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20072008学年度第一学期期中考试卷八年级 英语科出卷人:湖美中学 吴祥镇(满分100分 考试时间120分钟)题号附加总分得分听力部份(20分)听力(每小题1分,共20分)A. 看图听句子,选出与图意思相符的图(每个句子念两遍,其中有一幅图是多余的) A B C D E F1_2_3_4_5_B. 听对话,根据你听到的内容,选择正确的答案.(每个对话念两遍)第一节. 听下面6段对话,回答每个对话后的问题( ) 6. Whats wrong with Kangkang?A. He coughs day and night. B. He has a cold. C. He has a toothache.( ) 7. Is Shi Lan at home? A. Yes, she is B. No, she isnt C. We dont know.( ) 8. Which sport does Tom prefer?A. Cycling B. Rowing C. Nothing.( ) 9. What hobbies does Kate have now? A. Playing sports. B. Listening to music C. Playing computer games( ) 10. When will Yao Ming be in Korea? A. In March B. In June C. August( ) 11. What was Jack doing when the telephone rang?A. He was doing his homework B. He was writing a letter.C. He was watching TV.第二节. 听下面2段对话,回答每个对话后的两个问题听第一段对话,回答第12、13题( ) 12. Where did he use to go swimming?A. In the river B. Behind his house C. In the pond.( ) 13. Why doesnt he go swimming now?A. Because the water is dirty B. Because he doesnt like it C. Because he is old.听第二段对话,回答第14、15题( ) 14. What does Wen Wei usually do in his spare time?A. He usually listens to music. B. He usually listens to the radio.C. He usually watches TV.( ) 15. What kind of music does Wen Wei like now?A. Pop music B. folk music C. Classical musicC. 听短文,根据短文内容填空.(短文念三遍)Kinds of hobbies:Why do people have hobbies? Because hobbies cana. keeping pets b. playing_(16)c. dancing to music.d. _(17) pictures and so on.a. bring them happiness and knowledge.b. _(18) people relax.c. keep them _(19).d. help them get _(20) soon.笔试部分(80分)II. 单项填空: 从A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案.(每小题1分,共10分)( )21. There _ going to be a school sports meet next weekend.A. am B. is C. are( )22. -Would you mind my _ here? -Sorry, youd better not.A. smoke B. smokeing C. smoking( )23. Its necessary for _to have healthy eating habits.A. your B. us C. mine( )24. -Must we keep the windows open all the time? -No, we _A. neednt B. must C. dont ( )25. Kangkangs father _active part in the battle against SARS in 2003.A. take B. took a C. took an ( )26. -May I ask you _ questions, Dr. Li ? -Sure, go ahead.A. some B. a lot C. much( )27. I didnt use to play soccer, but now I _it.A. hate B. like C. dont enjoy( )28._ sweet music! I love it very much.A. How B. What C. What a( )29. He is very _in playing basketball.A. interest B. interesting C. interested( )30. -Whats the _with you? -I have a headache.A. up B. wrong C. matterIII.完形填空: 从每题的三个选项中,选出可以填写入相应空白处的最佳答案.(每小题1分,共10分)George was a little boy. He was a _(31)_boy. He didnt like to think. One day, his mother asked him to get some broad beans(蚕豆) in the garden. He got the beans and put them into his pockets(口袋), When he ran back home, he lost every bean _(32)_ his way .“Stupid boy,”said his mother.“You should bring _(33)_in your cap.”“I will remember,”said George. The next day his mother asked him to _(34)_some butter(黄油)in a store,George put the butter in his cap and put the cap on his head, When he _(35)_ home, the butter had run all over his hair.“Stupid boy,”said his mother,“You _(36)_bring butter home in your hand.”“I will remember,”said George. The next day his mother asked him to go to the farm to buy a cow(奶牛).George got the cow, but he _(37)_ take it in his hands. He didnt know what to do, so he went back home _(38)_ the cow. “Stupid boy,”said his mother.“You should put a long string(绳子)around the cow and pull it home. “I will remember,”said George.Some days _(39)_, his mother asked him to buy a cake, Can you guess what happened? He used a string to pull the cake home. Of course his mother was very angry _(40)_ him and gave him a good lesson.31A.braveB.lazyC.clever32A.onB.inC.with33A.it B.themC.theirs34A.buyB.gotC.bought35A.getB.comeC.got36A.shallB.shouldC.shouldnt37A.couldntB.couldC.can38A.withB.onC.without39A.afterB.laterC.in40A.toB.forC.withIV阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)(A)Mrs. Brown ate a lot and she was very fat. “Dont eat meat and cakes,” her doctor said to her. “I am going to stop her eating them, doctor,” her husband said. The next morning, Mrs. Brown made a beautiful cake and her husband ate half of it. Then he went out. Mrs. Brown cut a very small piece of the cake and ate it. It was very delicious. Then she cut a bigger piece and ate it. After a while, she finished the whole cake. “My husband is going to be very angry,” she said to herself, “What am I going to do?” She made another cake very quickly, ate half of that and left the other half on the table. Her husband came back later. He saw the half of the cake on the table and was very happy.