unit 4 A Man from Stratford – William Shakespeareppt课件

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Unit 4,Text I A Man from Stratford William Shakespeare,Text II William Shakespeare,Text I Text II Oral Work Guided Writing Listening,Pre-reading Activity Structure Vocabulary Acquisition Intensive Reading Questions,Text 1: A Man from Stratford William Shakespeare,In your opinion, what is Shakespeare famous for? Could you give me some names of Shakespeares famous work/play?,Text I,Pre-reading Activity,Pre-reading questions:,Pictures,vedios,Text I,Vocabulary Acquisition,Read the text once and Try to write down the meaning of following words that best fits the context.,legacy (L.2) _ estate (L.3) _ genius (L.7) _ awe (L.8) _ thriving (L. 14) _ plot (L. 20) _ clue (L.21) _ conviction (L.30) _,money or property left to someone by a will,privately owned land with a house on it,talented man,a mixed feeling of respect, fear and wonder,prosperous, successful,work out an outline for,something that helps to find an answer to a question,very firm belief,skimming,Skim the text and find out the words or sentences in each paragraph which best sums up the main idea of the paragraph.,A Man from Stratford William Shakespeare,Text I,1 On March 25th, 1616, fifty-two-year-old Master William Shakespeare signed his will leaving the famous legacy of his “second best bed and furniture” to his wife and the greater part of his estate to his married daughter, Susanna Hall. It was the will of a comfortably off man, for the income from the estate probably amounted to about $200 a year, which was a lot of money over three hundred and sixty years ago. For historians, the most interesting part of the will was that signature, because it and other signatures are all we have left of the handwriting of the worlds literary genius. There is no country where Shakespeares work is not read with something very like awe because there is something fascinating about a man whose work was so much better than that of anyone else.,Yet in spite of the thousands of books that have been written about this amazing writer, almost every detail of his personal life is supposition rather than fact. Historically speaking, Shakespeare lived only yesterday but his activities, like those of nearly every playwright of his day, are so vague that he could have been born in Roman times. 2 Shakespeares birthplace, the little town of Stratford-upon-Avon, in Warwickshire, had made a thriving business out of its most famous citizen for a long time. It is a popular place for tourists from all over the world, even though many of them would have the greatest of difficulty in understanding Shakespeares Elizabethan English. However, he has such a fine reputation that it is well worth the journey just to be able to look at the swans that swim on his river, and gaze at the cottage where Anne, his wife, lived before their marriage, and then to see his plays at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre.,Text I,3 To plot Shakespeares life is to become involved in a kind of detective story where there are plenty of clues but very little else. Nobody even knows the exact date of his birth, although the register of the Parish Church confirms that William Shakespeare was baptized there on April 26th, 1564. Nor can it be proved that he went to the excellent local grammar school, although he probably did as there was nowhere else for him to go. At the age of 18 he married Anne Hathaway, a woman eight years older than himself, and they had three children. Then in 1585 this young married man apparently left Stratford and his family, for there is absolutely no record of him for seven long years.,Text I,4 Exactly what happened to William Shakespeare during those seven years has puzzled scholars ever since. There are different theories, but of all the probabilities the most likely one is that he travelled abroad, spending a good deal of time at sea. Shakespeare wrote with great conviction about storms and shipwrecks and eating the hard ships biscuits “with aching teeth“.,Text I,5 What is quite certain is that, during the time Shakespeare lived there, Stratford-upon-Avon was visited by a great number of theatrical companies. It can never be proved, but it seems quite possible that the young Shakespeare saw some of these performances, realized in a flash that this was the life for him and talked one of the managers into giving him a job. At least nobody questions the fact that he can next be traced in 1592 in London, earning his living as a dramatist and generally getting well known in the theatre. Whatever else had happened during the lost years, plays that followed, such as Richard III and The Taming of the Shrew, were proof that the greatest literary career of all time had begun. Shakespeare soon became sufficiently well known for managers and other influential people to refer to him in writing. We know that as well as working on old plays he rapidly made a name for himself as an author of entirely new ones and also performed as an actor at court. During his fifteen years as a working man of the theatre, Shakespeare wrote more than thirty plays as well as marvellous verse.,Text I,6 After his death on April 23rd, 1616, Shakespeare left behind a mass of questions that experts have been trying to answer ever since. What was the source of Shakespeares amazingly detailed knowledge of so many different subjects? Who was the beautiful