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上海市2011年初三年级教学质量抽样测试英语试卷PART ONE LISTENING (第一部分 听力) (共20分)I.Short conversations.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear. (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出恰当的答案) (共6分) 1. A. In 1980.B. In 1981.C. In 1982.D. In 1983.2. A. To have dinner. B. To have a rest. C. To see a film. D. To see a doctor. 3. A. In a bank.B. In a hospital.C. In a store.D. In a post office.4. A. By car.B. By train.C. By air.D. By bus.5. A. The mistake. B. The weather. C. The newspaper. D. The traffic. 6. A. Teacher and student.B. Husband and wife.C. Doctor and patient.D. Manager and clerk.II.Short passage.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false. (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容, 符合的用 “T” 表示,不符合的用 “F” 表示) (共5分)7. A baby bird fell from its nest (巢) and died at once. 8. The mother bird is looking for food somewhere else for its baby. 9. The speakers father told the speaker to leave the baby bird and try not to think about it.10. The woman said that things like that happened a lot and people couldnt do anything. 11. We should do something to help others instead of just watching. III. Longer conversation.Listen to one longer conversation and choose the most proper answers to the following questions. (根据你听到的长对话,为下列问题选出最恰当的答案) (共4分)12.What does Tom want to do? A. He wants to take a trip to England with his parents. B. He wants to take a trip to England with his grandparents. C. He wants to book a trip to England for his grandparents. D. He wants to book a trip to England for his parents. 13. When are they going to fly to London? A. On May 9th. B. On May 19th.C. On March 9th. D. On March 19th. 14. Why do Toms grandparents choose England for a trip? A. Because they lived there before. B. Because it is a birthday present. C. Because they are quite old. D. Because they like big cities. 15. What did Toms grandparents do when they lived in England? A. They flew airplanes. B. They grew flowers in the garden.C. They traveled a lot and visited friends.D. They took the train to small villages.IV. Spot dictation. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with the information you hear. Write no more than three words for each blank. (根据你听到的短文内容,完成下列句子,每空不超过三个词) (共5分)16. Experts say that _ of the American teenagers dont get enough sleep on school days. 17.Teenagers are supposed to sleep later and wake up later than other _. 18. According to Michael Breus, teenagers need _ hours of sleep a night. 19.Studies show that students _ improved by starting classes later. 20.Students who go to school later are noticed happier and more _ in class. PART TWO PHONETICS, VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR(第二部分 语音、语法和词汇) (共23分)V. Complete the following sentences with the help of the phonetic symbols given. (根据所给音标完成下列句子,在空格内填入恰当的单词,每空限填一词) (共5分) 21. Life is _ /nt/ always a bed of roses. 22. Wear a smile often, and you will _ /fi:l/ young always. 23. Everyone on the Earth should do something to _ /faIt/ against pollution. 24. Could you please keep an eye on my bag when I am _ /E5weI/?25. The thought of the coming _ /Ig5zAm/ worried me a lot. VI.Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage. (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文) (共10分)The man walked down the trail (小径) on a cold day. There was white snow and ice everywhere.This was his first winter in Alaska.He was wearing heavy clothes,but he 26 felt cold and uncomfortable.The man was on his way 27 a camp near Henderson. He expected to reach Henderson by six oclock that evening. It would be 28 by then. His friends were already there. They would have a fire and hot food ready for him.A dog walked behind him.It was a big animal, half dog and half wolf. The dog did not like the terrible cold. 29 knew the weather was too cold to travel.The man continued to walk down the trail.He came to a frozen river.He began to walk on the snow-covered ice.It was a trail that would 30 him straight to Henderson and his friends.As he walked, he looked 31 at the ice in front of him.He stopped and then walked around.He saw underground water running under the ice.It made the ice thin.If he stepped on it, he might break through the ice.To get his shoes wet in 32 cold weather might kill him. At about twelve oclock, the man decided to stop to eat his lunch. He 33 the glove on his right hand. He opened his bag, and took out his bread and meat. This took less than twenty seconds. Yet, his fingers began to freeze.He hit his hand against his leg several times 34 he felt a pain.Then he quickly put on his glove. He made a fire, sat on a snow-covered rock and ate his lunch. He enjoyed the warm fire for a few more minutes. Then he stood up and 35 walking on the frozen river again.26. A. always B. often C. still D. sometimes27. A. to B. of C. for D. with28. A. cold B. dark C. rainy D. sunny29. A. He B. They C. We D. It30. A. lead B. make C. bring D. ask31. A. quickly B. carefully C. actively D. softly32. A. much B. so C. such D. even33. A. put on B. picked upC. gave up D. took off34. A. when B. until C. unlessD. after35. A. start B. startedC. to startD. startsVII.Rewrite the following sentences as required. (根据要求改写句子。