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教学资料参考范本八年级英语上学期词语解释与延伸 人教新目标版撰写人:_时 间:_1. about .大约 关于 (1)They waited for me about an hour yesterday .昨天他们等了我大约一个小时(2)Its about half past three ,Wed better go out to play games. 现在大约三点半, 我们最好出去做玩游。2junk 废弃的旧物, 破烂物 junk food 垃圾食品(1)He always likes to buy some junk in the shop. 他总是喜欢在商店买废品。(2)There are so many junk food in some western restaurants but children them a lot. 西方的有些饭店有那么多的垃圾食品,但是孩子们非常喜欢吃。(3)I dont like junk food ,such as hamburgers ,hot dogs and so on. 我不喜欢吃垃圾食品, 象汉堡包,热狗等等。3milk 牛奶 (1)Drinking milk is good for our health.喝牛奶对我们的身体有益。(2 ).There isnt my milk in the glass. _ There is no milk in the glass. 杯里没有牛奶。4coffee 咖啡 (1) _Would you like smoothing to drink ? 你想要些喝的吗? _Yes , Id like a cup of coffee and a bottle of orange juice想 我想喝一杯咖啡 和一瓶桔汁。(2)Drinking too much coffee is bad for us .喝太多的咖啡对我们有害。5。chip 薄片 My favorite food is chips . I often go to the chip shop nearby. 我最喜欢吃的是署条, 我常去附近暑条店去买署条。6 coal 可乐 - What would he like ? -Hed like a bottle of coal. 他想喝什么? 他想喝一瓶可乐。Section B1. chocolate 巧克力 (1) He hopes that his grandpa will give him a big box of chocolateon his thirteen birthday .他希望他的爷爷在他的第十三个生日送一大盒巧克力.(2) Eating too much chocolate is good bad for your teeth. 吃太多的巧克力对你的牙齿有害。2Interviewer - interview 采访 (1)The boss has an interviewer now ,so you have to wait for a while. 老板现在有位记者, 所以你得等一会儿。(2) Do you want to meet that interviewer? 你想见那位记者吗?(3) 谢谢你接受采访。3 habit 习惯 form the habit of 养成习惯 (1)You must form the habit of reading as a student . 作为学生你必须养成阅读的习惯。 (2).have a good / bad habit of 有什么的好习惯 He has a good habit of getting up early.他有早起床的好习惯。(3).fall /get into a /the habit of 沾染 习惯 The boy fell into a bad habit of smoking. 这个男孩染上了吸烟的恶习。(4) get out of a habit of 戒除习惯He got out of a bad habit of playing cards .他戒掉了玩牌的恶习。(5) Habit is second nature.习惯成自然。(6) Good eating habits can making people healthy. 良好的饭食习惯能使人健康。(7) Good studying habits help us get good grades.良好的学习习惯有助于我们取得好成绩。4 try- tries trying- tried *.try to do something 试图做某事 设法做某事 尽力做某事(1 )Ill try to make our country more beautiful and richer. 我将尽力使我们的国家繁荣富强。*try not to do something设法不做某事 尽量不做某事(2) The teacher told him not to be late again. 老师告诉他不要再迟到了。l try doing something 试着做某事l (3)Why not try looking for your wallet for a second time.l 为什么不再试着找你的钱夹呢?l try on 试穿(穿,衣, 鞋, 帽)(5) I always try the clothes on before I buy them. 我总是买衣服前试试。l try ones to do something 尽力做某事l Ill try my best to working all the subjects this term.l 这学期我将尽力学习所有的科目。50f course 当然 用来回答can 和could 引导的一般疑问句和回答用来征求对方意见的问句(1)Do you like skateboarding? - Of course I do.()你喜欢滑板运动吗? 当然喜欢.(2)-Would you mind my drinking wine here? -Of course not. 你在这儿喝酒你介意吗? 当然不介意.6.lifestyle 生活方式(1) My healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades. 我的健康的生活习惯有助于我取得好成绩.(2) He and his friend have quite different lifestyle.7. same 相同的 the same as 与相同 be not the same as = be different from 与不同(1) My lifestyle isnt the same as yours.我的生活习惯与你不同.My lifestyle is different form yours. (2) Tom is fifteen, Mike is fifteen, too. Tom is the same age as Mike.