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教学资料参考范本八年级英语上册 Module 10 教案 外研版撰写人:_时 间:_本单元学情分析:本模块以老设及老舍茶馆为话题,介绍了作家老舍、老舍茶馆及话剧茶馆等相关内容,借此让学生了解这位在中国文坛中有着重要影响的作家。本末亏还通过听、说、读、些等一系列活动,让学生进一步学习动词不定式的用法,并为他们提供了充足的语言实际运用的机会。 本模块的人物活动是通过小组合作,把一部喜剧中的一幕改变成短句并加以表演。在实施环节的过程中要求学生能够具有合作精神,积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。Module 10 Lao She Teahous预习课导学案一、预习目标: 1、掌握并熟练运用本模块重点词汇:main, interest, offer, agree, almost, impossible, special, take place, audience, customer, lose, master, twentieth, waiter, folk, enjoyable, full, silver. 2、学会运用本模块新句型简单介绍一部电影或剧目3、进一步了解动词不定式作宾语的表达方式二、预习方法: 小组合作,老师答疑三、预习步骤:(一)词汇:1、根据音标自主学习单词读音2、两人一组检查单词读音,老师领读3、小组分工查词典,查找重点词汇的用法和例句,组间交流4、词汇练习:根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1)、It is (不可能) to finish this job tonight.2)、I would like to buy something (特别的) for my mothers birthday.3)、You should try to help the (顾客) to find what they want.4)、It is (让人感到快乐的) to listen to music while taking a bus.5)、My mother took a great (兴趣)in cartoon films.6)、Lets drink some tea in this (茶馆).7)、The teacher asked me to note down the (主要的) points of the speech.8)、Just now I (提出) to go for a picnic this weekend.9)、Betty didnt (同意)with me on that matter.10)、At first (几乎) nobody believed that he would be successful.英汉互译:好的,行 同意做某事 想要做;愿意做 玩的开心 因为而出名 take sb. to some place offer sb. sth. plan to do sth. hope to do sth. 二、动词不定式预习课本P178179,进一步了解动词不定式作宾语的用法。用所给动词的适当形式填空:1. She asked me (wait) for her at the cinema.2. I enjoy (listen) to the radio in the evening.3. It is not easy (learn) a foreign language.4. He agreed (get) someone to help us.5. I told him (not play) in the street.6. would you like 7. Your task is (find) the cost of the hotel.8. Should I (go) home now?9. Im glad (see) you again.10. He needs (buy) a new bike.三、小组交流用本模块重点词汇造句,各小组总结并在小组间交流,写在黑板上四、完成P80“1”运用新句型,以“teahouse”为题组织对话五、我的收获: 听说课教案教学目标:a) To understand the conversation containing infinitiveb) To get specific information from the listening materialc) To describe an event suing infinitive教学流程:课前:一. 预习词汇:布置学生预习词汇,能够根据音标读出并了解汉语意思,培养学生自主学习的习惯二. 课前朗读:朗读本课新单词,短语巩固预习效果课中:一 新课导入1. 检查词汇预习:小组互查单词2. 展示新句型:创设情境,导入新课T : Do you know Lao She ? What is he famous for ?S : Yes.T : he is famous for Teahouse, lets learn about it.3. 专项训练 同桌互相做问答练习,问题如下:(1)Have you ever seen a perform of Beijing Opera?(2) What do you know about Beijing Opera?(1) Who is Lao She?(2) What do you know about Lao She?(3) What works of Lao She have you read?二 听力训练1.多层听一听:学生自我熟悉六句话,并凭感觉试着排序二听:听录音,完成练习3. 听后说开展四人小组活动,分角色朗读对话三 对话处理1. 读前听:一听:尽量不看录音原文,完成下列判断正误练习(1) Sally want to see some Beijing Opera, so her parents took her there(2) Ling Ling likes Beijing Opera, too.(3) Sally understood Beijing Opera very well.(4) Teahouse is Lao Shes play.2. 听后读感知不定时的用法,让学生将对话中含有不定式的句子挑出来,并鼓励学生小结其用法3.读后学让学生用agree to do sth. Decide to do sth. Offer to do sth. Want to do sth. 造句,也可以教师问,学生答。