60s and early 70s performed better than those of the same age, and as well as the younger group.2. Which of the following well-known sayings best expresses the idea of the third paragraph? A. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. B. You cant teach an old dog new tricks. C. Where theres a will, theres a way. D. Its never too old to learn.第2题解析: A. 双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。B. 老狗学不到新把戏。(朽木不可雕。)C. 有志者事竟成。D. 活到老,学到老。BLife is raw material. We are artisans (n.工匠). We can sculpt our existence into beautiful or debase (vt. 降低,贬低) it into ugliness. Its in our hands. - Cathy Better.Its in Our HandsIsnt it amazing how few of us ask ourselves the important question?Several years ago, I was invited to hear an important speaker address the students body of a small college in South Carolina. The auditorium was filled with students excited about the opportunity to hear a speaker of her status (n. 地位,身份) speak. After the governor gave the introduction, the speaker moved to the microphone, looked at the audience from left to right, and began:“I was born to a mother who was deaf and couldnt speak. I dont know who my father is or was. The first job I ever had was in a cotton field.”The audience was spellbound. “Nothing has to remain the way it is if thats not the way a person want it to be. She continued “it isnt luck, and it isnt circumstances, and it isnt being born a certain way that causes a persons failure to bee what it bees.” And she softly reported, “Nothing has to remain the way it is if thats not the way a person wants it to be.”“All a person has to do,” she added in a firm voice, “to change a situation that brings unhappiness or dissatisfaction answers the question: How do I want this situation to bee? then the person must mit totally to personal actions that carry them there.”Then a beautiful smile shone forth as she said, “My name is Azie Taylor Morton. I stand before you today as treasurer (n.财务主管) of the United States of America.”8. Which of the following can best tell the main idea of the passage?A. Where there is a will, there is a way.B. Experience is the best teacher.C. A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.D. Still waters run deep.第8题解析: A. 有志者,事竟成。B. 经验是最好的老师。(有经历必受益)C. 吃一堑,长一智。D. 静水流深。(沉默者深谋。)【解题技巧】在做这类题目的时候,考生首先要正确理解谚语的意思,再结合文意选出正确答案。这就要求考生平时多积累总结,比如专门准备一个谚语手册,平时学习阅读中遇到谚语或好的句子就把它写下来,日积月累,语言运用能力自然就上了。课后巩固1.Student should try to do a little studying evening throughout the term ,rather than study all night during the week before the exam. Exactly_.A.Practice makes perfect B.The early bird catches the wormC.Slow but sure wins the race D.Delays are dangerous2.David is unwilling to find a job and spends too much time playing games in the net bar. He is sure to regret it. As the saying goes,“_”. A.A little learning is a dangerous thing B.A still tongue makes a wise head C.Lost time is never found again D.Every minute seems like a thousand3.Jim played a trick in class. So the teacher criticized him severely in front of others. She was _A.calling a spade a spade B.putting the cart before the houseC.making hay while the sun shines D.beating the dog before the lion4.Dad,Im afraid Im too slow to keep up with others in physics. Cheer up,son._.A.Actions speak louder than words . B.Slow but steady wins the race.C.A bad workman always blames his tool. D.Dont count your chickens before they are hatched .5.My son ,who is new studying at a university,uses more than 3,000 yuan a month.Well,tell him to be economical. After all,_.A.money doesnt grow on trees B.the morning sun never lasts a dayC.light e,light go D.penny wise pound foolish6.He eventually realized his own fault and wanted to overe. _ A.Its no use pumping a fry well B.It never rains but it pours C.Better safe than sorry D.Never too late to mend 7.Im very sad that well have to say goodbye to each other when we graduate. _.After all we all will have bright future. A.A friend in need is a friend indeed B.The more,the better C.All good things e to an end D.All that ends well is well8.Why did you drop the chance of earning big money? _.You know,I dont want to get rich by taking risks. A.All is well that ends well B.One mans meat is anothers poison C.Better safe than sorry D.No sweet without sweat9.I need to advertise for a roommate for next term. _? Mary is interested.A.Why bother B.Why not C.So what D.What for10.Jack,you seem in high spirits._We