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高一英语学科第五单元质量检测试题参赛试卷 (总分:150分 考试时间:90分钟)学校:卧龙寺中学 命题人: 张媛 第一卷第一节 单项选择(共20个小题;每小题2分,满分40分)1“You cant have this football back _ you promise not to kick it at my cat again,” the old man said firmly.AbecauseBsinceCwhenDuntil2_ I dont like art, I find his picture really good.AAsBSinceCIfDWhile3I cant stand_ with Jane in the same office. She just refuses _ talking while she works.Aworking, stoppingBto work, stoppingCworking, to stopDto work, to stop4Does this meal cost $50? I _ something far better than this!ApreferBexpectCsuggestDsuppose5He is quite used _ in all sorts of weather.AdriveBto driveCto drivingDto driven6His entire education _ no more than one year.Aadded to Badded up to Cwas added up toDraised to7A storm _ tonight.Ais likely comingBis likely to comeCis possibly to comeDis perhaps to come8I find painting or drawing _.ArelaxingBare relaxing CrelaxedDis relaxed9It is a custom in that country for men to remove their hats when a woman _ the room.AentersBenteredC. will enterD. has entered10_ I explained on the phone, your request will be considered at the next meeting.AWhichBThatCWhatDAs11The peasants had to _ heavy taxes and _ greatly from hunger.Apay, sufferedBtake, sufferedCmake, goesDpaid, suffer12He is under _ because his wife is very ill.AstressBstressful CblessDpress13Everyone is _ to wear a seat belt in the car.AthoughtBbelievedCreportedDsupposed14My uncle lives in a _ village. How I hope he just lives nearby!ApromoteBremoteCcloseDdistance15This milk has _ off. Dont drink it any more.AsetBtakenCgoneDpush16The president of the company the gift ,but he didnt it.A. received; receiveB. accepted; acceptC. received; accept D. accepted; receive 17. 1. She remembered nothing about him _ his hair was black.A. except B. besides C. except for D. except that18. We argued _ the waiter _ the price of the meal. A. with; about B. with; to C. to; about D. to; to19. Mary has difficulty _ since she was a little girl, but she is still a _ child. A. read; clever B. reading; smart C. to read; smart D. reading; handsome20. You said that you like taking part in parties, _, but he didnt like, and _. A. so do I; so do you B. so do you; nor did I C. so you do; neither did I D. so you do; neither I did第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2040各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Just home from work,Daddy stepped in the kitchen where Mother and I were 21 supper. From the look on his face, we knew something was bothering him. “Mr. Roth is worse,” he said. “The doctor says its only a 22 of time now. The old man can bear his pain, but not the long hours he has to spend 23 His eyes are so bad that he cant read,and he doesnt get much24 . He25 begging for a big dog to be his companion(陪伴), 26 he can reach out and touch as he sits in his wheelchair in the sun. ” “Why dont they 27 him a dog?” I asked. “Honey, 28 Mr. Roth in hospital so much of time, there are a lot of expenses(开支). There isnt enough money.”“How about going to the animal shelter(收容所) and getting one?” I 29 . “Yes,” Daddy said. “I suppose they could. But it has to be a 30 dog,which they can trust to be gentle. Not all big dogs are.” After supper,I went 31my big German shepherd(牧羊犬),Dan,was usually dozing. He jumped up and ran to meet me as he always did when I came into sight. There were no other 12-year-old girls in our 32 ,so I 33 Dan for companionship. When I rode my bicycle,he ran behind me;when I roller-skated on the sidewalk, he followed behind. It had been that 34 since Daddy brought him home four years before. Now, I couldnt 35 Daddys words in the kitchen. I 36 my arms around Dans neck(颈部) and buried my face in his stiff hair. “I love you,” I whispered to him. “Id feel 37 without you,butoh,Dan,I know what I should do,38 I dont want to do it. ”I thought about Mr. Roth. He was old,sick and almost 39 . It seemed to me that he was just about out of blessings. I 40 quickly. I knew what I had to do. I went to my father and said, “Mr. Roth can borrow Dan. ” Tears started down my face. 21A. having B. preparing C. making D. doing22A. kind B. lot C. waste D. matter23A. lonely B. sadly C. alone D. endlessly24A. company B. luck C. money D. business25A. continues B. repeats C. means D. keeps26A. someone B. that C. one D. this27A. buy B. offer C. provide D. promise28A. as B. because C. with D. for29A. replied B. asked C. explained D. suggested30A. soft B. special C. useful D. brave31A. to which B. what C. when D. where32A. home B. building C. neighborhood D. flat33A. came across B. thought of C. depended on D. felt like34A. way B. relationship C. situation D. point35A. realize B. understand C. forget D. remember36A. dropped B. raised C. held D. threw37A. lost B. surprising C. angry D. tearful38A. so B. and C. or D. but39A. crazy B. blind C. lonely D. painful40A. ran up B. got up C. woke up D. picked up第三节阅读理解。