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2019-2020年高三D部英语限时训练卷35I.单项填空1. Corruption is _ problem in countries across the world, with developing countries often believed to be more serious, although there is no evidence to suggest this is _ case. A. a; theB. the; aC. 不填; theD. a; a 2. To protect the environment, the local government has put up a lot of _ to warn the citizens not to litter the ground.A. sighs B. sights C. signals D. signs 3. Death toll from Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines _ 3,637, after the strongest storm this year destroyed the central part of the country on Nov. 8, xx.A. rose to B. arose from C. rose from D. raised to4. Dont stand by when you e across_ have difficulty in supporting their family because of serious illness. A. Who B. Whoever C. WhicheverD. Whomever5. The keeper of the spring cleared away the leaves and branches, and wiped away the silt(淤泥) that would _ have choked and polluted the fresh flow of water. A. thusB. otherwiseC. thereforeD. later6. Rather than sticking to the principles stubbornly, China is now adopting a new concept in economic policies in a/an _way that shows its own characteristics. A. sustainable B. flexible C. invisible D. available7. What if he failed in the next monthly examination again? I dont know. _ heart and be reduced _ the class? A. Will he lose; not to attending B. Did he lose; to not attending C. Had he lost; not to attending D. Would he lose; to not attending8. _ your teacher the problem with learning, theoretically, and they will help you. A. Telling B. To tell C. Tell D. Having told9. Oh, fantastic! What is your ment on the song Jingubang? Terribly sorry! I _. A. didnt listen B. wasnt listening C. havent listened D. hadnt listened 10. The famous director Lian failed many times but he eventually _ to achieve success.A. broke up B. broke off C. broke through D. broke away11. The memory is still fresh in my mind _ I was considered the apple of my former boyfriends eyes during our stay in Aegean Sea. A. when B. where C. that D. what12. He was admitted to our school two years ago, a top school in our hometown, _ he has been crazy about reading electronic novels, killing time. A. after that B. since that C. after when D. since when13. The first time I saw him, what impressed me most were his waistline _ nearly 3 Chinese chi and his obesity _ 210 jin. A. measured ; weighed B. measuring; weighing C. measured; weighing D. measuring; weighed14. Why didnt you watch the program “Where are we going, Dad?”? It was because something was wrong with the web TV _ too many users were receiving it. A. which B. that C. through that D. through which15. What a bad luck! I have missed a golden chance ! Let it be. _.A. A flower blooms more than once. B. A fault confessed is half corrected.C. A loveless life is living death. D. A problem shared is a problem halved.II. 完形填空Make the Most of What You Have GotFor Nick Vujicic, life was going to be difficult from the day he was born. When Nick arrived into this world, he 1 everyone. He was not like the other babies and it was 2 obvious to his parents and to the doctors in the hospital.There was no 3 or answers for his condition. Nick was born without any limbsthat is he was born without any arms or legs. But despite being physically 4 , he was mentally 5 and the rest of his body was functioning fine. 6 he had loving parents, Nick would find school hard as he would often be looked down upon by the other children and at the young age of 10, he considered 7 his life by drowning himself in a bathtub. These dark thoughts were 8 by his negative attitude to being disabled and at the time, he thought that he would never be able to do 9 by himself, that he would never have a job and that he would always have to 10 on his parents for help.Nick was wrong.As an adult, Nick is a successful public speaker and is famous for his motivational 11 which focus on life with a disability, hope and finding meaning in life worldwide. He 12 so many people with the story of his life, how he has 13 so many difficulties and most importantly how he is happy every day.Despite having no arms or legs, Nick lives 14 , even finding ways to do almost 15 things like brushing his teeth on his own and swimming. He has to work harder than a full bodied person and he achieves his goals.At the first impression, you may look at Nick and feel 16 . You may feel sad that this man has no arms or legs and you might feel his 17 and upset that he could find everyday situations difficult. But we should 18 Nick, as he is extremely positive and he gets on with life. He 19 every day and makes the best of what he has: a positive attitude, a creative mind and a powerful 20 . He also has a very kind and very beautiful wife and they are truly happy and in love. 1. A. shockedB. pleasedC. inspired D. accepted2. A. nervouslyB. painfullyC. hopefullyD. cautiously3. A. surpriseB. worryC. explanationD. apology4. A. active B. sickC. disabledD. abused5. A. disturbedB. challengedC. calmD. normal6. A. SinceB. IfC. AlthoughD. Unless7. A. changingB. endingC. riskingD. sharing8. A. expressed B. collectedC. givenD. driven 9. A. somethingB. nothingC. everythingD. anything10. A. callB. relyC. cheatD. look11. A. lessonsB. poemsC. speechesD. posters12. A. convinces B. touchesC. puzzlesD. judges13. A. faced B. createdC. metD. overe14.A.independently B. fortablyC. hopelesslyD. lonely15. A. impossibleB. dangerousC. crazyD. regretful16. A. pain B. guiltC. panicD. pity17. A. annoyance B. selfishnessC. courageD. confidence18. A. encourage B. admire C. fortD. correct19. A. cries B. shoutsC. smilesD. struggles20. A. voice B. bodyC. familyD. positionIII.