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黄冈市2011秋七年级第一次月考英语试卷命题人:麻城市华英学校 王孔菊第卷(听力部分25)一、从下面的选项中选出你所听到的单词,每个单词念两遍。(5)1. A. good B. look C. book D. too2. A. cake B. eight C. egg D. nice3. A. clock B. card C. color D. class4. A. fine B. number C. father D. mother5. A. photo B. floor C. four D. friend二、从句子中找出你所听到的选项,念两遍.(5)1. A. My name is Nick. B. His name is Tony. C. Whats your name?2. A. Im fine. B. Im Helen. C. My name is Helen.3. A. Wheres Alice? B. Whats this? C. What color is it? 4. A. Thats all right. B. Thats OK. C. Thats my father.5. A. Its under the bed. B. This is a bed in English.C. Thats my bed.三、根据你所听到的内容,选择相应的答语,念两遍(5)1. A. How do you do? B. Im fine, thanks. C. Yes, I am.2. A. Its my pen. B. Its a pen. C. Yes, it is.3. A. She is fine. B. Yes, she is. C. She is Linda.4. A. Its red. B. No, it isnt. C. Its my book.5. A. Yes, he is. B. No, they arent. C. Sorry, I dont know.四、听下面一段短文,填出所缺的单词,短文念两遍。(10)This is 1 English girl. 2 name is Kate. 3 is twelve years old. She is 4 a middle school. She is in 5 Six, Grade One. Li Ming is 6 Chinese 7 .He is twelve, 8 . They are good 9 .They live 10 Beijing now. 第卷(笔试部分95)一单项选择(20)()1.-Whats_ name? -My name is Gina Brown. A. your B. you C. his D.her()2.This is an English girl, her name is _ . A. Brown Tony B. Tony brown C. Mary Smith D. Smith Mary()3.She is my friend and _ name is Jenny.A. her B. his C. my D. you()4.His name is Jim Smith, his family name is _ . A. jim B. Jim C. Smith D. smith()5.-Is this your pen? - _ ,its my pen.A. Yes, it is B. No, it isnt C. Yes, he is D. Yes, I am()6. Please call Alan_ 2722231.A. at B. in C. on D. with()7. This is _ eraser ,its _ red.A. an, a B. an, an C. a, a D. a, an()8. This is Jim. My mother is his sister. He is my _ .A. aunt B. uncle C. father D. grandfather()9.Thanks _ the photo of your family.A. in B. for C. at D. on()10.These are my _ ,they are very nice.A. friend B. friends C. a friend D. a friends()11.-Where is your key? - _ in the drawer.A. Its B. Theyre C. It D. They()12.Please _ these things to your sister, she needs them. A. take B. bring C. need D. meet()13.-Are these your parents ? - _ .A. Yes, they are B. No, they are C. Sorry D. Yes, they arent.()14. _ this your backpack? Yes, it is.A. Is B. is C. are D. Are()15.Whats that _ English?A. of B. on C. in D. of()16.Please _ take these to your sister.A. book B. keys C. dictionary D.photoes()17.Where is the clock? Is _ on the desk?Athis Bit Cthat Dthey()18.-_?-They are on the dresser.A. Where are the bookB. Where are the quiltsC. Where is the mapsD. Where the quilts are()19.Is she your mother? _.A. Yes, shes B. Yes, he is C. No, she is D. Yes, she is()20.This is a boy, _ is my son, _ name is Tony.A. he, his B. he, he C. his, his D.his,he二、用英语写出下列短语(10)1一把尺子_ 2姓氏 _3一张身份证 _ 4在失物招领去 _5一串钥匙 _ 6为而感谢 _7一个桔子_ 8电话号码 _9一些铅笔 _ 10一本英语书_ 三. 用物主代词his,her,your,my填空。(5)1.Whats _ name? My name is Tony.2.This is my father, here is _ photo.3.Whats her name? _ name is Lily.4.This is a boy,_ name is Jim.5.Whats your telephone number? _ telephone number is 12345.四用be动词am,is,are填空。(10)1. I _ a boy, my name _ Bob Brown.2. How _ you? I_ fine.3. What _ your phone number? It _ 12345.4. What color _ it? It _ white.5. What_ this in English? 