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教学资料参考范本八年级英语上册 what is the mattersection a教案 人教新目标版撰写人:_时 间:_ Wang Qian Teaching Aims: Knowledge aims: 1. Learn the names of each part of the body and the names of the illness.2. Learn some sentences about illness. Ability aims: Learn some words of body and some sentences(ask and answer).Emotion aims: Learn to live in a healthy way.Teaching aid: Teaching Key Points & Difficult Points: 1.How to teach the Ss to learn the names of the their body parts .2. How to teach the Ss to learn the names of the illness: toothache, fever and headache,and their same rulesTeaching procedure:Step1. Warming up1. Say hello to the students. 2.Ask them to enjoy a video,and there are some information reltated to this unit.Step2. Presentation1.Ask students to look at the pictures,and ask some students to tell us what they are, Check the answers.2.read out together to consolate. Step3.GamesPlay a game,students point to the part of body when I say(nose/eye/ear/arm and so on) in order to know the words better. Step4 Lead-in 1.“ache”,some words can add it,change into a new one,eg:headache/toochache and so on 2.“sore”can be used in front of some words,eg: sore back/sore eye and so on. 3 .Read out these words and try their best to remember them .4.Sentence pattern:what is the matter ?=what is the trouble?=what is wrong?and their answer is “I have a ”5.Ask students to read out (boys ask ,girls answer,to see which group is better ) Step5.Practice1.Use the sentences which we just learnt.2.Do pair work according to the pictures,then ask some group toshow .pay attention to the pepole (he/she/you)Step6 Guessing time1.A2.To see which student is the fastest one.In that way,students are more interested in learning English. step7. ConsolidationDo the exercises.translate the phrases into English and then ask students to read out and try their best to remember them.Step8.conclusion1.The words of body parts(eye,ear,neck,tooth)2.Sentences:what is the matter with sb./I have a step9.DevelopmentGive them a proverb:An apple a day keeps a doctor away.Step10. Homework1.Read and copy the words of unit22.Find some proverbs about health3 / 3


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