2019-2020年高中英语 unit5 Theme parks section4练习 新人教版必修4.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 unit5 Theme parks section4练习 新人教版必修4.单项语法填空1Most members of the mittee were in favour of the suggestion; only a _ (minor) were against it.答案:minorityminority“少数”。句意为“委员会的大部分成员都支持这条建议,只有少数反对它”。2Id like to go to the movie with you, Dad.Sorry, my son. But only the _ (grownup) are admitted into the cinema.答案:grownups句意:我想和你一起去看电影,爸爸。对不起,儿子。只有成年人才能进入影院。3Mr. Smith often climbs mountains on weekends, because he is fond of getting close _ nature.答案:toget close to“走近,靠近”。句意为“史密斯先生经常在周末爬山,因为他喜欢走近大自然”。4Please remember that your heavy luggage must be sent _ advance.答案:in考查固定搭配。in advance“提前”。句意为“请记住你的重的行李必须被提前送去”。 5Excuse me._ is the hearest bookstore?Go down this path and turn left.答案:Where问“最近的书店在哪里?”由下文中的“沿着这条路走然后左拐”可知。句意:打扰一下,最近的书店在哪里?沿着这条道走,然后左拐。6It saves time in the kitchen to have things you use a lot _ easy reach.答案:within考查固定搭配。within reach“够得着”。句意为“把你经常使用的东西放在厨房里够得着的地方,这会节省时间”。7Everything es _ life in the spring with the warm weather and long days.答案:toe to life“活跃起来,苏醒过来”。句意为“在春天,随着暖和的天气和较长的白天,万物复苏。”8During the National Entrance Examination, you can gain _(admit) to our school by this passport.答案:admissionadmission n. “允许进入,入场费,承认”,gain admission to“获准加入,获准进入”。句意为“在全国高考期间,凭这张通行证你可以进入我们学校”。9Talking about his success, the _(fame) scientist said,“Ive been lucky in that there are many people who have helped me.”答案:famous句意:谈到他的成功,那位著名科学家说道:“我很幸运,因为有许多人帮助我。”考查词性转换。所填词介于冠词和名词之间,因此需要用形容词形式。10The town is so beautiful! I just love it.Me too. The character of the town is well _(preserve)答案:preserved考查被动语态。句意:这个城镇如此美丽啊!我喜爱它。我也是。这个城镇的特征得到了很好的保存。句子主语与所填词preserve是被动关系,因此应该用过去分词形式,与前面的is一起构成被动语态。be preserved得到保护,被保存。.完形填空It started with a headache and a fever. It was my uncle who first contracted the _1_in our family. He infected our father, who brought him for _2_.Days after our father came back, he too got _3_. We all cared for him and got infected too.On August 21, my whole family went to an Ebola treatment centre. When we arrived, the nurses _4_ our blood and we waited for them to announce the _5_. After the test, I was positive. I was _6_, because we had heard people say that if you catch Ebola, you will die. I was helpless. Severe _7_was shooting through my body. Ebola is like a sickness from a different planet. It causes so much pain.While I was battling, my mother _8_though I didnt know then. I was sad, but I had to_9_that it had happened. Soon,my father passed away too. I was _10_that I had lost both my parents. But I was kept alive for a _11_I am grateful to the workers here for their care. After 18 days in the centre,the nurses took my blood to the laboratory for _12_.Later that evening, they came and announced that I was ready to go home because I had tested _13_.Then I felt that my life had begun again.I arrived back home feeling _14_, but my neighbours were still afraid of me.A few of them _15_me back; others were still afraid to be around methey said that I still had Ebola. Now I am back at the treatment centre,helping people who are _16_the virus to recover. I feel happy in my new role. I talk to them about my own _17_.I tell them my story to inspire them and to let them know that they too can _18_.My elder brother and my sister are happy for me to work here. _19_our parents didnt survive the virus,we can _20_other people to recover.文章大意:作者讲述了自己从埃博拉病毒中存活下来的目的:活下去帮助他人。1A.virus Binsect Cpoison Dpollution答案:A从文章第二段倒数第二句的Ebola is like a sickness from a different planet不难推知埃博拉是一种“病毒”,因此要用virus;另外16题后面的the virus to recover也是明确的暗示。