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教学资料参考范本八年级英语上册 Module 11 The weather教案 外研版撰写人:_时 间:_I. Teaching objectives 教学目标技能标 听Listen for information in a weather forecast.说Talk about weatherAsk questions to show surprise读Read a passage about weather to match photos with description of the weather写Write advice and give reasons using because, so and but语言目标功能句式Talk about weatherWhat will the weather be like?It may not even be cold, just wet. And it might be windy.It may be quite cool, so itll probably be hot and sunny.Its freezing, isnt it?Yes, its really cold.Will it be snowy?It may not even be cold just now. And it might be windy.Itll probably be hot and sunny.It may be quite cool.词汇1. 重点词汇cloud, shower, degree, temperature, joke, wet, might, windy, probably, sunny, cool, dry, cloudy, camera, umbrella, pleasant, from time to time, fall, possible, shine, depend2. 认读词汇语法Possibility: may, might, probably. Teaching materials analyzing 教材分析本单元以Education为话题,设计了三个部分的内容。旨在通过单元教学使学生学会谈论天气和气象信息;了解美国各地区的气候情况;学会表述惊讶;能用关联词and, so, but写一篇短文,表达建议,并给出理由;能准备关于到中国来旅游的最佳时间的建议。Unit 1谈论天气及其标志和气象信息,谈论不同国家和地区的天气状况,重点学习和天气有关的词汇以及情态动词may, might和副词probably表示可能性的用法。Vocabulary and listening中设计了6个活动。1要求把表示天气状况的词汇与相应图标配对。2听天气预报录音,选出正确的信息。3俩俩合作,纠正图表中不正确的信息。4要求听读一段谈论日常活动与天气状况的对话。5听关于春节天气预报的录音完成表格。6根据对话内容选择正确的表达。Pronunciation and speaking中7听录音学习句子不同语调所传达的不同含义并对所给句子做出判断。8利用活动2中正确信息,描述天气情况。9对不同时间内天气状况做出预测。Unit 2 学习关于美国各地区差别很大的气候状况的课文,学习一些外国地名的读法;能用because, so, but写短文,提供建议并给出理由。Reading and vocabulary中1阅读介绍美国各地气候状况的短文,描述图片中内容。2根据短文内容完成句子。3阅读表示建议的句子,说出理由。Writing中4要求将两栏中句子配对。5用because, so, but提出参观所在城镇时的建议并说明理由。Unit 3 在练习中复现本单元重点词汇、句型和语法;读关于The wettest place的文章;准备关于到中国来旅游的最佳时间的建议。1, 2听录音,选择正确的月份和句子。3用所给词汇填空。4俩俩合作,根据提示完成句子。5 用完成句子。6用括号内所给的词汇完成句子。7对话谈论自己平常做的事及可能会做的事。8描述图片中温度计所示度数含义。9用表示天气状况的词补充句子。10俩俩合作,询问温度、天气状况。11用所给的词填空介绍英国天气状况的短文。Around the world介绍了世界上最潮湿的地方。Module task要求准备关于到中国来旅游的最佳时间的建议。其中1213要求学生阅读一封Email并回答问题。13根据提示完成信件。IIIClass types and periods 课型设计与课时分配 Period 1 Listening and speaking (Unit 1)Period 2 Reading and writing (Unit 2)Period 3 Language in use (Unit 3) . Teaching plans for each period分课时教案 Period 1 Listening and speaking Target language 目标语言1. Words & phrases生词和短语cloud, shower, degree, temperature, joke, wet, might, windy, probably, sunny, cool, dry, cloudy, centigrade, freezing, snowy2. Key sentences重点句子 Its freezing, isnt it?It may not even be cold, just wet. And it might be windy.What will the weather be like?It may be quite cool, so itll probably be hot and sunny.Ability goals 能力目标Enable students to listen to and talk about weather.Teaching important/difficult points 教学重难点The usage of may, might and probably.Teaching methods教学方法Task-based learning. Teaching aids教具准备A projector, some pictures and a tape recorderTeaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式 Step I Lead-inShow some pictures to help students learn some new words about weather. The Sun Clouds Rain Severe WeatherT: Weather has an important effect on our lives. If we are planning a trip or just getting dressed in the morning, we always have to know what the weather will be like. Weather changes with different seasons and times. Look at the picture above. Whats the weather like?S: Its sunny.S: Its cloudy. S: Its raining. S: Its flashing. Show the words about the weather. cloud, rain, showers, snow, storm, sun, windAsk students to read the new words. Make sure they know the meaning of each word. Then ask them to do activity 1. Help students match the words with the symbols.Step II Listening In this procedure, ask students to listen to the tape and check the correct information in the table. If the information is wrong, correct it. T: If we want to know weather information, we may listen to weather forecast. Please listen to a forecast and check the correct information in the table. Play the tape. Then check the answers with students.Ask students to listen to the dialogue in activity 4. T: Sppring Festival? Of course we do. So it is very important to listen to the weather forecast during the Spring Festival. Tony is going to England during the Spring festival. What will be the weather like? Now listen and find out. Ask students to listen to the tape and then fill in the blanks in activity 5. Check the answers.Step III Reading In this procedure, ask students to read the dialogue and do activity 6 as a to see if the sentences are true or false.T: Read the dialogue again and do activity 6. Check if they are true or false. LetThose who get more stars will be the winner.Sample:S1: Its always cold and wet in February in England.S2: True.S1: Its often freezing in February in England.S2: False. It may not be cold, just wet. And it might be windy in England.Step IV Pronunciation and speakingIn this procedure, ask students to listen to the tape and help students find out the different connotation of different of intonation. After listening, ask students to read these sentences loudly and then decide if the speaker is asking a question or showing surprise. Check the answers. SpeakingAsk students to work in pairs and give a forecast for China according to activity 2.T: In this lesson, we have learnt many different types of weather. We can use some words to describe the weather. Lets report a weather forecast for China according to activity 2. Now work in pairs and make a weather forecast. We can use may, might, probably to describe something we are not very certain of.Ask some pairs to show their report before the class.One sample version:Tomorrow may be sunny. It may be rainy next week. It might be very cold next month.Step V Homework1. Ask the students to learn and remember the new words and expressions of this unit.2. Ask the students to finish activities 13 on page 152. 5 / 5


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