(共20题,每题2分,满分40分)Will it matter if you dont take your breakfast? Recently a test was given in the United States. Those tested included people of different ages, from 12 to 83. During the experiment, these people were given all kinds of breakfast, and sometimes they got no breakfast at all. Special tests were set up to see how well their bodies worked when they had eaten a certain kind of breakfast. The results show that if a person eats a proper breakfast, he or she will work with better effort than if he or she has no breakfast. This fact appears to be especially true if a person works with his brains. If a student eats fruit, eggs, bread and milk before going to school, he will learn more quickly and listen with more attention in class. Contrary to what many people believe people become so hungry at noon that they eat too much for lunch, and end upM gaining weight instead of losing. You will probably lose more weight if you reduce other meals.41The title of the passage should be _.Athe importance of breakfastBthe result of a testCbreakfast will make you cleverDbreakfast is more important than other meals42Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?APoor breakfast affects those who work with brains.BMorning diet may cause one to get fatter.CReducing lunch and supper is of less value in weight-losing.DEating less in lunch and supper may help to lose weight.43During the test, those who were tested were given _.Ano breakfast at allBvery rich breakfastClittle food for breakfastDdifferent foods or none.44The passage mentions that many people believe that if you dont eat breakfast, you will _.Alose weightBnot lose weightCbe healthierDgain a lot of weight45The results of the test show that _.Abreakfast has a great effect on a persons work and studiesBbreakfast has little to do with a persons workCa person will work better if he has simple breakfastDthose working with brains should have much for breakfastBEvery one needs friends. We all like to feel close to someone. It is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh and do so many things together with. Surely, there are times when we need to be alone. We dont always want people around. But we would feel lonely if we never had a friend.No two people are the same. Sometimes friends dont get along well. That doesnt mean that they no longer like each other. Most of the time they will go on being friends. Sometimes friends move away. Then they feel very sad. We miss them very much. But we can call them and write to them. Maybe we would never see them again. And we can make new friends. It is surprising to find out how much we like new people when we get to know them. Families sometimes name their children after a close friend. Many places are named after men and women, if they are friendly to people in town. Some libraries are named this way. So are some schools. We think of these people when we go to these places.Theres more good news for people, if they have friends. These people live longer than those who dont have friends. Why? It could be that they are happier. Being happy helps you stay well. Or it could be just knowing that someone cares about you. If someone cares about you, you take better care of yourself.46The first paragraph tells us _.ANone need friendsBWe always need friends around upCMaking friends is the need in peoples lifeDWe need to be alone47Which of the following is what the writer doesnt say in the passage?APeople are happy when their friends leave them.BMaybe people will never see their friends after their friends move away.CPeople can know their friends in different ways.DPeople like their friends very much if they get to know them.48Which of the following is the most probable place people name after friendly people?AA houseBA room.CA villageDA library49If