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,Exercises,111Reading Comprehension,Structure and Style,Unit 7: Exercises,Vocabulary,Cloze,Translation,Unit 7: Reading Comprehension,1. What happened to the young boy with a rare blood deficiency?,The young boys blood was exceedingly valuable to medical research and he donated his blood regularly to the medical center. However, when a pharmaceutical company asked him for his blood, he sold his blood for a stiff price.,Reference,Ex. I, p.1.126,2. What principles do the organ banks abide by when it comes to procuring organs?,The donors or their heirs are not given monetary inducements for their donation, and neither are they receiving unfair financial treatment.,Reference,Unit 7: Reading Comprehension,The implicit understanding is that people are making a gift of their tissues or organs for scientific research.,Reference,Unit 7: Reading Comprehension,3. What is the implicit understanding when people donate their tissues or organs for the purpose of scientific research?,The cookbook analogy is used to clarify the ethical issue in public donations to medical researches.,Reference,Unit 7: Reading Comprehension,4. What analogy does the author use to clarify the ethical issue in publics donations to medical researchers?,There are three factors. The first factor is if the permission to use the donation is given by the donor; the second factor is if the donation has been altered; and the third one is if the donation is unique, or more or less generic.,Reference,Unit 7: Reading Comprehension,5. How many factors would influence peoples reaction to the ethics of the use of the recipes in the cookbook? What are they?,David Blake offered an analogy of a farm owner who sells his property to a developer who in turn builds houses and retains the profits without returning a share to the original owner. There are two problems in David Blakes analogy: the first one is that the object is sold instead of being donated and the second one is that important information is withheld from the donor even if there is no active deception.,Reference,Unit 7: Reading Comprehension,6. What is the other analogy offered by David Blake? What are the problems with his analogy in the authors opinion?,The gift relationship between the public and the scientists is about to end. The public will stop donating tissues or organs for scientific research because they no longer trust the scientists.,Reference,Unit 7: Reading Comprehension,7. What will happen to the relationship between scientists and the public if those scientists use the donations for profit?,The fundamental issue is whether the gift relationship between scientists and the public can continue or whether caveat donor becomes the new rule.,Reference,Unit 7: Reading Comprehension,8. What, according to the author, is the fundamental issue in the Mo Cell case?,Ex. II, pp.126-127,A. Main ideas,Structure and Style,Unit 7: Structure and Style,B. Tone of the essay,A. Main ideas,The article can be divided into four parts. In the first part, Murray tells us a story of a young boy to elicit the topic to be discussed; in the second part, he uses an analogy of the family recipes to clarify his view on the topic; in the third part he comes to argue against a different analogy concerning the same issue; the fourth part serves as the conclusion of the essay. Now write down the main idea of each part (the first part has been done for you).,Structure and Style,Unit 7: Structure and Style,A. Main ideas,The essay could be divided into four parts. Write down the main idea of each part. Part One: People regard their relationships with scientific researchers differently from their relationships with profit-seeking corporations. (Paras. 