2019-2020年高中英语 Unit16 Stories Period Five课时作业 北师大版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit16 Stories Period Five课时作业 北师大版选修6.介、副词填空1May 24,xx will live in my mind forever.2Normally,the school bus arrives at 730,but that day it didnt arrive at all!3As I climbed up the stairs to the classroom,I heard a booming voice behind me.4During the petition,I couldnt remember any of the poems and had to keep looking down at my book.5As I got into bed,my hand knocked over the glass of water on the bedside table,which spilled all over my pillow. What a clumsy end to an awful day!6Some adverts present us with a puzzle.7Other adverts play with words rather than images.8They probably didnt like it but they just had to put up with it!9The man who lived by the wood might be called Jack Wood and the man who lived on the top of a nearby hill might be called John Hill.10Jacky Chan is very popular not only in China,but also in many countries in the world.佳句翻译与仿写1The day started to go wrong the instant I left home.翻译我一离开家,日子就全乱了。仿写他一听到这个好消息就通知我了。He_informed_me_of_the_good_news_the_instant_he_heard_it.2The more I looked down,the redder my face became.翻译我越朝下看,我的脸越红。仿写一个人书读得越多,就会变得越聪明。The_more_a_person_reads,the_wiser_he_will_bee.3When I left the stage people didnt applaud very loudly and it came as no surprise that I was last in the petition.翻译当我离开舞台时,人们根本没有使劲鼓掌,因此我在比赛中获得最后一名根本不足为奇。仿写她很聪明而且努力学习,因此在考试中她经常得第一名也不足为奇。She_is_very_clever_and_works_hard,so_it_es_as_no_surprise_that_she_often_gets_the_first_in_examinations.4The Chinese were the first nation of people to use surnames about 2,500 years ago.翻译大约在2_500年前中华民族率先使用了姓氏。仿写他总是第一个来学习,最后一个离开教室。He_is_always_the_first_to_e_to_study_and_the_last_to_leave_the_classroom.5He is very popular not only in China,but also in many countries in the world.翻译他不仅在中国很受欢迎,而且在世界上很多国家也很受欢迎。仿写周杰伦不仅歌唱得好,而且舞跳得也很棒。Jay_Chou_not_only_sings_well,but_he_also_dances_wonderfully.完成句子1The_father_had_hoped_that_his_son_would_go_to_business_with_him(父亲本希望儿子与他一起做生意),but his son became an artist later.2We_had_done/made_a_lot_of_preparations(我们做了大量的准备工作) before class began.3By ten oclock I_had_done/finished_my_homework(我已完成了家庭作业)4She_had_been_a_nurse(她曾是个护士) before she entered a medical college.5She_had_taught_in_this_school_for_many_years(她在这所学校任教多年) before I came here.6I wish I_had_gone_with_you_last_Sunday(上星期天与你去了就好了).单项填空1In preparing scientific reports of laboratory experiments,you should _ your findings in logical order and clear language.Asay Braise Cpresent Dput答案C解析考查动词词义辨析。根据语境可知选C项,present表示“呈现,展示”。2_ the long novel?I think its awkward.AWhat do you think of BWhat is itCHave you read DWhen did you buy答案A解析从“I think its awkward.”可看出说话人在谈论这篇长篇小说的质量。3What will the weather be like tomorrow?_,it might be fine.AI dont know BI am busy CI think so DI think答案A解析从“it might be fine”可看出这是推测。4The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without _ his notes.Abringing up Breferring to Clooking for Dtrying on答案B解析refer to在此表示“参考”。句意为:主席在商务会议上脱稿发言将近一个小时。5Itll take at least 2 hours to do this!Oh,_! I could do it in 30 minutes.Ae on Bpardon meCyou are right Ddont mention it答案A解析从I could do it in 30 minutes.“30分钟,我就能够做完”看出空白处应该填入A项,e on表示“不会吧!”6How do you find the talk this morning?_.AVery puzzled BToo excited to listenCVery disappointing DQuite tense答案C解析How do you like/find.? 表示“你认为怎么样?”,答语中的disappointing修饰“物”。A、B、D项都修饰人。7Did you meet Cindy at the airport?No,she _ by the time I _ there.Ahas left;got Bhad left;arrivedCleft;arrived Dleft;had got答案B解析句意为:你在机场见到辛迪了吗?没有,我到那儿的时候她已经离开了。由上句的did可知,arrive的动作发生在过去,应用过去时;据题意leave应发生在arrive之前,所以应用过去完成时,故选B项。8_ the temperature is,_ water turns into steam.AThe high;the fast BHigher;fasterCThe more higher;the faster DThe higher;the faster答案D解析分析语境可知,此处表示“越,越”。