2019-2020年高三上学期高考模拟考试(五)(英语) (2).doc

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2019-2020年高三上学期高考模拟考试(五)(英语) (2)本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分,共120分,考试用时120分钟。第卷(三部分,共85分)注意事项:1答第卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目、试卷类型用铅笔涂写在答题卡上。2每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试卷上。3考试结束后,考生将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1Where does this dialogue most probably take place?AAt the booking office BAt the public library CAt the airport2What are they doing now?ADigging a channel BWatching TVCListening to the radio3What are they talking about?AThe mans feeling BThe mans dietCThe mans old clothes4What does the man want to do tonight?ADrop some water BDrink some wine CVisit the woman5Whats the man going to do?ATo have another coffeeBTo move away CTo leave第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至第7题。6What is the relationship between the two speakers?AA policeman and a driver BHusband and wife CTwo good friends7Why didnt the woman see the sign?AShe was too fast BShe was sleepingCShe was daydreaming听第7段材料,回答第8和第9题。8Where are the two speakers?AAt a tank BAt a gas stationCOn Peter Waters farm9How well does the man know Peter Water?AThey met each other not long agoBThey have been friends for nearly 15 yearsCThey started to live here at about the same time听第8段材料,回答第10至第12题。10What is the girl?AA high school student BA college student CA lifeguard11What is the girl discussing with her dad?ALife of a lifeguard BInterruption of her fatherCHer plan for the summer holiday12What can we learn from the dialogue?AChildren interrupt their parents any time they likeBParents are always ready to help their childrenCYoungsters all like to be lifeguards during summer holidays听第9段材料,回答第13至第16题。13Why does Mr. David want to see Mr. Ryan?ATo deal with his insurance for his carBTo show his consideration for his healthCTo praise him for his hard work in the office14Who is the woman?AMr. Ryans wife BMr. Ryans workmateCA secretary in the office,15What does the woman think of Mr. Ryans health?AHe seldom gets ill BHe is in poor healthCHe never takes a sick leave16What does Mr. David want the woman to do for him?ATo read the form carefullyBTo give the form to Mr. RyanCTo ask Mr. Ryan some questions听第10段材料,回答第17至第20题。17Why does Frank like his job?ABecause it is important for the factoryBBecause he can walk around the factoryCBecause he can sit on a chair by the door18Where did he find the dog?AInside the factory BOutside the factoryCAt the gate of the factory19How will Frank feel during the rest of the night?AHe will be cool BHe will be lonely CHe will be happy20What kind of person is Frank according to the story?AA lonely and brave manBA friendly and warm hearted manCA kind-hearted and hardworking man第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。21As you can see,the price of pork,eggs and grain rising these daysAare keeping Bkeep Ckeeps Dwere keeping22Ladies and gentlemen,please fasten your seat beltsThe plane Atakes off Bis taking off Chas taken off Dtook off23A warning from the kidnappers said that they would not set these students free they could get a ransom(赎金)of one million dollarsAeven though Bin case Cwhenever Duntil24When they meet with some difficult problems,they usually Aask me advice Bask for my advicesCask me for advice Dask advices from me25It is no arguing with Bill because he will never change his mindAuse Bhelp Ctime Dway26One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to healthy eating habitsAgrow Bdevelop Cincrease Draise27Im sure youd rather she went to school by bus, ?Ahadnt you Bwouldnt you Carent Ddidnt she28As the twentieth century came to a close,the raw materials for a great national literature were at hand,waiting Ato use Bto be used Cto have used Dto be using29-I serve Jim three meals every day and do almost everything for him,but he still fails me-Im sorry to say thats you are mistakenAhow Bwhy Cwhat Dwhere30-It s burning hot today,isnt it?-Yes yesterdayASo was it BSo it was CSo it is DSo is it31Is Qinghai-Tibet Railway plays an important role in Chinas railway history the topic that you are ing to?Awhat Bit Cthis Dthat32A model or an experiment in a science class can help students see things which would remain hiddenAotherwise Bstill Cthus Dtherefore33Prices of daily goods through a puter can be lower than store pricesAare bought Bbought Cbeen bought Dbuying34 money if you can and many poor children in the poor mountainous areas will be able to go back to schoolAHaving given BGiven CTo give DGive35-Would you like some more juice?