2019-2020年高一下学期期初检测英语试题 Word版含答案.doc

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涟水一中xx学年高一下学期期初检测英语试题2019-2020年高一下学期期初检测英语试题 Word版含答案一、单项选择1The teachers hope the little _ has been learned will be useful when they leave school. A. that B. what C. knowledge D. which2Do you like Nack ?Yes , Nack is good , kind , hard working and intelligent; , I cant speak too highly of him . A. as a result Bin a word C. by the way Don the contrary3My brother is always making good use of the time _ he can spare. A. when B. in which C. while D. that4I started into the darkness and wonderful if he was as_my presence as I was of his.A. aware of B. aware that C. quite aware D. very aware5Last week, I bought an interesting story book, _ is very beautiful. A. which coverB. the cover of which C. its coverD. the cover of whose6The determined mother has devoted all she has to _ her son out of trouble.A. helping B. help C. have helped D. having helped7I am so sorry to have e late for the meeting.-Its not your fault. With rush-hour traffic and heavy rain, it is no wonder you were late.A. a; aB. the; theC. /; /D. /; a8On the first anniversary of Lu Xuns death, October 19,1937, Mao Zedong himself gave _ speech in _ memory of Lu Xun.A. a; theB. a; 不填C. a; aD. 不填; 不填9Few houses in the village were left _after the earthquake.Ato stand Bstand Cstanding Dstood10 Remember that there is still one point _ we must make clear at the conference tomorrow.A. whereB. whyC. whenD. that11_ Teachers Day is just around the cornerIll give my teacher a gift, _ one that is special and unforgettable AThe; X BX; the CA; a DX; X12Several leading _ resigned from the party yesterday. A. figuresB. numbersC. images D. memberships13Now its been possible for us to be taken into “space”, we can experience weightlessness for a short time. A. which B. when C. where D. that14The workmen made so much _ that Mrs. Walker had to spend three days cleaning up afterwards.A. trouble B. damage C. mess D. nuisance二、完型填空In Renee Smiths classroom, attendance is up, trips to the headmasters office are down and students are handing in assignments on time. The Springfield High School teacher says she has seen great _1_ since adding a few new students to her class five Labrador puppies and their father.The seven _2_ students in Smiths class have a history of discipline _3_. But since theyve started teaching the dogs obedience (顺从), their own _4_ has improved. A dog trainer Chuck Reynolds _5_ the students a new trick each week that they then work on with the puppies. At night, the dogs go home with the staff members who have raised them. They get dropped off in the morning, _6_ a parent would take a child to day care.Smith said she came up with the idea when her dog had puppies and she saw how _7_ her own children responded to them. She consulted with school psychologist Kristin Edinger, _8_ they took the idea- along with letters from students _9_the programme - to the school board. A pet therapist said, What you are trying to teach is _10_ and that there are consequences for the decisions you make.1. A. promotion B. progress C. disturbance D. disappointment2. A. human B. dog C. new D. Labrador3. A. problems B. questions C. issues D. troubles4. A. habit B. attitude C. action D. behaviour5. A. guides B. teaches C. permits D. aids6. A. such as B. much as C. so that D. even if7. A. well B. quickly C. poorly D. carelessly8. A. but B. so C. and D. because9. A. revising B. describing C. opposingD. supporting10. A. self-criticism B. self-respect C. self-control D. self-importance三、阅读理解AThe following symbols have appeared on clothes labels for four decades, each one chosen by international experts for its simplicity and clarity.Yet for most people, washing instructions might as well be written in Martian.According to a new poll, nine in ten people are unable to decipher mon symbols used on clothes labels. Even those who have mastered the difference between a wool and a synthetics(化学合成物)wash admit being baffled by the confusing array(排列)of boxes, circles and crosses used to give advice about drying and bleaching(漂白).The findings e from a poll of 2,000 people carried out by YouGov for Morphy Richards. A third of people surveyed said that they recognized none of the several symbols shown, while the only symbol recognized by more than half of people was the iron with a single dot. Around 70 per cent knew it meant iron on a low heat. Just 10 per cent sign knew the sign for do not dry clean, while only 12 per cent were familiar with drip dry only.Despite the sexual revolution, women are still more knowledgeable than men. Awareness was highest among 18 to 29-year-old women-for whom taking care of clothes is clearly important.Chris Lever, from Morphy Richards, said: Clothes Care symbols are a unique language, clearly a language that few