2A.action Bprogram Ctreatment Doperation答案:C根据第二段第一句的On August 21, my whole family went to an Ebola treatment centre可以得知作者的父亲是带作者的叔叔去“治疗”,故此处要用treatment。3A.sick BstrongCcurious Ddesperate答案:A从后面的We all cared for him and got infected too可知作者的父亲也感染了病毒,也就是说“得病了”,所以此处要用sick。4A.filled BtookCheld Dwashed答案:B作者一家到达救护中心的时候,护士“采”血样,所以此处要用took。5A.evidences BresultsCexcuses Dcauses答案:B从下句的After the test, I was positive可知作者一家等待护士宣布检查“结果”,所以此处要用results。6A.afraidBconfident Cdoubtful Dcalm答案:A从后面提到的原因because we had heard people say that if you catch Ebola, you will die不难推知作者感觉到“害怕”,故此处要用afraid。7A.angerBpain Csadness Dfear答案:B从第二段最后一句的It causes so much pain可知剧烈的“疼痛”袭击作者。8A.died Bimproved CstarvedDworsened答案:A根据第9题后面的Soon, my father passed away too可以推知作者的母亲“去世”了,所以此处要用died。9A.refuse Badopt Caccept Dreceive答案:C从上文的I was sad, but可知作者很难过,但是作者不得不“接受”所发生的一切,所以此处要用accept。误解分析:该题容易误选A,其实作者虽然难过,但是还是接受了,因此不会“拒绝”,所以此处不能用refuse。10A.shockedBconfused CsatisfiedDinterested答案:A作者的父母相继因为埃博拉病毒而去世,因此作者感觉到很“震惊”,所以此处要用shocked。11A.festival BmealCpurposeDprogress答案:C从文章最后一段的描述不难得知作者活下来是有一个“帮助他人的目的”,故此处要用purpose。12A.cleaning Bwashing CtestingDpainting答案:C从下面的Later that evening, they came and announced that I was ready to go home because I had tested可知他们是去给作者“验血”的,所以此处要用testing。13A.kind Bold Cstrong Dnegative答案:D根据上下文作者可以回家,作者感到生活又有了新的开始,可知在检查后作者的血液呈阴性,所以此处要用negative。14A.clever Bbrave Cproud Dhappy答案:D从上面的Then I felt that my life had begun again可知作者的生活重新开始了,因此作者感觉到“高兴”,故此处要用happy。15A.weled Binvited Cdrove Dsent答案:A从下面的others were still afraid to be around me有些人害怕在作者的周围可以推知,有些人“欢迎”作者回来,所以此处要用weled。16A.taking overBgoing through Csuffering from Dcaring for答案:C作者帮助那些仍然“遭受着病毒折磨”的人,所以此处要用suffering from。17A.performances Baccidents Csolutions Dexperiences答案:D从后面的I tell them my story to inspire them可知作者告诉他们自己的“经历”,也就是说作者讲述自己在治疗中的经历,所以此处要用experiences。18A.deal Bsupport Csurvive Dobserve答案:C作者鼓励他们,并且让他们知道他们也能“活下来”,所以此处要用survive。19A.Now that BAs if CSo that DEven though答案:D“即使”作者的父母没能从埃博拉病毒中活下来,所以此处表示让步,因此要用even though。20A.allowBhelp Ccause Dexpect答案:B从16题后面的the virus to recover. I feel happy in my new role. I talk to them about my own experiences可知作者“帮助了那些人”,所以此处要用help。.阅读理解(xx广东)When I was nine years old,I loved to go fishing with my dad.But the only thing that wasnt very fun about it was that he could catch many fish while I couldnt catch anything.I usually got pretty upset and kept asking him why.He always answered,“Son,if you want to catch a fish,you have to think like a fish.” I remember being even more upset then because,“Im not a fish!” I didnt know how to think like a fish.Besides,I reasoned,how could what I think influence what a fish does?As I got a little older I began to understand what my dad really meant.So, I read some books on fish.And I even joined the local fishing club and started attending the monthly meetings.I learned that a fish is a coldblooded animal and therefore is very sensitive to water temperature.That is why fish prefer shallow water to deep water because the former is warmer.Besides,water is usually warmer in direct sunlight than in the shade.Yet,fish dont have any eyelids(眼皮)and the sun hurts their eyes.The more I understood fish,the more I became effective at finding and catching them.When I grew up and entered the business world,I remember hearing my first boss say,“We all need to think like salespeople.”But it didnt pletely make sense.My dad never once said,“If you want to catch a fish you need to think like a fisherman.” What he said was,“You need to think like a fish.”Years later,with great efforts to promotelongterm services to people much older and richer than me,I gradually learned what we all need is to think more like customers.It is not an easy job.I will show you how in the following chapters.