but apparently heartless “dark lady“ who seemed to have first inspired him and then caused him a lot of sadness? So far we do not know. There have even been foolish attempts to prove that William Shakespeares plays were in fact written by someone else.,Text I,7 When one remembers that he lived in an age when printing was still very expensive and that it was rare for anything written to be thrown away, it seems astonishing that nothing remains of the busy writers own handwriting but the signature. Sooner or later someone may discover a bundle of letters that will answer the question that have puzzled so many people for so long.,Text I,From an article in the magazine Look and Learn,(1564-1616) an English writer of plays and poems, born in Stratford-on-Avon in England, who most people regard as the greatest of all English writers. His many famous plays include the tragedies Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello, and King Lear; the comedies A Midsummer Nights Dream, Twelfth Night, and As You Like It; and the historical plays Richard III and Henry V. Many well-known English sayings come from Shakespeares work, and he had a great influence on the English language and English literature. Shakespeare also wrote poetry, including the Sonnets, and worked as an actor at the Globe Theatre in London.,There is no country where Shakespeares work is not read with something very like awe because there is something fascinating about a man,Task: Paraphrase the sentence,People all over the world read Shakespeares work with a feeling of profound respect and wonderment because there is something about him which made people charmed.,Task: Paraphrase the sentence,We do not base every minute and particular detail of his personal life so much on facts as on guesswork.,Task:Translate 这扇门这么低,那个高个子进屋时无法挺直身子,只能低头猫腰进入.,It was such a low doorway that the tall man had to bend his head rather than keep upright when entering the room.,every detail of his personal life is supposition rather than fact,rather than here has the meaning of “instead of”,but his activities, like those of nearly every playwright of his day, are so vague that he could have been born in Roman times,Task: Paraphrase the sentence,The same as every playwright at that time, we are so uncertain about his activities that we might as well say that he was born in the ancient Roman times.,莎士比亚的父亲当年买下这座 2 层楼房,一半作住宅,一半作手工作坊。1564 年 4 月 23 日,莎士比亚出生在这座楼上。他的童年和青少年时代都是在这里度过的。14 岁时,家道中落,他只得中断学业,外出谋生。18 岁时,他与比他大 8 岁的当地姑娘安妮结婚。几年后,莎士比亚步行来到伦敦,开始了他作为演员、剧作家和诗人的生涯。1592 年,他以自己的剧本爱的徒劳、错误的喜剧、亨利六世等开始驰名伦敦。30 岁到 35 岁是莎士比亚创作的鼎盛时期。他一生共写了 154 首 14 行诗、37 部剧本。功成名就的莎士比亚曾是伦敦“环球”、“天鹅”、“玫瑰”、“幸福”等几家大剧院的股东。莎士比亚 48 岁后搁笔,从伦敦回到斯特拉特福镇,退隐故里。1616 年 4 月 23 日,即他 52 岁生日那天逝世。在他逝世 7 年后,他的生前好友将他的剧作汇订出版,因为印在对折的纸张上,称为“第一对折本”,这就是第一部莎士比亚全集。莎士比亚的故居于 1847 年由“斯特拉特福旧居委员会”接收后进行了修缮。1891 年,又由“莎士比亚旧居托管和保护委员会”负责管理和保护,开始接待世界各地的来访者。,Because of its most famous citizen Shakespeare, Stratford-upon-Avon has made a lot of money for a long time.,had made a thriving business out of its most famous citizen for a long time,Task: Paraphrase the sentence,Task:Translate 令人难以置信的是他在两年内竟然把这些普通的女孩子训练成了世界一流的长跑运动员.,Its unbelievable/incredible that he made world-class long distance runners out of these ordinary girls.,conviction,Task:Translate 这位年轻学者专心致志地开发新型的电脑翻译软件,他深信在不久的将来自己会成名。,This young scholar devoted all his attention to the development of a new type of computer translation software in the full conviction that he would make a name in the near future.,a very strong belief or opinion,in a flash,in/like a flash / quick as a flash very quickly e.g. Just wait here. Ill be back in a flash,Task:Translate 他在餐厅享用美味的晚餐时,听到车子的警报声,猛然间他想起自己停在外面马路上的车子未上锁.,While enjoying his delicious dinner in a restaurant, he heard the car alarm and realized in a flash that he left his car unlocked in the street.,talkinto / out of doing,Task:Translate 他们竭力说服她放弃诉讼,但都无济于事。,They tried their best to talk her into giving up the lawsuit, but in vain.,E.g. They talk into taking part in the speech contest. Judy talked her husband out of investing their money in stocks and shares.,talked one of the managers into giving him a job,Task:Paraphrase the sentence,after that we know he was in London in 1592.,He can next be traced in 1592 in London,Shakespeare soon became sufficiently well-known for managers and other influential people to refer to him in writing.,Soon Shakespeare became so famous that managers and other powerful people often mentioned him in their writings.,Task: Paraphrase the sentence,ever since,from then till now,e.g. She went to the country in June to spend her summer holidays and has remained there ever since. Tom was down with a high fever a fortnight ago and has been keeping to his bed ever since.,Text I,Questions P43,Try to answer the questions orally.,2. How would you define a literary genius? He is one who has an exceptional great creative and inventive capacity in writing 4. What is meant by “To plot Shakespeares life is to become involved in a kind of detective story where there are plenty of clues but very little else.” Anyone who wants to make an outline of Shakespeares life finds himself in a difficult situation. He is like a detective trying to solve a case. He has only a lot of clues but hardly any facts or evidence.,Text I,Questions P43,Try to answer the questions orally.,5. What is meant by “he realized in a flash that this was the life for him and talked one of the managers into