people in the UK have taken the time to learn.Learning the basics such as which icon represents tumble dry and which represents normal wash would go a long way to getting the best out of clothes.The Home Laundering Consultative Council said it was not surprised to learn that people were unfamiliar with them.Its disappointing that there is a lack of recognition, but its a story thats repeated time and time again, said a spokesman, Adam Mansell. We are a small organization and we dont have a big budget.1. Women know more about these mon symbols than men, because _.A. women have the gift of recognizing these symbols by natureB. women pay more attention to taking care of clothes in their daily lifeC. women have much time to know about these symbolsD. women take advantage of the sexual revolution2. Which of the following can be recognized by the majority of people? A B C D3. Which of the following statements is NOT correct?A. Washing clothes is damaging them if we dont know about some symbols used on clothes labels.B. Washing clothes is also a cultured knowledge.C. More and more people devote much time to studying these symbols used on clothes labels.D. Clothes Care symbols are a unique language, which few people spend time to learn.B If you are in charge of a project, the key to success is getting everyone to want to help you. As a director, I point, I suggest. I gently push the actors in the direction I want them to go. In the 1986 movie, “Nothing in mon”, Jackie Gleasons character, Max Basner, gets fired from his job as a clothing salesman. The scene, shot on a boat, shows Maxs despair about being out of work. I was looking for some gesture that would allow Max to show his feelings.Jackie had far more experience at everything than I did, and at first I was frightened. What could I possibly tell “The Great One” about acting? Finally I decided to direct by suggestion, and sat down with Gleason to talk about the scene. “So Max is sad, right?” I said.Gleason nodded.“And hes probably still carrying his pens with name on themthe ones he used to hand out to his customers, right?”Gleason nodded.“So what would you want to do with the pens after you were fired?”He was silent for a moment. “Why dont I throw them overboard?”I stood up and turned up and turned toward the crew. “Hey, everybody, Jackie has a wonderful idea. Lets shoot it.”After filming the scene, Gleason called me over and said with a smile. “Garry, what kind of wonderful idea am I going to have tomorrow?”You and your team can discover the answers to problems together. When there are no prizes or gold stars for who gets the solution first, youll all benefit when everything turns out right.1. According to the writer, to succeed in a project you are in charge of , you should_.A. make everyone work for you B. get everyone willing to help C. let people know you have the idea D. keep talking to them2. “The Great One” in Paragraph 2 refers to_.A. Gleason B. the director himself C. Max D. Maxs boss3. After filming the scene, Gleason called the director over and smiled at him. Thats because Gleason_.A. thought the director gave him a good idea B. formed the habit of thinking of ideas while talkingC. was not confident about his actingD. appreciated the directors directing skill4. The most suitable title for the passage is “_”.A. Directing a Film B. The Key to SuccessC. A Wonderful Experience D. Working with Film CThe United States is a sports-loving nation. Sports in America take various forms: organized petitive struggles, athletic games, hunting and fishing. Most sports are seasonal, so that what is happening in sports depends upon the time of year. Baseball is the most popular sport in the US. It is played throughout the spring and summer, and professional baseball teams play well into the fall.Football is the most popular sport in the fall. The game originated as a college sport more than 75 years ago. Its not the same as European football or soccer. In American football there are 11 players as well on each team, and they are dressed in padded uniforms and helmets because the game is rough and injuries are likely to occur. It is still played by almost every college and university in the country. Basketball is the winner sport in American schools and colleges. Like football, basketball originated in the US, many Americans prefer it to football because it is played indoors throughout the winter and because it is a faster game. And the famous NBA games are considered the best of this game.Other sports attracting a great many people include wrestling, boxing and horse racing. Although horse-racing fans call themselves sportsmen, the exactness of the term is questionable, as only the jockeys who ride the horses in the races can be considered athletes. The so-called sportsmen are the spectators, who do not e primarily