2019-2020年高中英语 Unit15 Lessons1-2 Words Expressions练习 北师版必修5.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit15 Lessons1-2 Words Expressions练习 北师版必修5【语境展示】阅读下面句子,并试着归纳suspect的意思及用法。1. I have no reason to suspect her honesty. 2. I suspected that there was something wrong with the engine.3. The police suspect the boys of being involved in a robbery.4. Two suspects were arrested by the police yesterday. 5. Some of the evidence they produced was highly suspect. 6. A suspect parcel was found at the station. 【自我归纳】suspect作动词时,意为“_”,其后可跟名词(句1)或that从句(句2),常用搭配:suspect sb. of doing sth.(句3)。suspect作名词时,意为“嫌疑犯,嫌疑分子”(句4)。suspect作形容词时,意为:不可信的,靠不住的(句5);可疑的,可能有危险的,有违法嫌疑的(句6)。【即学即练】翻译下面句子。1. 我们都对报告的真实性表示怀疑。 _2. 警察怀疑钱是他偷的。 _3. 我怀疑她可能在说谎。 _4. 他们被请来处理一个可疑的包裹。 _5. 警察把这个嫌疑犯送到了警察局。 _lay off【归纳】lay off意为:裁员,解雇;停止。如:The pany laid off 200 workers in December. Millions of people have been laid off in the steel industry. I think youd better lay off alcohol for a while. Because of the injury, he had to lay off running for several months. 【拓展】常见的含lay的短语还有:lay out意为:(根据计划)安排,布置(场地、花园等),设计;花钱,投(资);铺开,摆开,展开。如: I have a job laid out for you.The gardens were laid out with lawns and flower beds.He had to lay out all he had on the airline tickets.Im going to lay out $500 in fittings for my shop.His dinner jacket was already laid out on the bed. lay up意为:储存;(因病或受伤而)卧床歇工;停止使用,搁置不用。如: Bees lay up honey for the winter. The skier was laid up with a twisted knee. The ships was laid up for repairs. 【即学即练】用含lay的短语的正确形式填空。1. Alex has been _ for half a month with a broken leg.2. If business continues to be slow, we may have to _ ten people. 3. He is always hard up because he doesnt _ his money wisely. 4. Youve got a terrible smokers cough. Youd better _ smoking for a while. obey【语境展示】阅读下面句子,并试着归纳obey的意思及用法。1. He told the dog to sit and it immediately obeyed.2. Soldiers are expected to obey orders without questioning them.3. Failure to obey the law can lead to a large fine (罚款).【自我归纳】通过观察上面的句子,我们发现obey作动词,意为“遵守,服从,顺从”。常用搭配有:obey an order,obey the law。【即学即练】根据汉语意思补全下面句子(每空一词)。1. 司机应该遵守新的交通法。 Drivers should _ _ _ _ _.2. 服从你的上司,否则你会被解雇。_ _ _, or you will be fired.instruct【语境展示】阅读下面句子,并试着归纳instruct的意思及用法。1. All our staff have been instructed in sign language.2. His secretary was instructed to cancel all his meetings.3. He instructed that we (should) finish the task as soon as possible.4. The cleaning woman was instructed to e an hour earlier on Monday. 5. Lucy was instructed that she had been employed by the pany yesterday.【自我归纳】instruct是动词,意为:_(常用结构:instruct sb. in sth.)(句1);指示,命令,吩咐(常用结构:instruct sb. to do sth.; instruct +that从句,从句中谓语动词用“should +动词原形”,should可以省略)(句2、句3);告知,通知(常用于被动语态,后多跟that从句)(句4、句5)。【拓展】instructor n. 教练,导师instructional adj. 教育的,教学的instructive adj. 富有教益的,增长知识的instructionn. 用法说明,指示,命令,传授,教导【即学即练】翻译下面句子。1. 我们被告知周末前不会作出决定。_2. 需要投入更大的努力来教导孩子们道路安全。_3. 我已吩咐他们房间要上锁。_4. 了解其他国家如何处理这个问题很具启发性。_reflect【语境展示】阅读下面句子,并试着归纳reflect的意思及用法。1. She could see herself reflected in his eyes.2. The glass appears to reflect light naturally.3. The book reflected the authors own thoughts on the matter.4. Did you reflect on the consequences of your behaviour?5. I must reflect upon how to answer the question.6. On the way home, he reflected that the interview had gone well.【自我归纳】reflect是动词,意为:反映,映出(影像)(常用结构:reflect . in sth.)