文章大意:本文叙述了作者通过以父亲教授他钓鱼时,要像鱼一样思考,学会钓鱼的道理,告诉大家从事商业销售时要像消费者一样去思考。1Why was the author upset in the fishing trips when he was nine?AHe could not catch a fish.BHis father was not patient with him.CHis father did not teach him fishing.DHe could not influence a fish as his father did.答案:A根据第一段第二句话和第三句话But the only thing that wasnt very fun about it was that he could catch many fish while I couldnt catch anything.I usually got pretty upset.可知作者感到难过,是因为他捉不到一条鱼。故选A。2What did the authors father really mean?ATo read about fish.BTo learn fishing by oneself.CTo understand what fish think.DTo study fishing in many ways.答案:D根据第二段最后一句话The more I understood fish,the more I became effective at finding and catching them.“我越了解鱼,我越能有效地找到鱼,抓住鱼”可知此处父亲的意思是要我了解钓鱼的方法,故选D。3According to the author,fish are most likely to be found_.Ain deep water on sunny daysBin deep water on cloudy daysCin shallow water under sunlightDin shallow water under waterside trees答案:D根据第二段第五句话That is why fish prefer shallow water to deep water可知鱼喜欢在浅水里,不喜欢在深水里,故排除A、B两项。根据第二段第六、七句话water is usually warmer in direct sunlight than in the shade.Yet,fish dont have any eyelids(眼皮)and the sun hurts their eyes.可知鱼喜欢呆在阴凉处,不喜欢呆在阳光直射的地方,故排除C项。D项水边树下的浅水处,是鱼喜欢呆的地方,故此处更有可能发现鱼。故选D。4After entering the business world,the author found_.Ait easy to think like a customerBhis fathers fishing advice inspiringChis first bosss sales ideas reasonableDit difficult to sell services to poor people答案:B根据第三段倒数第三句话I gradually learned what we all need is to think more like customers“我逐渐了解我们需要像消费者一样去思考”这与父亲的“You need to think like a fish”相似,因此这是父亲的话给他的启发。故选B。5Thispassage most likely es from_.Aa fishing guideBa popular sales bookCa novel on childhoodDa millionaires biography答案:B根据第三段最后两句话It is not an easy job.I will show you how in the following chapters.“这不是一份轻松的工作,我将在下面几章里向你们展示如何去做”,故推断这很可能来自一本关于销售的书。故选B。.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Futurologists (未来学家) predict that life will probably be very different in 2050 in all the fields of activity, from _1_(entertain) to technology.By 2050, music, films, programmes, newspapers and books will e to us _2_puter. We will also be able to see, smell and touch the things _3_ we see on television.In transportation, cars will run on new, clean “gas” and _4_ will go very fast. Cars will have puters to control _5_speed and there wont be any accidents. Today, many cars have puters that tell drivers _6_ (exact) where they are. By 2050, the puter will control the car and drive it to _7_ you want to go. Space planes will fly all over the world and people will fly from Los Angels to Tokyo in _8_two hours.In technology, robots _9_ (replace) people in factories. Many factories already use robots. Big panies prefer robotsthey do not ask for pay rises or go on strike, and they work 24 hours a day. By 2050, we will see robots_10_in factories, schools, offices, hospitals, shops and homes.答案:1entertainment考查名词。from为介词,后跟名词。2by考查介词。表示方式用介词by。3that/which考查定语从句。修饰先行词things,此处是定语从句,缺少连接词。4they考查代词。汽车的速度将很快。they指代cars。5the考查冠词。电脑控制汽车的速度。6exactly考查副词。修饰动词tell用副词。7where考查宾语从句。where引导的从句作to的宾语,where在从句中作地点状语。8just考查副词。从洛杉矶到东京只需两个小时的时间。9will replace考查时态。全文使用一般将来时,对将来发生的动作做了预测,故用将来时。机器人将代替工厂里的工人。10everywhere考查副词。根据句意可知,2050年我们随处可见机器人。

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