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教学资料参考范本九年级英语上册Unit 5 FilmsReading 2教学案(无答案) 牛津版撰写人:_时 间:_9A Unit 5 Films总课时10第 3 课时课 题Reading (II)课 型新授教学目标知识目标To practice the main language points of the context能力目标To practice the main language points of the context情感目标To practice the main language points of the context教学重难点To practice the main language points of the context教 学 过 程教 师 活 动自主个案预习导学读一读:下列词汇:charm, superstar, nomination, lead role, instantly.找一找:你知道奥黛丽赫本一生中获得了哪些荣誉?按先后顺序写出来。1. _2. _3. _4. _翻译词组1. 空前最伟大的演员 2. 哀悼一位伟大的人道主义者的失去3. 出生于比利时 4. 在那非常年青的时候5. 进入电影业 6. 吸引某人的注意7. 改编为戏剧 8. 坚持认为9. 扮演主角 10. 标志着的开始11. 一件很成功的事 12. 又获得四名奥斯卡提名奖13. 最后一次亮相 14. 贯穿整个演艺生涯15. 使某人想起某事 16. 超越17. 把致力于 18.亲密合作19.把精力投入到 20. 安详地逝世教学过程Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Revision 1. Have a dictation.2. Read the passage, and then tell something about Audrey Hepburn with their own words.Step 2 PracticePut them in the correct order in part C1 on page 85. Ask the students to fill in the blanks in part C2 on page 85, and then read it.Step 3 Playing a gameStep 4 ExplanationStep 5. Retell the story of Audrey. Step 5 Homework Revise the phrases and recite the text.课内研讨就赫本的一生进行讨论。1. Was Hepburn born in the USA?2. What had been her dream before she entered the film industry?3. Which film made her famous?4. How many Oscars did she win?5. What are some of the well-known films that Audrey acted in?6. When did she die?展示赫本的个人档案。Audrey HepbrunDate of birthPlace of birthDate of deathPlace of deathTalentsFilmsAwards训练巩固根据句意、汉语提示或首字母和英文释义写出单词。1. In 1991, Audrey discovered that she had _ (癌症).3. The girl (芭蕾舞) dancer.4. Dont stay there b (past) midnight.5. You must go to school i (at once, right away).同义句转换1. She began taking ballet lessons at a very young age.She began taking ballet lessons _ _ _ _ _.2. Audreys beauty attracted the writer.The writer _ _ _ Audreys beauty.3. A short time later, Audrey was chosen to play to role of a young princess._ _, Audrey was chosen to play the role of a young princess.4. She died on a cold winter morning.She _ _ on a cold winter morning.拓展延伸翻译句子1. 她在二十八岁时结婚了。(get married) _2. 他不但是位出色的演员,而且是位著名的作家。(not onlybut also)_3. 她在学习中付出了全部的努力。(putinto) _4. 我的父母总是提醒我要照顾好自己。(remind to) _5. 在电视剧中,她通过向我们展示大自然的美,来提醒我们要保护环境。(show) _教(学)后记 (我的问题,体悟,收获)4 / 4


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