2019-2020年高三上学期英语1月第二周周测试卷 Word版含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高三上学期英语1月第二周周测试卷 Word版含答案 姓名: 授课教师: 注意事项:1、本试卷满分75分。 2、选择题答案填写在相应方框内,考试时间为60分钟。一、单项选择(1*15=15)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 1. Id like to thank you for the great _ of being addressing this assembly, sharing my opinion of living a low-carbon life.A. privilegeB.principleC. possibilityD. presentation2. Sophia described every detail of the accident just now.Her memory _ be pletely back, then?A. shallB. mightC. couldD. must3. David has done good deeds all his life, _ him a lot of popularity.A. earnedB. earningC. to earnD. having earned4. Dont put me on the spot like this. You know, because of my duty, I cant give away _ information to you.A. contemporaryB. conventionalC. confidentialD. consistent 5. Alice seems absent these days.She _ a job from city to cityyou see, she is graduating in June.A. hunts forB. is to hunt for C. has hunted forD. has been hunting for6. The decision is announced by the headmaster _ we will hold the evening party next week.A. thatB. whetherC. howD. when7. Research on brain activity shows imagination is generated in the right side of the brain; _, the left side of the brain is thought to be “logical”.A. in contrastB. in consequence C. in a wordD. in other words8. Cooperative learning allows us to have more chances to acquire _ is beneficial to ourselves.A. whoB. whichC. whatD. that9. Shy as she is, Rebeccas intelligence_ her character, which ensures her main position in the debating team. .A. caters toB. accounts forC. pensates forD. submits to10. What has made him so knowledgeable?_ domestic and foreign classics,A. Having exposed toB. Being exposed to C. Exposing toD. Exposed to11. It is reported that China _ its first orbiting space station by around 2022.A. is to pleteB. is going to pleteC. will pleteD. will have pleted12. Last week, I tried to contact all former classmates, but one or two _ through the net.A. slidB. slippedC. skippedD. squeezed13. Nowadays, more and more young ladies,figures most are fine enough, are going on a diet.A. whoB.whoseC. of whoseD. of whom14. Peter bought a map as soon as he got to Los Angeles _ he lost his way there.A. as thoughB. now thatC. even ifD. in case15. Susan is so hard-working that she has won a third scholarship. Just as a proverb goes, _.”A. Make hay while the sun shinesB. No pains, no gainsC. The early bird catches the wormD. Once bitten, twice shy第二节:完形填空(1*20=20)请认真阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。It was my seventh year teaching first grade. One mid-March day, the kids were at break 16 classes, in expectation of the ing carnival at noon when something terrible happened, on a childs level 17 someone stole the Twinkie out of Abbys desk.Irritated, I stopped all morning work, 18 its return. No Twinkie appeared.Five hours passed, but the class still sat with their heads down, listening to me 19 on the importance of honesty and being responsible for ones own mistakes.I was really sweating it out. Was I 20 ? No, my heart told me. All we needed was the 21 .My afternoon aide arrived. A mother of four, she 22 to take the kids one by one into the hall for questioning.When the time came for 23 to be questioned, it was over within a minute. He came back into the classroom, tears filling his eyes, hands shaking, hanging onto the doorway 24 hed collapse if he let go. He took deep breaths, trying not to cry. “I 25 the Twinkie. Im sorry,” he said in a small voice. Then he covered his face with his hands in 26 .I was livid. We had been lied to for more than five hours, with nothing 27 . Something must be done, so let the ones who 28 throw the first stone. “Does anyone have anything to say to Peter?” I asked.There was silence for at least a minute. Perhaps the kids were 29 their words.Then, one little girl 30 her hand. She stood straight and said in a strong voice, “We forgive you, Peter.”The words echoed through our heads. Forgiveness. one of the last things Jesus taught us as he was dying on the 31 . Forgiveness.Suddenly, all twenty-eight kids raced to Peter and 32 him with hugs and pats on his back, cheers, and laughter. It was like the prodigal son had returned home.I learned that day how forgiveness 33 . How good it feels to say, “I forgive you,” and how 34 it is to hear that you are forgiven.And the Twinkie? Abby never did eat it. She gave it back to Peter with a 35 hug and smile.16. A. during B. before C. after D. between17. A. at lengthB. at allC. at least D. at most18. A. markingB. demandingC. greeting D. announcing19. A. lectureB. quarrelC. debate D. act20. A. overloadingB. overing C. overlooking D. overreacting 21. A. evidenceB. truthC. faith D. trust22. A. volunteeredB. attemptedC. failed D. pretended23. A. AbbyB. meC. Peter D. herself24. A. as long asB. in that C. even though D. as if25. A. fetched B. took C. brought D. got26. A. disguiseB. shameC. sympathy D. place27. A. leftB. undoneC. acplished D. planned28. A. sufferedB. helpedC. won D. promised29. A. swappingB. switchingC. squeezing D. measuring30. A. wavedB. shookC. extended D. raised31. A. crossB. baseC. scene D. air32. A. greetedB. metC. surrounded D. saluted33. A. healsB. treats C. cures D. kills34. A. rewardingB. relievingC. worrying D. frustrating35. A. broadB. sunnyC. quick D. warm第三部分: 阅读理解 (15*2=30 )请认真阅读下列短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。