people have friends, they would live longer, because _.Athey feel happier and healthierBthey get a lot of help from their friendsCthey take better care of themselvesDboth A and C50This passage tells us _.Athat people are all friends Bthat people need friendsChow to get to know friends Dhow to name a placeCNellie was a black child going to a school in Arkansas, in which the students were mostly poor African-American children. Thanks to the aid of a fund, grade one students could enjoy a special reading project: after finishing reading through a book, a child is allowed to take home a book, cassette and walkman on weekends as a reward, so that he or she will have an extra chance of study. Friday came. Nellie, holding the reward she had won, went home happily. According to the rule, the child should bring back to school the things taken home at the weekend the next Monday. Nellie didnt hand them in to school on Monday. When asked why, she said “III f-o-r-got” and then fell silent. Three weeks passed but the book, cassette and walkman still didnt come back. One day, however, Nellies mother came to school with the book, cassette and walkman. She explained to the teacher why Nellie hadnt brought them back. “When Nellie came back from school that day and told me that she was learning to read, I simply couldnt believe, for, you see, before her none of my family was able to read.“I was very young when I gave birth to Nellie, so I had to give up school. When Nellie read to me the book I was surprised. I asked her how she managed it. She said, It is quite easy. I just follow the teacher in the cassette again and again until I can read myself. In the beginning, I didnt believe her, but I decided to have a try to see if I could also learn to read. Thats why Nellie didnt return the reading materials.”She paused and then asked, “May I read to you?”So in front of her daughter this young mother began reading aloud her daughters book to her daughters teacher, tears on her face all the time. 51. If a child is good enough, he or she is rewarded by being allowed to keep a book, cassette and walkman _.A. for weekends B. for a weekC. for everD. for three weeks 52. Nellie didnt bring the things back on time because _.A. she was using themB. she forgot to bring them backC. she lent them to othersD. her mother was using them53. Nellies mother came to school to _. A. learn somethingB. explain somethingC. report somethingD. read something54. Which of the following can serve the best as the title of the passage? A. “I forgot”B. “May I read to you?”C. Nellies reward D. Special reading project55Why Nellies mother gave up school?A. Because she was poor. B. Because her mother thought she was a girlC . Because when she gives birth to Nellie, she was very young.D. Because she didnt like school.DWhy do human beings still risk their lives under ground and doing one of the dirtiest and most dangerous jobs in this world? A small group of engineers and robotics experts picture a day in the not-too-distant future when robots and other technology do most of the dangerous mining work .The latest model is called Cave Crawler, Its a bit smaller than groundhog. and even more advanced. It can take photos and videos and has sensors that can discover the presence of dangerous gasses. Amazingly .the robot has a real sense of logic(逻辑性).If it comes across something difficult ,it gets momentarily funded. It has to think about what to do and where to go next. Sometimes it throws a fit just like a real person. Myles and his colleagues hope that robots like Cove Crawler will one day be used in rescue(营救)operations “A robot could speed up the rescue process by doing discovery(侦察) ,”says Chuck Whittaker, a robotizes engineer at Carnegie-Mellon .” The robot can go ahead and ,with its sensors, report what it has found and whether jut is safe for humans to proceed.” Using robots in rescue operations ,though ,is problematic, The lasers that guide the robots dont work in smoky environments so the engineers at Carnegie Mellon have experimented with sonar(声纳)and radar guidance systems ,and with some success. Some experts predict that robots do the most repetitive and dangerous jobs ,but wont get rid of the need for human workers. 