giving him a job”? After Shakespeare had seen some of the performances put on by some of the theatrical companies, he come to see instantly that he ought to take up theatre as his career, and he persuaded one of the managers to give him a job.,Text I,Questions P43,Try to answer the questions orally.,6. What is the implied meaning of the sentence “we know that as well as working on old plays he rapidly make a name for himself as an author of entirely new ones and also performed as an actor at court”? He soon became famous by not only improving or revising the old plays but also writing completely new plays and acting in the plays for the queen. the implied meaning is “Shakespeare was gifted both in creative writing and in acting in the theatre”,Text I,Structure,1. Mysterious life,2. birthplace,3. Why mysterious?-evidence,6. Questions after death,4. Seven lost years,5. Certain: greatest playwright,7. Nothing remains but the signature,Structure techniques,Text I,techniques,flashback technique,cyclic return,Tone techniques,Specific words,Sentence patterns,superlatives,Necessary temporal references,1. What was known about Shakespeares early schooling? 2. What are the two legends about Shakespeares life between the time he left school and his departure for London? 3. Why is the world grateful that Shakespeare left the town of his birth? 4. What was known about Shakespeare towards the end of the sixteenth century? 5.What are some of the best-known plays Shakespeare wrote in the early part of the seventeenth century? 6.What curse was engraved on Shakespeares gravestone? Who was it that wanted to have it engraved? Why did he want to have this done? What is the writers comment on this curse?,Text II,Extensive Reading Questions,William Shakespeare,Text II,Practice,Workbook, Page 50, Comprehension,Words and Expressions,William Shakespeares Works,Oral Work,Group work: Discuss the best film or play you have ever seen with your group members. Following information should be included: The name of the film / play The most impressive part Why do you think its the best film / play? Different features of Western movies / Hongkong movies / mainland movies,The Best Film / Play I Have Seen,Prcis Writing Paragraph Writing Letter Writing,Guided Writing,Listening Comprehension Dictation A Dictation B,Listening,Key,Key,Listening,Lucentio wen to Padua to _. A. find a wife B. go on a trip C. visit Baptista D. Study 2. Which of the following was not suggested in the text? _ A. Katharina was wealthy and beautiful B. katharina was shrewd C. Katharina was sharp-tongued D. Katharina was bad-tempered 3. Who had never been in love with Bianca? A. Lucentio B. Petruchio C. Gremio D. Hortensio,Workbook Page 56,Multiple choice questions,D,B,B,Listening,4. Baptista insisted that _. A. katharina should get married before Bianca B. Bianca should get married before Katharina C. Bianca and Katharina should get married at the same time D. Katharina should never get married 5. Lucentio disguised himself as _. A. a servant B. a merchant C. a tutor D. Tranio 6. Which of the following is not suggested in the text? Petruchios courtship to Baptistas elder daughter is _. A. an unusual one B. a secret one C. a battle of wits D. a battle of words and wills,Workbook Page 56,Multiple choice questions,A,C,B,Listening,7. Lucentio had his wedding in _. A. his country home B. Baptistas house C. the church D. Hortensios house 8. Lucentio disguised himself as _. A. indifferent B. surprised C. glad D. angry,Workbook Page 56,Multiple choice questions,C,D,Listening,Dictation A,Albert Einstein Albert Einstein Was born in Germany in 1879. His father owned a factory that made electrical devices. His mother enjoyed music and books. His parents were Jewish but they did not observe many of the religions rules. Albert was a quiet child who spent much of his time alone. He was slow to talk and had difficulty learning to read. When Albert was five years old, his father gave him a compass. The child was filled with wonder when he discovered that the compass needle always pointed in the same direction to the north. He asked his father and his uncle what caused the needle to move. Their answers about magnetism and gravity were difficult for the boy to understand. Yet he spent a lot of time thinking about them. He said later that he felt something hidden had to be behind things. (143 words),Listening,Dictation B,Private Cars With the increase in the general standard of living, some ordinary Chinese families begin to afford a car. Yet opinions of the development of private car vary from person to person. It gives a much greater degree of comfort and mobility. The owner of a car is no longer forced to rely on public transport, and hence no irritation caused by waiting by buses or taxis. However, others strongly object to developing private cars. They maintain that as more and more cars are produced and run in the street, a large volume of poisonous gas will be given off, polluting the atmosphere and causing actual harm to the health of people. Whether private cars should be developed in China is a difficult question to answer, yet the desire for the comfort and independence a private car can bring will not be eliminated. (143 words),homework,Find out the topic sentence of each paragraph in Text 2 and point out the controlling idea of them. 2. Get ready for the dictation of unit 4.,


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