won the match 4-0.A,Guess what? B.So what? C.No wonder. D.No doubt11.Do you enjoy your present job? _.I just do it for a living. A.Of course B.Not really C.Not likely D.Not a little12.What a fine day! Shall we go picnicking? _.But we need to be home before six oclock for the football match. A.Have a nice time B.Pardon me C.Thats great D.You are right13.Could you be so kind as to close the window? _. A.With pleasure B.Go ahead C.Yes,please D.Thats OK14.It shouldnt take long to clear up after the party if we all volunteer to help. Thats righ._. A.Many hands make light work B.Something is better than nothing C.The more, the merrier D.The sooner begin,the sooner done15.May I open the window to let in some fresh air? Ae on B.Well done C.Go ahead D.Hold on16.Putting on happy face not only helps us make fiends but also makes us feel better. _. A.Id love to B.Im with you C.Its up to you D.Its my pleasure 17.You should get a new job,stop smoking and have a healthier lifestyle. A.Mind your own business B.Never mind C.Thats all right D.Easier said than done18.I really dont know how to thank you enough. _. A.No problem B.Think nothing of it C.With pleasure D.Glad to hear that19.Im feeling terrible and lonely all the time,what should I do? _!Try to talk to your friends,and take good care of your healthy. A.Go ahead B.Take it easy C.Thats right D.Dont mention it参考答案1-5 C C D B A 6-10D C C A A 11-15B C A A C 16-20B D D B B 高考英语谚语常用语Actions speak louder than words .行动胜于言语A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口The more,the better. 越多越好When the cats away ,the mice will play. 山中无老虎,猴子称大王Eye for eye,tooth to tooth. 以眼还眼,以牙还牙Love me ,love my dog.爱屋及乌A black sheep. 害群之马You reap what you sow. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆The apple of somebodys eye. 掌上明珠Feet of clay. 泥脚A piece of cake .小菜一碟When in Rome ,do as the Romans do .入乡随俗An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening .一日之计在于晨Two heads are better than one .三个臭皮匠,赛过一个诸葛亮Once bitten,twice shy. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳All is not gold that glitters. 闪光的并不都是金子Nothing is too difficult if you put your heart into it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人Prevention is better than cure .防病胜于治病Kill two birds with one stone. 一石二鸟The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧East or west ,home is best. 金窝银窝不如自己的狗窝Ones cup of tea .投合某人的脾性An arm and a leg. 昂贵的代价Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁A friend in need is a friend in deed .患难见真情Well begun is half done 好的开始是成功的一半Time and tide wait for no man .岁月不待人Failure teaches success .失败乃成功之母Its no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收 All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马More haste,less speed. 欲速则不达Never too old to learn ,never too late to turn .亡羊补牢,为时未晚None are so deaf as those who wont hear. 充耳不闻As easy as pie 轻而易举As cool as a cucumber 泰然自若As sly as a fox 和狐狸一样狡猾As essential as water 和水一样重要高考英语情景对话常用语1Take it easy ! 别紧张。 2 Take your time! 慢慢来。3 With pleasure !很荣幸(为你效劳) 回应他人的请求4 (Its) my pleasure 这是我的荣幸。 回应他人的感谢5 I mean what I say. 我说道做到。 6 Go ahead!做吧,用吧。7 At your service. 由你吩咐 8 By all means! 当然可以。9 It/That depends! 看情况。 10 What a pity/shame!太遗憾了11 It will by my treat. 我请客 12 Have no idea.不知道13 Feel free.请便 14 After you.你先请15 make it 办成了 16 get it 知道了,明白了 17 take it 忍受18 You are wanted on the phone! 电话里有人找19 The line is engaged. 线路忙20 put me through to 请给我接通 21 if only 但愿22 Not really! 不太对。不全是(部分否定他人的判断) 23 Not in the least.一点也不 24 Not a chance .不可能 25 not a little 非常 26 not a bit 一点也不 27 No way!没门儿,不可能 28 No chance!不可能 29 No problem!没问题 30 No hurry! 别急 31 I cant agree more!.我完全赞同你的意见 32 What up?怎么了,出了什么事 ? 33 Whats for?为什么? 34 So what?那有怎么样? 35 What if ?倘若这样又如何? 36 What do you like? 你觉得怎么样? 37 Whats it like ? 情况怎么样? 38 How do you find?你觉得怎么样? 39 How do you like?你想怎么吃/喝 ? 40 Why not do sth. ?为什么不= Why dont you? 41 How is it ? How e? 怎么会? 42 I am wondering if? 我能否? 用于提出请求43 Would you mind sth/doing sth ? 44 I cant thank you too much! 再感激不过了45 I mean it. 我当真的。 46 I meant no harm. 我本无恶意47 God bless you. 表祈祷和心愿。 48 A bargain is a bargain. 一言为定。49 e on! 得了。(表安慰,催促,鼓励,怀疑等) 50 Thats the point. 你说对了。51 Thats all right/Never mind./ It doesnt matter. 没关系。 52 May you have a good trip. 53 Out of question. 没问题 54 Absolutely not!绝对不是 /绝对不行的 55 Absolutely right! 绝对是的。

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