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2019-2020年高三英语下学期适应性考试试题(一)阅读理解A I remember the first time that I was extremely happy. I was about 8 years old when for the first time, there was a puter in the classroom. I remember that my teacher allowed each student to take turns to play various educational games on the puter. One day, I found the source code(编码)for one of these games. Without knowing or being taught any programming language, I was able to figure out some of the BASIC code. I just gave myself an infinite number of lives in the game, so I could continue playing it forever. This was also my first introduction to algebra, and I didnt even know it at the time. This was a decisive moment in my life. I was quite excited because of what I was learning and what I was able to do. As a result, I was enthusiastic for the rest of my life about self learning and puters, and I was quite happy doing them too. Ive noticed that people who are truly content with life are enthusiastic about what they do. This enthusiasm, along with good health, is the key to being happy. It also leads to self-confidence and content in life too. It may also lead to success, wealth, and achievements. Success, wealth, or achievements can also bring some people happiness, yet I know plenty of rich people who are unhappy. I know many people with successful businesses that are not happy with what they are doing. I know people who continuously buy themselves new toys, such as cars, puters, and televisions, yet never seem content for too long. Please remember, happiness is the journey of life, not the destination.21. What can we know from Paragraph 1?A. The author has a great talent for algebra.B. Creative thinking is necessary for every child.C. The BASIC code of the puter is not difficult.D. The authors experience in his childhood changed his life.22. The underlined word infinite means _.A. big B. limitless C. normal D. small 23. The author wants to tell us through his experience in the school that _. A. interest is the best teacher B. children are the hope of the futureC. young people are fearless D. where theres a will, theres a way24. We can infer from the last paragraph that _.A. people who are rich and successful in career generally feel unhappyB. wealth cant bring people any happiness and fortC. one will feel unhappy once he has gained all the things that he wantsD. being enthusiastic about what you do is more important than wealthBMyth: Skipping meals helps you lose weight fast.Truth: Theres no truth in this advice. Not only will you lose weight by starving yourself, but according to Carol Ann Rinzler, this may actually cause you to gain weight. Rinzler reasons that missing a meal causes your metabolism(新陈代谢) to slow down so that you burn food more slowly. This only makes you feel hungrier and by the time you finally do reach the table you will probably eat more food. Strange as it may seem, studies show that eating several small meals and snacks throughout the day is a more healthy way to lose pounds.Myth: If you swallow (吞下) gum (口香糖),it will stay inside your stomach for seven years.Truth: Actually, it takes just a few days for gum to make its exit-not seven years, says Nei Izenberg, M. D., editor of Kids Health Organization. But because gum is made of the same thing as rubber, it cannot be fully digested (消化) in your stomach- so if you gum up the works on a regular (经常的) basis, you might find yourself in a sticky situation. Myth: The best way to stop a nosebleed is to lift your head back.Truth: Now thats bad advice. Bloody noses are caused by broken blood vessels (血管), so while lifting your head back might stop the fluid from rushing out of your nose, it wont stop the bleeding; youll just end up swallowing lots of blood. Your best bet? “Rest quietly. Dont poke or pick, and the blood will naturally clot (凝结) within a minute or two”. Suggests Dr. Izenberg.Myth: Cutting your hair will make it grow long faster.Truth: Thats not true. “Your hair isnt like a lawn or a rosebush, where cutting can stimulate (刺激) fresh growth,” says Phillip Kingsley. The length of your hair is genetically ( 遗传地) determined. When it reaches a certain length, it stops growing. When you clear up the dead split ends, this make your hair look healthier, but not necessarilylonger.25. According to Carol Ann Rinzler, skipping meals will _. A. help you lose weight fast B. help you lose weight slowly C. cause you to bee fatter D. make you burning food more quickly26. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? A. Gum cannot be fully digested in the stomach B. Gum can leave your stomach after you swallow is a few days laterC. If you often swallow gum, you might find yourself in a sticky situationD. Gum can stay inside your stomach for seven years if you swallow it27. The length of your hair is determined by _ A. clearing up the dead split ends B. your gene C. cutting it often D. the food you eatC Parents are fuelling bad behavior among their children by attempting to buy their love with expensive gifts nowadays. Over recent decades we seem to have created a must have culture among our young people. Many mothers and fathers believe they are failing as parents if they are unable to ensure that their children have the latest toy, electronic devices (the lap-top, cellphones, Game Boy, etc.) along with their friends. In many cases, families also feel pressured to enroll (使加入) children in every interest club or after-school activity that is available to fill up their time like most of the other children. But experts warned that the move might affect precious family time negatively. Graham Gorton, chairman of the Independent Schools Association, said that parents spent too much time filling their childrens lives, which had a series of negative effects on the very precious family time that exists. It seems that those times when a whole weekend without planned work was seen as a luxury (奢侈) and a perfect opportunity to spend time together and share those valuable moments of childhood are long gone, Mr. Gorton said. As a child I only once said that phrase that parents feared Im bored. Immediately my mother took action and produced a list of jobs and then insisted that I plete every one of them. Though l didnt think cleaning all the floors could really get rid of my boredom, I enjoyed the feeling of staying at home with my mother and brothers. Earlier this year, some researchers suggested that relatively wealthy parents were sometimes guilty of failing to teach basic social skills to children. Often, its the rich middle classes that buy off their children through the puter and the TV. That then sets them apart from their family, and then the parents are surprised when their child isn t ing to school. 