故应用“the比较级,the比较级”结构。9Kate didnt recognize Jimmy because she _ him for twenty years.Ahadnt seen Bhasnt seen Cdidnt see Ddoesnt see答案A解析句意为:凯特没认出吉米,因为她已经二十年没见过他了。for twenty years常与完成时连用,此处表示到didnt recognize前的状态,故用过去完成时。10That is the only way we can imagine _ the overuse of water in students bathrooms.Areducing Bto reduce Creduced Dreduce答案B解析由句子结构可知we can imagine为定语从句,修饰way;way后常接不定式作定语,故此处用to reduce。.阅读填空Entering the 21st century,man is now in an age of information and knowledge.In such an age,interpersonal munication plays an increasingly important role and all people have to municate with others._1_First,interpersonal munication is just like a bridge of understanding between people.For example,it helps students to learn more effectively if one can municate more with his teachers and classmates._2_In the workplace,munication between the employer and the employee creates a friendly and helpful working environment._3_With interpersonal munication,you will get a better knowledge of what is like of different fields.Third,without interpersonal munication,our life would bee a desert of emotion and friendship.You may feel lonely for lack of the interpersonal munication._4_When you are in trouble or in danger,there would be no one for you to turn to for help._5_In other words,you can enjoy your life to the fullest with the pany of many friends and relatives.In a word,humans,as social animals,have to municate with each other,the importance of which can never be overemphasized.ASecond,it helps people get more information and knowledge.BEven some bad people may have friends.CLast but not the least,munication between people makes our life lively,interesting and lovely.DWhy is interpersonal munication so important?EIn a family,munication makes the family members understand each other better and get closer.FIt depends on what kind of friends you keep.GWhen you feel sad or happy,there would be no one for you to share your feelings with.1_2._3._4._5_答案1.D2.E3.A4.G5.C.书面表达根据提示用英语介绍二十世纪最杰出的女性之一:海伦凯勒(Helen Keller)。内容要点如下:1海伦凯勒1880年6月出生于美国。她十九个月大时,由于生病变得又聋又盲。从此她就生活在黑暗、寂静的世界里。2七岁时,她的父母给她找了一名老师Miss Sullivan。Miss Sullivan在教海伦的过程中遇到了许多困难。由于海伦的坚强意志和智慧以及Miss Sullivan的技巧和耐心,她们克服了所有的困难,并取得了成功。3她完成了大学教育,取得了英语文学学位;致力于盲聋儿童的社会工作,著有多本著作,其中我的一生(The Story of My Life)最为著名。注意:1.词数100左右;2介绍要求包括所有内容要点,但不要逐条翻译;3可以适当增加细节,以使内容连贯;4参考词汇:意志和智慧will and intelligence;技巧和耐心skills and patience;英语文学学位a degree in English literature。【参考范文】Helen Keller was one of the greatest women in the 20th century. She was born in America in June, 1880.When she was nineteen months old, she became blind and deaf because of a serious illness. From then on, she lived in darkness and silence.Her parents were greatly worried. When she was seven, they found a teacher, Miss Sullivan, for her. Miss Sullivan had a lot of difficulties in teaching Helen Keller,who was blind and deaf. With Helens strong will and intelligence,bined with her teachers skills and patience, they overcame all the difficulties. Helen Keller became an able student and graduated from a college where she finally received a university degree in English literature. Later on she devoted herself to helping the blind and deaf children. She wrote many books and The Story of My Life is a remarkable one. 为了赶上第一班车,他今天早晨起得很早。This morning he got up early to catch the first bus.This morning he got up early in order to catch the first bus.This morning he got up early so as to catch the first bus.This morning he got up early in order that he could catch the first bus.This morning he got up early so that he could catch the first bus.

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