2019-2020年高中英语 Unit5 Period Three Grammar练习 新人教版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit5 Period Three Grammar练习 新人教版必修2.将下列句子改成“介词关系代词”型定语从句(每空一词)1In our class all the fifty students took part in the final exam.Only one of them didnt pass the exam.In our class all the fifty students,only one _ _ didnt pass the exam,took part in the final exam.2The day will e.Ordinary people can travel by spaceship on the day.The day _ordinary people can travel by spaceship will e.3Do you still remember those days? We worked together in those days.Do you still remember those days _ _ we worked together.4The famous scientist once lived and worked in the village.Does this road lead to the village? Does this road lead to the village _ _ the famous scientist once lived and worked?5The postman es at 6:30 in the morning.I am usually fast asleep at that time.The postman es at 6:30 in the morning, _ _ _ I am usually fast asleep.6The famous scientist made a great contribution to our country.Im going to write a book in memory of him.The famous scientist, _ _ _ _ Im going to write a book, made a great contribution to our country.7He has saved another thousand dollars.He could support his family with the money.He has saved another thousand dollars _ _ he could support his family.8Mr Li will go abroad to study for a year.We have made great progress in maths with the help of him.Mr Li, _ _ _ _ _ we have made great progress in maths, will go abroad to study for a year.9Thats a practical problem.I will still need to find a solution to it.Thats a practical problem _ _ I will still need to find a solution.10The river has been seriously polluted.There used to be many beautiful flowers on its banks.The river _ _ _ there used to be many beautiful flowers has been seriously polluted.用定语从句合适的关系词填空1The person _the message came did not say his name.2There are many books on the shelf in his study,most _ he really enjoys.3Johns dream was to have a big house of his own _ he could live with his whole family.4We took a road map with us during our last trip, _ we would have lost our way.5He went with a group of people, few _were correctly equipped for such a climb.6At last,he found that the goals _ he had fought all his life no longer seemed important to him.7The organization,_ Tom is the president, was founded ten years ago.8Many teenagers usually consider their best friend as someone _ they can turn when they need help.9The players, the taller_ came from a big city, were practising playing basketball on the playground.10At present, many college students from some famous universities end up with a job _ they are not interested.完成句子1Last month,many parts of the village were struck by floods,_ the people are still suffering.(effect)上个月这个村子的许多地方遭受了洪水,人们现在依然深受其害。2The two of things _were Jims gold watch and Dellas hair.(proud)使他们感到骄傲的两样东西是吉姆的金表和黛拉的头发。3The growing speed of plant is influenced by a number of factors,_ are beyond our control.(most)植物生长的速度受多种因素影响,大多数因素我们无法控制。4The English play_ at the New Years party was a great success.(act)我的学生在新年晚会上表演的那部英语剧是非常成功的。5Its reported that two schools, _ in my hometown, will open next year.(build)据报道两所学校明年将投入使用。它们现在正在我们的家乡被修建。.完形填空Music is often divided into several categories, or groups.Some of the categories are:classical music, traditional music, rock music, and jazz.The first _1_, classical music, _2_ orchestra music(管弦乐) that originated(起源) in Europe a few hundred years ago.Most of the original _3_ music was posed, or written, in Italy, Germany, Austria, or Russia.Beethoven and Bach were two famous _4_ of classical music.Classical music is usually _5_ by a variety of string _6_ such as the violin and by a variety of wind instruments such as the flute.The second type of music is traditional music.Traditional music is _7_ that came from a particular _8_Every culture has its own special _9_ of traditional