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2019-2020年高三英语第五次模拟试题(I)第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第1节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 I walked to Mrs. Windsors house and waited outside. She was working with another student, and I was not supposed to bother them by ringing the bell. I stood against the wall and daydreamed what Id rather be doing.I had been tutored enough to read, understand, and even write some musical positions, but I just didnt have a gift for it. Mrs. Windsor had offered to give me the lessons for free, so I felt my duty to try.The door opened and Wendy Barton came out. I walked in, sat down on the piano bench and began to sort through my sheet music. Today Mrs. Windsor introduced her niece Pasha to teach me. With a smile, Pasha sat beside me on the piano bench, opened my sheet music to the beginning page and asked me to play. I arranged my fingers on the keys. Then I frowned(皱眉) and concentrated to make the notes on the page match the finger movements. I had to admit I was a rather mechanical (呆板的)pianist. After about a page or two, Pasha gently put her hand on top of mine as if to calm my fingers. There was a long pause. “What are you hearing in the music?” I looked at her rather strangely and admitted I didnt know what she meant. “Like a story. Here, let me try and you listen,” Pasha advised. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, letting her fingers dance lightly over the keys. Then, she began to play. “See, it begins here beside some kind of river. Hear the water flowing beside you?” Her fingers rose and fell gently on the keys. “Now the princess appears and shes picking flowers from the waters edge.” A happy piece of music filled the air in time to Pashas dancing fingers. “Oh, but she slips!” The music changed. “And our princess is being carried off by the fast-flowing stream. Quickly, the princess horse sees her plight (困境) and races to the rivers edge where he swims out to let her catch hold of him. Luckily, they make it to the bank.” Pasha said. I played many pieces of music that afternoon, finding the stories in the music and learning that sometimes it takes a friend to pull you out of the river onto dry land again.1. By describing herself as a mechanical pianist, the author meant _. A. she could remember the notes in a short time B. she was playing the piano without emotion C. her fingers couldnt move freely D. it had been a long time since she played last time2. Which of the following can best describe Pasha? A. Creative. B. Honest. C. Humorous. D. Brave.3. Pashas magic of playing the piano lies in that she _. A. imagined herself as a princess B. knew its original background story C. had a strong desire to make a friend D. bined the music with a story4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?A. A Friend Forever B. Never Give up C. A Piano Lesson D. My Favorite Piece of Music B Every year in America, high-school students who want to go to college take a national examination called the Scholastic Aptitude Test, or SAT in a shortened way. Their score is an important factor in determining which colleges will admit them or whether any will be admitted at all. The Scholastic Aptitude Test measures ones mathematical ability and use of the English language. Traditionally, the English part involved grammatical questions and paragraphs that test reading prehension. But the SAT folks have added a single question, to be answered in an essay, hand-written on the spot. Thats an interesting way to test writing ability, but content aside, have you ever seen young peoples handwriting lately? Or anyones for that matter, in this age of puter keyboards? Students write numbers and sign their names on bank checks. They scribble class notes in what can generously be described as the written word. Yet todays kids are asked to write, thoughtfully and clearly, for several minutes on this SAT Test. Good luck to the text scorers who must work out difficultly the scrawl (潦草的字迹) of young people whove been typing on puters since the age of three! Teachers insist that good handwriting can not only help ones score on the SAT, but also, later on in life, impress potential employers. And dont forget, we all have to turn to handwriting from time to time, as puters go down when power goes out. Then how to improve the handwriting? Well, with a few simple steps you can improve your hand writing. Position the pen. You should hold the pen between the forefinger and the thumb, then rest it near the first knuckle (指节) of the middle finger. The rest of your fingers should be curled (卷曲) under your hand and your hand should remain relaxed. Evaluate your writing. Make changes to your letters till you like how they look. Take your time. Speed is bound to make your writing messy-looking. Practice. Practice it a lot; its not enough to do it once and hope for the best. It has to be something you work at to make great improvements.5. The underlined word “scribble” in Paragraph 2 probably means _. A. write quickly and roughly B. type simply and correctly C. paint clearly and neatly D. describe properly and well6. According to Paragraph 3, students with good handwriting skill _ . A. can pass the SAT B. can develop good