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新人教版七年级英语上册期中试卷考试时间 120分钟听力部分(30分)注意:请将答案写在答题卡上,写在试卷上无效!.听句子,选择最佳答语,做第15小题。每个句子读两遍。(10分)1.A.Itsred. B.Itsbook. C.Itsabook.2.A.yes,Iam. B.yesheis.C.No,Iam.3.A.Itsred. B.Itsared. C.Itsaruler.4.A.Yes,itis. B.No,itis. C. yes,itisnt. 5.A.Yes,sheisnt. B.Yes,itis. C.No,sheis.听对话或独白答题,每段对话或独白读两遍。(10分) 听第一段对话,回答第618小题。6. Whatsyourname ?A. Jenny B. Jane C. Anna7. Whatshisname ?A. Bob B. Bill C. Billy8. Whatshername ?A. Sally B. Mary C. Alice 听第二段对话,回答第911小题。9.Whats the first(第一个) boys name ?A. Mike B. Jack C. Bob10.WhatcolorisJackseraser ? A. White B. Black C. Yellow11. IsitTomseraser ? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. Sorry, I dont know. 听第三段对话,回答第1215小题。12. IsthisTomsfamilyphoto ?A. Yes, it is.B. No, it isnt. C. Sorry, I dont know.13. Whatshissistersname ? A. Mona B. Anna C. Gina14. What is Tomsfathersname? A. Bob B. Paul C. Peter15. What is Tomsmothersname ? A. Jenny B. Anna C. Mona.听短文,根据短文内容从B栏中找出A栏中每件物品的主人,将其标号写在题前的括号内,短文读两遍。(10分)A B16. The black pencil.a. Mybrothers17. The pencil case. b. Marys18.The dictionary. c. Toms19. The red ruler. d. Jims20. The eraser. e. Our teachers笔试部分(120分).单项选择(20分) 21. -Whats this English ?A .by B. on C. with D. in22. - pencil, please. -P-E-N-C-I-L.A. Spell B. ThisC. Whats D. Hows23. -Whats your name ? -Its Green. A. home B. last C. first D .house24. -Whats your number ? -Its 257-8368. A. English B. name C. telephone D. book 25. -Is that your friend ? - . A. Yes, he isnt. B. Yes, it isnt. C. Yes, he is. D. Yes, it is.26. They good friendsA. is B. areC. be D. am27. Please call your mother 896-9875 after school.A. with B. ofC. in D. at28. 向别人介绍你哥哥时,你应说 . A. These are my brothers. B. This is my brother. C. Is that your brother ? D. He is my brother.29. -Where is my schoolbag(书包) ? - . A. Theyre in the drawer. B. Its in the pencil box. C. Its on the sofa. D. Theyre under the table. 30. -Excuse me, where is the book store ? - I dont know. A. Im sorry. B. Hello !31. - -Its an orange.A. What color is it ? B. Whats this ?C. Spell it. D. How are you ?32. -Good morning, Tom. How are you ? - A. How do you do ? B. Good morning. C. How are you ? D. Im fine, thank you.33. -Nice to meet you. - A. How do you do ? B. Nice to meet you, too. C. The same(同样) to you. D. Fine, thank you.34. -Where is your uncle ? -He is China now. He teaches(教) Chinese there. A. for B. at C. in D. on35. These are my . A. parents B. sisterC. brother D. father36. -Mum, is my basketball ? -Its under your bed. A. When B. HowC. Where D. What 37. Look ! That is ID card. A. an B. aC. the D. 38. A set of keys on the table. A. be B. amC. is D. are39. -Can I borrow(借) your ruler ?-Sure. Here .A. are they B. are youC. they are D. you are40. This is a photo my family.A. on B. ofC. in D. at. 完形填空.(20分)This is a 41 of Jims family. This man 42 Mr(先生) Green. 43 is Jims father. 44 woman is Mrs( 夫人) Green. 45 is Jims mother. Who 46 this boy and 47 girl ? The 48 is Jim, Mr Greens son. The 49 is Kate, Mr Greensdaughter. Kate is 50 sister. Jim and Kate are brother and sister.( )41.A.bookB.photoC.map D.room( )42.A.isB.am C.are D.be( )43.A.She B.HerC.HeD.His( )44.A.A B.An C.These D.This( )45.A.She B.Here C.HeD.His( )46.A.isB.am C.beD.are( )47.A.a B.theseC.thisD.an( )48.A.girlB.boyC.boysD.girls( )49.A.girlB.boyC.boysD.girls( )50.A.JimB.Jims C.JimsD.aJim . 