14) 2) Part Two: _ _ (Paras 512),Structure and Style,Unit 6: Structure and Style,The cookbook analogy illustrates the three factors that contribute to the ethics of publics donation to scientists.,A. Main ideas,The essay could be divided into four parts. Write down the main idea of each part. 3) Part Three :_ _(Paras 1315) 4) Part Four :_ _ (Paras 1617),Structure and Style,Unit 6: Structure and Style,The author points out that there are two,The gift relationship between scientists,problems with David Blakes analogy.,and the public should continue.,B. Tone of the essay,The tone of the essay is quite formal because the author utilizes technical terms, long sentences as well as passive voice if needed. The tone and the style are entirely appropriate for the subject matter, which deals with a serious topic of organ donation.,Structure and Style,Unit 7: Structure and Style,Part A, Ex. V, p.128-129 Complete the sentences with words given below, making sure that each word is used in the right form.,1. The best way to help victims of disasters across the country each year is to _ to the Disaster Relief Fund, which enables the Red Cross to provide shelter, food, counseling and other assistance to those in need.,Unit 7: Vocabulary,donate,Unit 7: Vocabulary,2. A federal appeals court yesterday upheld the only law in the nation _ doctors to help their terminally ill patients commit suicide.,authorizing,Unit 7: Vocabulary,3. Its a well-known yet often _ fact that, in many call centers, the relationship between the workforce management professionals and floor staff is at odds.,unacknowledged,Unit 7: Vocabulary,4. This computer software specifically targets and gathers data of those suspected of being _ in criminal activities.,engaged,Unit 7: Vocabulary,5. Rich countries need to eliminate trade barriers that block poor country participation in the international trade system and _ millions of desperately poor people worldwide.,penalize,Unit 7: Vocabulary,6. The _ questions will test your understanding and evaluation of the given information and your ability to use the information in various ways.,accompanying,Unit 7: Vocabulary,7. The International Organization for Standardization makes a _ contribution in a range of vital areas health, safety, security, the environment, transport and information technology.,unique,Unit 7: Vocabulary,8. The parcels were all individually _, with information on destination, weight and cost.,itemized,Unit 7: Vocabulary,9. The new type of diesel engine imported from abroad all had a _ problem with their fan.,generic,Unit 7: Vocabulary,10. This article deals with herbs mentioned in Indian literature which are _ used for curing various types of skin disease.,exclusively,Part B, Ex. V, p.129 Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined part of the sentence.,1. Finally they decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to the principle of equal payment for men and women workers for work of equal value. A. wealth B. donation C. remuneration D. fruitfulness,1. Finally they decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to the principle of equal payment for men and women workers for work of equal value. A. wealth B. donation C. remuneration,Unit 7: Vocabulary,2. The book is not intended to build a cohesive theory but to provide the reader with a collection of concepts that will enlighten further thinking about religion. A. engage B. influence C. suggest D. illuminate,Unit 7: Vocabulary,2. The book is not intended to build a cohesive theory but to provide the reader with a collection of concepts that will enlighten further thinking about religion. A. engage B. influence C. suggest D. illuminate,3. When they first come up with the idea of celebrating the occasion with a concert, everyone told them it would never work. A. told of B. hit upon C. learned of D. consented to,Unit 7: Vocabulary,3. When they first come up with the idea of celebrating the occasion with a concert, everyone told them it would never work. A. told of B. hit upon C. learned of,4. We can see that pay alone was not the only incentive for a man and certainly not for an officer to join the Navy. A. contribution B. indulgence C. inducement D. cause,Unit 7: Vocabulary,4. We can see that pay alone was not the only incentive for a man and certainly not for an officer to join the Navy. A. contribution B. indulgence C. inducement,5. We have bravely decided to show our outrage over what we perceive to be a “clear and present