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Unit 2单元综合检测(满分120分,时间100分钟)题号第一部分第二部分第三部分总分 得分第一部分 听力 (25分).听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分)1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ .听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( )6.A.Since I was born.B.Four times.C.In two weeks.( )7.A.Hes gone home.B.He will go to his hometown.C.Hes on the way home.( )8.A.Theyll return next month.B.Theyll visit their parents.C.Theyre doing some shopping.( )9.A.No, I didnt.B.Yes, I went there last month.C.Yes, I will.( )10.A.Its very interesting.B.Yes, I do.C.Its a big city.听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分)听对话,回答11-12题。( )11.How long has the man taught at the school?A.For ten years.B.Since 1990.C.Since five years ago.( )12.How long has the man worked there?A.For about seven years.B.Since the factory opened.C.Since 20 years ago.听对话,回答第13-15题。( )13.Where has Jack been?A.To a car factory.B.To a park.C.To a farm.( )14.Why has the lake become dirty?A.Because there was no one to protect it.B.Because there were too many dead fish.C.Because the visitors threw rubbish into the lake.( )15.What did Jack take to the leader of the park?A.Some news.B.A bottle of water and some dead fish.C.A report.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分)( )16.There are about _ public beaches in Hong Kong.A.fourB.fourteenC.forty( )17.You can get to _ of the beaches by bus.A.someB.allC.most( )18.There are _ on many of the beaches.A.shops and changing roomsB.kitchens and toiletsC.classrooms and changing rooms( )19.You can swim _.A.right after a mealB.aloneC.with some of your friends( )20.You must remember: Never _.A.swim when you are hungryB.get out of the boat if you can swimC.have a rest when you swim.听短文,填空。短文读三遍。(5分)There are a lot of trees around us. Trees are 21 in three very important ways. The first important way is that they 22 human with food. 23 trees, many animals could not live on the earth, and its not easy for human 24 , either. The second important way is that trees give us shade. The third important way is that trees 25 droughts and floods.21._ 22._ 23._ 24._ 25._第二部分 基础知识运用(65分).单项选择。(15分)( )1.He said that he _ to Canada a few years ago.A.had been toB.have been toC.wentD.go( )2.Cant you stop making so much noise? I really cant _ it.Im terribly sorry for giving you so much trouble.A.keepB.standC.hearD.make( )3.Trees can stop the sand _ towards the rich farmland in the south.A.movingB.to moveC.from movingD.moves( )4.Dont give up _ you will never succeed.A.andB.butC.whileD.or( )5.There are five people in the room, but I know _.A.both of themB.none of themC.all of themD.neither of them( )6.How long have you lived in this town?_ 2001.A.SinceB.InC.ToD.Until( )7.What can we students do _ the environment?A.to protectB.protectedC.protectingD.protects( )8.Do you know him?Im sure Ive seen him _, but I cant remember the right place.A.anywhereB.nowhereC.everywhereD.somewhere( )9.Its a good song, _ the lyrics(歌词)are not good enough.A.whichB.thoughC.andD.so( )10.She finished the work _ as soon as possible. Shes very happy now.A.succeedB.successfullyC.successD.successful( )11.There was a rainstorm yesterday. The flood _ the old bridge over the small river.A.washed awayB.went awayC.blew awayD.put away( )12.I met my teacher _ I was walking in the street, but I didnt say hello to him.A.beforeB.afterC.untilD.while( )13.His close friend _ for two years.A.diedB.has diedC.has been deadD.has been died( )14.The book cost so _ that she didnt buy it.A.manyB.muchC.bigD.expensive( )15.She prefers to offer more money for a better dress _ pay less for this one.A.rather thanB.instead ofC.not toD.rather.情景交际。(10分)(A) 选择句子,补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。A: We have to meet the others at 7:30 at the botanical garden (植物园), dont we?B: 16 A: Do you know how to get there?B: 17 It will take us about three hours to get there by train.A: 18 B: Its an area that lots of different plants are protected.A: 19 B: Im not really sure. I know there are many different kinds of trees and flowers and Im going to take my camera with me.A: Thats a good idea. What clothes are you going to wear?B: Well, if its wet, I will wear my strong shoes and take an umbrella with me.A: 20 I think we will enjoy ourselves.A: So will I.B: What kind of plants can we see there?C: Neither will I.D: Yes, Ive got a map.E: What do you know about the garden?F: Yes, thats right.G: Why do you know it?(B) 填入适当的句子,补全对话。