- ,pleaseANo,more BJust a little CIve had enough DYes,I would第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655 各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Few other nations are so much interested in horseracing as the EnglishThe famous races Ascot are held every year and followed by sports fans all over EnglandThe king or the queen also attends 36 and presents the winner with a gold cupTo 37 this gold cup is the dream of every owner of a racehorseAll newspapersgreat and small,are full of detailed description of the _38 ,and the name of the 39 winner of the Ascot cup is pronounced by everyone 40 of a great heroIt happened once,however,some seventy years ago,that the gold cup was stolen a few days before the race! The police 41 for it all over the country but could not find itJust at the time,Mark Twain,the witty American writer, 42 EnglandHe was 43 by an England Literary Society to be 44 at a dinner given in his honorAfter dinner the president of the society rose to 45 a toast to Mark Twains health and praise 46 the talent of the famous AmericanMark Twain 47 started his speech with the following words:“Gentlemen,I thank you for the great honor you 48 me, 49 I very much doubt whether all your countrymen join you in your warm weleWhen I arrived at Dover yesterday,and 50 my foot in Merry Old England,the first thing I saw was a newspaper poster and on it, 51 my great surpriseI read two 52 printed in big red letters:MARK TWAIN ARRIVES!ASCOT CUP STOLEN!These two announcements stood so closely together that it 53 seemed,gentlemen,as if some people in this country 54 sure that my arrival had something to do with the disappearance of the gold cup!”This witty speech of the famous American author 55 a shout of laughter36Athem Bit Cthat Dthis37Ahold Bwin Ccatch Dkeep38Aproblem Bwinner Crace Dnations39Abrave Bgood Cgreat Dlucky40 A as this Blike that Clike those Das if41Asearched Basked Cwaited Dcared42Areached in Bwent into Carrived in Dgot in43Aasked Bvisited Cseen Dinvited44Apresent Bjoined Cattended Dgiven45Araise Blife Cpropose Dhold46Ain this way Bin every way Cin many methods Din bad manner47Ain reply Bin his question Cin his suggestion Din his heart48Ahad done Bdid Cdo Dhave done49Aas if Bas though Cthough Deven if50Aset Bget Cgo Dstart51Afor Bto Cwith Dby52Aarticles Bpassages Cparagraphs Dheadings53Areally Bhardly Cmainly Dfoolishly54Amay be Bmust be Care Dwere55Awas meeting Bwas met with Cwas met Dmet第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ABeijing Opera,acrobatics(杂技),Chinese folk music,and tea ceremonies(仪式)all make up parts of a great Chinese partyBut this party was not in BeijingIt was in MoscowRussian people enjoyed a big Chinese party at the Kremlin(克里姆林宫)last MondayWith Chinese President Hu Jintao and Russian President Vladimir Putin in attendance,the party marked the opening of the Year of China in RussiaIts more than just a cultural festivalDuring Hus three-day visit in Russia,the two countries agreed to start a joint(共同的)unmanned mission(任务)to Mars(火星)in two years and voiced their desire to push forward cooperation(合作)in many areas“In xx the Year of Russia in China achieved full SUCCESS,and I believe that the Year of China in Russia will also be Successful,” Hu saidBut,in history the Sino-Russian relationship has not always been so relaxedThe former Soviet Union(前苏联),in which Russia was the biggest part,was among the flew countries that recognized the new China in 1949It also helped China to develop its heavy industry during the 1950s and early 1960sBut in the late 1960sthe relationship became difficultSoviet leaders wanted China to do whatever it said,but China refusedThe relationship worsened in 1969,when a border conflict over an island in Heilongjiang Province almost caused a warThe tension(紧张关系)continued until the Soviet Union fell apart in 1991Then both the two countries new leaders opened a new door to get the relationship back to normalSince the two countries set up the strategic(战略的)partnership of cooperation 11 years ago,cooperation in different areas has been developing smoothlyChina has bee the fourth biggest trade partner of Russia,and Russia is Chinas ninth biggestThe year xx has seen an effort to decide the location of the China-Russia borderIt ended a decades-long dispute about the border and opened a new page for long-term friendly relations“The increasing exchanges between China and Russia have brought more job opportunities to