2019-2020年高一上学期第二次组考英语试题 含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高一上学期第二次组考英语试题 含答案一、基础知识运用(共20小题;每小题1.5分,总分30分)1. It is said that Lily turned _ a good job.2. _(devote) to his work, he has little free time.3. He has many fine _ (quality) and everyone likes him.4. _ (从判断) the number of cars, he thought there were not many people in the cinema.5. He saw a house _ windows were all broken.6. The school _ I studied for only 2 years was 3 kilometers away.7. Mandela was the black lawyer _ whom I turned for advice.8. The total _ (destroy) of the town by the earthquake was extreme.9. It is difficult to imagine his _ (accept) the decision without any consideration.10. According to our teacher, we should take detailed notes in class because they are _ (reliable) than our memory.11. Along the way children _ (dress) in long wool coats stopped to look at us.12. I have won a holiday for two to Florida. I _ (take) my mum there this weekend.13. Although she didnt know the best way of getting to places,she insisted that she _ (organize) the trip properly.14. The plane didnt arrive _ schedule because of the heavy fog.15. Rather than _ (go) to the cinema, he always prefer to stay at home.16. There was no wind. The smoke rose _ (straight) upward.17. When the question was under discussion, Gloria came up _ an idea that the prices of cars should be reduced.18. Mr. Smith came back later not because of the rain, _ because he was really tired.19. He said they should not be stopped _ studying for themselves.20. Do you still remember the afternoon _ we first met three years ago?二、阅读理解(本题有两节,共20小题,每小题2分, 共40分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 AFitzgerald, a verywealthy Englishman,had only one child, a son, whonaturallywas the apple of his eye. His wife died when the child was in his early teens. So Fitzgerald devoted himself to fathering the kid. Unluckily the son died in his late teens.Meanwhile, Fitzgeralds wealthwas increasing all the time. He spent a lot on art works of the masters. Later Fitzgerald himself became seriously ill. Before his death, he had carefully prepared his will as to how his wealth would be settledto sell his entire collection at an auction(拍卖).Because of the large quantity and high quality of his collection, a huge crowd of possible buyers gathered for the auction. Many of them were museum directors and private collectors eager to bid(出价). Before the auction, the art works were shown, among which was a painting of Fitzgeralds son by an unknown artist. Because of its poor quality, it received little attention.When it was time for the auction, the auctioneer gaveled(敲槌)the crowd to attention. First the lawyer read from Fitzgeralds will that the first art work to be auctioned was the painting of his son.The poor-quality painting didnt receive any bidders except onethe old servant who had attended tothe son and loved him, and who for emotional reasons offered the only bid.As soon as the servant bought the painting for less than one English pound, the auctioneer stopped the bidding and asked the lawyer to read again from the will. The crowd became quiet, and the lawyer read from the will: “Whoever buys the painting of my son gets all my collection.” Then the auction was over.21. Fitzgerald was _.A. a museum director B. a master of art C. an artauctioneer D. an art collector22. Which of the following is TRUE according to the story?A. Fitzgerald took care of his son all by himself.B. Fitzgerald became seriously ill because of the death of his son.C. Fitzgerald lost his wife and his only son within 10 years.D. Fitzgerald decided to leave everythinghe hadto his servant.23. Fitzgeralds will showed _.A. his desire to fool the bidders B. his invaluable love for his sonC. his sadness at the death of his sonD. his regret of having no heir (继承人)24.What helped the old servant winthe whole collection of Fitzgeralds?A.No more than one pound. B. Great increase of his wealth.C.His strong passion for art. D.His emotion for his young master.BEarthquakes are mon in nature and make sounds below the Earths surface(表面) thousands of times a day. But most are too weak to feel and big earthquakes are less mon. Here are some things to do to prepare for an earthquake and what to do once the ground starts shaking.Preparation Tips Have a plan for an earthquake.Consult(咨询) a professional to learn how to make your home sturdier, such as fixing bookcases to the wall, using strong locks on cupboards(橱柜), and fixing the water