6.The pen and pencil _in the pencil case.7. _these math books ?8.Here_a photo of my mother.9.Where are his pens? They_ on the table.10. _she your grandmother? Yes, she is. 五句型转换。(10)1.My name is Jenny.(划线部分提问)_ is your name?2. I am OK.(划线部分提问) _ are you?3.This is my pen(变一般疑问句). _ this _ pen?4.That is my photo(变复数形式). _ _ my _ .5.The backpack is under the bed(划线部分提问). _ is the backpack?6. can, bring, you, the ,to ,things, school(?)(连词成句)7.Is he your brother(否定回答)? _ ,he isnt。8.His father and mother are teachers.(同义句转换). His _ are teachers .9.The book is blue(划线部分提问). _ _ is the book?10.His telephone number is 13571726905(划线部分提问)._ his telephone number? 六、请从 栏中找出与栏各句相对应的句子。(10) 1. Good afternoon. A. Hi, Steven!2. Whats this in English? B. Thanks.3. How are you? C. Good afternoon.4. Hi, Bob! D. C-O-M-P-U-T-E-R.5. What color is it? E. Yes, I am.6. Sit down, please. F. They are my grandparents.7. Are you Tony? G. Its a key.8. Who are they? H. Its green. 9. Is John your brother? I. Yes, he is. 10.How do you spell computer? J. Fine, thanks. 七完形填空。(10) This is my bedroom. I can see_1_ pictures on the wall. The light is_2_ the desk. The football is_3_ the chair. _4_is the bed? Its near the desk. My father and mothers bedroom is _5_ my room. _6_ flowers and a bed_7_ in their room. Some windows are _8_ the wall. A yellow door is in the wall, _9_ . I like my room and_10_ like their room.1. A. a B. an C. one D. some2.A. under B. on C. in D. behind3.A. on B. to C. under D. for4.A. Who B. What C. Which D. Where5.A. in B. on C. near D. under6.A. A B. Some C. some D. an7.A. am B. is C. are D. be8.A. in B. on C. behind D. under9.A. to B. too C. two D. also10.A. he B. they C. them D. their八阅读理解。(10)阅读下面的文章,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)Hello, everyone. I am Tom. Let me tell you about my family.My father is a teacher. His name is Jack. My mother is a doctor. My father calls her lovely Lily. I have a little sister. And we have a dog. Her name is Nancy. We all like her. We are now living in London. But my grandparents are in Beijing. I hope we can go to Beijing one day.( ) 1) Toms father is a doctor.( ) 2) Toms mother is a teacher.( ) 3) Toms sisters name is Nancy.( ) 4) There is a dog in Toms family.( ) 5) Toms grandparents are in Shanghai now. 九书面表达。(10) 写一份寻物启事,Mary丢了一串钥匙,请拾到者与她联系,电话号码13571726905,非常感谢。_- 黄冈市2011年秋季七年级第一次月考英语模拟试题听力文本一、从下面的选项中选出你所听到的单词,每个单词念两遍。1. book 2. nice 3. card 4. number 5. photo二、从句子中找出你所听到的选项,每个句子念两遍.1.His name is Tony. 2.Im fine. 3.Wheres Alice.4.Thats my father. 5.This is a bed in English.三、根据你所听到的内容,选择相应的答语,每个句子念两遍1.How do you do? 2.Is this a pen? 3. Who is she?4.What color is your apple? 5. Are they your parents?四、听下面一段短文,填出所缺的单词,短文念两遍。 This is an English girl. Her name is Kate. She is twelve years old. She is at a middle school. She is in Class Six, Grade One. Li Ming is a Chinese boy. He is twelve, too . They are good friends .They live in Beijing now.参考答案一1-5 CDBBA二1-5 BAACB三1-5ACCAB四、an、Her、She、at、Class、a、boy、too、friends、 in、笔试部分一、ACACA AABBB AAAAC BBBDA 二、三、your his Her his My四、1、am is 2、are an 3、 is is 4、is is 5、 is 6、 are 7、 Are 8、 is9、 are五、 1 、What 2、 How 3 、Is your 4、Those are photos 5、Where 6、Can you bring the things to六、CGJAHBEFID七、DBCDC BCABB 八、FFFTTF school 7、No 8、parents 9、What color 10、What


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