Chinese-speaking Russians I hope the friendship can last from generation to generation so that it will bring more benefits to both peoples,”said Irina Ivanovo,a tour guide who studied Chinese at university for five years56What is the story mainly about?AThe Sino-Russian relationshipBThe big Chinese party held at the KremlinCPresident Hu Jlintaos three-day visit in RussiaDThe increasing exchanges between China and Russia57Which of the following is not mentioned to show the cooperation between the two countries?ACultural exchange BBusiness and tradeCSpace and border DStudent exchange programs58 Which of the following best describes the Sino-Russia relationship over all these years?ALasting friendship BUps and downsCOn the down turn DStrategic partnersBPeople and the sources of air pollution are found in the same placesThis means that cities with large populations have the biggest problem of dirty airAir pollution is caused by many different thingsA major source of air pollution is the gas fumes from carsStatistics show that 93 percent of all auto trips are within citiesAnother major source of dirty air is the burning of coal and oil for energyThis energy is needed to make electricityOf course,much more electricity is used in the city than in the countryOn the average,we throw away more trash and garbage than the previous yearThe burning of garbage contributes to air pollutionMany major industries are also responsible for the dirty air in the around citiesThe fumes from iron,steel,chemical,and petroleum production add particles to the airThe effects of air pollution range from mild headaches to deathThe levels of pollution found in heavy for traffic may cause headaches for loss of clear visionWherever coal and oil are used for fuel,fumes may kill trees and plants and cause metal to corrodeIn some of the larger cities,these fumes endanger the live of human beings by contributing to lung diseases and causing early death59The key point of the passage is that Athe cause of air pollution is peopleBthe causes and the effects of air pollution are both found in citiesCthe effects of air pollution range from headaches to deathDair pollution is caused by dirty air60What is the purpose of this passage?Ato persuade people to stop polluting the airBto tell the causes of air pollutionCto tell why cities are bad places to liveDto describe why cities are bad places to live61What is the main cause of more serious air pollution in the city than in the country?AThere are larger populations in citiesBThe air in the city is dirtyCThere are more cars in the cityDThere are much more gas fumes from cals and burning of coal and oil for energy in the city than in the country62The fumes from coal and oil may cause metal Ato turn black Bto bee new Cto corrodeDto disappearCWhat do literary greats Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Robert Burns have in mon? They both lived and wrote in Edinburgh, along with many other big names in the field of literatureThis fact helped UNESCO(联合国教科文组织)award the city the title of worlds first City of Literature on October 14Edinburgh left a lasting impression on Arthur Conan Doyle(1859-1930)Although he was born there he went to school in England but returned home for medical schoolAfter graduating he moved to London and began writing his Sherlock Holmes storiesHis inspiration for the character came from one of his professors at universityHolmes methods were so clever that they actually furthered the advance of the study of criminology(犯罪学)Robert Burns(1759-1796)is still regarded as Scotlands national poet,more than 200 years after his deathHe is celebrated all over the world through translations of his work and the annual Burns Night supper on his birthdayOne of his songs,“My Love is Like a Red Red Rose” ranks among the finest love songs ever written and “Auld Lang Syne” (友谊地久天长) is sung all around the worldAs one of the first literate societies in Europe,the Scottish Parliament passed the worlds first pulsory (义务) education law in 1496By the 1790s,almost all Scots could readVisitors to Scotland often observed that even the lowest members of society had copies of Burns poems and other books63Edinburgh was awarded the title of worlds first City of Literature becauseAthe first award ceremony of literature was held thereBmany literary greats like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Robert Burns were born thereCit left a deep impression on many literary greats like Sir Arthur Conan DoyleDmany literary greats