例如:T: What do you want to do this weekend?S: I want to see a movie this weekend.4.学后读:结合知识点,重读课文,分角色朗读5.读后说:完成课本81页6四学以致用:work in pairs ,完成课本81页7和8 读写课教案教学目标To get information from the reading material about Lao SheTo understand the main idea of each paragraph in the articleTo learn the new words教学流程课前一 预习词汇:布置学生预习词汇,能够根据音标拼读单词二 课前朗读:大声朗读新单词短语,巩固预习效果课中一复习检测:检查学生对听说课单词的记忆于对听说课内容的掌握即对不定式的掌握二 读前导:情境设计,导入新课三 多层阅读一读:个体阅读短文,掌握文章大意二读:开展对子活动,根据短文内容及所给出的问题进行问答操作,并熟悉电影或剧目介绍的写作结构,为开展后面的写作训练做好铺垫四精读足练1学生自主精读课文,完成课本83页22.精讲知识点:匹配单词与英文释义,疑难部分予以适当指导,用单词造句,例如(1)There are many customers in the shop.(2) the story takes place in a mountain.3.根据课文163页3,重新组织,复述课文,五写作训练:根据课文163页要求,介绍一部电影或剧目,根据写作要求,让学生收集、准备素材,让他们找自己熟悉的内容,根据活动四中的问题构思,所写的电影或剧目故事框架,然后写出剧目介绍。 (1)Module 10 Lao She Teahous复习课导学案一、 复习目标:1. 复习本单元重点词汇和句型2. To summarise and consolidate the use of infinitive二、重点、难点:动词不定式的用法三、复习方法:小组合作,老师答疑四、词汇练习:(一)、单词、短语归纳1、茶馆 2、兴趣、爱好 3、提议 4、不可能的 5、低语 6、特别的 7、观众 8、顾客 9、王朝 10、大师 11、第二十 12、男服务员 13、杂技表演 14、表演 15、让人感到快乐的 16、银 17、main 18、agree 19、almost 20、lose 21、folk 22、full (二)、复习重点短语,完成下列练习:1、提出干 2、喝茶 3、京剧 4、同意干 5、努力干 6、计划干 7、决定干 8、玩得高兴 9、希望干 10、不知道 11、因而著名 12、特殊事情 13、发生 14、向道别 15、抗日战争结束 16、教给英国人汉语 17、把看作 18、世界最伟大的中国作家之一 19、民间音乐 20、魔术表演 21、使他们努力学习 22、最后 22、爱上 24、一个装满金银的旧盒子 25、西部剧院 26、和某人结婚 (三)、完成P86 “8”和P87 “10” 五、动词不定式(P178)(一)、动词不定式作宾语1、置于谓语动词之后,作动词的宾语,表明意图、希望或决定的内容。2、常见的后接“to+动词不定式”作宾语的动词有:plan, decide, hope, want, offer, try, like, love.3、学生自主阅读P178例句,完成P8485 第13题。(二)、双宾语(P178)(三)、小组间以提问的方式交流本节课复习的内容六、反馈练习(一)、根据短文内容和首字母提示完成文中所缺单词My favorite film is The sound of Music. It takes p 1 in Austria in 1938. Its the story of uaria and the von Trapp family. She goes to look a 2 the seven children. In the end, their father f 3 in love w 4 Maria and marries her. Maria is very p 5 and she sings b 6 . The best p 7 of the film is the s 8 . Its very b 9 and I 10 .(二)、用所给动词的正确形式填空:1. Mary likes (watch) Beijing Opera in the teahouse.2. One plan was (see)the play at the theatre.3. A friend offered (take) Bettys parents to the teahouse. 4. Bettys parents agreed (take) her with them.5. We plan (stay) for a cup of tea.6. He tried (understand) the poems.7. Would you like me (take) you to the teahouse?8. I hoped (visit) the Globe Theatre one day?9. She wanted 10. The story started in 1956, (continue) in 1996 and (end) in 1976.(三)、连词成句:1. had, we, holiday, wonderful, a 2. likes, to, she, look, after, for, her, friend, the, baby 3. agree, they, to, put, beside, the, table, the, piano 4. told, visit, me, they, Jacks grandmother, to 5. decides, send, a pet, Mr Green, to, the child, to (四)、根据汉语提示完成句子1. 去年他去过上海并且爱上了它。He went to Shanghai last year and it.2. 你主要的兴趣是什么?Whats your ?3. 你可以在茶馆里喝茶看京剧表演。You can and watch Beijing Opera in a teahouse.4. 老舍茶馆热情欢迎来自中国和世界各地的人们。Lao shes Teahouse to everyone from China and from all over the world.5. 五四运动发生于1919年。Tea May 4th Movement in 1919.7 / 7


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