danger” to the independence of media in a society that claims to be democratic. A. indignation B. transaction C. indignity D. deception,Unit 7: Vocabulary,5. We have bravely decided to show our outrage over what we perceive to be a “clear and present danger” to the independence of media in a society that claims to be democratic. A. indignation B. transaction C. indignity,6. It is widely known that the proportion of single mothers who were employed increased considerably in the mid- and late 1990s. A. virtually B. substantially C. considerately D. unexpectedly,Unit 7: Vocabulary,6. It is widely known that the proportion of single mothers who were employed increased considerably in the mid- and late 1990s. A. virtually B. substantially C. considerately,7. Our law firm provides ongoing legal support from the moment a disagreement arises until its satisfactory resolution. A. denial B. correction C. dispute D. competition,Unit 7: Vocabulary,7. Our law firm provides ongoing legal support from the moment a disagreement arises until its satisfactory resolution. A. denial B. correction C. dispute,8. Since I knew she was jealous of my good looks, her words of praise seemed insincere. A. rang hollow B. made a difference C. had little claim D. did a slow burn,8. Since I knew she was jealous of my good looks, her words of praise seemed insincere. A. rang hollow B. made a difference C. had little claim,Unit 7: Vocabulary,9. Dr. Norman Bethune was not only a good doctor, but also a man free from the effect of self-interest. A. value B. taint C. conduct D. deficiency,Unit 7: Vocabulary,9. Dr. Norman Bethune was not only a good doctor, but also a man free from the effect of self-interest. A. value B. taint C. conduct,10. Non-sexist education is an active, ongoing undertaking, which presents continual learning challenges to parents and staff alike. A. endeavor B. struggle C. transaction D. adventure,Unit 7: Vocabulary,10. Non-sexist education is an active, ongoing undertaking, which presents continual learning challenges to parents and staff alike. A. endeavor B. struggle C. transaction,Ex. VI, p.130 Choose an appropriate word from the following list to fill in each of the following blanks. Each word can be used only ONCE. Change the word form where necessary.,In fact, there are better reasons for thinking that we dont regard the body as commercial property. Even in the 1) _ that spawned Lets Make a Deal, not everything is for 2) _ . We arent permitted to sell our freedom, our children, or, 3) _ recently, our transplantable organs though the shortage of human organs 4) _ often led to a couple of lamentable (可悲的) efforts.,Unit 7: Cloze,To be continued .,culture,sale,most,has,Unit 7: Cloze,To be continued .,In one 5)_ , ads appeared in the classified sections of newspapers offering kidneys 6)_ sale. (We have two kidneys but can live with just 7)_ .) In another, a man tried to peddle his liver, until 8)_ was pointed out to him that were not born with 9)_ . A Virginia physician, who had set himself up as a 10)_ in human organs, went to procure a license to import organs from overseas.,case,for,one,it,spares,broker,Unit 7: Cloze,To be continued .,This was too much for Congress, 11)_ in 1984 passed a bill banning the buying or selling 12)_ organs for transplant. Why the moral repugnance (厌恶) toward trading in 13)_ organs? One reason may be fear of the development of 14)_ market in which the poor do the selling and the 15)_ the buying.,which,of,human,a,rich,Unit 7: Cloze,Our consciences can tolerate considerable injustice, but such 16)_ profiteering (牟取暴利) in life would be too much for most of 17)_ . And even if everyone had an equal chance to buy 18)_ sell, I doubt that wed countenance (赞同) a market in human 19)_ . The notion that people are special, that they have a 20)_ and moral worth that sets them apart, is deeply woven into our religious, legal, and political traditions.,naked,us,and,organs,dignity,Part A, Ex. VIII, p.132 Translate the following sentences into English.,1. 一家制药公司得知了那个孩子患有罕见血液基因缺失 疾病,突然想到了一个用他的血液获利的方法。