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教学资料参考范本九年级英语上册 Unit 4(B)教案和练习 牛津译林版撰写人:_时 间:_一. 教学内容:9A Unit 4 Grammar二. 教学目标1. betweenand; fromto2. before, after 和until3. while 和as4. 副词的比较级和最高级【具体教学过程】(一)between and1. 此短语表示 “在和之间”。 连接两个表示时间的词或短语可位于句首,也可位于句末。We study in this school between 20xx and 20xx.2. 也可以表示在两个人物或地点之间。He sits between you and me.from to1. 表示时间的起迄,连接两个表示时间的词或短语。夏天是从6月到8月。Summer lasts from June to August.2. 也可以连接表示地点的词或短语。They flew from Paris to London.3. 也可以构成一些常见习语, 要注意名词前不能有修饰词。from house to housefrom time to timefrom head to foot在句子中的位置:卡通世界在6:30p.m.到7p.m.播放.Cartoon World is on TV from 6:30p.m. to 7p.m. .=From 6:30p.m.to 7p.m., Cartoon World is on TV.随堂练习:用适当的介词填空1. There is no secret _ you and me.2. People can make a call _ countries in English.3. The cat is _ the door, so you cant see it.4. The children ask for candies _ house _ house at Halloween.5. Dont read _ the sun. Its bad for your eyes.6. We have no lessons _ 3:50 p.m. and 4:50 p.m. every day.7. There is a lot of news _ todays newspaper.8. Can you swim _ the river?9.Therere many apples _ the tree.10.There is a bird _ the tree.(二)before, after 和until可以用before, after 和until 来表示时间,来谈论事情发生的先后顺序。这三个词可以作介词,也可以作连词,后面跟时间状语从句。既可以放在句尾,也可以放在句首,但放在句首时要用逗号与句子的其他部分隔开注:作连词跟时间状语从句时,从句中用一般现在时代替将来时。before 意思是“比早一点的时候,在之前”。after 的意思 是“比迟一点的时候,在之后”。until 的意思是“直到的时候”。Until和till一般情况下可以互换,但till一般只用于句子的中间,而until可位于句首和句子中间。1. 用于肯定句时,主句动作必须是延续性的,这个动作一直延续到until或till表示的时间为止,译为“直到为止”。Lets wait until/till the rain stopped.2. not until 直到才I did not know how tall it was until I saw it myself.Until I saw it myself, I did not know how tall it was.注意点:1. 顺序主句+before/after/until/till+从句Before/After/Until+从句,主句.句首不能用Till2. 主、从句时态一致The boys _(not) stop playing football until it rained.You _(not) find out the answer till the film _(end) .3. 人称一致After you watch the programme, you might find it a bit disturbing. =After _, you might find the programme a bit disturbing.随堂练习:用from to, betweenand, before, after, until填空1. The doctor didnt take a rest _ the operation was over.2. -Are you going to build another bridge over the river?- No, _ we collect enough money for it.3. They had bought a house there_ they moved there.4. Every morning, _ we have the fourth lesson, we should first do eye exercises.6. He could swim _ he was five years old. 8. We go to school _ Monday _ Saturday. 9. The train had already left _ we got to the station.10. Sam gets up at 7:30 a.m. _ he goes to school _ he has breakfast. Lessons start at 8:00 a.m. He wont have lunch _12:00. _ school, around 4:50 p.m. he goes home. In the evening he watches TV for half an hour _ he has supper. _ that he does his homework. He wont go to bed _ 9:00.(三)while 和as这两个连词都可引导时间状语从句,但用法有所不同。1. while, as 都可用来引导表示“背景”的时间状语从句。As/While I was walking down the street I noticed a police car.2. 当两个长动作同时进行的时候, 常用的是while。While mother was cooking lunch, I was doing my homework.3. 当两个动作都表示发展变化的情况时,最常用的是as。4. 当两个短动作同时发生时,或表示“一边一边”时,最常用的是as。 Just as he caught the fly, he gave a loud cry.She looked behind from time to time as she went along the street.when, while, as的区别:when引导的从句的谓语动词可以是延续性的动词,也可以是瞬时动词。并且when有时表示“就在那时”。When she came in, I was eating.她进来时,我在吃饭。(瞬时动词) When I lived in the countryside, I used to carry some water for him.当我住在农村时,我常常为他挑水。 (延续性的动词) We were about to leave when he came in.我们将要离开时他进来了。 while引导的从句的谓语动作必须是延续性的,并强调主句和从句的动作同时发生(或者相对应)。While my wife was reading the newspaper, I was watching TV. (was reading是延续性的动词,was reading和was watching同时发生) 并且while有时还可以表示对比。(然而)I like playing football while you like playing basketball.我喜欢踢足球,而你喜欢打篮球。 (对比) as表示“一边一边”,as引导的动作是延续性的动作,一般用于主句和从句动作同时发生。