A: Have you seen Jim these days?B: No, hes gone to Japan to see his grandfather.A: 21. _B: Yes, he lived there before he came here.A: 22. _B: About one month.A: 23. _B: Yes, Ive just received a letter from him.A: 24. _B: He said he had a very good time there and he also wanted me to give his best wishes to you.A: 25. _.完形填空。(10分)When people talk about air pollution, they are usually thinking about outdoor air 26 . But do you know that there is also air pollution inside homes, offices, hotels and other buildings? The air in your home can be 2 to 100 times more polluted than the air outdoors! In fact, some American doctors say that 50% of illnesses have 27 to do with polluted indoor air.A lot of pollution comes from indoor activities 28 smoking and cooking. As most people 29 about 80%-90% of their time inside buildings, it is important to take indoor air pollution seriously, too.Air pollution influences our health 30 . When the air is polluted, not only young children and old people 31 from it, 32 people with health problems suffer as well. Indoor air pollution can 33 peoples eyes, noses and throats. Air pollution, both indoor and outdoor, can also 34 to lung cancer and heart disease! In the great London fog in 1952, 4, 000 people died in a few days 35 the pollution! It is said that half a million young children and women die each year in India because of indoor air pollution!( )26.A.pollutionB.polluteC.pollutingD.polluted( )27.A.nothingB.everythingC.somethingD.anything( )28.A.as well asB.such asC.instead ofD.so as( )29.A.takeB.costC.spendD.give( )30.A.in many waysB.in many thingsC.in many housesD.in many years( )31.A.endureB.bearC.standD.suffer( )32.A.andB.butC.orD.while( )33.A.hitB.hurtC.pollutD.beat( )34.A.causeB.getC.giveD.lead( )35.A.because ofB.thanks toC.related toD.because.阅读理解。(30分)(A、B两篇每小题1分,C、D两篇每小题2分)(A) The ladies club always had a meeting every Friday afternoon and someone came to talk to them about some important things. After that, they had tea and asked questions.One Friday, a man came and talked in the club about the food problem. “There is not enough food in the world for everybody,” he said, “more than half of the people in the world are hungry, and when these people get more food, they have more babies, as a result they never stop being hungry. Somewhere in the world, a woman is having a baby every minute, day and night. What are we going to do about it?” He waited for a few seconds. Then one of the ladies said, “Why dont we find that woman and stop her?”根据短文内容,回答下列问题,每空一词。36.What did people often do in the ladies club?They often _ a meeting, talked, had tea and _ questions.37.What did the man come to talk about one Friday?He came to talk about the _ _.38.What did the man think about the food problem?Some people never stop _ _.39.What is the womans answer to the mans question?She said they should _ that woman and _ her _ having babies.40.Do you think the womans answer is helpful?_, it _.(B) What do people do with their old, out of date but still useful computers? Most people dont know how to deal with them. Many old computers are put away. Many more are simply thrown away as rubbish.Finally, some companies are thinking of ways to bring down the number of old computers. Sony has agreed to help recycle old Sony products(产品). Dell, Hewlett Packard and other companies now also take back some old computers of their own brands.In some countries, laws have been passed, too. Computer companies have to pay for collecting and recycling their used products. And 70% of computer waste must be recycled. The idea behind the laws is that computer companies themselves should pay for the cost. That will encourage them to make computers which are easier and cheaper to repair and upgrade(升级).Yet many people are throwing away good computers, while others cannot afford them at all. Hundreds of organizations are working on this problem. They collect and repair old computers. Some also teach others how to repair computers. These repaired computers then go to schools, charities(慈善团体) or people who need them. Giving a used computer to one of these organizations can turn one persons rubbish into someone elses useful things and cut down waste, too.( )41.What do many people do with old computers?A.They repair them.B.They sell them.C.They send them to others.D.They stop using them.( )42.How many computer companies are mentioned in the second paragraph?A.One.B.Two.C.Three.D.Four.( )43.According to the laws in some countries, computer companies must _.A.recycle most of their productsB.collect all their used productsC.repair and upgrade old computersD.make more cheaper computers( )44.What do the organizations do to solve the problem of old computers?A.Help the computer companies to collect them.B.Repair and send them to those who need them.C.Help people to learn to use them.D.Turn rubbish into useful things.