A About six years ago I was eating lunch in a restaurant in New York City when a woman and a young boy sat down at the next table. I couldnt help overhearing parts of their conversation. At one point the woman asked, “So, how have you been?” And the boy - who could not have been more than seven or eight years old - replied, “Frankly, Ive been feeling a little depressed lately.” This incident stuck in my mind because it confirmed my growing belief that children are changing. As far as I can remember, my friends and I didnt find out we were “depressed” until we were in high school. The evidence of a change in children has increased steadily in recent years. Children dont seem childlike anymore. Children speak more like adults, dress more like adults and behave more like adults than they used to. Whether this is good or bad is difficult to say, but it is certainly different. Children as they once were on longer exists. Why? Human development is based not only on innate biological states, but also on patterns of access to social knowledge. Movement from one social route to another usually involves learning the secrets of the new status. Children have always been taught adult secrets, but slowly and in stages traditionally, we tell sixth graders things we keep hidden from fifth graders. In the last 30 years, however, a secret-revelation machine has been installed in 98 percent of American homes. It is called television. Television passes information indiscriminately to all viewers alike, be they children or adults. Unable to resist the temptation, many children turn their attention from printed texts to the less challenging, more vivid moving pictures. munication through print, as a matter of fact, allows for a great deal of control over the social information to which children have access. Reading and writing involve a plex code of symbols that must be memorized and practiced. Children must read simple books before they can read plex materials. 36. According to the author, feeling depressed is _. A. a sure sign of a psychological problem in childrens mental development B. something rarely expected in childrens mental development C. an inevitable thing in childrens mental development D. something usually experienced in childrens mental development 37. What does the underlined word innate in Paragraph 4 mean ? A. something a person is born with B. something a person is tired of C. something a person is expected ofD. something a person is dreaming of 38. What of the following statement is NOT true according to the last paragraph? A. munication through print helps children develop their reading skills.B. munication through print helps children access more social information. C. munication through print helps children mand a plex code of symbols.D. munication through print helps children read different materials at random. 39. What is the attitude of the author about todays children? A. He feels shocked by their premature behavior.B. He thinks it is a phenomenon unworthy of note. C. He considers it a positive social development.D. He seems to be concerned about the tendency.BMy old digital camera broke down, so I wanted to buy a new one. Being the cautious type, I fancied a reliable brand. So I went on the Net, spent 15 minutes reading product reviews on good websites, wrote down the names of three top remendations and headed for my nearest big friendly camera store. There in the cupboard was one of the cameras on my list. And it was on special offer. Oh joy. I pointed at it and asked an assistant, Can I have one of those? He looked perturbed. Do you want to try it first? he said. It didn t quite sound like a question. Do I need to? I replied, Theres nothing wrong with it. This made him look a bit offended and I started to feel bad. No, no. But you should try it, he said encouragingly, pare it with the others.I looked across at the others shelves of similar cameras placed along the wall, offering a wide range of slightly different prices and discounts, with each pany