,A pharmaceutical company learned of the young boy with a rare blood deficiency, and hit upon a way to use his blood profitably.,hit upon,Unit 7: Translation,2. 他认为在今天的物质社会里,人们会尽力向其他人 炫耀自己的物质地位,而不会把一部分精力用于业 余爱好去训练自己的头脑。,He thinks that in todays material society people go to great length to show off to others their materialistic status rather than exercise their brain by dedicating some of their energy to hobbies.,Unit 7: Translation,go to great length to do,3. 当我们同意把摘除的器官或组织用于促进医学目标 的实现时,我们希望接受捐献的人将以对社会有价 值的方式去使用它。,When we consent to the use of our removed organ or tissue to further the goal of medicine, we hope that people who receive the donation will employ it in socially valuable ways.,consent to,Unit 7: Translation,4. 你最终是否能得到这份工作,归根到底取决于你的面试技巧及面试官对你的印象。,Ultimately whether you get the job could boil down to your interviewing skills and the interviewers impression on you.,boil down to,Unit 7: Translation,5. 课程的教学目标没有提及通用技能的培养,如口头陈 述、团队协作、撰写报告等技能,这些正是未来的雇 主所看中的。,The course objectives make no mention of fostering generic skills such as oral presentations, group working, and report writing, etc., which are just as valued by future employers.,make no mention of,Unit 7: Translation,6. 全球变暖可能是个大问题,但是我们可以做许多小事 情去改变这一情况。,Global warming may be a big problem, but there are many little things we can do to make a difference.,make a difference,Unit 7: Translation,7. 令人遗憾的是,总统赞美退役军人的言辞听起来空洞 无物,因为他没有从行动上支持他们。,Unfortunately, the presidents words honoring veterans ring hollow when his actions do not back them up.,ring hollow,Unit 7: Translation,8. 他们把财产捐赠给了教堂的牧师,结果却发现他建立 了自己的产业,成了房地产开发商。,They had donated the property to the pastor of a church, only to find that he had set himself up as a real estate developer.,set oneself up,Unit 7: Translation,9. 最初当这位科学家发现有人未经允许就使用了他论文中的数据时,他逐渐产生了怒气。,When the scientist first discovered that someone had used the data in his paper without his permission, he did a slow burn.,do a slow burn,Unit 7: Translation,10. 他主张“医疗服务”的定义取决于服务是否是医疗性质的,而不是由谁来提供服务。,He contended that the definition of “medical services” should hinge on whether the services are medical in nature rather than who provides the services.,hinge on,Unit 7: Translation,Part B,Part B, Ex. VIII, pp. 133 Translate the following selected paragraphs into Chinese.,This story tells us that people regard their relationships with scientific researchers as drastically different from their relationships with profit-seeking corporations. Scientists are engaged in a socially valued enterprise in which they arent expected to grow wealthy; corporations exist to maximize their wealth.,这个故事告诉我们,人们把自己和科学研究者的关系看得完全不同于他们和赢利性公司的关系。科学家们从事的是一项受社会尊重的事业,人们不会期望他们从中致富;而公司存在则是为了把自己的财富最大化。,Unit 7: Translation,We can have a relationship with scientists based on gifts; nobody has a gift relationship with General Dynamics (except perhaps the Pentagon). (Para. 2),我们和科学家的关系是以馈赠为基础的;没有人和通用动力公司有这种捐赠关系(可能五角大楼除外)。,Unit 7: Translation,Nothing more clearly illuminates the gift nature of transactions involving our organs than the “gift of life” itself donating organs for transplantation. Most organs come from cadavers, although roughly a third of the kidneys come from live donors, almost always close kin of the recipients.,没有什么能比“生命馈赠”本身捐献器官供移植之用更清楚地阐明器官交易的馈赠本质了。虽然大致1/3供移植的肾脏来自于活体捐献者,几乎都是器官接受者的近亲,但大多数器官来自于已死亡的人体。,Unit 7: Translation,The model law authorizing organ donation is called the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act. The organ banks responsible for procuring organs go to great lengths to make certain that while the donors or their heirs arent financially penalized for their generosity, neither are they given monetary inducements.,Unit 7: Translation,授权器官捐献的示范性法律被称为联邦统一遗体捐赠法案。负责获取器官的器官贮存库尽力确保捐赠者及其继承人没有因慷慨捐赠而在经济上受到不公平待遇,但也未给予他们金钱上的引诱。,The itemized hospital bill is carefully examined; only those charges relating to the organ donation are paid by the organ bank. Our culture works awfully hard to avoid the taint of money in organ donations. The gift of life must always remain a gift. (Para. 3),Unit 7: Translation,医院明细帐单是受到仔细审核的;器官贮存库只支付与器官捐赠相关的费用。在我们的文化中,是尽力避免金钱在器官捐献中的影响力的。捐献生命必须依然是一份馈赠。,


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