56. The underlined phrase “throws a fit” in Paragraph 3 probably means” A gets angry B gets shocked C becomes confused D became cheerful 57. The latest robot is more advanced than Groundhog mainly because A it can map given up mines B it can see in the dark tunnelsC its smaller than Groundhog D it has a real sense of logic58. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A Mining robot does most of the mining work at present.B Groundhog can discover the presence of dangerous gases.C Experts are trying to make robots save miners in danger.D robots can work in smoky areas with the help of a laser. 59 When the first mining robots was developed? A .Two year ago. B .Three years ago C .Four years ago. D. Five years ago60. We can infer from the last paragraph that A the mine robots will have a very bright future B robots in the automotive industry must be improvedC there will be no need for human workers in minesD robots in mines will cost a lot 第二卷 第一节单词拼写。(共10题,每小题1分,满分15分)1.At that time his wife and children had beg for food from (亲戚)or friends.2. A tiger (逃脱) from its cage in the zoo last week.3. When Hitler came to (权力),Einstein had to leave his motherland.4.The girl cried in (恐慌)when she saw a snake.5.Obama was elected (总统)of the USA in 2008.6.The beatings and the (残酷) of the guard had a deep effect on Elias.7. He was involved in a bank robbery and was (判处) to three years in prison.8. In my (见解) ,watching TV is a waste of time .9. A $100 (奖赏)has been offered for the return of the necklace.10.She is a highly (受过教育的)woman, so she is well received by the students.第二节翻译。(共5个小题,每小题2分满分10分)1.昨天,我们参观了那个伟大作家的曾经住过的房子。2.我爸爸出生在二战爆发时期。3.有很理由使得我们不能做那样的事情。4.我永远不会忘记第一次在机场见你的那一天。5.当他回到家乡,他总是想要看一下他长大的地方。第三节改错。每处错误及修改仅限一词。 只允许修改10处,多者不计分。(共10题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)Today is the happy day in this holiday. Although I was very tired, but I found myself in these busy days. I am afraid of taken a bus usually, the awful smell of the bus drive I mad, make me feel carsick. But today I did feel carsick. I can defeat carsickness finally. At night I went out with an old friend who I ever like him, but all of us were busy in the examination at the high school that we hadnt been together. I was such surprised as I received his calling. At first, I thought we would never meet before we graduated. Thank him gave me a happy day! 第四节:书面表达(满分25分)假设你是某中学高三(1)班班长李华,你们的口语教师Julie已完成教学任务,准备回英国。请你根据以下内容要点给Julie写一封e-mail,并代表全班同学对她表示感谢。要点:1Julie上课的日子非常轻松愉快;2Julie总是组织很多课堂活动,让大家积极参与; 3她经常说 “Never say you cant” 给大家留下了深刻的印象;4她用 “TEAM Spirit” 来鼓励大家交流和分享;5希望她能再到中国来。注意:1词数为100左右;参考答案:第一卷第一节1D 2D 3C 4B 5C 6B 7B 8A 9A10D 11A 12A 13D 14B 15C 16.C 17.D 18.A 19.B 20.C第二节 2125 BDCAD2630 CACDB3135 DCCAC3640 DADBB第三节41A 42C 43D 44A 45A 46C 47A 48D49.D 50.B 51.A 52. D 53. B 54.B 55.C 56.A 57.D 58.C 59.D 60.A第二卷第一节. 单词拼写。1. relatives 2.power 3.escaped 4.cruelty 5.terror 6.president 7.sentenced 8. opinion 9.reward 10.educated 第二节翻译。1. Yesterday we went to visit the house the great writer used to live.2. My father was born in the year when the Second World War broke out.3. There are several reasons why we cant do this.4. I will never forget the day when I first met you at the airport.5. When he goes to his hometown .he always want to visit the place where he grew up .第三节改错1. happy改为happiest 2.去掉but 3. taken改为taking 4. I改为me 5. did改为didnt或did后加not 6. like改为liked 7. all改为both.8. in改为with 9.that改为where10.such改为so第四节书面表达Dear Julie,How time flies! By the time you are going back to Britain, Id like to say thanks to you on behalf of the whole class for your teaching us so well. We always felt the days when you taught our oral class were pleasant and relaxing. In your lively class, you organized many interesting activities, in which every one of us took an active part. You often said “Never say you cant”, leaving us a deep impression. Whats more, you told us how effectively team spirit works and encouraged us to communicate and share each others opinions bravely. Now its hard for us to say goodbye to you, though we have to. Wish you a good trip and we sincerely hope you will come back some day.By the way, I am attaching (附上)your picture with the whole class. Please do check it out. Yours LiHua 试卷编写说明 本套试卷满分为150分,答题时间为90分钟。这套试卷本着考察第五单元学习成果检测的目的,所以,重点侧重的基础知识的测试。第一节单项选择比较简单,基本都是本单元涉及到的知识和以前几个单元的一些重点的复习。完型填空难度稍微大一些,但是也是学生能力所能及的范围之内。第二卷更侧重于基础知识的考察。单词拼写,翻译,作文难度系数都很小。这套题可以充分检测学生本单元的学习成果。


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