selling a range of models based around the same basic box. With so many models to choose from, it seemed that I would have to spend hours weighing X against Y, always trying to take Z and possibly H into account at the same time. But when I had finished, I would still have only the same two certainties that I had entered the store with first, soon after I carried my new camera out of the shop, it would be worth half what I paid for it; and second, my wonderful camera would very quickly be replaced by a new model.But something in the human soul whispers that you can beat these traps by making the right choice, the clever choice, the wise choice. In the end, I agreed to try the model I had chosen. The assistant seemed a sincere man. So I let him take out my chosen camera from the cupboard, show how it took excellent pictures of my fellow shoppers . and when he started to introduce the special features, I interrupted to ask whether I needed to buy a carry-case and a memory card as well. Why do we think that new options still offer us anything new? Perhaps it is because they offer an opportunity to avoid facing the fact that our real choices in this culture are far more limited than we would like to imagine.40. The shop assistant insisted that the writer should _.A. trust him and stop asking questionsB. try the camera to see if there was anything wrong with itC. get more information about different paniesD. pare the camera he had chosen with the others41. What does the writer mean by it would be worth half what I paid for it (Paragraph 2)?A. He should get a 50% discount.B. The price of the camera would soon fall.C. The quality of the camera was not good.D. The price of the camera was unreasonably high.42. The writer decided to try the model he had chosen because he _.A. knew very little about itB. wanted to make sure the one he chose would be the bestC. didn t trust the shop assistantD. had a special interest in taking pictures of his fellow shoppers43. It can be inferred from the passage that in the writers opinion, _.A. we waste too much money on camerasB. cameras have bee an important part of our daily lifeC. we don t actually need so many choices when buying a product D. famous panies care more about profit than qualityCWhile success is surely sweeter than failure, it seems failure is a far better teacher, and organizations that fail miserably often flourish (繁荣) more in the long run, according to a new study by Vinit Desai, assistant professor of management at the University of Colorado Denver Business School. Researchers have found that people missing their goals perform much better in the long run. That is because they gain more knowledge from their failures than their successes and the lessons are more likely to stay longer in their minds. “We found that the knowledge gained from success was often fleeting while knowledge from failure stuck around for years,” said professor Desai, who led the study. “But panies often ignore failure. Managers may fire people or turn over the whole workforce while they should treat the failure as a learning opportunity.” Prof Desai pared the flights of the space shuttle Atlantis and the Challenger. During the Atlantis flight last year, a piece of insulation (绝缘体) broke off and damaged the left solid rocket booster (助推火箭) but didnt influence the program. There was little investigation. The Challenger was launched next and another piece of insulation broke off. This time the shuttle and its sevenperson crew were destroyed. The disaster led to a major investigation resulting in 29 changes to prevent future disasters. The difference in response in the two cases came down to this Atlantis was considered a success and the Challenger a failure. “Despite crowded skies, airlines are extremely reliable,” he said. “The number of failures is extremely small. And past researches have shown that older airlines, those with more experience in failure, have a lower number of accidents.”Prof Desai doesnt remend finding out failure in order to learn. Instead, he advises organizations to analyze small failures to collect useful information rather than wait for major failures.44. Why did experts pay little attention to the problem of Atlantis?A. Because it worked perfectly. B. Because the right booster was still OK.C. Because nothing serious happened then. D. Because fewer people died in the flight. 