词数不限。) (共8分)36. I fell in love with my little puppy at first sight. (改成否定句)_37. Our teacher has given us some tips on how to learn English well. (改成一般疑问句)_38. The houses in Shanghai are so expensive that I cant afford them. (用tooto 改写句子,保持句意基本不变) _39. Try your best, and you will achieve your dream. (用if 改写句子,保持句意基本不变) _PART THREE READING COMPREHENSION(第三部分 阅读理解)(共37分)VIII. Reading comprehension.A. Read the passage and complete the following sentences. (阅读短文,完成下列句子,每空一词。) (共5分)I was frightened on my first day of school. Like a kid going to school for the first time, I felt my heart beating fast as I walked to my first class. American colleges do things quite differently from most Asian ones. Here in America, we choose every class ourselves. Students have the freedom to choose which classes to take, the class times and even the teachers they want. This was my first time sitting with so many Americans in a classroom. Unlike (与不一样) many other classmates, I sat quietly by myself. My teacher spoke faster than my English teacher in Shanghai. I had a hard time understanding him. Now, English is the hardest thing in my life, but I have to use it all the time. I have trouble understanding the teachers in class and communicating with other students, because they use a lot of idioms (成语). To make me understand, sometimes they have to use body language. Reading and writing are as important as listening and speaking. When my classes started to get busier, the readings get longer. There are so many new words in the books that I have to turn to my dictionary for help from time to time. Like other students, I have to spend a lot of time reading every night, even the weekends. It is really a hard time for me, but I think I can get more knowledge and new experiences. 40. On the first day of school, many kids feel _. 41. In class I sat _ by myself, because I have trouble understanding the teacher. 42. It is _ to communicate with my classmates in English because they use a lot of idioms.43. Very often we use body language to _ each other better.44. Students in American colleges are asked to spend a lot of time _. B. Choose the best answer. (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案) (共5分)In some parts of the world, people are in trouble. They need food, water and new homes. Large groups like the International Red Cross are always the first to offer help. But thousands of other small groups who arent as well-known also give help to those who need it. Heifer International hopes to offer help to those hungry people. Its a huge goal, but they are working on it, one family at a time. The organization gives animals such as cows, goats and chickens to families in need. A cow can produce about fifteen liters (升) of milk a day. Often thats enough for a family to drink and still have some to sell. The families receive an animal and learn how to care for their animal. Each family also agrees to give away one of their animals babies to someone else in need. This keeps the “gift” going. In this way, Heifer International has helped over 38 million people in the past 60 years. According to Helen Keller International (HKI), 75 percent of the blind people can be treated (治疗). Some simple medicine can help prevent blindness. But 90 percent of the blind in developing countries are very poor. In fact, they are too poor to get the right kind of eye care. Thats what HKI wants to do for the blind. In 2003, the organization provided medicine for millions of children in Asia and Africa. It reached every child in some areas. HKIs goal is to end blindness by the year 2020. 