( )45.What is the main idea of this passage?A.Repairing old computers.B.Encouraging to make cheap computers.C.Recycling old computers.D.Helping those who need computers.(C) Have you ever seen the new way of getting fresh water? Here is an example. First, people make some long ponds which are about half a meter deep. Then they put a cover over each pond. The cover is made of glass that you can see through.46._ 47._ 48._ 49._ 50._People then collect these big drops through a special conduit(管道). Then the ponds are ready for the next days work. As we know, the covers and other parts of the ponds cost very little. Sea water and the sun cost nothing. So this new way of getting fresh water seems wonderful.将下列句子按正确的顺序排列,使文章意思连贯通顺。A.On the inside of each cover, the little drops of mist (薄雾) run together to make big drops.B.The next day, the hot sun shines through the covers.C.As it goes up, the vapor(水蒸气) becomes mist.D.The sun light turns the water into vapor that goes up from the ponds.E.At night, sea water is taken into the ponds.(D) On very cold winter days, a group of Japanese children traveled a long way and arrived at a small island where nobody lived. After setting up a camp, they caught fish in the sea, and walked on the snow to find firewood, wild fruit and fresh water. Then they made a fire to do some cooking. They were not homeless children or modern Robinson (鲁滨孙). They were all pupils from a primary school and campers of special“hardship(苦难)camp”.Every year primary and middle schools in Japan organize such camps to train the childrens spirit of bearing hardships. Such places like thick forests and far-off(遥远的)mountains are often chosen as camp places.The Japanese education circles (教育界) usually think it necessary to give children chances of suffering(经历)hardships. Children in Japan now may hardly find times of hardships, because of the rapid growth of national economy(经济)and improvement in peoples living conditions. The experts(专家)think that such hardship camps can help children learn to live and develop in the struggle against nature.Its said that such hardship camps are warmly accepted by both Japanese school children and their parents.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。51.Why do primary and middle schools in Japan organize the camps?_52.Which places do they often choose as camp places?_53.Are there any teachers who can help the children to cook in the camp?_54.Why do the children in Japan hardly find times of hardships?_55.Whats the experts opinion (观点) on the idea?_第三部分 写作(30分).词汇。(10分)(A) 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1.Mr. Smith can o_ his guests some coffee or tea when they come to his home.2.Today, everyone o_ to be a greener person.3.I felt a sharp pain in my c_.4.He is the s_ of person who only cares about money.5.We must remember that n_ of us is infallible (永无过失的). We all make mistakes.(B) 根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。develop, produce, die, spit, pollute6.Can you see the sign “No _” over there?7.Air _ is the most serious problem at the moment.8.As we know, China is still a _ country in the world.9.Jane felt frightened (害怕) as soon as she saw the _ snake.10.Do you know America is one of the worlds largest _ of oil?.英汉互译。(5分)11.我想阻止她抓那个球,但是她没有听到。I want to _ her _ _ the ball, but she didnt hear me.12.打电脑游戏不但耗费时间,而且有害健康。Playing computer games not only takes much time but also is _ _ _.13.我想要茶而不是咖啡。I would like tea _ _coffee.14.我叔叔离开家乡已有好几年了。My uncle _ _ _ _ his hometown for quite a few years.15.你知道印度人口比美国的还多吗?Do you know that the population of India is _ than _ of America?.书面表达。(15分)(A) 加拿大著名专家(expert) Jim Greenlaw将于本周日来我校作演讲,演讲主题是 Saving Our Earth,假如你是校学生会主席,请写则通知,告诉全校同学。时间: 上午9: 00地点: 学校礼堂要求: 带好笔记本并做好笔记;保持会场安静,不要乱扔垃圾。(5分)(B) 根据下面表格的提示,写一篇80词左右的短文。(10分)人类的不明智之举1.乱伐树林2.乱扔垃圾3.不加处理排放废物导致的问题1.土地沙化2.河水变脏3.空气质量差4.全球气温升高建议至少两条合理化建议听 力 材 料Unit 2单元综合检测.听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。1. Wow! Ive never seen such a beautiful view before.2. Hanghang, youd better wear your old clothes tomorrow, because we are going to plant trees in the park.3. Most Chinese families follow the one-child policy.4. There are many power stations in the world that produce electricity by wind.5. More and more Chinese teenagers have their own bicycles.听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。6. How long have you lived in this city?7. Where has Mr. Li gone?8. When are they going to return?9. Have you ever been to England?10. Do you like to live in Hong Kong?.