汤母和迈克是同岁.(3) His MP3 is different from mine. His MP3 isnt the same as mine.8. better 更好的 更便人满意的do better in 在做得更好 do best in 在做得最好(1) I am going do better in math this year than last year. 我今年学数学比去年好。(2) Who does best in physic in your class? 谁是你班物理最好的?9different difference 不同 (1) Its not easy to tell the differences between the two flowers. 说出这两朵花的区别是不 容易的。 (2) The twins have no difference from each other. 这对双胞胎没有什么区别。10unhealthy healthy (1) Her sister looks unhealthy , doesnt she? 她妹妹看上去不健康,是不是? (2)He looks very unhealthy because he smokes. 他看上去不健康因为他吸烟。12. maybe =perhaps 也许 或许 常放在句首。 (1) Maybe its in your bag. 也许在你的书包里。 (2) I dont know the way to bank ,maybe he knows. 我不知道去银行的路,也许他知道。 * may be 情态动词 + 动词原形 可能是 Maybe your keys are in the room .- Your keys may be in the room. .你的钥匙也许在房 里.13 although though 虽然 即使 纵然 引导让步状语从句 although 多用于句首,不能与but 连用,但可以与yet( 然而)或still (仍然, 还用) 连用。(1)Although father and I often argue with each other ,we are good friends, 尽管我和爸爸彼此经常争吵, 但是我们是好朋友。(2)Although he is ill, he never stops working. 虽然他病了,但是他从未停止工作。(3)( )_he is very old ,_he is quite strong . A. Although , but B. Because , so C, / but D, / so * even though 尽管 (4) Even though I dont understand a word , I kept smiling .尽管我没听明白,但是我还是笑着。14 for + 一段时间 提问用how long 多久 in + 段时间 提问用how soon 多久(1) He lived in the city for twenty years .How long did he live in the city? (2)Children will get to the History Museum in two hours . How soon will children get to the History Museum?15.keep 保持 使保持某种状态- kept keep doing something一直不断的做某事 keep on doing something (1) He kept standing there for half an hour without moving.他在那静静地站了半个小时。 (2)He kept on studying English when he was over fifty years old. 当他五十多岁的时候,坚持学习英语。 * keep something + adj 使处于某种状态(3)I kept the windows open. 窗户一直开着了。 Unit2 1.matter n 事情 问题 差错 (1) We have a lot of matters to talk about.我有许多事要谈。 * It doesnt matter. 没关系。用于接受别的人歉意。 (2)- Im, sorry Im late. It doesnt matter. 对不起我迟到了。 没关系。 * Whats the matter? 与Whats wrong? Whats your trouble ? 你怎么了? 该句用于询问对方的身体状况, 也是医护人员询问病人病情时的常用语。 (3)-Whats the matter, Granny ? I want to see my husband in hospital ,but I cant find its address. .老奶奶,你怎么了? 我想去看我生病住院的。* Whats the matter with somebody ? = Whats wrong with somebody? 某人怎么了? 某人得了什么病? (4)-Whats the matter with you? I have a bad headache. 你怎么了? 我头痛得厉害。 (5)-What was the matte with her yesterday ? She caught a bad cold. 昨天她怎么了? 她换了重感冒。* Whats wrong with something? 某物出了什么故障? (6)-Whats wrong with your watch? - It doesnt work. 你的表出了什么毛病? 坏了。 (7)He has a sore throat. Whats wrong with him?2. have a cold 患感冒 have a bad cold 患重感冒 - Whats wrong with you? I have a bad cold . - How are you feeling now ? - Im feeling much better.3. stomachache 胃痛 腹痛 肚子痛 have a stomachache 胃痛= have a pain in the stomach have a bad stomach 胃痛得厉害(1)-Im not feeling well at the moment .- Whats wrong? - I have a bad stomachache.此刻我感觉不舒服。 你怎么了?我胃痛得厉害。(2)The boy said he had a stomachache .The said he had a pain in the stomach. 男孩说他肚子痛得厉害。