28. The second paragraph mainly tells us that _.A. todays children have little time to playB. todays children depend on electronic tools too much C. todays parents feel pressured by the must have cultureD. being qualified parents bees harder for todays young people29. What does the must have phenomenon refer to based on the passage?A. That children must have what other children have.B. That children must have proper pressure to work hard.C. That children must have special skills to ensure a better future.D. That parents must have patience to know their children better.30. Which of the following is the best advice you could give to parents based on Gortons statement?A. Plan fewer activities for their children to improve family time.B. Buy their children fewer things that they are fond of.C. Give their children more housework to do.D. Leave their children alone when the kids feel bored. 31. From the passage we can infer that _.A. wealthy parents dont like teaching basic social skills to childrenB. parents should be much more strict with their children at homeC. children should not be brought up in a wealthy and pleasant environmentD. only satisfying childrens material needs is not a good way of parentingD There is some unwele news for students preparing for exams and officers putting in long hours-you dont need the break as much as you may think that makes you feel less tired. Scientists have long assumed that willpower (意志力) is a limited resource, which is why you feel the need to have a rest, have a snack and e back to a task when youre feeling better. They argued that the only way to restore willpower was by rest, food or entertainment.But psychologists have challenged this theory, saying weak willpower is all in your head. They found that peoples beliefs in willpower determine how long and how well theyll be able to work on a tough mental exercise. If you think of willpower as something thats limited, youre more likely to be tired when you perform a difficult task, said Prof.Veronika Job. But if you think of willpower as something that is not easily used up, you can go on and on. The researchers designed four experiments to test students-beliefs in willpower. After a tiring task, those, who believed or were led to believe that willpower is a limited resource, performed worse on standard concentration tests than those who thought of willpower as something they had more control over. They also found that leading up to final exam week, students who believed the limited resource theory ate junk food 24 percent more often than those who believed they had more control in resisting temptation (诱惑). Mr. Job said. The theory that willpower is a limited resource is interesting, but it has had unintended consequences. Students who may already have trouble studying are being told that their power of concentration is limited, and they need to take frequent breaks. But a belief in willpower as a non-limited resource makes people stronger in their ability to work through challenges. The findings could help people who are battling temptation. Willpower isnt driven by a biologically based process as much as we used to think. The belief in it is what influences your behavior.32. The theory that willpower is limited supports that _. A. people must eat snacks when they feel tired B. people do need a break to restore their willpower C. theres no way to strengthen peoples willpower D. weak willpower doesnt affect peoples life much 33. What have the scientists long believed regarding willpower? A. It is in the charge of people. B. It is a limited resource.C. There is no way to restore willpower. D. It doesnt easily run out.34. Which of the following best helps the students to prepare better for their exams?A. Push themselves even if they want to take a break.B. Dont eat fast food while studying.C. Remind themselves willpower is not limited.D. Stay in a fortable and quiet place. 35. Whats the best title for the passage? A. A new theory about willpower B. How to build strong willpower C. The great influence of willpower D. Willpower doesnt last long七选五Hollywood movies are regularly filled with sex and violence. They can be exciting films but sometimes all you want is a little light-hearted entertainment.Have you heard of Bollywood? All singing, all dancing and unrealistic, it is the perfect alternative to normal Hollywood movies. Bollywood is the Indian film industry, based in Mumbai, formerly known as Bombay. 36 Yet Bollywood is the largest producer of films in the world. This year the Indian Filmgare Awards, Bollywoods Oscars, turn 50 years old.The typical Bollywood movie usually has the following ingredients: a cup of romance, a tea-spoon of edy, a dash of international sight-seeing, served with a huge slice of singing and dancing. There will also be one brave hero, one beautiful heroine and one baddie. 37 Bollywood films are full of ideal things and free of daily worries. 38 The actors change clothes and locations within a single song. But the audience dont mind. To Indian movie lovers, especially the poor, such films are a gateway to heaven and the stars are their gods. The films take them to a magical world away from their everyday troubles. The films tell them the impossible is possible and that true love conquers all.39 Behind the beautiful scenes, Bollywood still emphasizes traditional family values. In most films, if two lovers want to break an arranged marriage, they cant just run away. They must win over their parents.Bollywood is a decent refreshing replacement for those over-stimulating Hollywood films. 