阅读理解(30分)AIm Ann. I am from English. Im twelve. I was born(出生) on May 17 th, 1991. I learn Chinese at Beijing No. 3 Middle School. I have a good friend. Her name is Lucy. She is twelve, too. We are in the same(同样的) grade. But we are not in the same class. Im in Class Two, and she is in Class Three. We have the same Chinese teacher(教师). Her name is ZhangYing. We all like her. Lucys parents are both(两者都) English teachers in China. And she has a sister. Her name is Lily. She is only five years old. ( ) 51. AnnandLucyare_.A.classmatesB.sistersC.brothers D.friends( ) 52. Annwasborn_. A.onMay17th,1990B.onMay17th,1991C.inMay17th,1991D.inMay17th,1990( ) 53. ZhangYingisLucys_teacher. A.English B.ChineseC.math D.music( ) 54. Lucysparentsarein_.TheyteachEnglish. A.England B.ChinaC.America D.Japan( ) 55. HowoldisLily ?Sheis_. A. twelve B. fiveC. three D.Idontknow.BThis is a girl. Her name is Cindy. She has a cat. Its an English cat. Her friends are Amy and Alice. They have cats, too. They are Chinese cats. The English cat is four. The Chinese cats are both(两者都) two. They all like their cats.Now they cant see their cats. They think their cats are in the tree. They go there and find(寻找) them.( ) 56. Cindyhasagood_cat. A.EnglishB.ChineseC.American( ) 57. Cindyhas_friends. A.oneB.two C.three( ) 58. The English cat is _ and theChinese cats are . A.two,two B.two,four C.four,two( ) 59. Wherearethecats ? Theyare_ _.A. inthetree B. onthefloor C. behindthem( ) 60. Dotheyliketheircats ? A.No, theydont. B. Yes, theydo. C. Yes, they dont. CI am a Chinese boy. My name is Li Fei. I am a student. My father is a teacher. My mother is a teacher, too. She is an English teacher. I dont have a sister or a brother. But I have two little friends in my family. Theyre Xiao Xiao, a nice dog, and Le Le, a good bird. I love my father and my mother. I love my Xiao Xiao and Le Le, too.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。( ) 61. IamaChineseboy.( ) 62. MymotherisateacherofChinese.( ) 63. Ihaveadog.( ) 64. Idonthaveasisterorabrother.( ) 65. ThisisanEnglishfamily.IV情景对话。根据上下文提示,从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话,有两项多余。(10分)Waiter:CanIhelpyou?Clark:Yes,(66)_Waiter:Wouldyoulikesalad?(67)_Clark:OK!Avegetablesalad,too.Waiter:Whatfruitdoyouwant,orangesorbananas?Clark:(68)_Ilikestrawberries.Waiter:Letmesee.(69)_Clark: And I like a chocolate(巧克力) ice cream as my dessert.Waiter:Anythingelse?Clark: No, thats all.Waiter:OK.(70)_A.Illbringthemsoon.B.Idontlikebananasororanges.C.Sorry,wedont.D.Yes,wehavestrawberries.E.Ourvegetablesaladisverygood.G.Iwouldlikesomechicken.V按要求改写下列句子,每空一词(10分)71. My eraser is on the desk.(对划线部分提问)_ _is_ _eraser.72. Isthisherruler?(作肯定回答) , it 73. This is my father. This is my mother. (同义句转换) are my .74. Thisismypencil.(改为一般疑句) _ this pencil ?75. My last name is Green. (对划线部分提问) is your name?VI根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。(10分)76. 我的朋友们在中国。My friends in .77. 她的电话号码是多少? is her telephone .78. 我的英语书在我的书包里。My English book my schoolbag.79. 他的橡皮是红色的。His is .80. 汤姆的字典和钢笔在书桌上。 Toms dictionary his pen on the desk.VII书面表达(20分)假如你有一个朋友,她叫JennyGreen。请你根据以下信息,介绍一下你的朋友。(1).她的QQ号码是45588990,电话号码是2324658;(2).她的尺子是红色的,橡皮是蓝色的,钢笔也是蓝色的。(3).她的妈妈叫LucyGreen,爸爸叫TomGreen;(4).她还有个弟弟,叫JackGreen,今年8岁了;(5).她家有一只叫做Coco的宠物狗,它的颜色是黑色,Coco喜欢呆在沙发上;要求:1.语句通顺、连贯。2.不少于40词。 13 / 13


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