2019-2020年高中英语 第一阶段检测卷 新人教版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 第一阶段检测卷 新人教版选修6第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Jaime Alfonso Escalante was born in 1960 in La Paz, Bolivia. Both his parents were teachers. He taught math and science in his home country for twelve years. In the 1960s, Jaime Escalante and his wife Fabiola came to the United States.In 1974, Mr Escalante was hired at Garfield High School to teach mathematics. The school was in a poor area of Los Angeles, California.Many of the students had serious problems with illegal drugs, gangs and violence. The school was in danger of losing its official approval to operate.Mr Escalantes students were mostly MexicanAmericans from a Spanishspeaking area of the city. Many were the worst students at the school and thought to be “unteachable”. But Mr Escalante pushed the group to work hard. He told them basic math was too easy and that they had the ability to do harder work. But they must have the desire to be successful.Jaime Escalante started an advanced math program with a small group of students. Advanced Placement is a program of collegelevel classes and tests. In 1982, eighteen of his students took the Advanced Placement test in calculus(微积分). They all passed. Officials at the testing pany suspected the students of cheating.Mr Escalante protested. He said the students were being rejected because they were Hispanic and from a poor school. He asked his students to take the test again. Twelve of the students repeated the test.And again, all of them passed. Mr Escalantes students went on to bee engineers, scientists and university professors. The advanced math program at Garfield became extremely successful over the next several years.Jaime Escalante received many teaching awards including the Presidential Medal of Excellence. A movie about his success,Stand and Deliver,was released in 1988.It influenced other teachers to use his methods.1What do we know about Jaime Escalante?AHe had a very poor family background.BHe learnt math and science from his parents.CHe came to America in order to make more money.DHe came to America with rich experience in teaching.解析:推理判断题。根据第一段的“He taught math and science in his home country for twelve years”可知Jaime Escalante在来美国之前就已经有着十二年的教学经验了。故选D。答案:D2We know that when Jaime Escalante was just hired at Garfield High School,_Ahe was believed to be a great teacherBnone of his students liked studyingCthe school was in danger of being closedDthe school was the worst in Los Angeles解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的“The school was in danger of losing its offcial approval to operate”可知当Jaime Escalante受聘于那所学校时,那所学校正面临着被关闭的危险。答案:C3According to Paragraph 3, what did Jaime Escalante do after meeting his students?AHe felt disappointed and wanted to leave.BHe didnt give up on them but encouraged them.CHe was unsure whether he could teach them well.DHe thought it was a good chance to show his ability.解析:推理判断题。根据第三段的“He told them basic math was too easy and that they had the ability to do harder work”可知面对那样的学生时,Jaime Escalante并没有放弃他们,而是鼓励他们。答案:B4From Paragraph 4, we learn that officials_Abelieved that the test was too easy for students Bdidnt believe that the Jaime Escalante students could do so well at first Cdidnt think highly of the advanced math program at Garfield Dhad proof that Jaime Escalantes students cheated in the test解析:细节理解题。根据第四段的“officials at the testing pany suspected the students of cheating”可知,一开始那些考官并不相信Jaime Escalante的学生们能取得如此好的成绩。答案:B There are a few types of people who work parttime, like people who have retired and want a bit more ine, parents who want to spend more time with their children, college students and temporary agency workers. Many people enjoy the advantages of not working fulltime, but one major disadvantage is that benefits are rarely offered to parttime employees.Most people hope for health insurance and retirement benefits when taking a job. Traditionally, panies only offer benefits to employees who work 30 hours or more a week. This is only a 25% reduction in hours, so it doesnt free up a lot of time for the employee who needs parttime hours. Even when parttimers are offered health benefits, they are rarely offered paid time off and retirement benefits.Many businesses hire parttime employees for the simple reason of saving money. If they work less than a certain number of hours, they dont need to pay for benefits.There are panies, however, that are beginning to offer benefits to parttime employees.Some panies have begun to offer those in order to keep highquality, trained professionals that just want parttime hours. People who may only want parttime work may be forced to take a fulltime job to get the benefits. panies who offer benefits to parttimers have an advantage