to see the horses race, but to bet upon the oute of each race. Gambling is the attraction of horse racing.1Baseball is so popular in America that some professional teams play it until _.A. spring B. summer C. fall D. winter2When playing football, American players are dressed in a special uniforms _.A. to avoid unexpected injuriesB. to play it like European football C. to make the game rough enoughD. to look like professional players3Many Americans prefer basketball to football because_.A. NBA games are very popular B. it is originated in the US C. it is much faster than footballD. it is played indoors throughout winter4Horse-racing fans cant be exactly considered as sportsmen because they _.A. mainly stand and watch the racesB. dont ride horse in the races C. are only interested in the resultsD. dont care who wins in the races5The underlined word “jockeys” in the last paragraph refers to _.A. the person who bets upon the the race B. the person who cares about horse-racingC. the rider who enjoys watching the race D. the rider who petes in horse-racingDDanielle Steel, Americas sweetheart, is one of the hardest working women in the book business. Unlike other productive authors who write one book at a time, she can work on up to five. Her research time before writing takes at least three years. Once she has fully studied her subjects, ready to dive into a book, she can spend twenty hours nonstop at her desk.Danielle Steel es from New York and was sent to France for her education. After graduation, she worked in the public relations and advertising industries. Later she started a job as a writer which she was best fit for. Her achievements are unbelievable: 390 million copies of books in print, nearly fifty New York Times best-selling novels, and a series of Max and Martha picture books for children to help them deal with the real-life problems of death, new hobbies and new schools. Her xx book about the death of her son shot to the top of the New York Times best-selling list as soon as it came out. Twenty-eight of her books have been made into films. She is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for one of her books being the Times best-seller for 381 weeks straight.Not content with a big house, a loving family, and a view of the Golden Gate Bridge, Danielle Steel considers her readers to be the most important resource(资源) and has kept in touch with them by e-mail. While she is often pared to the heroines(女主人公) of her own invention, her life is undoubtedly much quieter. But, if she does have anything in mon with them, it is her strength of will and her inimitable(独特的) style. There is only one Danielle Steel.1Children who have read Max and Martha picture books may know _.A. how to deal with affairs at school B. what to do if Max and Martha dieC. what to do when new babies are born into their familiesD. how to solve the difficult problems in their writing classes2One of Danielle Steels achievements is that _.A. some TV plays were based on her booksB. her picture books attracted a lot of young menC. one of her books became a best-seller in xxD. she wrote the Guinness Book of World Records3We can learn from the passage that Danielle Steel _.A. lives an exciting life B. value her readers a lotC. writes about quiet women D. is pleased with her achievements第II卷(非选择题)四、阅读填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号相应位置上。How should one invest (投资) a sum of money in these days of inflation (通货膨胀)? 1 (leave) in a bank itll hardly keep its value, however high the interest rate. Only a brave man, 2 a very rich one, dares to buy and sell on the Stock (股票) Market. Today it seems that one of the best ways 3 (protect) your savings and even increase your wealth is to buy beautiful objects 4 the past. Here I am going to offer some advice on collecting antique clocks, 5 I personally consider are among the most interesting of antiques.I sometimes wonder 6 a being from another planet report back about our way of life. “The planet Earth 7 (rule) by a mysterious creature that sits or stands in a room and makes a strange ticking sound. It has a face 8 twelve black marks and two hands. Men can do nothing without its permission, and it 9 (fast) its young around peoples wrists so that everywhere men go 10 are still under control. This creature is the real master of Earth and men are its slaves.”五、书面表达近段时间你发现校园内浪费现象严重,请你在班会上发表演讲,谈谈你所看到的浪费现象及危害,并就这一现象发表个人见解。 浪费现象 1 不关水、不关教室的电灯 2 食堂里的桌子上丢满食物3 校园里乱丢纸张、书本造成危害 1 浪费资源2 形成坏习惯,不利于品德养成3 浪费金钱,增加父母经济负担个人认识至少两点注意:1. 词数120左右; 2. 演讲的开头已写好,不记入总词数。 参考词汇:食堂canteen 给某人增加经济负担add financial burden to sbDear friends,May I have your attention, please? Now Id like to make a speech here。 Nowadays, some of us students have formed some bad habits in our school。 For example, 参考答案%

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