We always sing as we walk.我们总是边走边唱。(as表示“一边一边”)as也可以强调“一先一后”。As we were going out, it began to snow.当我们出门时,开始下雪了。(as强调句中两个动作紧接着先后发生,而不强调开始下雪的特定时间) 补充as的用法:as除了“当时候”,“一边一边”外还有以下用法:1. as介词,“作为”As a student, we should focus on study.2. as连词,“因为”As he has much homework to do, he has no time for hobbies.3. as as 与一样 / such as比如4. as soon as 一就As soon as he gets to Beijing he will call you.5. 连词“按照”,“如同”,“与一样”You must do everything as I told you.I will be a teacher as you are.随堂练习:1. 完成下列句子:(1) 我父亲在看电视时睡着了。My father fell asleep _he was reading the newspaper. while/as(2) 妈妈做饭的时候,我在做作业。_ Mum was cooking dinner, I was doing my homework. While(3) 我到家的时候, 他正在吃晚饭。_I got home, he was having supper. As(4) 她沿着那条路走着, 心里想着她父亲。_ she walked along the road, she thought of her father. As2. 用between, from, before, after, until, while, as 填空:(1) _ I saw the kangaroo, I never knew an animal can jump so high.(2) Ill play badminton with you _ I finished my homework.(5) Can you watch TV _ 8:00a.m. to 9:30a.m.?(6) _ the tiger came, all the animals ran away.(7) How can you know the ending _ you read the book?(8) Can I stay _ the weekend?(9) _ I was doing my homework, I heard a strange noise downstairs.(10) Sandy was reading the newspaper_ Millie was watching TV.(四)副词1. 副词的位置.副词通常放在行为动词之后:talk loudlylive happily如若有情态动词或助动词,则放在情态动词或助动词之后,行为动词之前。You must always remember this.We should often write to each other.They have already finished their homework.2. 副词的比较级.词尾变化原级比较级最高级单音节词在词尾加-er(比较级)或-est(最高级);以字母e结尾的词加-r或-sthardhighfastharderhigherfasterhardesthighestfastest词尾变化原级比较级最高级多音节词和多数双音节词在其前面加more 和mostslowlycarefullyquicklymore slowlymore carefullymore quicklymost slowlymost carefullymost quickly词尾变化原级比较级最高级不规则变化wellmuchlittlebadlyfarbettermorelessworse fartherbestmostleastworstfarthest(特殊) early-earlier-earliest3. 副词的比较级和最高级的常用结构.as+副词原级+as 意为“与一样”,表示同级比较(1) 她歌唱得像天使一样甜。She sings as sweetly as an angel.(2) 我能一小时跑30英里。I can run as fast as 30 miles an hour.(3) 他在测试中没有Mary做得好。He doesnt do so well in the test as Mary does.副词比较级+than 意为“比更”,表示两者之间的比较(1) 本比他那个懒爸爸起床早。Ben gets up earlier than his lazy father.(2) 他们现在比以前过得更幸福。They now live more happily than before.副词比较级+副词比较级,意为“越来越”(1) 雨下得越来越大。It rained more and more heavily.(2) 你学习越来越努力了。You study harder and harder.the+ 副词的比较级,the+副词的比较级,意为“越越”(1) 我看到她越多,我越不喜欢她。The more I see her, the less I like her.(2) 他打字打得越快,他出的错就越多。The faster he types, the more mistakes he will make.the+副词的最高级+比较范围(三者或三者以上),意为“最”(1) 亨利是所有运动员中跳得最高的。Henry jumps (the) highest of all the athletes.(2) 他在班上学习最用功。He works (the) hardest in his class.小结:(1) 主语+ 动词 + as+副词原级+as + B(2) 主语 + 动词 + 副词比较级 than + B(3) 主语 + 动词 + (the) 副词最高级 + of/ in /among【模拟试题】(答题时间:30分钟)一、将下列句子翻译成英文:1. 在大奖赛开始前,我们将会采访一些最著名的明星。2. 直到电影结尾你才会找到答案。3. 看过这个节目后,你会意识到这些老虎面临多少危险。4. 我们一直走到河边为止。5. 吃饭前先洗手。6. 在他油漆了窗户之后,他开始油漆门。7. 他到十岁才会游泳。8. 他在过马路前向两边看了看。二、用 before ,after, until, while 和 as 完成下列短文:_ I was on the school bus this morning, it started to rain. Luckily, it stopped _ we got to school so I didnt get wet. _ school, I played tennis with Amy. Then _ that, I saw Daniel at the stop. _ we were waiting for the bus, it started to rain again. We waited inside_ the bus came.Later this afternoon, I talked to Sandy on the phone_ I got home from school. We chatted _ 5:30 p.m. _ we finished talking, I did my homework, Mum came home. She said I should finish my homework_ dinner because she knew that I wanted to watch TV_ dinner._ Chinas Teens, I watched a film. However, I was very tired so I fell asleep _ I was watching it. I went to bed _ it finished and didnt see the end.