of offering more choices to their employees in terms of hours.Conducting an Internet search is probably the quickest way to find panies that provide benefits for parttime employees. Many large corporations like Starbucks, Barnes and Noble and Whole Foods offer benefits to parttime employees among other things. Look for panies that offer a team approach to their employees. Employees are given choices and part of decision making in the business. Businesses that allow employee input are more likely to offer benefits to parttimers.5Which of the following groups is NOT mentioned as people who would love to be parttimers?ARetired people who want to make some money.BAgency workers who want to work temporarily.CParents who want to get together with their children more.DPeople who prefer to spend more time on their hobbies.解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的“like people.temporary agency workers”可知前三项都有提到,唯独D没有提到。答案:D6We can learn from the second paragraph that _ Aparttimers can enjoy as many benefits as fulltimersBpeople choose to work because they need insuranceCmost parttime workers have paid time offDparttimers often enjoy fewer benefits than fulltimers解析:推理判断题。根据第二段“Traditionally,panies only offer benefits to employees who work 30 hours or more a week”和“Even when parttimers.they are rarely offered paid time off and retirement benefits”可知D正确。答案:D7Why have some panies begun to give benefits to parttime workers?ABecause the government forces them to do so.BBecause they want to attract and keep skilled workers.CBecause they want to show their concern for parttime workers.DBecause parttime workers wont work for them without benefits.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的“Some panies have begun.keep highquality,trained professionals”可知,一些企业开始给兼职者提供福利主要是想留住那些技艺熟练的兼职工作者。答案:B8Why does the writer refer to panies like Starbucks?ABecause Starbucks is a worldfamous coffee pany.BBecause these panies advertise more on the Internet.CBecause these panies give parttime workers benefits.DBecause these panies need more parttime workers.解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段的“Many large.among other things”可知,作者是想以这些企业为例,说明现在很多大企业都给兼职者提供福利。答案:CDo you live in a safe neighborhood, or do you feel overcrowded, threatened, or unsafe in your surroundings? This, and other aspects of neighborhood life,can impact both on your level of happiness and stress.Socializing: With our busy schedules, we dont always see friends as often as wed like to.For a bit of socializing that takes only minutes out of your day, its nice to stop and chat with people for a few minutes on your way out to your car. And the more people you have available for shared social support, the better, generally speaking.Pooled resources: I know people in some friendlier neighborhoods who share dinners, minimizing the effort it takes to cook. Others trade fruit from their trees. A neighbor who borrows a few eggs may e back with a plate of cookies that the eggs help create.Security: Knowing the people around you can bring a sense of security. If you need something whether its a cup of sugar when youre baking cookies, or someone to call the police if they see someone wandering outside your homeits nice to know you can depend on those around you and they can depend on you.Home pride: Knowing the people who live around you provides a strengthened sense of pride in your home and neighborhood.While you may not be able to change the neighborhood in which you live, you can change the experience you have and mix with your neighbors by doing the following things.Get out more: If you live in a safe area, I highly remend you take a morning or evening walk to get to know many of your neighbors.Smile: Its simple enough, but if youre not in the habit of smiling and saying a friendly hello to the people you encounter in your neighborhood, its a good habit to start.Its a quick way to get to know people and build relationships.Talk to the elders: The elders of the neighborhood often have the latest inside news on the neighborhood. You can learn much from them.Host a block party: If you already know several of your neighbors in a superficially friendly way, you may want to get to know them better and meet the rest by throwing a block party.9What can we learn from the second paragraph?AThe more social support, the better.BThe less time you stay outside, the safer.CThe busier you are, the fewer friends you have.DThe longer you stay with neighbors, the better.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“And the more people you have available for shared social support,the better,generally speaking”可知应选A。答案:A10The third paragraph is developed by _Afollowing the time order Bproviding examplesCmaking parisonsDpresenting a cause and analyzing its effects解析:文章结构题。