阅读理解AAre you single or married? Are you a cat or a dog owner? Do you exercise, or are you a “couch potato” (a person who sits on the sofa all day watching TV, eating and basically doing nothing)? These questions and many others are about your lifestyle.People in the United States feel that they can choose their lifestyles and even shape their own identities. The great variety of lifestyles leads to constant national discussion of choices that people make. This freedom of choice is fun and exciting, but it also creates stress and uncertainty. In newspapers, lifestyle issues are discussed in the features or style section. In The Chicago Tribune this section is called “Tempo”. People turn to this section for lively discussion on lifestyle choices they face with regard to their personal identities, their families, and their social lives.Many American people believe that they can make their lives happy and satisfying despite their problems. If they lack confidence or tend to feel anxious, shy, angry, or depressed, they believe that they can change themselves. Self-help books, magazines, and feature articles are filled with advice from experts about steps to take to bee a happier or more satisfied person and to improve ones self-respect. Part of this research for self-improvement is a belief that even ones own appearance can be controlled. This is why there are so many articles in the newspaper about looking young, wearing the latest fashions, and being physically fit.Lifestyle choices also involve moral and social issues. How should children be raised? How should people behave on a date? How should elderly people be treated? How can people stay happily married? All these kinds of issues are constantly discussed and are constantly changing. Not only are experts such as psychologists consulted, but stars from the political and entertainment worlds are held up as lifestyle leaders as well. In the newspaper, feature articles called profiles discuss in detail the personal lives or public work of movie stars, authors, artists, and exceptional individuals who are not stars. The lifestyle choices these people make contribute to the public discussion of all the issues that people think about.A well-known advertising slogan is “Just do it.” In the culture of the United States, people believe that they can take action and bee the kind of people they want to be and live the way they want to live. 21. The section “Tempo” in The Chicago Tribune mainly discusses _.A. lifestyle choicesB. current affairsC. experts opinions on lifeD. how to improve ones self-respect22. According to the author, Americans are pretty sure that they can _.A. control their own appearanceB. solve all the problems in their lifeC. live a happy life in spite of their problemsD. improve their life by following the elders advice23. According to the passage, peoples opinions on moral or social issues can be influenced by _.A. their superiorsB. family membersC. friends and colleaguesD. experts and famous people24. Which is the best title for the passage?A. Just Do ItB. Make Our Lives HappyC. Lifestyles in the United StatesD. Choosing the Way We LiveB(Published March 30, 2011)Albert Einsteins Theory of Relativity might have a few mistakesand Jake Barnett has set out to prove it. Between attending college classes at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) and tutoring his fellow students, Jake is also working on a new theory about the creation of the universe. He happens to be 12 years old.From an early age, Jake showed an extraordinary interest in stars. When he was 3, his parents took him to a space observatory. He tried to learn as much as he could about astronomy. Jakes IQ measured remarkably high at 170.As a baby, Jake was found out with Aspersers syndrome, a form of autism (孤独症). Autism causes difficulties in munication and social abilities. People with autism may also have strong interestslike Jakes interest in the stars at a young age.The symptoms of autism can range from mild to extremely severe. Aspersers is one of the milder forms of autism. Sometimes people with Aspersers, like Jake, develop extremely advanced skills in science, music or art.When Jake was in elementary school, his parents worried that the effects of his Aspersers were worsening. He became quiet. And he was withdrawing from people. So a doctor remended that Jakes parents let him study more advanced subjects, like math and physics.Jakes mother asked an astronomy professor to let Jake sit in on his class. Now, Jake studies advanced sciences like electromagnetic physics at IUPUI.But Jake thinks its important to have a normal life too. He likes to play Guitar Hero with his friends and watch science fiction movies. He also enjoys playing classical music on the piano. But for Jake, studying physics is the most important thing. Jakes professor, John Ross, is working on getting a large sum of money for him to do research at the university.Doctors have said Jakes autism symptoms have lessened over time. Still, Jake proudly refers to himself as an “Aspy”, or someone with Aspersers. In an interview with his university student newspaper, he said, “I think the autism is the reason Im even at IUPUI.” 25. What did Jake want to do at IUPUI?A. Get a degree in astronomy. B. Put forward his own theory in physics.C. Bee an Albert Einstein in the future.D. Teach his fellow students Theory of Relativity.26. Which of the following is the correct order of the events that happened to Jake? a. He set out to disprove Einsteins theory. b. He was interested in astronomy. c. He began to study math and physics. d. He was found out with a mild form of autism.A. b-d-c-aB. d-b-c-aC. b-a-c-dD. d-c-b-a27. The underlined sentence in the passage means _.A. he was unable to help others B. he was impolite to other peopleC. he was afraid of seeing other people D. he was only concerned about learning28. In the eyes of Jake, autism is something _.A. not worth worrying aboutB. annoying C. not necessary to know aboutD. embarrassing限时35单项选择:21-35: ADABB26-30 BDCBC31-35 CDBDA完形填空3640 ABCCD 4145 CBDDB 4650 CBDAA 5155 DABCA阅读理解ACDD BBCA

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