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教学资料参考范本九年级英语上册Unit 1 Changing world Section D撰写人:_时 间:_The main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a 和3。. Teaching aims and demands教学目标1.Master some new words and useful expressions:2.Review some useful sentences:(1)I felt sorry for them.(2)There goes the bell.(3)Though I had no time to travel,.(4)Is that so?(5)By the way,.(6)Our job was to grow cotton.(7)I think it is important to.(8)Thanks to the governments efforts, .3.Review present perfect:(1)Have you been to? Yes, I have. / No, I havent.(2)Have you ever? Yes, I have.No, I have never done that.4.Feel the changes of the world.Teaching aids教具五个福娃的图片或实物/ 录音机/ 几张新旧环境的对照图.Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习 (时间:15分钟)(检查上节课综合探究活动的成果描述你心中理想的世界环境,要求学生交换欣赏,并选几名学生进行描述,把优秀作品张贴起来。)T: We have known a lot about the unhappy childhood of Kangkangs granny. And we also have known the great changes around us. The roads in the past were narrow and dirty. Now there are many clean and wide ring roads in the cities.T: Some students have done excellent work.We should learn from them.We should make our environment cleaner and cleaner.Our house and our world will be more and more beautiful.Thanks to(板书)thanks to (教师用英语讲解thanks to。)Thanks to the governments efforts, Beijing will host the 20xx Olympic Games.(板书)effort(教师讲解effort的意思。)When someone is in trouble, he wants to make some efforts.By the way, my dear, who has been to Beijing in recent years?(复习by the way, recent和has been to。)S1: I have.T: What a lucky boy/girl!(教师问其他的学生。)T: Have you been to Beijing?S2: Yes, I have. I went there last holiday.T: How is the Beijing city now?S3: I think it has made rapid progress, though I had no enough time to travel everywhere.T: Oh, I remember. My brother has gone there. He will be back in a week. He will buy “Fu Wa” for my son. Next, our job is to listen to the tape.(教师尽量用本单元重点句型以利于学生复习。)T: Next, lets review the present perfect and some useful expressions.Play the tape of 2a and 2b.(让学生听2a和2b的句型。)Now, can you say the sentences as many as you can after the listening?(播放磁带,板书2a中的关键句。)(板书)1. Where have you been?2.I have been to3.Have you?4. My uncle has worked in Beijing for more than twenty years.(让学生回顾前面所学的有关内容,鼓励他们说出更多的现在完成时的句子。)T: Go over the present perfect we have learnt recently.(可以两人一组站起来回答。)Example A:S3: Where have you been during the weekend?S4: Ive been to a library, where have you been?S3: Ive been to the countryside, my hometown.Example B:S5: Wheres Mary?S6: She has gone to Shanghai.S5S6: In a week, I think.S5: Have you been to Shanghai?S6: No, I havent, but I have been to Nanjing.(学生可以踊跃发言,每人说一句现在完成时的句子,老师也可以创设情景,让学生说句子。)For example: T: Beijing.S7: I havent been to Beijing.T: Tianjin.S8: I went there last year. I have been to Tianjin.T: Canada.S9: My uncle has gone to Canada.T: We have said so many sentences.Next, lets listen to 2b. Please read after it as clearly as you can.(放2b录音,让学生跟读。)(教师出示相关图片,复习2b中的重点句子。)(出示童工照片。)(引导学生说。) Ss: I feel sorry for them.(出示电铃图片。)Ss: There goes the bell.(出示种棉花图片。) Ss: Their work is to grow cotton.(出示孤儿院图片,有人在照顾孩子。)(学生可能会说出不同的句子,培养学生的发散思维能力。)S10: Though they had/have no parents, they could get care.S11: They are/were happier than the child laborers.T: Is that so? Im sure all of us are the happiest and we should give them a hand in our spare time.By the way, are you interested in the Olympic Games?Here are five mascots, “Fu Wa”.Steps 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现 (时间:10分钟)(用5个可爱的奥运吉祥物福娃,导出本课所呈现的内容。)T: What are their names?Ss: Beibei, Jinging, Huanhuan, Yingying and Nini.Beijing!”. Do you know where the 20xx Olympic Games will be hosted? And whats the slogan? Please listen to the tape and then answer me.(板书)1. The 20xx Olympic Games will be hosted in_.2. The slogan is_.(学生听Section D 1a录音。)T: Who has got the answers?(第一问题很简单,学生很快答出,目的是再现the capital一词。)S1: In Beijing.T: Yes. Beijing, the capital of China. It also has expressed the wishes of 1.3 billion Chinese people.Whats the slogan?S2: Sorry, I dont know.S3: One World, One Dream.T: Yes. The slogan is One World, One Dream.(板书)One World, One DreamT: Next, open your books. Please read the text carefully.(学生读1a文章。)T: What do the mascots stand for?(学生读后回答。)S4: They stand for the Olympic rings.Beijing”.S6: “Bei, Jing, Huan, Ying, Ni”.T: Beijing, the capital of China, will host the 20xx Olympic Games. What are you planning to do for it?Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 (时间:6分钟)(小组进行讨论,表达自己计划为奥运做何准备。)T: We all wish for a better world tomorrow.The 20xx Olympic Games can express the rich culture of China as well.As a high school student, what are you planning to do for it?Discuss your plan with your partners.Express your opinions.(学生分组讨论,完成1b内容。)(每组完成一个计划总结,进行汇报。)For example:G1: 1.Learn English harder than before.2. Teach parents and grandparents to speak English.G2: 1.To be volunteers of Beijing in 20xx.2. To learn more culture of China.G3: 1.To be friendly and polite.2.T: We have good plans and should have good behaviors, too.Lets try our best for One World, One Dream.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 (时间:8分钟) (教师出示第3部分的挂图或让学生直接看课本的插图。)T: Great changes have taken place in China. ChinaLook at these pictures. Here are the changes of the village which Li Ming lives in.T: Talk about them with your partners.Work in pairs.(学生分组讨论图画内容或两人一组讨论图画内容。)S1: The house in Picture 1 is so low and old.S2: Li Ming lived there many years ago.S3: Now, there are many high buildings.The title should be: Changes in Li Mings Hometown.(讨论过后让学生写作文,出示写作文的几个步骤帮助学生完成作文。)First, you should consider it carefully before writing.Second, draw up an outline.(出示投影或小黑板。)1.changes in living conditions2.changes in working tools3.changes in educationT: At last, you should note a conclusion:Thanks to the governments efforts, ChinaStep 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动 (时间:6分钟)(完成作文的同学,可以分享成果互换作品进行阅读,一部分学生可能还在写作文,教师针对不同层次的学生进行因人而宜的指导。)1.T: Have you finished your work?S1 and S2: Yes, we have.2.有的学生没有完成作文,在写作中遇到了困难。)T: Anything else for help?S3: (教师具体指导学生在写作中的困难。)3.Homework:(1) Make a survey to learn about more changes of your city/ hometown.Write an article to express your opinions.12 / 12


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