4. sore adj 疼痛的 酸痛的 throat 喉咙 烟喉 have a sore throat 烟喉痛 * have a sore back = have a pain in the back 背痛 (1) Do you have a sore throat ? 你喉咙痛?(2) Theres something wrong with my throat.我烟喉有毛病。(3) I cant speak out because I have a sore throat. 我说不出话了因为嗓子痛。(4) He cant speak carry the heavy box because he has asore back.他不能般这重箱因为背痛。5back arm ear eye foot hand head leg mouth neck nose stomach tooth -teeth (1)- Whats wrong with her? She has a pain in the back. =She has a backache.她怎么了? 背痛。(2) Look at the boy . There are only two teeth in his mouth.看那个男孩。 只有两颗牙。6 have a toothache 牙痛 dentist 牙医 (1)-Whats the matter? Ive a toothache . - Maybe you should see a dentist.-Thats a good idea. 怎么了? 我牙痛。 出许你应该去看牙医。 是好主意。 (2)-I had a bad toothache last night.-Im sorry to hear to that. 我昨晚牙痛得很厉害。 听到此事我很难过。 (3)-Do you think I should see a dentist ? Yes , I think so. 你认为我该看牙医吗? 是的,我认为是这样。7fever adj 发烧 have a fever 发烧 have a high fever 高烧 A: Whats wrong with you? B: I caught a bad cold yesterday .Ive got a headache and a fever.A: How long have been like this ? B: Ever since last night.A: Youd better take some medicine .Have a good rest and drink more water . You will be OK soon. 8. rest n 休息 have a rest 休息一会儿 have a good rest 好好休息 Lie down 躺下 (1) You had a cold . You should have a good rest in bed 你患了重感冒。你应该躺在床上好好休息。(3) Lets stop to and have a rest.咱们停下来休息吧。(4) Please take off your shirt and lie down on the bed.请躺下你的衬衫,躺在床上。* rest n 剩余部分 the rest 剩余的人There are ten boys in the classroom .Three of them are cleaning the classroom. The rest are cleaning the windows.教室有十个男生,其中三个在打扫教室,其余的在擦玻璃。9honey n 蜂蜜 tea with honey 加蜂蜜的茶 with 带有 具有 (1)Drinking tea with honey is good for our health. 渴蜂蜜的茶对健有益。(2)Would you like some dumpling with meat in them?你想吃肉馅铰子吗?(3)The man with a pair of think glasses is my English teacher.戴深度眼镜的人是我的英语老师。10medicine 药 take some medicine 吃药 take this medicine 吃这药 (1) Youd better take this medicine twice a day .Youll be all right soon. 这药你最好一天吃两次。 你会很快就好的。(2) My mother asked me to give her some medicine for cold .我母亲要求我给她买点治点感冒的药。(3) A: Whats wrong with you, young man ?B: I dont feel well. A: Im sorry to hear that . Please take off your shirt and lie down on the bed.B: Yes ,doctor.A: Well , theres nothing much wrong with you Do you take much exercise ? B: No, doctor . I never have any time for exercise.A: How do you sleep?B: Very badly , doctor .Can you give me some medicine to help me sleep? A: Yes , I can .but Im going to ,You dont need medicine . Just take more exercise.B; You are right , doctor . Its important for me to keep healthy .Thank you for your advice.A: You Section B1.illness n 疾病 身体不适 ill adj 病的 (1)Taking this medicine twice a day after meals is good for your illness.饭后一天吃两次这副药对你的疾病有益。 (2)-Im feeling very ill. Youd better a doctor.2.adivce 建议 give sb. some advice 给某人提些建议 give sb. some advice on 给某人提某一方面的建议(1) He had a bad cold . Could you give him some advice?他患了严重的感冒 你能给他提些建议吗?(2)My dentist gave me some advice on my teeth .我的牙医给了提了关于牙齿方面的建议。3thirsty adj 口渴的 feel thirsty be thirsty8 / 8

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