45. Besides the International Red Cross, _ like HKI also offer help to people. A. big companies B. developing countries C. small groups D. rich people46. Heifer International not only offers animals to the hungry people but also teaches them how to _. A. make moneyB. sell milk C. manage money D. care for animals47. So far, how many people have received help from the Heifer International? A. 15 million. B. 38 million. C. 75 million. D. 60 million.48. What has HKI offered to prevent blindness in developing countries? A. Some money. B. Some animals. C. Some food. D. Some medicine.49. In 2003 Helen Keller helped the children in developing countries in _. A. Asia and Africa B. Europe and AmericaC. Europe and AsiaD. America and AfricaC.Choose the best answer. (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案) (共5分)Suppose you are 17 and live alone with no money. Years ago, that was my dad. His father died when he was 10, and as the oldest of five, he had to take care of his brothers and sisters. When his mother remarried (改嫁), my dad had to leave home. With few choices, he joined the army, and worked as hard as he could for a job, a nice house, and a family. Having a dad like him has made me different from other people; with his help and advice, I set and meet my goals.When I wanted to play basketball, my dad said, “Dont let anyone tell you what you can or cant do.” People thought I was too small to play, but he let me know I could. Looking back now, I know why my dad said this to me: it was something his father and mother never told him. Time flew by. It was time for me to look for a job. A department store offered me a job as cart (推车) assistant. For the whole day, I pushed shopping carts. It was so cold that I couldnt move my hands. But my dad wouldnt let me give up, even though I wanted to. He kept saying it would get better, and he was right. Ive worked there for a year now and I do much more than just push carts. My dad helped me grow into the person Im becoming. When I was younger, I was small. The other boys called me “Lil Nicky”. I hated it. I went to my dad for a help. He encouraged me and helped me make an exercise plan and I got to work. In my life, there are different roads. My dad helped me get on the one I continue on today. I know I am just at the beginning. There will be difficulties. But there will always be my dad. Even when he is not physically here for me, his words wont leave my mind. 50.At the age of _, my father had to care for his brothers and sisters. A. 15 B. 17C. 5 D. 1051. My first job, as a cart assistant, was rather _, so I wanted to give it up. A. interesting B. cold C. tiring D. good52. The underlined word “Lil” in the fourth paragraph probably means _. A. smart B. smallC. blackD. strong53. My fathers words will be on my mind, _. A. so he will die peacefully B. though he has left me C. even when he is dead D. when he is not at home 54. Which of the following is the best topic for the passage?A. How Dad helped me in my lifeB. How Dad achieved success C. How Dad lived a poor lifeD. How Dad helped me find a jobD. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words. (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给) (共14分)If youre traveling to the United States, youll need to understand the common way to say hello, a handshake. Friends shake hands. Women, men and even c 55 can shake hands. Shaking hands also seems simple, but there are some important things to r 56 . When you shake hands, you must look into the other persons eyes the whole time youre shaking hands. Shake hands strongly. If you give a weak handshake, the other person might t 57 that youre sick. They might also feel that you dont like them or want to touch them. If your handshake is strong e 58 , you should feel the other persons hand get a little narrower. Shake hands with men and women the same way. If you shake hands with a very old person or a small child, be careful not to hurt them. Some people dont know how long to k 59 shaking. The most common handshake should have three “shakes” and then you should let go. Dont worry, if Americans shake hands a little longer. Your handshake is l 60 your smile. Its special to you. You need to find a comfortable strong handshake that shows who you are. Because the handshake allows people to touch, the hand should be warm, clean and dry. Warm: Put your hands into your pockets b 61 you shake hands. This will warm them. Clean: If you know youre going to meet someone, wash your hands so theyll be clean. Dry: Everyone gets nervous and your hands may get wet. It isnt a good feeling for the other person. Again, put your hands into your pockets. This will dry them. E.Answer the questions. (根据短文内容回答下列问题) (共8分)Betsy Rogers has just been chosen Teacher of the Year in the United States. President Obama invited her to dinner last week. As Teacher of the Year, she will travel around the country and give speeches. She teaches first and second grade at a very small school near Birmingham, Alabama. The school is called Leeds Elementary. Her students, aged five through seven, are poor. Betsy has taught in this school since