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中考英语总复习提分特训语法专项训练七连词和复合句一、单项填空1.The lady was angry she couldnt speak anything.A.as;as B.so;thatC.such;that D.not;until答案:B解析:so.that.意为“如此以至于”,so后接形容词或副词,that后接句子。句意:这位女士如此生气,以至于她说不出话来。故选B项。2.Prince George is lovely that many people like him very much.A.veryB.suchC.asD.so答案:D解析:so/such.that“如此以至于”,so后跟形容词或副词;such后跟名词。lovely是形容词。故选D项。3.Would you like to have dinner with us?Id love to, Im too busy now.A.andB.orC.butD.so答案:C解析:but“但是”,表示转折关系。4.The movie is wonderful I want to see it again.A.too;toB.so;that C.as;asD.so;as 答案:B解析:so.that“如此以至于”,引导结果状语从句。故选B项。5.He didnt go to school yesterday he was ill.A.becauseB.because ofC.ifD.so 答案:A解析:句意:因为他病了,所以昨天他没去上学。because“因为”,引导原因状语从句。6.Father wont allow me to play outside I wash up the dishes.A.if notB.ifC.unlessD.because答案:C解析:句意:爸爸不允许我出去玩,除非我刷干净盘子。unless“除非;如果不”,引导条件状语从句。故选C项。7.Excuse me.Is it my turn now?Not yet.Please wait on the chair your name is called.A.andB.untilC.althoughD.once答案:B解析:until“直到为止”。句意:请问,现在轮到我了吗?还没有。请坐在椅子上,直到被叫到名字。故选B项。8.I was watching TV my brother was writing an e-mail at home at this time last night.A.as soon asB.after C.untilD.while 答案:D解析:while“当时候”,引导时间状语从句,常用进行时。故选D项。9.David looked very quiet he knew something.A.as well as B.as ifC.since then D.or not答案:B解析:as well as“也”;as if“好像”;since then“自从以来”;由句意“戴维看起来非常淡定,好像他知道了什么”可知选B项。10.Tina didnt buy the book her brother would send her one.A.until B.becauseC.if D.unless答案:B解析:下文“她的弟弟将送给她一本书”是蒂娜没有买书的原因。故选B项。11.Why not look up the new word in a dictionary you dont know it?A.ifB.thatC.thoughD.whether答案:A解析:if“如果”,引导条件状语从句。12. Frank left school at 16,he still became a successful writer.A.Ever sinceB.In factC.After allD.Even though答案:D解析:句意:尽管弗兰克在16岁离开了学校,他仍然成为一名成功的作家。ever since“自从”;in fact“事实上”;after all“毕竟”;even though“尽管”。故选D项。13.Please give me your reportA.when B.whileC.for D.that答案:A解析:when“当时候”;while“当时候”,后常接延续性动词;for“为了”;由句意“你明天来学校时,请给我你的报告”可知选A项。14.To achieve a bright future,we should study hard keep in good health.I agree with you.A.not;butB.not only;but also C.neither;norD.either;or 答案:B解析:not only.but also.“不但而且”是并列连词。15. he was very tired,he continued working in his office.A.SinceB.AlthoughC.As soon asD.Because答案:B解析:句意:虽然他很疲劳,但是他继续在办公室里工作。although“虽然”,引导让步状语从句。16.Im going to take him to some famous hutongs he can learn more about China.A.becauseB.when C.so thatD.as if 答案:C解析:so that“为了”,引导目的状语从句。17.Ill send my parents a text message they wont worry about me.A.so that B.in order toC.as soon as D.even if答案:A解析:so that“为了,以至于”后接从句;in order to“为了”后接动词原形;as soon as“一就”;even if“即使”。句意:我将给父母发个短信,为了不让他们担心我。18.We must get up at 7:00 tomorrow morning, we will be late for the meeting.A.andB.orC.butD.so答案:B解析:由上句“明早我们必须7点起床”和下句“会议会迟到”可知前后句之间为条件关系,选用or,意为“否则”。故选B项。19.Lily wants to know Jack lives in that house.A.that B.likeC.whether D.since答案:C解析:whether“是否”,由句意“莉莉想知道杰克 居住在个房子里”可知选C项。20.When shall we leave for China?We wont we have visited all the places of interest here.A.untilB.whileC.asD.since答案:A解析:not.until.“直到才”,是固定搭配。21.The trip cost me so much money.Really?But it didnt matter you had a good time.A.when B.soC.than D.if答案:D解析:when“当时候”;so“因此,所以”;than“比”;if“如果”。由句意“这个旅程花费了我如此多的钱。真的吗?但是过得愉快,就没有什么”可知选D项。