music and its own _10_ instruments for playing its traditional music._11_ kind of music is rock music.Rock is generally a kind of _12_ music, played with a strong _13_Rock musicians often use _14_ instruments, such as electric guitars and electric pianos.Rock music probably _15_ in Europe about 30 or 40 years ago.Rock music became very _16_ especially among young people.The _17_ kind of music is jazz.Jazz probably _18_ from Africa originally.These are the four _19_ types of music.Certainly there are _20_ categories of music.In addition, many kinds of music are binations of classical and traditional music, or classical music and jazz, or rock music and jazz, and so on. 1A.kind Bname Cway Dpart2A.deals with Brefers to Cdoes with Ddates from3A.old Bgood Chistorical Dclassical4A.writers Bauthors Cpoets Dposers5A.played Bacted Cdone Dmade6A.objects Bthings Cequipments Dinstruments7A.that Bmusic Cone Danything8A.culture Bpeople Ccountry Dnation9A.ways Bmeans Cmanners Dforms10A.strange Bchief Cspecial Dbest11A.Third BOther CAnother DSome12A.loud Bsoft Cstrong Dgentle13A.hit Bbeat Cdefeat Dblow14A.electricity Belectrical Celectric Delectronic15A.came Bproduced Cinvented Dbegan16A.usual Bmon Cwele Dpopular17A.last Bbest Cfourth Dfinal18A.began Bcame Ctook Dgot19A.general Bnormal Crough Dwhole20A.some Bseveral Celse Dother.短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起),不计分。My father and I stayed at the South Lake Hotel for a week when we visit Beijing last month.It is in the downtown area, but it is easy to go to anywhere from the hotel by public transport.We lived in a fortably double room with a big bath.What I liked best were the free highspeed Internet connection in the room.I checked out my email messages every day.I also shared for my friends many photos taking in Beijing.The food was wonderful with reasonable prices, and we enjoyed several local dish.It is such great hotel that I will remend it to any friend of me who is going to Beijing.Period ThreeGrammar.1.of whom2.on which3.in which4.in which5.at which time6in memory of whom7.with which8.with the help of whom9.to which10.on whose banks.1.from whom 2.of which 3.in which/where 4.without which 5of whom6.for which7.of which 8.to whom9.of whom10.in which .1.from whose effects2of which they felt/were proud3most of which4in which my students acted5both of which are being built.【文章大意】 音乐通常分为若干类别或类型。本文介绍了四种类别的音乐古典音乐、传统乐、摇滚乐和爵士乐。1A根据下文得知,这里介绍第一种音乐类型古典音乐。故选A项。2B古典音乐指的是起源于欧洲的管弦乐。故选B项。deal with处理,打交道;refer to 提及,指的是;do with 有关;date from追溯到。3D这里在介绍古典音乐。大多数原始的古典音乐都是在意大利、德国、奥地利和俄罗斯被创作的。故选D项。4D根据常识得知,贝多芬和巴赫是两位著名的古典音乐作曲家。故选D项。5A古典音乐是由各种弦乐乐器和管乐器演奏的,例如小提琴和笛子。故选A项。6D古典音乐是由各种弦乐器和管乐器演奏的。故选D项。object物体;thing事物;equipment装备;instrument器械,乐器。7B第二种介绍传统音乐,它是一种来自于特殊文化的音乐。故选B项。8A它是一种来自于特殊文化的音乐。故选A项。9D每种文化都有它特殊的传统音乐形式。故选D项。10C每种文化都有它特殊的传统音乐形式和特殊的演奏乐器。故选C项。11C这里在介绍另一种音乐摇滚乐。故选C项。12A摇滚音乐是一种喧闹的音乐。故选A项。13B摇滚乐有较强的敲击节奏。故选B项。hit击打;beat 打败,有规律的一连串敲打;defeat 战胜;blow风吹。14C根据后面的例子可知这里在介绍电子乐器。故选C项。15D摇滚乐可能在三四十年前开始于欧洲。故选D项。16D摇滚乐在年轻人中间很流行。故选D项。usual平常的;mon 普通的;wele受欢迎的;popular流行的。17C前面介绍了三种音乐形式,这里在介绍第四种音乐爵士乐。故选C项。18B爵士乐可能最初来自非洲。e from“来自”,故选B项。19A这是四种一般形式的音乐。故选A项。general一般的;normal 正常的;rough艰难的;whole整个的。20D当然还有其他的音乐种类。故选D项。.My father and I stayed at the South Lake Hotel for a week when we visit Beijing last visitedmonth.It is in the downtown area, but it is easy to go to anywhere from the hotel by public and/sotransport.We lived in a fortably doubleroom with a big bath.What I liked best were the fortable wasfree highspeed Internet connection in the room.I checked out my email messages every day.I also shared for my friends many photos taking in Beijing.The food was wonderful with reasonable with takenprices, and we enjoyed several local dish.It is such great hotel that I will remend it to dishes aany friend of me who is going to Beijing. mine

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