根据短文内容,选择正确答案.( ) 41.The doctor told Mrs.Brown not to eat meat and cakes because _A. Mr Brown liked them. B. meat and cakes would make her fatter.C. meat and cakes are not good food.( ) 42. The next morning Mrs. Brown made a cake for_A. her husband B. the doctor C. her children( ) 43. Mrs. Brown made another cake because_A. her husband loved cakes B. she was good at making cakes C. her husband would be angry if he knew she ate the cake.( ) 44. Mr. Brown was very happy when he saw the half cake on the table because _.A. he was hungry B. he though his wife began to stop eating cakesC. cakes were his favorite food( ) 45 Which sentence(句子) is right?A. Mr. Brown ate half of the cake and left the other for his wife.B. Mrs. Brown ate half a cake that morning.C. Mrs. Brown ate one cake that morning. (B)Live Music-Late Night JazzEnjoy real American jazz from Herbie Davis, the famous drum player. He is famous for playing well in the early hours. So dont want to get much sleep.PLACE: The Jazz Club. DATE 15-23, JunePRICE: ¥200-250TIME: 10p.m. till lateTEL: 4668736Scottish DancingScottish dancing is nice and easy to learn. The wonderful dance from England will be given.PLACE: Jack Steins DATES: 10-20. MayPRICE: ¥180 TIME: 7-20 p.m.TEL: 4021877Shows -Anhui MuseumThere are 12,000 pieces on show here. You can see the whole of Chinese history.PLACE: Anhui Museum DATES: 1 Mar.-30 Jun.PRICE: ¥60 (¥30 for students)TIME: Monday-Friday 9p.m. Weekends 9a.m.-9p.m.TEL: 4888688根据上面三则广告,选择正确答案。( ) 46. If you want to watch dancing, you can call_. A. 488688 B. 7668736 C. 4021877( ) 47 You can see the whole of Chinese history at _in April in Anhui Museum.A. 10 a.m.at weekends B. 8 p.m. every day. C. 7 a.m. from Mon. to Fri.( ) 48. You can enjoy _ at Jack Steins. A. American Jazz. B. 12,000 pieces on show. C. Scottish dancing( ) 49. You have ¥150 and you can _. A. listen to jazz B. go to Anhui Museum C. watch Scottish dancing( ) 50. The history teacher, Mr. Li and his four students want to go to the museum. How much will they pay?A. ¥150 B. ¥ 300 C. ¥180 (C)Is my cat bad?WHO is playing in the garden? Oh, its my cat! Its running after a bird.“Happy, come on!” My cat comes to me. Happy is its name. Its white. It has two round eyes and a small nose. It is very cute. When I come home, it will say “meow, meow” to me. When I sit on the sofa and watch TV, it will come and sleep on my legs. I like it very much. But my grandma doesnt like it. One day, my grandma bought a big fish. She put it in a bag and then went out. When she came back, she saw Happy eating the fish. She was so angry that she beat Happy. After that, my grandma often says Happy is a bad cat. I am sad. All cats like fish. If my grandma had put the fish in the fridge, Happy wouldnt have eaten it. Is my cat really bad? 根据短文内容,回答下列问题51. What is the name of my cat? 52. Does the cat look very cute? 53. What will my cat do when I sit on the sofa and watch TV? 54. What did my grandma buy one day? _55. .How did my grandma feel when she saw the cat eating the fish? V.词汇(10分)A 将方框中的单词按其所属的类别归类。(6分,每条横线只能填一个单词) Sandwich drum fever stomach flu heart violin cabbage guitar throat tomato SARS 56. 疾病名称 57. 人体器官 58. 乐器名称 59. 食物名称 B 根据汉语意思,用所给词组的适当形式填空。(4分)60. China is _ _(因-而出名) the Great Wall. 61. Kangkang dails his fathers cellphone number, but he cant _ _(打通). 62. My brother is _ _(自学)Japanese now. 63. How many countries _ _(参加) in the last Olympic games?VI 口语应用:在下列横线上填上适当的话语(可以是句子、短语或单词),使对话完整。(每小题2分,共10分)(Kangkang:and Michael are talking on the phone )Kangkang: _ (64), is that Michael speaking?Michael: _ (65).Kangkang: Michael, would you like to plant trees in Olympic Park with us this Saturday?Michael: Id love to, but Im afraid Ill have to go to the library. What about another time?Kangkang: Will you be free this Sunday?Michael: Yeah, _ (66). Lets go to plant trees then.Kangkang: OK. When shall we meet?Michael: Lets make it half past six.Kangkang: _ (67).Michael: At the school gate.Kangkang: OK. See you then.Michael: _ (68)VII书面表达(10分)根据所给的个人信息,用英语介绍你的朋友王玲的一些情况。