heater to the war firmly. Locate a place in each room of the house that you can go to if an earthquake happens. It should be a place where nothing is likely(可能的) to fall on you.Keep some canned food, an up-to-date first aid box, 3 gallons(11.4 liters) of water per person. Know how to turn off your gas and water mains.If Shaking BeginsDrop down; take cover under a desk or table and hold on.Stay indoors until the shaking stops and you are sure its safe to leave.Stay away from bookcases or furniture that can fall on you.Stay away from windows.If you are in bed, hold on and stay there, protecting your head with a pillow. If you are outdoors, find a clear place away from buildings, trees, and power lines. Drop to the ground. If you are in a car, slow down and drive to a clear place. Stay in the car until the shaking stops.25. The underlined word “sturdier” probably means_ . A. larger B. clearer C. brighter D. stronger26. One is advised to stay _ if the ground is shaking. A. in the kitchen with a bottle of gasB. in the bedroom with two beds C. in a dining room with cupboardsD. in the study full of bookshelves27. What should people do while at home if shaking begins?A. Try getting out as soon as they can. B. Hide themselves behind the furniture.C. Stand up and call for help at once. D. Wait for the possible chance patiently.28. What would be the best title for the passage? A. Earthquake safety tips.B. Earthquakes in nature. C. Save your life.D. Secrets about earthquakes.CWe parents often take material things for love. “I give him everything,” a disappointed mother plains. “New shoes, video-games, and his own TV. Youd think hed at least show me respect!”Of course, love and presents are related. Most parents work hard to earn money. They want their children to have more than they did and have better lives. The problem is, most children dont connect the things parents buy with the labor that pays for them. Children have more, but our cultureand television in particularteaches them that more is never enough. Having more does not mean that a child feels loved.From a parents point of view, children are not thankful. But this has to do with their natural growth. Young children see their parents as all-mighty(万能的). If parents fail to provide what they want, it must be a matter of choice. Its normal for children, even school-age ones, not to be able to take another persons point of view. For example, they may dislike their parents for working long hours, and not realize that the parent would also rather have more time at home.In addition to giving presents, we have to find other ways to express love and create memories. Reading or telling stories together, making music and playing games are all ways for families to spend time without spending money. Traditions like reading favorite poems and even snowball fights all serve the purpose(达到目的). Most importantly, as parents, we have to learn to hold back some energy from our tiring jobs. When were present for our children, we ourselves bee the presents we want to give.29. According to the passage, children_.A. want fewer presents B. are taught to ask for moreC. want presents rather than love D. prefer their parents to work at home30. We can judge from the passage that there is _.A. misunderstanding between parents and children B. a heavy job load for some parentsC. a lack of money in some families D. love between parents and children31. The last sentence of the passage means that_.A. our children are good presents to us B. we ourselves need some presentsC. we should spend more time with our children D. we should give more presents to our children32. The best title for the passage is .A. Family Life B. Love and Presents C. Childs Education D. Children and ParentsDMaybe you have seen many kinds of movies. Here lets enjoy some movies that can make you have a feeling to travel.Romancing the Stone and The Jewel of the NileThis movie series introduces a romance writer Joan and her adventures(探险,冒险) with a soldier named Jack. In Romancing the Stone Joan goes to Colombia to save her sister who was kidnapped (绑架). The scenes of the film were shot(拍摄) mostly in Mexico. For The Jewel of the Nile, the scenes were mostly shot in France and Morocco.The Lord of the RingsThe story is about Frodo, his friends and their adventurous journey through Middle Earth. Filmed in about 150 locations(拍摄地) all over New Zealand, this traveling movie shows its beauty. From the rolling hills to the volcanic region, this