第三段通过列举例子来说明如何联合资源、共享资源。答案:B11What are you advised to do if you arent used to greeting your neighbors?ATo nod your head. BTo shake hands.CTo hold a party.DTo smile at them.解析:细节理解题。根据第八段“if youre not in the habit of smiling and saying a friendly hello to the people you encounter in your neighborhood,its a good habit to start”可知应选D。答案:D12Whatre the last four paragraphs mainly about?AThe importance of living in a nice neighborhood.BSome aspects of neighborhood life that impact on peoples life.CWays to help people get more involved with their neighbors.DSome ideas on how to choose a good neighborhood to live in.解析:主旨大意题。最后四段主要介绍了怎样和邻居建立友好的关系。答案:CThe days of elderly women doing nothing but cooking huge meals on holidays are gone.Enter the Red Hat Societya group holding the belief that old ladies should have fun.“My grandmother didnt do anything but keep house and serve everybody.They were programmed to do that,”said Emily Cornette,head of a chapter of the 7yearold Red Hat Society.While men have long spent their time fishing and playing golf,women have sometimes seemed to bee unnoticed as they age.But the generation now turning 50 is the baby boomers(生育高峰期出生的人),and the same people who refused their parents way of being young are now trying a new way of growing old.If you take into consideration feminism(女权主义),a bit of spare money,and better health for most elderly,the Red Hat Society looks almost inevitable(必然的)In this society,women over 50 wear red hats and purple clothes,while the women under 50 wear pink hats and light purple clothing.The organization took the idea from a poem by Jenny Joseph that begins: “When I am an old woman,I shall wear purple.With a red hat which doesnt go,”said Ellen Cooper,who founded the Red Hat Society in xx.When the ladies started to wear the red hats,they attracted lots of attention.“The point of this is that we need a rest from always doing something for someone else,”Cooper said.“Women feel so ashamed and sorry when they do something for themselves.”This is why chapters are discouraged from raising money or doing anything useful.“Were a ladies play group,it couldnt be more simple,” added Coopers assistant Joe Heywood.13The underlined word “chapter” in paragraph 2 means_Aone branch of an organization Ba written agreement of a clubCone part of a collection of poems Da period in a societys history解析:这是一道词义猜测题。根据其定语“of the 7yearold Red Hat Society”可猜测出这个词的意思是“某个组织的一个分部”。答案:A14From the text,we know that the “baby boomers” are a group of people who_Ahave gradually bee more noticeableBare worried about getting old too quicklyCare enjoying a good life with plenty of money to spendDtried living a different life from their parents when they were young解析:这是一道细节推断题。第三段“But the generation now turning 50 is the baby boomers,and the same people who refused their parents way of being young are now trying a new way of growing old”说明他们想过一种新的生活。答案:D15It could be inferred from the text that members of the Red Hat Society are_Ainterested in raising money for social workBprogrammers who can plan well for their futureCbelievers in equality between men and womenDgood at cooking big meals and taking care of others解析:这是一道推断题。根据这篇短文的内容可推断出这个组织的成员相信男女平等。答案:C第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。There is no short cut to success, this is the first thing you should remember.For this reason you have to study well first of all._16_ Some petitive exams need long term preparation while your school level exams may need preparation of one or two weeks.The following are the tips on preparing for exams: _17_Some students study well but still may be much afraid of exams and due to this reason they get distracted and wont be able to score marks.So leave all your fears and free your mind before starting the study.You have to be confident and it is the most essential power you should have for attaining victory.Prepare a good time table._18_Tough subjects can be given more time and easier ones less but most importantly some time shall be allotted(分配)for entertainment and also there should be sufficient breaks between each subject.Select a proper atmosphere for studying.Can anyone study well while watching TV? So select a place where you feel fortable.That is where you feel relaxed and can concentrate.And you have to make sure that while you are studying a subject you are concentrating on it only.So keep the books of other subjects away from your eyesight so that you wont be upset about the things you have to learn._19_This will lead to a lack of concentration. Make notes while studying.This is a very important point. _20_Make theme brief so that you can remember all points while doing revision with the help of that note.An ideal note shall include all important formulae(公式)and figures and also other important points.It will be a lot worth if you use this not for the revision in last one or two hours.AWhile studying make small notes and that should not be descriptive(详尽的)BSleep well and eat well.CNever place a mirror in the room.DBelieve in yourself and be confident.EThis should include all the subjects but may not be with equal priority(偏好)FNever fear or hate exam and be confident.GBut the preparations are different for different types of exams.16解析:后文的“long term preparation”及“preparation of one or two weeks”可知,这是不同种类的准备。