like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Robert Burns often wrote about it64Arthur Conan Doyle was remembered mainly for his Adetective stories Blove poems and songsCcontribution to the study of criminologyDclever writing skill65In honor of Robert Burns,A“My Love is Like a Red Red Rose” and “Auld Lang Syne” are sung all around the worldBhis works are translated into many languages every yearCa celebration is held more than 200 years after his deathDa celebration is held every year on his birthday66In the last paragraph,the writer mainly discussed Athe impression of visitors to ScotlandBhow Burns poems are popular in ScotlandCthe possible history reasons for many literary greats in ScotlandDhow the worlds first pulsory education law was madeDA strong wind can be a dangerous thing-sometimes it is powerful enough to knock you off your feetBut to plants,the wind is a source of new life,carrying them or their spores(孢子)thousands of milesA NASA satellite called QuikSCAT has discovered highways of wind over the Earths oceansScientists believe these invisible roads may explain why many nonflowering plants,such as mosses(苔藓)and lichens(地衣),grow where they doThe satellite is able to send microwaves(微波)from space to the surface of the oceanThe pattern of signals that e back shows which way the winds are blowingUsing this data, the scientists studied a group of islands in the southern hemisphere(半球),near AntarcticaWinds tend to blow anticlockwise(逆时针)in this region,but there are lots of local differencesWhen the researchers pared these local patterns to botanical(植物学)data,they found that the wind had an important effect on where species of mosses,lichens,and other nonflowering plants growFor example,Bouvet Island and Heard Island,share 30 percent of their moss species,29 percent of liverworts(叶苔),and 32 percent of lichens-even though they are 4,430 kilometers apartIn contrast,Gough Island and Bouvet Island,separated by just 1,860 kilometers of sea,share only 16 percent of mosses and 17 percent of liverwortsThey have no lichens in monFerns(蕨类植物)and flowering plants dont travel as well in the wind,so they dont show the same kinds of distribution(分布)patterns67This story is aboutAthe discovery of wind highwaysBhow wind travelsChow wind affects different plantsDone of the wind68The underlined word “data” in the fourth paragraph meansAsignalBpatternCinformationDresearch69Which of the following is WRONG?ABouvet Island,Heard Island and Gough Island are all in the southern hemisphereBWinds in the researched areas blow anticlockwiseCThe scientists neednt base this research on how winds affect where ferns growDWithout the QuikSCAT,the research wouldnt have made sense70Which of the following diagrams shows the correct position of the islands?EHaving finished her homework,Ma Li wants some music for relaxation(娱乐)As usual,she starts her puter and goes to Baiducorn to download music filesBut this time she is surprised when an announcement about protecting songs copyright bursts onto the screenThe age of free music and movie downloads may have e to an end as Web panies like Baidu are accused of pirating copyrightLawsuits(诉讼)have been filed against four websites offering free downloadsIn September xx,a Beijing court ordered Baidu to pay recording pany Shanghai Push pensation for their lossesBaidu was also told to block the links to the pirated music on the websiteThis caused a heated discussion on Interact file sharing“Baidus defeat in the lawsuit shows it is not right to get copyrighted songs without payingDownloaders may face lawsuits or fines,” said an officialLike many teens,Huang Ruoru,an 18-year-old girl from Puning in Guangdong Province,doesnt think that getting music from websites is wrongShe always shares her favorite songs downloaded from Baidu with her friendsWhen told about the lawsuit,she began to feel a little guilty about obtaining others,work without payingHowever,other teenagers have different ideasWang Yafei,a Senior 2 girl from Jinan,Shandong Province pointed out that file sharing is a good way to promote pop singers“If I download a song and really like it,I will buy the CD,” she said“So what the recording panies really should concentrate on is improving their music,rather than pursuing(追赶,追击)file-sharers”71Which of the following best describes the passage?AMusic on the Internet is of better qualityBDownloading material can be illegalCIts good to get free music on the InternetDBaidu is a popular web pany72The four web pa


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