she graduated in 1984 from Stamford University in Birmingham, Alabama.To Betsy, education is endless. She tells other teachers to believe that every student can learn something, and she always tries new teaching methods with other teachers. She uses art, music and cooking as part of her everyday teaching. She is in charge of a project in which teachers follow students through the first and second grade. In that way, teachers can teach the students better. This method is called “looping”. Other schools in Alabama now use this method. In the past five years, she has completed three more educational projects.She says that one of the main problems of schools is that they do not get enough money. She also hopes that more teachers will work with poor children. She and her husband moved to a farm near Leeds Elementary in her thirties. They wanted their two sons to know more about the life of the poor children. Betsy is also interested in her students lives outside the classroom. She attends their parties and sports meetings. To communicate with the whole family, she even sends e-mail to parents. 62. Who invited Betsy Roger to dinner last week? 63. How does Mrs. Roger improve her teaching? 64. What does Betsy Roger do to know her students better? 65. What can President Obama do for Betsys school?PART FOUR WRITING (第四部分 写话) (共20分)IX. Writing. Section A Make up sentences with the words and phrases given. (连词成句) (共10分)【例】 flew the day before yesterday Hong Kong he to He flew to Hong Kong the day before yesterday.66. my is playing the piano good at father_.67.running saw in the playground I some students _.68. between this evening is a football match China and Japan on Channel 5 there_.69.or by bike we to the movies go by underground shall _?70. help with my English is kind of you it to me _.Section B71. Write 50 to 70 words according to the comic strips given. You are required to write at least one sentence for each comic and make up an ending for the story. (就下列漫画写一篇50-70词的短文。简要描述图片,并编一个结尾。每幅图至少写一句话。) (共10分) 【漫画来源:父与子 哈尔滨出版社 作者:埃 奥卜劳恩(德国)】 2011年上海市初三年级教学质量抽样测试试卷听力文字稿PART ONE LISTENINGI.Short conversationsListen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear. (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案, 对话和问题只念一遍) 1. M: My son graduated from college in 1981. What about your son?W: He finished school a year after your son did. Q: When did the womans son graduate?2.M: Lets go to the movies after dinner. W: Well, I will go if you really want to, but I am a little bit tired. Q: What does the woman want to do? 3. M: Excuse me. Can you tell me how much I should pay for sending a letter by air mail to Sydney? W: It depends on the weight. Shall I weigh it for you? Q: Where are they talking? 4. M: I hear youre going to drive to New York this weekend. W: No, Ive changed my mind. I think flying will be more comfortable. Q: How will the woman go to New York? 5. M: Im back. Im tired of this rain. W: Me too! I looked at the newspaper this morning. It did not say anything about all the rain. M: Sometimes the newspaper is wrong. Q: What are they talking about?6.W: Now, what is the trouble, young man? M: Im feeling sick lately and there is a slight pain at the back of my head. Q: What is the most possible relationship between the two speakers? II.Short passageListen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false. (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容, 符合的用 “T” 表示,不符合的用 “F” 表示,短文念两遍) As I walked to the mailbox with my dad, I saw something drop from a tree, but I couldnt tell what it was. As we came closer, I found out it was a baby bird, fallen from its nest. It had long, weak wings and feet, and eyes that fought to stay open. I sat next to it while my dad got the mail. I looked for its nest and mother, wondering what would happen to it. My dad said we had to leave it; there was nothing we could do. He said if the mother smelled anything of humans she wouldnt go near the baby. As we began to walk away, a woman passed by. “Did he fall out of a nest?” she asked. “Yeah,” I answered. “It happens a lot. Nothing we can do,” she said.On the way back home, my dad said. “Try not to think about it when you go to sleep tonight.”The next day, I walked by the mailbox. The baby bird was lying in the grass, dead.I realized that “Try not to think about it” is the way many people live. The woman wasnt short of love; she was actually quite nice. But when everyone says “theres nothing I can do just try not to think about it,” what will happen? When millions of people simply try not to think about it when they go to sleep a


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