听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。11-12W: Are you teaching in this school now?M: Yes. I began to teach here in 1990.W: This factory has been open for several years. How long have you been at the factory?M: Since seven years ago.13-15W: Where have you been, Jack?M: Ive been to a park.W: What did you do there?M: I found that the visitors throw rubbish into the lake nearby. The lake has become very dirty. Lots of fish have died.W: Thats terrible! What did you do then?M: I took a bottle of water and some dead fish to the leader of the park.W: What did he say?M: He said that they would do something to solve the problem.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。Hong Kong has about forty public beaches. Some of the beaches are among the best in the world. People can go there for a swim. You can go to most of them by bus. To go to some beaches, you have to take a boat. There are toilets, changing rooms and places to buy food and drinks on most of the beaches.You will swim there safely if you remember these instructions: (1) Never swim alone. (2) Never swim right after a meal or when you feel hungry or tired. (3) Do not stay in the water too long. (4) Never get out of the boat if you cannot swim.听短文,填空。短文读三遍。There are a lot of trees around us. Trees are useful in three very important ways. The first important way is that they provide human with food. Without trees, many animals could not live on the earth, and its not easy for human to live, either. The second important way is that trees give us shade. The third important way is that trees help to stop droughts and floods.参考答案及解析Unit 2单元综合检测第一部分 听力.1.D 2.E 3.B 4.C 5.A.6.A 7.A 8.A 9.B 10.B.11.B 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.B.16.C 17.C 18.A 19.C 20.A.21.useful 22.provide 23.Without 24.to live 25.help to stop第二部分 基础知识运用. 1.A 本题考查主从句时态问题。主句用过去时,从句也用相应的过去时态。由于他几年前去过加拿大,所以从句要用完成时态。故选A。2.B keep 保存,保持;stand 忍受;hear 听说;make使役动词,根据题意选择B项。3.C 本题考查stop sb./sth. from doing sth. 表示“阻止某人/某物做某事”。4.D or表示否则,只有它符合句意。5.B 本题考查none of 表示“一个也没有”;both of 表示“两者都”;all 表示“全都”;neither of 表示“两者都不”。根据题意选择B项。6.A 在现在完成时中表示一段时间往往用for和since短语,但for+一段时间,而since+过去时间(时间点)。故选A项。7.A 动词不定式做目的状语。8.D anywhere 任何地方,随便哪里;nowhere 无处,任何地方都不;everywhere 各地,到处;somewhere 某地,在某地。根据题意选择D项。9.B 这是一个though(尽管)引导的让步状语从句,全句意为“尽管这首歌的歌词不是很好,但它仍是一首好歌”,此处注意though 不可和but 连用,故选B。10.B 修饰动词应使用副词,故选B。11.A 本题考查 wash away 冲走; go away 离开,走开; blow away 吹走; put away拿开。由于句意rainstorm是 “暴雨”,故选A。12.D while 强调“我在街上走的时候”发生的另一个动作。13.C die是短暂性动词不能与表示一段时间的短语for two years连用,故用be dead表状态来代替。14.B 书太贵了她没有买,此处用much而不是expensive, 如果用expensive原句应为The book was so expensive that she didnt buy it.15.A 本题考查prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. 与其做倒不如做。.(A)16.F 17.D 18.E 19.B 20.A(B)21.Has he ever been there before?22.How long will he be there?23.Have you heard from him?24.What did he say?25.It is very nice of him. 26.A 句意为:他们只关心户外的空气污染。故选A。27.C 句意为:美国的医生说50%的疾病来自我们室内的空气污染。故选C。28.B 句意为:很多污染来自户内的活动。例如抽烟和做饭。A.也;B.例如;C.代替。故选B。29.C 句意为:因为大多数人在室内的时间是他们时间的80%90%。A项常用于形式主语;B项是某物花费、价值多少。故选C。30.A 句意为:空气污染在许多方面影响我们的健康。在许多方面用in many ways表示。故选A。31.D suffer from意为“遭受”。故选D。32.B 考查转折连词。题意为:空气被污染了后,不仅仅是孩子和老人遭受伤害,有健康问题的人也受影响。故选B。33.B 题意为:户内的空气污染,能伤害人的眼睛、鼻子和喉咙。A.打击;B.伤害;C.污染;D.敲打。故选B。34.D lead to意为“引起”。故选D。35.A 题意为:在1952年的伦敦大雾中4,000人在几天后死于污染。because of后接名词、代词、动名词。故选A。.(A)36.had, asked 37.food problem 38.being hungry 39.find, stop, from 40.No, isnt(B)41.D 根据第一段得知D项符合题意。42.C 它们是Sony, Dell和Hewlett Packard三家电脑公司。43.A 根据Computer companies have to pay for collecting and recycling their used products.得知。电脑公司必须回收他们的旧产品。44.B 根据第四段可知,They collect and repair old computers. Some also teach others how to repair computers. The computers then go to schools, charities and people who need them.45.C 阅读文章,可知道本文主要讲述电脑厂家回收它们产品的事。各选项中只有C项提到recycling。(C)46.E 47.B 48.D 49.C 50.A(D)文章大意: 本文讲述的是日本的中、小学组织学生们参加的名为“苦难营”活动的故事。该活动主要使学生经历生活中的苦难,磨炼他们的意志,学会在现代生活中的生存之道。51.They organize the camps to train the childrens spirit of bearing hardships./In order to train the childrens spirit of bearing hardships.通过阅读第二段可直接找到该问题的答案。52.They often choose thick forests and far-off mountains. 在第二段的结尾部分可直接找到该问题的答案。53.No, there arent. 从阅读第一段可知孩子们经过长途跋涉到达荒无人烟的小岛。安营后,他们要去海里捕鱼、行走在雪中拾柴火,找野果和淡水、生火做饭都是他们亲自来做的。54.Thats because of the rapid growth of national economy and improvement in the peoples living conditions. 由于国民经济的快速增长和人民生活水平的提高,日本的孩子们都很难感受到什么是艰苦时光了。55.They think that such hardship camps can help children learn to live and develop in the struggle agains

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