22.It was lovely weather we decided to spend the day on the beach.A.such a;thatB.such;thatC.such;asD.so;that答案:B解析:“such+形容词+不可数名词+that从句”是固定搭配。23.I know I promised to take you dinner,but I wont finish working until ten oclock.A.thatB.ifC.whatD.why答案:A解析:由下句“我许诺带你去吃晚饭,但直到10点我才能完成工作”可知从句句意完整。故选A项。24.I hear your grandpa your grandma like watching Beijing Opera.Right,just as many old people do in our city.A.both;andB.either;orC.neither;norD.not only;but also答案:A解析:选项B、C和D引导的并列主语谓语动词要依据“就近原则”,故由like可知“爷爷奶奶都喜欢看京剧”,both.and.意为“和(两者)都”。故选A项。25. you are,your parents will be caring about you.A.WheneverB.WhateverC.HoweverD.Wherever答案:D解析:whenever“无论何时”;whatever“无论什么”;however“无论如何,然而”;wherever“无论在哪”。由句意“你,你的父母将关注你”可知选D项。26.Mary is just three,she can write well.A.As B.TillC.Although D.Since答案:C解析:although“虽然”,由句意“玛丽仅仅三岁,她能写得很好”可知选C项。27.Mo Yan is famous people all over the world know him.A.too;toB.enough;toC.so;thatD.as;as答案:C解析:too.to“太而不能”;enough.to.“足够以”;so.that.“如此以至于”;as.as“与一样”。由句意“莫言如此有名以至于全世界的人们都知道他”可知应选C项。28.You will miss the train you leave right now.A.unless B.untilC.so D.after答案:A解析:unless“如果不,除非”。由句意“你马上离开,你会错过火车”可知选A项。29.He is very glad and keeps smiling,he has already known the good news.A.as ifB.even thoughC.even ifD.so that答案:A解析:as if“似乎,好像”;even though和even if 意为“虽然”;so that“以至于”。由句意“他很高兴,并且一直微笑,他已经知道这则好消息了”可知选A项。30.Is Li Lei at school today?No,he is at home he has a bad cold.A.untilB.ifC.becauseD.so答案:C解析:下文“他患重感冒”是他在家的原因。故选C项。31.A.ThoughB.UnlessC.BecauseD.If答案:A解析:though“虽然”。由句意“她的梦想很难实现”和“她从不放弃”可知两者为让步关系。故选A项。32.Lets play table tennis!Good idea, I dont have a bat.A.soB.orC.andD.but答案:D解析:“好主意”与“我没有球拍”构成转折关系。故选D项。33.We will have no water to drink we dont protect the earth.A.untilB.unlessC.thoughD.if答案:D解析:if“如果”;unless“如果不;除非”。由句意“我们不保护地球,我们将没有水喝”可知选D项。二、根据汉语意思完成句子1.同意我所说的会员都举起了他们的手。Those members I said all put up their hands.答案:who agree with what2.你看见今天早晨我给你买的牛奶了吗?Did you see the milk this morning?答案:I bought you3.如果人人为保护环境做出贡献,世界将会变得更加美好。 everyone a contribution to protecting the environment,the world much more beautiful.答案:4.这个小男孩长大后想当一名记者。This little boy wants to be a reporter .答案:when he grows up5.虽然她很忙,她还是坚持自学英语。 ,she keeps on learning English by herself.答案:Though she is busy6.这个七岁的女孩酷爱弹钢琴,以至于她已经坚持练习两年了。The seven-year-old girl enjoys playing the piano she has kept practicing for two years.答案:so much that7.布莱克夫人对学生非常亲切,以至于学生们都把她当作母亲。Mrs.Black is kind to her students they her their mother.答案:so;that;regard;as8.因为他没赶上早班车,所以他上班迟到了。He was late for work he the early bus.答案:because;didnt catch9.请你告诉我怎样去邮局,好吗?Could you tell me the post office,please?答案:how to get to10.老师说他有一个重要的会议要参加。The teacher said an important meeting to attend.答案:that he had三、改为同义句1.Not only Lily but also her sister was doing homework at eight last night. Lily her sister doing homework at eight last night.答案:Both;and;were2.I think this shirt is the most beautiful of all the shirts here.I think this shirt is than here.答案:more beautiful;any other shirt3.The boy is too proud to ask others for help.The boy is proud he doesnt want to ask others for help.答案:so;that4.I wonder if I will go with Linda tomorrow.I wonder to go with Linda tomorrow.答案:whether5.Believe in yourself,and youll make it. you believe in yourself,you will make it.答案:If7 / 7


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