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绝密启用前 2019-2020年高三下学期5月模拟考试英语试题含答案注意事项:1.本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在本试卷和答题卡相应位置上。2.回答第卷时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号,写在本试卷上无效。3.回答第卷时,将答案写在答题卡上.写在本试卷上无效。4.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第I卷第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,共30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A My first wife and I only had one child. It might have been nice to have more. I would have liked a son, but we just had Carmen. I see her as my best friend. I think she always es to me first if she has a problem. We have the same sense of humor and share many interests; except that shes crazy about animals, obsessed with them she has always had dogs, cats, and horses in her life. We were closest when she was about four, which I think is a wonderful age for a child. Thats when they need their parents most. But as soon as Carmen went to school, she seemed to grow up and grow apart from her family, and any father finds it difficult with a teenage daughter. She was very moody and had an odd group of friends. There was an endless stream of strange young men ing to our house. I remember once got annoyed with her in front of her friends and she didnt talk to me for days. Ive always wanted the best for her. We sent her to a good school, but she wasnt happy there. She left because she wanted to bee an actress, so with my connections I got her into a drama school, but she didnt like that either. She worked for a while doing small roles in films, but she must have found it boring although she never really said why. She got married a few years ago, her husbands a vet. They must be happy because they work together, and she loves animals. We have the same tastes in books and music. When she was younger, I used to take her to the opera thats my passion-but she cant have liked it very much because she hasnt e with me for years. I dont think she goes to the cinema or watches TV much. She might watch my films, but I dont know. Its not the kind of thing she talks to me about. Im very pleased to have Carmen. Shes a good daughter, but I dont think she likes my new wife very much because she doesnt visit us very often. Im looking forward to being a grandfather one day. I hope shell have a son.1. Which is TRUE about the author according to the passage? A. He is disappointed with his first wife. B. His daughter treats him as her best friend. C. He and Carmen dont have much in mon. D. He doesnt seem to be an animal lover.2. What does the author think of getting along with his daughter? A. Its easier for him to get along with her when she was 4. B. He couldnt take care of her after she went to school. C. He tried very hard to get along well with her friends. D. He once got very angry because she didnt talk to him.3. By saying wanted the best for her, the author means that_. A. he had done everything he could for Carmen B. he was sad when Carmen wasnt happy at school C. he never asked Carmen why she gave up drama D. he was pleased that Carmen married her husband4. What can be inferred about the author and Carmen from Paragraph 5? A. They were both interested in books and music and opera. B. The author greatly influenced her daughters hobbies. C. The author was probably a famous TV presenter. D. The author didnt know much about Carmens hobbies. BEmily Dickinson was born on December 10, 1830, in Amherst, Massachusetts. She attended Mount Holyoke Female Seminary in South Hadley, but only for one year. Throughout her life, she seldom left her home and visitors were few. The people with whom she did e in contact, however, had an enormous impact on her poetry. She was particularly stirred by the Reverend Charles Wadsworth, whom she first met on a trip to Philadelphia. While it is certain that he was an important figure in her life, it is not clear that their relationship was romanticshe called him my closest earthly friend. By the 1860s, Dickinson lived in almost plete isolation from the outside world, but actively maintained many correspondences (书信来往) and read widely. She spent a great deal of this time with her family. Her father, Edward Dickinson, was actively involved in state and national politics, serving in Congress for one term. Her brother, Austin, who attended law school and became an attorney (律师), lived next door with his wife, Susan Gilbert. Dickinsons younger sister, Lavinia, also lived at home for her entire life in similar isolation. Lavinia and Austin were not only family, but intellectual panions for Dickinson during her lifetime. While Dickinson was a prolific private poet, fewer