2019-2020年高中英语 Unit1 period3课时训练 新人教版必修3.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit1 period3课时训练 新人教版必修3单项填空1. Write to me when you get home.AI must BI shouldCI willDI can2. Mr. Bush is on time for everything. How it be that he was late for the opening ceremony?AcanBshouldCmayDmust3. Is John ing by train?He should, but he not. He likes driving his car.AmustBcanCneedDmay4. I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter.It true because there was little snow there.Amay not be Bwont be Ccouldnt beDmustnt be5. I hear that youve got a set of valuable Australian coins. I have a look?Yes, Certainly.ADo BMay CShall DShould6. It has been announced that candidates remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.Acan Bwill Cmay Dshall7. Oh, Im not feeling well in the stomach, I so much fried chicken just now.Ashouldnt cut Bmustnt have eatenCshouldnt have eatenDmust have8. I am going to Shanghai on business next week. Have you anything to your parents?Ataking Bto take Ctaken Dto be taken9. Mr. white is in hospital.Im sorry to hear that. No wonder I him these days.Ahavent seen Bdidnt see Cwould not see Dwont see10. We cant think of ourselves only. We should think of we can do more for the people.Athat Bwhich Cwhat Dhow11. The film is not as popular as .Abeing expectedBhaving been expectedCexpectedDexpecting12. leaves the room last ought to lock the door.AAnyone BThose whoCWhatDWhoever13. In order to improve English 。AJennys father bought her a lot of tapesBJenny bought a lot of tapesCa lot of tapes were bought by JennyDa lot of tapes were bought by Jennys father14. Do let your father know all the truth. He appears everything.Ato tell Bto be toldCto be tellingDto have been told15. Why was professor Smith unhappy?The theory he stuck to wrong.Awas proved Bproved Cproving Dbeing proved16. If there were no exams, we should have at home.Aa more happier timeBthe happiest timeCmuch happiest timeDa much happier time17. When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door “Sorry to miss you”Ato read Breading Creads Dread18. Your teacher is already here.Oh, I he until tomorrow.Adidnt think, will e Bdont think, is ingCthought, wasnt ing Ddidnt think, was ing19. Did anyone know the truth?.ANone BNo CNo one DNot anyone20. Bob! You on the phone.Aare wanted; ingBare called; Ill eCare needed; Im ingDare rung up; Thanks21. It is the ability to do the job matters, not where you e from or what you are.Aone Bthat Cwhat Dwhich22. Why do you want a new job youve got such a good one already?AthatBwhereCwhen Dwhich23. He liked the painting so much he would like to take it it coast.Ahow much BwhatChowever much Dno matter how expensive24. What she said hastrue.Aturned Bturned overCturned inDturned up25. Has been used to save this steel.AAll possible means, workBEvery possible means, worksCEvery possible means, work DMuch possible means, work【参考答案】语法同步练习1-5 CADCB 6-10 DCDAD 11-15 CDBDB 16-20 DBDBA 21-25 BCCAB

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