is the best movie to see New Zealand . The director of the movie Peter Jackson first read the novel on a train when he was just seventeen.Indiana Jones: The plete Adventure CollectionIndiana Jones and travel are inseparable(不可分开的). Everyone remembers the red line on the world map that shows up on screen when he flies. The Egypt scenes in Raiders of the Lost Ark were filmed in Tunisia. Temple of doom was filmed mostly in Sri Lanka and Macau. The Last Crusade was filmed in Italy , Spain and Jordan including an excellent view of Petra. Unlike the other, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was filmed almost entirely in the United States.The Talented Mr RipleyTom Ripley is a working class young man. Because of a case of mistaken identity, he is asked to go to Italy to persuade a rich businessmans son to e home. This travel movie starts in New York and heads to Monticello. The last part of the movie is filmed mostly in Rome and Naples. The locations are beautiful. They also did a good job of showing Italy as it looked in the 1960s.33. What can we know by watching the film The Lord of the Rings ?A. It is the best movie made in New Zealand.B. It attracted the director long ago.C. It was shot from Wellington to Auckland.D. It has increased the tourism in New Zealand.34. What has happened to the writer Joan? A. She was kidnapped to Colombia. B. She likes to travel with a soldier named Jack. C. She was so brave to save her sister. D. She was asked to write the movie series. 35. According to paragraph 4, if you are interested in Europe(欧洲), you probably watch the film_. A. Temple of doom B. Raiders of the Lost Ark C. The Last Crusade D. Kingdom of the Crystal Skull第二节:根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Reading books can be a great way to pick up new vocabulary, see grammar in action and develop your understanding of a language. 36 For beginners, I would remend starting with something short and simple. Avoid the classics, for they often use very old English words and can involve plex themes. Childs books are a great place to start. 37 .Dr Seuss writes his books in thyme and they are all very funny. Starting with something like this means you are more likely to finish the book and want to read more. 38 The book isnt too long and if youve seen the film it may be easier to follow. If you like reading about historical events, Anne Holms I am David is a good read.If youre not quite ready to read a full book, why not try Roald Dahls Revolting Rhymes? 39 Or, try a very short book like one from Roger Hargeavess Mr Men and Little Miss series. Although they are intended for young children, they are a good way to pick up some more basic vocabulary.My final piece of advice would be to read something that interests you. Look at the short summary of the book on the back cover and see if it looks like something that you would enjoy. Think about the type that is in your own language and find one of that type in English. 40 .A. Dr Seusss books are guaranteed to make you laugh.B. The key to success is choosing the right book for you.C. Reading can bring you a lot of fun as well as knowledge.D. For more advanced learners, you could try the Hobbit by J.R.R.Tolkien. E. This way, youre more likely to enjoy reading, rather than see it as a headache.F. How much you can understand a book depends on your vocabulary.G. This book contains lots of short stories, based on fairy tales, all written in thyme. 三、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I was driving back home 41 I noticed a hitchhiker(搭便车的人) who was having no luck getting a ride. I rolled down my window and signed to the man to my car. I asked him where he was 42 and he told me he needed a 43 to his doctors office which would close in 15 minutes. I told him to 44 and he gratefully did so.45 he got in he told me that he was a 46 and went out to sea for weeks at a time. He took medicine for his nerves and 47 to get another prescription(处方) before he left on the boat. He said that he had prayed (祈祷) 48 would stop for him so he could be there before the 49 office closed. With some 50 driving we managed to make it there in about 10 51 . I then asked him how he 52 on getting back home and he said he could walk. “Ill patiently 53 for you and bring you back,” I told him. He 54 me and said he should only be about 15 minutes. Afterwards he got back in my 55 and tried his hardest to pay me back: offering me dinner, gas money, even offering to ship me 40 pounds of