2019-2020年高一寒假作业英语试题(6) 含答案.doc

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高一英语 寒假作业6刘翠 学生训练日期: 完型填空Dad was not only my best friend, but my pass (指南针). While he was alive, he 36 me with his actions and advice. He taught me one important 37 : “Believe in yourself. ” If there was one phrase my dad 38 liked to hear, it was “I cant.” He never got to finish high school and 39 two jobs to support his large family, 40 he never plained. Through education and years of hard work, my dad became an excellent journalist. When I was in high school, I had a 41 time with math. He tried to help me, but I 42 struggled. So my math teacher suggested I meet with him at 7:00 each morning before school for 43 help. I told Dad, “Thats 44 ! Im tired! I cant do that!” He replied, “Youre doing it. Ill send you to school. ” Every morning at 6:45, wed leave the 45 . Despite working 12 hours every day, Dad never once 46 driving me to school. After months of 47 , I was facing the final exam. I was so 48 . On the day of the final, my dad hugged me and said, “Luke, 49 yourself. You can do it. ” His words made me realize I needed to trust in my 50 and in the hours of work Id 51 . When I got my 52 proudly, the first person I called was my father. He cried, “Yes! You deserved it!”Even now, whenever I 53 that a task is too much for me, I think back to that exam. No matter how 54 something is, if youre willing to work, you can succeed. Im forever 55 to Dad for that lesson. 36. A. understood B. forgave C. guidedD. impressed37. A. history B. lesson C. skillD. language38. A. always B. almost C. everD. never39. A. took B. lost C. left D. finished40. A. so B. or C. but D. and41. A. good B. free C. terrible D. short42. A. still B. nearly C. hardly D. probably43. A. real B. practical C. immediateD. extra44. A. wonderful B. crazy C. expensiveD. necessary45. A. house B. school C. officeD. farm46. A. suggested B. risked C. enjoyed D. missed47.A. meeting B. testing C. learning D. interviewing48. A. excited B. nervous C. happyD. shocked49. A. stand for B. hold back C. believe inD. look after50. A. teacher B. luck C. timeD. ability51. A. wasted B. ignored C. picked upD. put in52. A. answer B. grade C. pay D. gift53. A. hope B. forget C. worry D. promise54. A. different B. important C. hardD. interesting55. A. grateful B. sorry C. politeD. useful七选五Have you ever seen an animal being mistreated (虐待)? Seeing a pet or wild animal get hurt might make you sad, angry, or afraid. 31 In fact, the good news is that everyone including you can be a helping hand for animals.Keep your eyes and ears open. 32 Watch for changes in the way they look or act. Look out for animals who: have cuts or other bruises(伤痕) avoid or attack people when people e close are too thin are missing fur are almost always left outsideThese signs dont necessarily mean a pet has been hurt on purpose, but they shouldnt be ignored. If you see any of these signs, set them down. 33 What did you see or hear? Where? When? Were other people around? 34 Never move an injured animal! Ask a parent, teacher, or other adult you trust for help. Find out whether the injured animal in your town can be saved by animal shelters or police. Keep their phone numbers at hand. If the person mistreating animals is a friend or family member, tell an adult you trust. Speak up. Let other kids know what to do if they see an animal being hurt. Using the information above, make posters to hang or flyers (传单) to hand out at school. Include the phone numbers of the police department or animal shelters who can save the injured animals. 35 They need us to speak up for them!A. Report it.B. Send it to animal shelters.C. Animals are friends of human beings.D. Get to know pets in your neighborhood.E. You might think theres nothing you can do.F. Remember, animals cant speak for themselves.G. Or if you see someone hurting an animal, write down the details.短文改错Once upon a time there was a boy who fond of reading. However, he was very poor to buy any books. That was the reason that he had to borrow books from a rich man who had a lot of books. The boy knew clearly that he has to finish reading the books he had borrowed and return it to the owner as soon as possible. A rich man, who was ready to lend any of his book to the boy, read few of his own books. With time going on, the boy read a lot but finally became a famous writer in his time. Though the rich man had such many books, he remained a man with little knowledge because of he seldom read his books.2019-2020年高一寒假作业英语试题(6) 含答案高一英语作业6 完形填空 36-40. CBDAC 41-45. CADBA 46-50. DCBCD 51-55.DBCCA七选五 EDGAF短文改错试题分析:古代有一个好学的男孩一直向另外一个有钱人借书来读,最后他成为了著名的作家,而那个不爱读书的有钱人仍然没有知识。1. who fond 之间加 was 考查句子结构。形容词短语be fond of喜欢;原句是一个定语从句,句中缺少系动词。2. very too 考查固定结构。固定结构too.to.太.而不能.;句意:然而,他太穷了买不起书。7. book books 考查名词单复数。短语any of.后面通常要可数名词复数形式,或不可数名词。本句中book是可数名词,所以使用其复数形式books。8. butand 考查连词。句意:随着时间的流逝,这个男孩读了很多事成为了一名著名的作家。上下文之间为顺接关系,而没有转折关系,所以使用连词and。9. such so 考查固定结构。当名词前面有many、much、few、little(数量少)的时候,通常使用so修饰。本句中books前面有many修饰,说明应该使用so,而不是such。10. 去掉of 考查连词。连词because后面要接句子表示原因,而because of后面要接名词或名词短语表示原因。本句中he seldom read his books.是一个完整的句子,所以使用because引导。

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