2019-2020年高三第一次质量检测 英语答案 含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高三第一次质量检测 英语答案 含答案第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20 分)1-5 CBBCA 6-10 CCBAA 11-15 BCABC 16-20 BCBBA第二部分(共两节,满分35分) 第一节 英语知识运用21 25 DBDBC 26 30 DADAC 31 35 ACBBD第二节 完形填空36-40 ABCAD 41-45 DBACC 46-50 DACDA 51-55 BDBCA第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)56-59 CBDB 60-62 BCD 63-66 BCAB 67-70 BBAD第四部分:任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题l分,满分l0分)71. depend / rely / count 72. bine 73. influence/affect/impact 74. approaches75. attention / minds 76. relevant 77. base 78. change / adjustment79. How / Ways / Methods 80. actively第五部分As is shown in the picture, standing beside a bike is a boy with a piece of paper in his hand. He wants to leave a note to the owner of the car to apologize for his scratching the car.This picture vividly reflects a phenomenon where our society is in bad needs of honesty. Nowadays, people, troubled with masses of dishonest behaviors, are unwilling to trust others, which causes disagreements and conflicts. Luckily, it has aroused wide public concern and firm steps have been taken to end this unhealthy trend. .On my note, the boy has set a good example to the public, for which he should be highly praised. After all, considered as a virtue, honesty deserves our admiration and is also what we need to deal with troubles in life and create a harmonious society. As a saying goes, honesty is the best policy. (148 words)书面表达评分原则1.本题总分为25分,按五个档次给分:第五档21-25分;第四档16-20分;第三档11-15分;第二档6-10分;第一档0-5分。2.评分时先根据文章的内容要点和语言表达初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。内容要点1. 对漫画能够进行准确的描述 (6分)2. 能准确表达出漫画反映社会诚信问题(8分)3. 解决问题的措施或看法 (6分)4. 其它如行文、卷面等 (5分)说 明1.文中内容要点可用不同方式表达;2.对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分,内容须健康、向上;3.对书写潦草者、卷面不整洁者评分时降一档次。附:听力文稿Text 1W: I wonder if I could book a room for next Sunday?M: Sure, no problem. Your name and address, please.Text 2M: Mary, you are late again! What do you have to say this time?W: Im sorry, sir. I promise it wont happen again!Text 3M: Believe it or not, even today, in some places in Iran, women are not allowed to watch men play football.W: Thats so hard to believe! It seems that the whole world ought to have entered the modern society by now.Text 4M: Its 8:00 now. Can you be here in an hour?W: Im sorry. Im afraid Ill be thirty minutes late.Text 5W: Hi, David! Could I borrow your camera?M: Hi, Alice! Id be glad to if I had one. This one actually belongs to Jane.W: Ah, in that case, Ill ask Mary to lend me hers.Text 6 M: Who is it?W: Linda, I just live on the top floor.M: e in. Im John Smith. I saw you move in the other day.W: Yes, I just moved in this week, so I dont have a phone yet. Can I use your phone please?M: Sure, my phone is over there.W: Thank you so much. I was cleaning the floor just now, and I M: Linda, you look very pale. Are you all right?W: Yes, Im all right. I I saw all these mice in the corner.M: Mice? How terrible!W: Yes! So I think Ill call my husband and ask him to e back to help me get rid of them.M: Good idea. Go ahead, Linda. Text 7 M: Hey, Ann! I havent seen you for a while! What have you been doing with yourself?W: Oh, hi, Nick! Ive been studying a lot lately. All of my classes seem to have exams during the same week.M: Oh, thats too bad! Where are you going now?W: Im heading to the gym. Ive been sitting at my desk all day and I need some exercise. Do you want to walk over there with me?M: Actually, Im on my way back from the gym. I just had swim practice and now I am going to dinner.W: Well, I guess Ill see you around.M: Hey, why dont we meet at the dining hall tomorrow for lunch? We can just relax and talk a bit.W: OK. What time?M: How about one oclock?W: Sounds great. Ill see you there.Text 8 M: I was half an hour late for work today. There was just too much traffic.W: Yes, there really are too many cars on the road. More people need to carpool.M: Carpool?W: Yeah, you know, a group of people that ride to work together in one car.M: Hey, thats a good idea. How do you join a car pool?W: Well, there is a special phone number you can call. You leave a message with your address and phone number, and then someone calls you back with the names and phone numbers of the other people in your area who want to carpool.M: Thats really a great idea! How do you know so much about this car pool system, Nancy?W: Me? I called the number for the first time about five years ago. Carpooling is a great way to go to work.Text 9 M: Have you heard that famous speech by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez?W: What is it?M: Only education will lift Latin America out of poverty.W: When and where did he make the speech?M: In the southern city of Cuzco, where he was attending a conference on December 10th. 1700 students were present. He told the students to read Victor Hugos classic novel Les Miserables to understand poverty.W: Hugo Chavez must think highly of that novel.M: Yes, he said he was reading the novel for the second time. He was impressed by its description of human misery. But he truly believes that poverty in Latin America will eventually be eliminated.Text 10 It was late at night. The traffic in the city was usually bad at that time. Miss Brown really wanted to get to her friends house on time, but she was afraid that she wouldnt make it because it was raining, and the traffic was worse than usual. To make it worse, Miss Brown had rather bad eyesight, but she didnt wear glasses anymore because she thought she didnt look good in glasses. She kept trying to read the road signs as she drove, but she just could not see them. Finally she decided that she needed to make some changes if she was to arrive safely. First, she started to drive more slowly. Second, she turned on the radio so that she would not feel afraid or alone. Finally, she looked for a hotel near the road. As soon as she saw one, she stopped and got a room for the night. In the morning, Miss Brown drove to her friends house. The rain had stopped and the traffic was much better. She truly had not wanted to lose time in getting to her friends house, but she knew that arriving safely was the most important thing. As the saying goes, “Better safe than sorry.”


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