than a dozen of her nearly eighteen hundred poems were published during her lifetime. Dickinsons poems are unique for the era in which she wrote; they contain short lines, typically lack titles, and often use slant rhyme as well as unconventional capitalization and punctuation. Many of her poems deal with themes of death and immortality, two recurring topics in letters to her friends.Her first collection of poetry was published in 1890. A plete and mostly unaltered collection of her poetry became available for the first time in 1955. Despite some unfavorable reviews and some skepticism during the late 19th and early 20th century as to Dickinsons literary techniques, she is now almost universally considered to be one of the most important American poets. 5. Which of the following is right according to the passage?A. Emily Dickson never left her home.B. Emily Dickinson spent many years in school.C. “My closest earthly friend” was Emily Dickinsons husband.D. Reverend Charles Wadsworth had great influence on her and her poetry. 6. What can we know about Emily Dickinsons family?A. Her father was a lawyer.B. Her brother was actively involved in politics.C. Her sister was in close relationship with her. D. Her siblings (兄弟姐妹) didnt like her poetry.7. According to the passage, what do we know about Emily Dickinsons Poetry?A. Love and death are two vital themes of her many poems.B. A collection of poems was published during her lifetime.C. Her poems appealed to the public of her era.D. Her poems contain no titles. 8. Whats the passage mainly about?A. Emily Dickinsons life storyB. Emily Dickinsons historical influenceC. Emily Dickinsons artistic ambitionD. Emily Dickinsons literary achievementsC One baby born with a defective windpipe (气管缺陷) now has hope of breathing normally thanks to 3-D printing technology, NPR reported.Garrett Peterson, now 18 months old, was born with tracheomalacia (气管软化), leaving him unable to breathe. The condition terrified his parents, who turned to specialist Dr. Glenn Green at the University of Michigan for a possible treatment.Along with Scott Hollister, a biomedical engineer who runs the universitys 3-D printing lab, Green designed a device that can hold open Garretts windpipe until its strong enough to function independently. After taking a CT scan of Garretts windpipe to make a replica of it, they made the “splint” with a 3-D printer.Its like a protective shell that goes on the outside of the windpipe, and it allows the windpipe to be tacked to the inside of that shell to open it up directly, Green told NPR.On January 31, Garrett had his surgery. Surgeon Dr. Richard Ohye opened up Garretts chest and saw that his windpipe had pletely collapsed and one of his lungs was pletely white a condition Ohye had only seen in dead bodies. After eight hours of surgery and careful placement of a splint on either side of Garretts windpipe, it was time for the big test: What would happen when they let air flow through the windpipe into Garretts lungs?Though he still remains in the hospital, Garrett has gotten stronger and needs less assistance breathing in the weeks since his surgery. His parents are overjoyed, saying hes starting to act more interactive and alert.As Garrett grows, the splint will expand and eventually dissolve in his body as his own windpipe strengthens enough to work independently.3-D printing technology has allowed doctors to help patients in ways that they hope will continue to grow.Were talking about taking something like dust and converting it into body parts, Green said. And were able to do things that were never possible before.9. What does the author mainly talk about in the passage?A. The introduction of 3-D printing technology by medical workers.B. The development of 3-D printing technology by engineers.C. The use of 3-D printing technology in saving a baby.D. The Potential of 3-D printing technology in surgery.10. We can learn from the passage that _.A. Garrett is out of hospital with the help of 3-D printing technology.B. The splint will exist in Garretts body for ever.C. It is difficult to operate the 3-D printer.D. Garretts condition is critical.11. The underlined word “splint” in the 3rd paragraph refers to _.A. A 3-D printer. B. A 3-D scanner.C. A new building material. D. A device to expand the windpipe.12. According to the passage, doctors attitude toward 3-D printing technology in medical care is _.A. positiveB. negative C. unknown D. indifferentD “To be or not to be”Outside the Bible, these six words are the most famous in all the literature of the worldThey were spoken by Hamlet when he was thinking aloud, and they are the most famous words