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陕旅版英语四年级上册期中测试卷姓名: 成绩一.用书写体形式正确抄写下列单词和词组(10分)horse many animalspolicewoman very little noodles taxi driverhappy dumplingsgrandma there are二.按要求完成下列各题(10分)例如:he is 的缩写形式 hes1.I am的缩写形式_ _ 2.yes的反义词_3.go的第三人称形式_ 4.mother的同义词_5.have的第三人称形式_ 6.girl 的对应词_7.cow的复数形式_ _ 8.book 的复数形式_9.have classes的另一表达形式_ 10.sheep的复数形式_三.根据英语,选择正确的中文意思(20分)()1.his dad A.他的爸爸B.她的爸爸 ( )2.your uncleA.你的叔叔B.我的叔叔()3.on the farmA.在农场上B.在海滩上()4.an policemanA.一位警察B.一位工程师()5.a nurseA.一位理发师B.一位护士()6.at ten A.在10点B.在8点()7.my nameA.我的名字B.我的书桌()8.a bus driverA.一位公交车司机B.一位出租车司机()9.ten farmersA.十个农场 B.十个农民()10.a small farm A.一个农场B.一个小农场四、 连词成句,(注意字母大小写及标点符号的使用)(10分)1.is she cook a . 2.want be to a worker I .3.is name my Alice . 4.What mother is your?5.ready is dinner.五、 问答句连线(10分)What is your father? Good morning!How are you ? Im a cook.Good morning? Nice to meet you too.What are you? He is a doctor.Nice to meet you! Im fine.六、 选择填空(20分)()1.aunt的含义是_A.爸爸B.叔叔C.阿姨 ()2.I go to school _six.A.on B.in C.at()3.Whats _ lunch?A.for B.at C.on ( )4.What _Colin have in his box?.A.do B.does C.is()5.I have two_ on the farm.A, cows B.cow C.one cow ( )6.My Dad _TV in the evening.A.watchesB.watch C.不填()7.He_ bread.milk and eggs for breakfast.A.has B.have C.go ()8.She wants to_ a nurse.A.be B.is C.am()9.My mother _a doctor.A.are B.am C.is ()10.They dont have_ ducks on the farm.A.any B.some C.of七、 根据中.英文,选择正确的翻译(20分)()1.真的吗?A.Really? B.No()2.She has meat.rice and vegetables for lunch.A.他中午吃肉,鸡肉和青菜 B.她中午吃肉.米饭和青菜 ()3.他们农场里有什么呀?A.What do they have on the farm? B.What does they have on the farm? ()4.Who is she ?A.她几岁了? B.她是谁? ()5.What is he?A.他是谁? B.他是做什么工作的?()6.Does she have soup for breakfast?A.她晚餐喝汤吗? B.她早餐喝汤吗? ()7.回家。A.go home. B.go to home()8.她是一位护士。A.She is a doctor. B.She is a nurse.()9.那是你姐姐吗?A、 Is the girl your brother? B.Is the girl your sister?()10.我非常喜欢吃饺子。A.I like dumplings very much. B.I like chicken very much8 / 8


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