scallops (海扇贝). I 56 refused, gave him a smile card and asked him to help someone else the next time he had a 57 . I drove him back to where I had picked him up and 58 one more “thank you” he was on his way.I feel that the universe 59 provides us with what we need. In the mans 60 it was a ride, in mine the opportunity to help someone else.41. A. whenB. whileC. asD. who42. A. studyingB. workingC. livingD. heading43. A. walkB. rideC. tripD. heading44. A. get inB. run awayC. go outD. lie down45. A. As far asB. Even ifC. As soon asD. Just before46. A. farmerB. fishermanC. doctorD. pianist47. A. agreedB. stoppedC. neededD. preferred48. A. everybodyB. nobodyC. anyoneD. someone49. A. managersB.captainsC.teachersD. doctors50. A. fastB. normal C. wrongD. good51. A. daysB. minutesC.hoursD. weeks52. A. plannedB. dependedC. turnedD. focused53. A. lookB. waitC. callD. drive54. A. thankedB. doubtedC. greetedD. accepted55. A. shopB. homeC. officeD. car56. A. immediately B. angrilyC. politelyD. surprisingly57. A. chanceB. problemC. dreamD. choice58. A. beforeB. afterC. besidesD. until59. A. neverB. sometimesC.alwaysD. seldom60. A. caseB. wayC.opinionD. condition四、语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Nowadays college graduates spend more and more money on job hunting. According to a recent survey, almost every graduate spends some money on finding_61_ job. And clothing, transportation, resumes producing (制作简历) and training expenses are the main aspects(因素) that 62 (cost) them a lot of money.As to this phenomenon(现象), different people have different views. Some say it is necessary for graduates to spend money in 63 (produce) resumes and buying suitable clothes, 64 can give interviewers a good impression and increase their chance of success. 65 , others dont think so. They believe that the high expenses can increase their parents pressure since most students have no regular ine. Apart from that, the decorated resumes do little help to find a job because most _66_(manage) pay more attention _67_skills.In my opinion, there is nothing wrong for graduates to invest (投资) some money on job hunting. But they should bear in mind that it is their knowledge, skills as well as experience 68 matter a lot. So they must have a 69 (properly) attitude toward 70 they should buy and how much money they should spend.五、短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;During the summer holiday, my parents and I paid visit to my grandparents by train. There was a large number of people and the train was crowded, but everyone helped those which had lots of baggage and behaved politely. Along the way, we enjoyed beautifully views. At first, we saw one hills after another. Then what came into view were fields with green crops. In a six-hour trip, we arrived at my grandparents house. Though I felt tired, but I was happy to see my grandparents, whom I have not seen for a long time. Its really an excited trip because it was the first time that I had taken so a long-distance train.六、书面表达(25分)最近来自加拿大的外教史密斯先生任你们班的口语老师。请你根据提示信息,用英语写一篇短文,介绍这位新老师。外貌戴眼镜;年轻、英俊;中等身材性格幽默;外向;乐于助人教学方面知识丰富;课堂生动有趣与学生的关系与学生关系融洽,在学习方面要求严格参考词汇:中等身材 be of medium height要求:l可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 2. 可根据提示适当发挥;3. 词数:120左右。英语第二次月考答案基础知识答案:1.down 2.Devoted 3.qualities 4.Judging from 5.whose 6. where 7.to 8.destruction 9.accepting 10.more reliable 11.dressed 12.am taking /will take 13.organize/should organize 14.on 15.go16.straight 17.with 18.but 19. from 20.when阅读理解答案:CCBDD BDABA CBBCC BADGE完形答案:41-45 ADBAC 46-50 BCDDA 51-55 BABAD 56-60 CABCA 语法填空答案:61. spends 62. cost 63. producing 64. which 65. However 66.because 67. nothing 68. that 69. proper 70. what改错答案:1.paid 后加a 2. was were 3. baggagesbaggage 4.beautifully - beautiful 5. which - what 6. In - After 7. but 去掉 8. havent hadnt 9. excited exciting 10. so such 书面表达:Our new spoken English teacher, Mr. Smith, es from Canada. He is a handsome young man with thick glasses and is of medium height. He bees popular among the students because he is humorous and outgoing. Whenever we have trouble in our studies or life, wed like to turn to him because he is always ready to help others. All of us like his lessons because he has much knowledge and can make his classes lively and interesting. Although he is easy to get along with, he is very strict in our studies. We like such a teacher and believe we can make greater progress with him teaching us English.

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