in Shakespeare because Hamlet was speaking not only for himself but for every thinking man and womanTo be or not to be-to live or not to live, to live richly and abundantly and eagerly, or to live dully and meanly and scarcelyA philosopher once wanted to know whether he was alive or not, which is a good question for everyone to put to himself occasionallyHe answered it by saying, “I think, therefore I am” But the best definition of existence I ever saw was one written by another philosopher who said, “To be is to be in relations” If this is true, then the more relations a living thing has, the more it is aliveTo live abundantly means simply to increase the range and intensity (强度) of our relationsUnfortunately, we are so constituted that we get to love our routineBut other than our regular occupation, how much are we alive? If you are interested only in your regular occupation, you are alive only to that extentSo far as other things are concerned-poetry and prose, music, pictures, sports unselfish friendships, politics, international affairs-you are dead On the contrary, it is true that every time you acquire a new interest-even more, a new acplishment-you increase your power of lifeNo one who is deeply interested in different kinds of subjects can remain unhappyThe real pessimist is the person who has lost interest Bacon said that a man dies as often as he loses a friendBut we gain new life by contacts with new friends, and new ideas and thoughts, tooWhere your thoughts are, there will be your life alsoIf your thoughts are limited only to your business, only to your physical welfare, only to your narrow circle of the town in which you live, then you live in a narrow restricted lifeBut if you are interested in the characters of a good novel, then you are living with those highly interested people; if you listen intently to fine music, you are always away from immediate surroundings and living in a world of passion and imagination To be or not to be - to live intensely and richly, or merely to exist, that depends on ourselvesLet us widen and intensify our relationsWhile we live, let us live13What does the author mainly want to do by this passage?AArgue against an idea BPut forward an ideaCIntroduce some famous sayingsDExplain some famous sayings14What does the underlined word “pessimist” most probably mean?ASomebody who always expects the worst to happenBSomebody who is always interested in making new friendsCSomebody who always lives in a world of passion and imaginationDSomebody who likes to live a rich and abundant life15Which of the following behaviors is most probably NOT encouraged by the author?AThinking more than your own businessBCaring only about your physical welfareCReading good novelsDListening to fine music第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项_17_ Water makes up more than half of your body weight and a person cant survive for more than a few days without it. Why? Your body has lots of important jobs and it needs water to do many of them. For instance, your blood, which contains a lot of water, carries oxygen to all the cells of your body. Without oxygen, those tiny cells would die and your body would stop working.Water is also in lymph, a fluid (流体) that is part of your immune system, which helps you fight off illness. 18 Water is needed for digestive juices, urine, and poop. And you can bet that water makes up most of sweat.In addition to being an important part of the fluids in your body, each cell depends on water to function normally._19_ Any fluid you drink will contain water, but water and milk are the best choices. Lots of foods contain water, too. 20 You could probably tell that if youve ever bitten into a peach or pear and felt the juices dripping down your chin! Vegetables, too, contain a lot of waterthink of biting into a fat tomato from the garden.A. You need water to digest your food and get rid of waste,too.B. You all need water.C. Without water,your body would stop working properly.D. How much is enough?E. Your body doesnt get water only from drinking water.F. When you drink is also important.G. Fruit contains quite a bit of water.