(句1);反射(声、光、热等)(句2);表达,表明,显示(句3);认真思考,沉思(常用结构:reflect _ sth.; reflect that)(句4-句6)。【拓展】reflection n. 映像,(声、光、热等的)反射,显示,表达,沉思,深思reflective adj. 沉思的,深思的,反射热的,反光的reflector n. 反光面【即学即练】根据汉语意思补全下面句子。1. 他看了看映照在镜子里的自己的脸。 He looked at his face _.2. 我需要时间来考虑你的建议。 I need time _ your offer. 3. 穿着常常反映出你的个性。 Your clothes are often _ your personality.bury【语境展示】阅读下面句子,并试着归纳bury的意思及用法。1. Many great Englishmen are buried in Westminster Abbey.2. The letter is buried somewhere under this pile of books.3. Becky buried her face in her hands and cried.4. Marcy screamed as the dog buried its teeth in her arm.5. Memories buried deep inside Alberts subconscious (另类的).6. Some people bury themselves in their work when their relationships end.【自我归纳】通过观察上面的句子,我们发现bury是动词,意为:_(句1);埋(藏),(使被)覆盖(句2和句3);使陷入(句4);忘记,遗忘(句5);专心致志(于某事)(句6)(常用搭配:bury oneself in sth.)。【即学即练】根据汉语意思补全下面句子(每空一词)。1. 杰克走得很慢, 两手插在衣袋里。Jack walked slowly, his hands _ _ _ _.2. 那所房子被掩埋在十英尺厚的雪下面。The house _ _ _ ten-foot snow.3. 他和他妻子葬在一起。He _ _ _ his wife.4. 每天晚上汤姆都埋头看侦探故事。Tom _ _ _ his detective story in the evenings.drill【语境展示】阅读下面句子,并试着归纳drill的意思及用法。1. The teacher drilled Larry in pronunciation all this morning.2. Steven asked the workman to drill a hole in the wall.3. Various types of question-and-answer drills are of great importance.4. A drill is a tool or machine that you use for making holes.【自我归纳】drill作动词时,意为:训练(常用搭配:drill sb. in sth.)(句1);钻(孔)(句2)。drill作名词时,意为:练习,训练(句3);钻,钻机(句4)。【即学即练】根据汉语意思补全下面句子(每空一词)。1. 你最好尽快完成这些语法练习。Youd better finish these _ _ as soon as possible. 2. 苏正在训练我的英语口语。Sue _ _ _ _ spoken English. blank【语境展示】阅读下面句子,并试着归纳blank的意思及用法。1. To my surprise, both sides of the tape were blank.2. Suddenly the screen of my puter went blank.3. Steve looked blank and said he had no idea what I was talking about.4. If you cannot answer the question, leave a blank.5. I knew for sure that he saw me on the bus, but he blanked me.6. Full of anxiety, I blanked in the math test.【自我归纳】blank作形容词,意为“_”,如句1;意为“空的”,如句2;意为“不理解的”,如句3;也可作名词,意为“空白处”,如句4;还可作动词,意为“毫不理睬”,如句5;意为“突然忘掉”,如句6。【拓展】blank cheque 空白支票 blank out 遮盖,刻意忘记,抹去记忆【即学即练】根据所给汉语及英语提示完成下面句子,每空一词。1. 她木然地盯着我。She _ _ me with _ _ _ on her face.2. 我脑子里一片空白,不知道如何回答这个问题。My mind _ _ and I _ _ _ how to answer the question.3. 她试图把那些可怕的经历从记忆中抹去。She _ _ _ _ the terrible experiences.参考答案suspect【自我归纳】怀疑【即学即练】1. We all suspect the truth of the report. 2. The police suspect him of having taken the money. 3. I suspect that she might be lying.4. They were called in to deal with a suspect package.5. The police have taken the suspect to the police station.lay off【即学即练】1. laid up 2. lay off 3. lay out 4. lay off obey【即学即练】1. obey the new traffic laws 2. Obey your bossinstruct【自我归纳】指导,教导【即学即练】1. We have been instructed that a decision will not be made before the end of the week.2. Greater effort is needed to instruct children in road safety.3. Ive instructed them to keep the room locked.4. It is instructive to see how other countries are dealing with the problem.reflect【自我归纳】on / upon【即学即练】1. reflected in the mirror 2. to reflect on / upon 3. a reflection ofbury【自我归纳】埋葬【即学即练】1. buried in his pockets 2. was buried under 3. was buried with 4. buries himself indrill【即学即练】1. grammar drills 2. is drilling me inblank【自我归纳】空白的【即学即练】1. stared at; a blank expression 2. went blank; had no idea 3. tried to blank out

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