答案:G17解析:本段的leave all your fears and free your mind等给出了暗示。答案:F18解析:后面提及不同学科的时间分配,所以选E。答案:E19解析:这里讲述的是营造好的学习环境,且后文This will lead to a lack of concentration.暗示了只有C最符合。答案:C20解析:本段话的中心内容是做笔记的重要性,与此有关的是A。答案:A第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D),选出最佳选项。It was a cool spring day and I was walking through the forest. When I left home my mother told me the forest was dangerous and_21_me against going too far, but the interesting things were always_22_in the forest. The shadows made me feel like they were going to hug me. I _23_my new book Different Kinds of Birds from my bag. Mindlessly, I_24_it and read about various kinds of birds._25_,I ran into an old tree._26_I lifted my head and looked at the entire forest,I found tall trees were here and there,with light glancing off their leaves. I_27_an apple from a huge apple tree. It was so juicy and_28_I finished my apple and was just about to grab another one when I_29_a beautiful hummingbird(蜂鸟). It was flying near a flower. I looked for its wings. They were beating at such a_30_speed that I could barely see them. I looked at my book and_31_for“Hummingbird” in it.Later,I found another hummingbird in a_32_with two baby hummingbirds inside. I quickly took out my brand new_33_. I had already taken many breathtaking photos, but this would be my best so far. When I looked at the baby hummingbirds_34_, I was surprised! Unlike their parents,they were so_35_,and were nearly naked and blind! I was very interested in them, so I said to myself, “Maybe I will_36_here a bit longer.”When I_37_that the shadows were growing longer and that the sun was setting, I began to walk back to my_38_slowly,careful enough not to disturb the_39_. I said to myself, “I have to e back tomorrow,and_40_lots of food to feed them.”21A.protected Bwarned Csupported Dfollowed22A.deeper Bhappier Cheavier Dfewer23A.gave away Bdropped off Cadded up Dpulled out24A.lost Bhid Cshowed Dopened25A.Suddenly BPossibly CGradually DLuckily26A.Before BWhen CIf DAlthough27A.observed Brecognized Cpicked Dshared28A.sweet Bpopular Cwild Dattractive29A.touched Bconsidered Csaw Dfed30A.clear Bfast Csuitable Dfamiliar31A.asked Bfought Cheaded Dsearched32A.bottle Bnest Chill Dbook33A.watch Bhat Ccamera Dbox34A.slowly Bseriously Cclosely Dcorrectly35A.light Bhealthy Cbig Dugly36A.stay Blive Cmiss Dlie37A.noticed Bsuggested Callowed Dinsisted38A.school Boffice Chouse Dfactory39A.trees Bbirds Cshadows Dvisitors40A.clean Beat Cwaste Dbring21解析:从前面的“my mother told me the forest was dangerous”可知母亲认为森林里危险,应该是警告作者不要走得太远。答案:B22解析:从转折词but可知虽然母亲告知了作者森林中的危险,作者还是被森林深处的有趣事物吸引了,想要去那里。答案:A23解析:作者从包里“掏出”一本书。答案:D24解析:从后面的read about various kinds of birds可知作者打开书读了起来。答案:D25解析:作者正在读书,应该是突然撞在了一棵老树上。答案:A26解析:发现到处都是高大的树,是在抬起头看森林的时候发生的。答案:B27解析:从后面的“It was so juicy”可知作者后来在吃苹果,这里应该是从树上摘了一个苹果。答案:C28解析:从juicy和“I finished my apple and was just about to grab another one”可知苹果味道不错,让作者吃了一个还想再吃一个。答案:A29解析:从后面的描述中可知那只蜂鸟正在一朵花旁飞,作者应该只是看到了它。答案:C30解析:从后面的“I could barely see them”可知翅膀挥动的速度很快,以至于看不清。答案:B31解析:作者打开书查找关于蜂鸟的内容。答案:D32解析:作者又看见了一只蜂鸟和两只幼鸟,它们应该是在鸟巢里。答案:B33解析:从后面一句“I had already taken many breathtaking photos, but this would be my best so far.”可知作者想要拍照,应该拿出照相机。答案:C34解析:作者刚才只是看到有两只幼鸟,现在靠近仔细一看,才能看清它们的状况。答案:C35解析:作者在第三段开始提到看到一只“美丽的”蜂鸟,而这里的幼鸟跟它们的父母不一样,应该是不怎么好看。答案:D36解析:从前面的“I was very interested in them”可知作者想要继续待在此处观察这些小鸟。答案:A37解析:作者一直待在蜂鸟窝处,应该是注意到天色晚了才离开。答案:A38解析:第一段提到作者从家中出来,现在天色晚了应该是返回家中。答案:C39解析:作者小心行动的目的是不打搅蜂鸟。答案:B40解析:从文章的描述可知作者很喜欢这些蜂鸟,打算第二天再来这里,并给它们带些食物。答案:D第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。While thousands of college students headed for warm climates to enjoy sun and fun during their week off from classes,seven local students had other plans.The Northern Essex munity College (NECC) students and one of their teachers spent part of their spring break in New York City,helping repair an area 41._(destroy) by the hurricane.“I wanted to see for myself what happened,” said Terry.“I couldnt imagine 42._it is like to lose your home and everything that you know and the 43._(power) effect the hurricane had on those people.I wanted to do something,to understand their feeling of helplessness.”The group headed into Brooklyns Red Hook district,which was hit hard by the hurricane.There they


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