40 They will take you to a brighter, cheerier and more colorful world, where its still cool to dance around a tree and sing a love song.ABollywood has gradually won its reputation on the world stage.BThere is never any mention of politics, poverty or war.CMost Chinese school kids have probably never seen an Indian film.DBollywood films are mostly ic romances with light-hearted incidental music.E. Bollywood pays great attention to traditional values. FThe result is a fun-filled musical.GSo if youre tired of all that Hollywood actions, check out the following Bollywood films.完形填空In our whole life, we will e across different kinds of people and things._41_, our views of the world, life and value have been changing all the time. To be honest, one of my English teachers has made a great _42_on me.Although she was short, old and ugly, she was talented,_43_and passionate(热诚的).Thus, we called her “a crazy stone”. She didnt mind it_44_; instead, she seemed to love her_45_very much. In addition, she was so_46_with students that she knew how to raise our_47_and get along well with us. Therefore, we studied English well and_48_her.To be honest, I am fond of listening to_49_told by others in my daily life. Maybe I have heard so many that it is_50_for me to laugh. But she was a(n)_51_. Her jokes were always so funny, for she always led you to the scenes of them and_52_an interesting atmosphere. Although I_53_the university ten years ago, I still remember several jokes, one of which I would like to_54_with you.Before having an English lesson, there was a handsome boy who made a selfintroduction. He said that he was able to do_55_and finally made a conclusion that he was rather untalented. After hearing that,Stone_56_the teachers desk and said an old saying: “Innocence is the virtue(美德) for_57_”. Hearing this we all burst into laughter.Although I met several good teachers when I was in the high school and during my college, “a crazy stone” is the best teacher in my_58_. It was she that made me get_59_in English. It was she that educated me how to fight for success and_60_difficulties.41. A. ButB. AlthoughC. BecauseD. Therefore42. A. expression B. promise C. influence D. reputation43. A. humorous B. serious C. active D. bright44. A. after all B. at all C. above all D. in all45. A. description B. occupation C. nickname D. students46. A. strict B. friendly C. popular D. familiar47. A. force B. enthusiasm C. inspiration D. power48. A. respected B. agreed C. pushed D. thanked49. A. lessons B. experiences C. tales D. jokes50. A. impossible B. easy C. difficult D. likely51. A. model B. teacher C. laugher D. exception52. A. enjoyed B. came C. created D. reduce53. A. lived in B. came into C. left for D. graduated from54. A. spend B. municate C. share D. talked55. A. anything B. nothing C. everything D. something56. A. stood on B. walked to C. broke down D. pushed away57. A. men B. students C. women D. teachers58. A. heart B. city C. school D. world59. A. hurt B. down C. interested D. rewarded60. A. ignore B. overe C. escape D. face语法填空It was a city in Hubei Province. On International Childrens Day, some orphans (孤儿) from the Wuhan Welfare Institute for Children _61_ (take) to the park. An elderly westerner was with them. The children were eager to tell him everything that was going on. They held him by the hand and never hesitated to call _62_ Grandpa. This man was Professor William Dorrity, from Florida,USA. In xx, _63_ Professor Dorrity and his wife retired, they came to Wuhan and started to work as volunteers at the Welfare Institute.The Dorritys have been working hard _64_ (improve) the conditions at the Welfare Institute since they came. They often take children on day trips, _65_ (bring) along with them all kinds of food for the kids to enjoy. They recently bought audiphones for four orphans _66_ hearing problems and small tape recorders for three blind children. They also bought a wheelchair for tenyearold Tan Jun, _67_ suffers from a brain problem. With the _68_ (arrive) of spring, the Dorritys took the children for _69_ outing. “We love China and we love children,” Dorrity said, “ _70_ we are happy to do this.”短文改错Dear Sir,Last night I got caught in the heavy rain on the way home. As the result, I got a bad cold with a headache. I felt very tiring. My mother took me see the doctor. After the examination, the doctor told me to make it easy. He said it was nothing seriously. He also told me to have a good rest for a couple of days, take the medicines on time and drunk more boiled water. So I have to ask you a three-day leave. After I recover, I would try to make up for the missing lessons. If there are anything I do not understand, could I turn to you for help? Mike 书面表达请仔细观察图片,描述图片内容,并以生活中发生的一件事情说明图片所说明的内涵。 注意:词数100左右哈尔滨市第六中学xx届考前适应性训练(一)英语试题(听力部分)第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. How will the woman go to the tennis match tomorrow? A. By car. B. By bus. C. On foot.2. What does the man mean? A. The traffic in Texas is bad. B. Theres little rain in Texas. C. It often rains heavily in Texas3. What does the woman think of the office manager? A. TerribleB. Great.C. Just so-so.4. What is the time now? A. Its 6:35.B. Its 6:45C. Its 7:005. What was damaged in the storm? A. A window.B. The roof.C. The car.第二节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What do the speakers think of last nights sleep? A. Tiring. B. Unfortable.C. Relaxing.7. What will the speakers do next? A. Do the cookingB. Have a meal.C. Go to bed.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. Where are the speakers? A. In the womans house.B. In a restaurant.C. In a store.9. What do we know about the man? A. He found the way without difficulty. B. He took a present to the woman. C. He is good at cooking.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What is the relationship between the speakers? A. Father and daughterB. Husband and wife.C. Classmates.11. What does the man suggest the woman do? A. Have a driving lesson first. B. Use Marias car to practice driving. C. Take part-time jobs to buy a car of her own.12. What does the woman want for her birthday in the end? A. Driving lessons.B. A new car.C. An outside dinner.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What is the womans problem? A. She doesnt know how to prepare her presentation. B. She is afraid of giving her presentation in public. C. She

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