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节: 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑 I have never learned as much math in my life as I did last year. It was because of Ms. Vaciran 21 I truly understood what I was learning. It might not seem 22 a big deal to some, but to me it is. I have never met a woman so caring and so determined to teach her 23 .I never really wanted to work for good 24 in math class. I never knew how to study math and never understood some of the concepts. I can remember trying to sneak out of the classroom 25Ms. Vacirce caught me and yelled across the 26, “Lauren, are you ing to extra help during lunch?” It was a nightmare she would always 27 me with one foot out of the door, it never 28. Even then I just thought of it as a thing I had to do. It was funny to see how everyone would be in her room during lunch and then again after school. She would 29 everyone to e every day, just so we could do our homework in 30 .Many of the students thought of her as a bit of nag, but 31they knew that she was right and 32 for it . Many of her tests were hard at firs, but as the year progressed, so did I. I knew that it was because of her.Even outside class, she was 33 as ever. She always wanted to know what was going on in my (and everyone elses ) life, and she was always looking out for everyones best interest.Ms. Vatican is a sweet woman with a sense of 34 that you just have to laugh at . When regents were approaching, she was more concerned than ever about everyone doing well. Many of her precious students 35high, and so she 36 the same from us. Day after day there were students in the classroom 37 problems. When it was time for our big test, I knew I was ready. I walked out of that test with my head 38. I knew that I was a 39 and Ms. Vacirca had made me that way . I appreciated all the hard work that she put into helping me and my fellow students. I knew that I would 40 her.21. A. howB. whatC. whyD. that22. A. asB. likeC. thatD. as if23. A. studentsB. childrenC. classmates D. family24. A. grades B. salaryC. lifeD. subjects25. A. while B. untilC. beforeD. unless26. A. seat B. classroomC. yardD. kitchen27. A. see B. helpC. catchD. beat28. A. succeeded B. stoppedC. helpedD. failed29. A. forbid B. letC. encourage D. hope30. A. peace B. confusionC. surpriseD. home31. A. inside B. outside C. almostD. hardly32. A. praised B. scolded C. blamedD. respected33. A. frightened B. caring C. hardD. right34. A. duty B. time C. foolishness D. homour35. A .jumped B. grewC. scoredD. drank36. A. expectedB. received C. wished D. hoped37. A. previewing B. reviewingC. learningD. making38. A. high B. hangingC. lowD. down39. A. failure B. studentC. successD. hero40. A. hate B. missC. forgetD. marry第II卷第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为4150的相应位置上A recent incident is making headlines on various websites: Liang Ya, a female worker, 41_ (faint) in a subway station in Shenzhen, and was conformed 42_ (die) when ambulances arrived about 50 minutes later. 43_who mented blamed passers-by for being cold-blooded, but such accusations are groundless, says an editorial in The Beijing News.While 44_ (report) the incident, several websites used headlines such as Five Pass by Without Lending a Helping Hand. These headlines prompted irrational readers to blame the passers-by,45_ they were responsible for Liangs death, says the editorial.46_ analysis of the details reveals how groundless these claims are. The monitor video of the subway station shows that Liang fainted and fell at 10:29 am and three minutes later a passer-by found her and informed the subway staff. They stood 47_ her and called the first-aid center 11 minutes later, but when the ambulance arrived at 11:18, Liang was pronounced dead.48_ (obvious), says the editorial, what the passers-by did was right 49_ any professional training,it is not advisable to intervene in such incidents, 50_ could be life-threatening. 第三部分:写作(共两节,35分)第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(), 并在其下写出该加的词。 删除: 把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。Last Saturday, I went to visit the museum with my classmates. We were interesting in dinosaurs, but we came to the Dinosaur World first. There we see many fossils of different kind of dinosaurs. We were both amazed when the guide showed us some dinosaur eggs which they were laid about 9.5 million years ago.Then we came to another hall, where many old Chinese inventions were in show. When I saw those old things, I felt proud of being Chinese. I think the visit very meaningfully. I should study harder to be inventor in the future and make contributions to build our great motherland. 第二节:书面表达(满分25分)假如你叫李梅,最近你所在的班级举办了一次关于“老人摔倒是否该上前帮助”的辩论会。请阅读下面表格,写一篇短文,介绍同学们的看法,并就此发表你自己的观点。62%的人赞成帮人解决困难,中华民族光荣传统;帮助别人,快乐自己. 30%的人反对管好自己就行,多一事不如少一事; 避免被讹诈.你的看法.注意:1.词数110左右; 2. 开头已给出, 不计入总词数。 3. 参考词汇:搀扶起 help up; 讹诈 extort vt. Recently our class has held a class debate about whether to offer help to an old men or woman who has fallen down on the road. Different students have different opinions about it._答案(一)阅读理解完型语法填空改错 作文Possible version


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