(60个字左右) Chinese name: Wang Lin English name: Rose Date of birth: April 12th, 1993 Place of birth: Datian Favorite color: Blue Favorite food: Cakes, bananas and dumplings Hobbies: Basketball,Singing and drawing Favorite star: Yao Ming Favorite singer: Na Yig Favorite song: My heart will go onI have a close friends,_ _附加题:(10分)提示:如果你的总分底于60分,本题得分将计入总分至60分为止。认真阅读下列单词、短语,把其序号填写在相应图下面的括号内A. Watching TV B. making a telephone C. watering the flowers D. listening to music E. fishing 1( ) 2( ) 3( ) 4( ) 5( )20072008学年度第一学期期中考试卷八年级 英语科听力材料D. 看图听句子,选出与图意思相符的图(每个句子念两遍,其中有一幅图是多余的)1. I like collecting stamps, its great fun.2. Kangkang likes playing table tennis.3. He has a terrible cold, he coughs day and night.4. Kangkang and Micheal used to fly kites in spring.5. We should wash our hands before meals.E. 听对话,根据你听到的内容,选择正确的答案.(每个对话念两遍)第一节. 听下面6段对话,回答每个对话后的问题6. A: Kangkang, whats wrong with you? Do you have a cold? B: No, I dont .I have a toothache.Question: Whats wrong with Kangkang?7. A: Hello, could I speak to Shi Lan, please? B: Sorry, she isnt in right now.Question: Is Shi Lan at home?8. A: Tom, which sport do you prefer, cycling or rowing? B: I prefer rowingQuestion: Which sport does Tom prefer?9. A: What hobbies did you use to have Kate?B: I used to listen to pop music.A: What hobbies do you have now?B: Well, I play sports.Question: What hobbies does Kate have now? 10. A: Could you please tell me your plans for this year, Yao Ming?B: Sure. In March, Im going to take part in the game in France.In June, Ill be in Korea. In August, I will be in Russia.Question: When will Yao Ming be in Korea? 11. A: Jack, were you doing your homework when I called you last night?B: No, I was writing a letter.Question: What was Jack doing when the telephone rang?第二节. 听下面2段对话,回答每个对话后的两个问题听第一段对话,回答第12、13题 A: Did you use to go swimming during the summer vacation?B: Yes, I did.A: Where did you use to go swimming?B: I used to swim in the pond in front of my house.A: Why dont you swim during the summer vacation now?B: Because the water in the pond got dirty.Question:12. Where did he use to go swimming?Question:13. Why doesnt he go swimming now?听第二段对话,回答第14、15题A: What do you usually do in your spare time?B: I usually listen to music.A: What kind of music do you like?B: Its hard to say. I used to enjoy pop music, but now I like folkmusic. A: Do you like classical music?B: No, I dont like it at all. Its too serious.Question:14. What does Wen Wei usually do in his spare time?Question:15. What kind of music does Wen Wei like now?F. 听短文,根据短文内容填空.(短文念三遍)People usually do what they like in their spare time. They keep pets, play sports, dance to music, chat on the Net, etc. They also paint pictures and collect things such as coins, dolls and stamps. People have hobbies because hobbies can bring them happiness, friendship and knowledge. Hobbies help people relax after their daily work. When people become old, hobbies can keep them healthy. When people are sick, hobbies can help them get well soon.20072008学年度第一学期期中考试卷八年级 英语科参考答案听力(每小题1分,共20分)1-5 C A F D B 6-10 C B B A B 11-15 B C A A B16. sports 17. painting 18. help 19 healthy 20. well笔试部分(80分)II. 单项填空: 从A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案.(每小题1分,共10分)21-25 B C B A C 26-30 A B B C C III.完形填空: 从每题的三个选项中,选出可以填写入相应空白处的最佳答案.(每小题1分,共10分)31-35 B A B A C 36-40 B A C B C IV阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)41-45 B A C B C 46-50 C A C B C51 Its Happy/Happy/Its name is Happy.52. Yes./Yes, it does.53. It will come and sleep on my legs.54. A fish/She bought a fish.55. Very angry/She felt very angry.V.词汇(10分)A.将方框中的单词按其所属的类别归类。(6分,每条横线只能填一个单词)56. 疾病名称 fever SARS flu 57. 人体器官 heart stomach throat 58. 乐器名称 drum violin guitar 59. 食物名称 Sandwich cabbage tomato 60. famous for 61.get through 62.teaching himself63. took partVI 口语应用:在下列横线上填上适当的话语(可以是句子、短语或单词),使对话完整。(每小题2分,共10分)64. Hello/Hi 65. Yes, this is Michael/ Yes, this is Michael speaking/speaking66. I will/I think I will. 67. Where shall we meet 68. See you/ByeVII书面表达(10分)根据所给的个人信息,用英语介绍你的朋友王玲的一些情况。(60个字左右)略附加题:(10分)1 -5 E D C B A

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