45. Fewer accidents happen to older airlines in that _. A. their planes couldnt fly high in the sky B. they gained much from experience in failure C. their planes were often checked by the experts D. they were unpopular among passengers46. The passage is written mainly to _.A. show failure is a better teacher than success B. explain why Challenger failed C. introduce something about Prof Desai D. tell managers how to achieve successDPetroleum, consisting of crude oil and natural gas, seems to originate from organic matter in marine sediment(海洋沉淀物). Tiny organisms settle to the seafloor and gather in marine mud. The organic matter may partially break down, using up the dissolved oxygen in the sediment. As soon as the oxygen is gone, decay stops and the remaining organic matter is preserved. Continued sedimentation buries the organic matter and subjects it to higher temperatures and pressures, which change the organic matter to oil and gas. As muddy sediments are pressed together, the gas and small drops of oil may be squeezed out of the mud and may move into sandy layers nearby. Over millions of years, accumulations of gas and oil can collect in the sandy layers. Both oil and gas are less dense than water, so they generally tend to rise upward through rock and sediment.Oil pools are valuable underground accumulations of oil, and oil fields are regions underlain by one or more oil pools. When an oil pool or field is discovered, wells are drilled into the ground. When the well reaches a pool, oil usually rises up the well because of its density difference with water beneath it or because of the pressure of expanding gas trapped above it. Although this rise of oil is almost always carefully controlled today, strong natural flows of oil were mon in the past. Gas pressure gradually dies out, and oil is pumped from the well. Water or steam may be pumped down neighboring wells to help push the oil out.As oil bees increasingly difficult to find, the search for it is extended into more unfriendly environments. The development of the oil field on the North Slope of Alaska and the construction of the Alaska pipeline are examples of the great expense and difficulty involved in new oil discoveries. Offshore drilling platforms extend the search for oil to the oceans continental shelves. More than one-quarter of the worlds oil and almost one-fifth of the worlds natural gas e from offshore, even though offshore drilling is six to seven times more expensive than drilling on land. Of course, there is far more oil underground than can be recovered. Even given the best exploration techniques, only about 30 to 40 percent of the oil in a given pool can be brought to the surface. The rest is far too difficult to reach and has to remain underground.47. Which of the following is true about petroleum formation? A. Microscopic organisms that live in mud produce crude oil and natural gas. B. Large amounts of oxygen are needed for petroleum formation to begin. C. Petroleum is formed when organic material in sediments bines with decaying organisms. D. Petroleum formation appears to begin in marine sediments where organic matter exists. 48. What does the development of the Alaskan oil field mentioned illustrate? A. More petroleum is extracted from the sea than from land.B. Drilling for oil requires huge financial investments.C. The global demand for oil has been increasing over the years.D. The North Slope of Alaska has substantial amounts of oil.49. What does the author mainly intend to tell us in the passage? A. The formation, processing and exploration of petroleum. B. The specific techniques involved in oil exploration. C. The changing relationships between countries. D. The future intense situation in oil product markets. 50. What can we infer from the passage? A. Available exploration techniques serve our purpose of exploring oil very well. B. More and more public regions will be further protected from being drilled in the future.C. Countries may suffer from unpleasant relationships for respective benefits in exploring oil. D. Powerful flows of oil is a phenomenon which can be witnessed rarely now.第四部分: 任务型阅读 ( 10*l = l0 ) 请认真阅读下列短文, 并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意: 每个空格只填1个单词。请将答案写在答题纸上相应题号的横线上。 Even the most self-confident among us will experience doubt from time to time. Self-doubt is that feeling of uncertainty about your ability to acplish something. This dark shadow of insecurity can lead to hesitation and indecision. If left unchecked, it can cause us to abandon our course or radically promise our expectations. Here are seven simple steps to conquering self-doubt. 1. Recognize and acknowledge your doubt. You cannot overe something until you first recognize and acknowledge its existence. If we give into the temptation to ignore or deny self-doubt, it will impose limits on our ability to act. Self-doubt can be a stealthy problem. If you suspect that it exists, you need to pull it into the light so it

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