三、单项选择:1. Do not read so fast. You should read_.A more slowlier B much slowlier C much more slowly D very slowly2. To our surprise, the old man acted _of all.A the best B most good C better D very good3. If you work_, youll be able to do it better.A hard B well C harder D better4. Amy is the _student in our class. Do you agree?A careful B carefully C most carefully D most careful5. Who gets home usually _ in your family?A. the latest B. later C. early D. as late6. The more we looked at the picture, _.A. we like it less B. the less we liked it C. better we liked it D. it looked better7. What a pity. Lucy ran _ than Lily.A. a few more slowly B. a little more slowlyC. much more slowly D. little slowlier8. Dont worry. Your baby is looked after _ here, the nurse are very _.A. careful, carefully B. carefully, carefulC. care, careless D. careless, care9. The idea became _ He wanted to try _.A. strangly, it out B. strangly, out it C. strange, it out D. strange, out it10. Beijing is _ biggest city in China.A. the first B. one of C. the second D. second11. The bread is _ than these cakes.A. very delicious B. much deliciousC. more delicious D. as delicious12.Your classroom is so dirty. Everyone should keep it _.A. dry B. open C. clean D. quiet 13. In our city its _ in July, but it is even _ in August.A. hotter hottest B. hot hotC. hotter hot D. hot hotter14. Hainan is a very large Island .It is the second _ island in china.A. large B. largerC. largest D. most largest15. A horse is _ than a dog.A. much heavy B. more heavierC. much heavier D. more heavy16. Emma always makes a lot of mistakes. She is _.A. care B. carefulC. carefully D. careless17. Which subject is _, physics or chemistry?A. interesting B. most interestingC. more interesting D. the most interesting18. He is _ enough to carry the heavy box.A. strong B. strongerC. much stronger D. the strongest19. Beijing, the capital of China, is one of _ cities in the world.A. the biggest B. bigger C. much bigger D. big20. Is your stomach ache getting_?-No, its worse.A. better B. bad C. less D. well四、用所给词的正确形式填空:1. She sang even _ (bad) than usual.2. Mother asked her son to walk a bit _ (fast).3. Of all the novels I like this one _ (well).4. Who do you think can jump _ (high) in your class?5. Please send us the technical data as _ (quick) as possible.6. He should speak _ (little) and listen _ (much).7. Please tell them not to play so _ (noisy).8. He works very _. He _ has a rest on Sunday. (hard)9. _, he didnt fail in the exam.(luck)10. He was so _ that he couldnt believe this _ news. (surprise)11. Mr. Green is feeling _ enough to go to work. (good)12. The old man looks _ than you think. (friend)13. This box is not so _ as that one. (heavy)14. Lucy jumped _ of the four. (high)15. Peter is much _ (tall) than Kitty.【试题答案】一、将下列句子翻译成英文:1. Before the awards start, we will interview some of the most famous stars.2. You wont find out the answer until the end of the film.3. After you watch this programme, you will realize how much danger these tigers face.4. We walked until we got to the river.5. Wash your hands before you have meals.6. After he painted the windows, he painted the doors.7. He couldnt swim until he was ten.8. He looked both ways before he crossed the road.二、用 before ,after, until, while 和 as 完成下列短文:While/As before After after While until ;after until After before after;After while/as before三、单项选择:1-5 CACDA 6-10 BBBCC 11-15 CCDCC 16-20 DCAAA四、用所给词的正确形式填空:1. worse 2. faster 3. best 4. the highest 5. quickly 6. less, more 7. noisily8. hard; hardly 9. Luckily 10. surprised; surprising 11. well 12. more friendly13. heavy 14. the highest15. taller14 / 14


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