characters C. can impress their classmates D. can get more job opportunities 7. Which of the following should you avoid when improving your handwriting? A. Practicing writing a lot. B. Writing as fast as you can. C. Relaxing your hand when holding the pen. D. Changing your letters till you like how they look.8. The text is to present the fact that_. A. writing seems to be very important in the SAT B. those who will go to college have to take the SAT C. students should practice handwriting more often D. kids dont know how to write in the puter ageC Paying a higher price than usual for a ticket to see a film in 3D is the annoyance of many a cinema-goers life. But there may be a benefit to doing so, as a study has found that 3D films exercise the brain and improve short-term functioning in a similar way to brain-training tests. The research found that people who watched a movie in 3D improved cognitive (认知) skills, pared to those who watched it in 2D. The research was led by neuroscientist(神经学家) Dr Patrick Fagan from Goldsmiths University in London. More than 100 people took part in the experiment, where participants watched Disney film Big Hero 6 in either standard format or RealD 3D. They also carried out a brain-training-style test before and after seeing a section from the film. The test covered memory, reaction times and cognitive function and the results were pared later. According to the research, which was carried out in partnership with science group Thrill Laboratory, participants experienced a 23 percent increase in cognitive processing, as well as an 11 percent increase in reaction times. Dr Fagan said that the results showed enough of an improvement in brain function to suggest that 3D could play a part in improving brain power in the future. “These findings are more significant than you might think,” he said. “It is a fact that people are living longer and there is a noticeable decline in cognitive brain function in old age which can worsen future quality of life. There has never been a better time to look at ways to improve brain function. The initial results of this study show that 3D films may potentially play a role in slowing this decline.” A second part of the experiment involved those watching the film being fitted with headsets that scanned brain activity and this too showed heightened (加强的) activity when watching 3D. According to the results, participants were seven percent more engaged with what they were watching, adding to argument that 3D movies are more like watching real-life- something Professor Brendan Walker from Thrill Laboratory agreed with. “As Professor Brendan Walkers test concluded, 3D films are more attractive and heighten the senses- this, in turn, makes the brain run at quicker speeds,” Dr Fagan said.9. According to the research, people watching a movie in 3D _. A. have a good exercise for their brain B. lose their short memory of its plots C. are willing to pay a high price for tickets D. react the same way as those watching it in 2D10. What can be learned from the research?A. Watching 2D films limits brain function.B. 3D would be a contributing factor in improving brain power.C. The test was carried out after the whole film was viewed.D. The participants took the brain-training-style test once.11. Paragraph 8 is mainly about_.A . the application of 3D. B. the disadvantages of 2D films.C. the change in brain function. D. the significance of the study.12 .The text is most likely to appear in _.A. a sports newspaper B. a biology textbook C. a science magazine D. a film reviewDRegister in person, by phone 264-8833, or by mail. Use form given.178 IN Winchester St, ChicagoBasic Photography This is an eight-hour course for beginners who want to learn how to use a 35mm camera. The teacher will cover such areas as kinds of film, light, and lenses(镜头). Bring your own 35mm camera to class. Course charge: $50. Jan.10,12,17,19, Tues. & Thurs. 6:008:00 p.m. Marianne Adams is a professional photographer whose photographs appear in many magazines.Understanding puters This twelve-hour course is for people who dont know very much about puters, but need to learn about them. You will learn what puters are, what they can and cant do, and how to use them. Course charge:$75. Equipment charge:$10. Jan.14,21,28, Sat. 6:0010:00 p.m. Joseph Saimders is Professor of puter Science at New Urban University. He has over twelve years of experience in the puter field.Typing This course on week-days is for typing. You are tested in the first class and practice at one of eight different skill levels. This allows you to learn at your own speed. Each program lasts 20 hours. Bring your own paper. Course charge:$125. Materials charge:$25. Two hours each evening for two weeks. New classes begin every two weeks. This course is taught by a number of business education teachers who have effectively taught typing courses before.Oil Painting Oil paint is easy to use once you learn the basics. When you enroll(注册) in this oil painting course, you will learn to draw and paint using many oil painting techniques under plete guidance and instruction. Together-with the teachers knowledge and your passion-well unlock your creativity and develop your potential! Course charge: $35. Jan. 5,12,19,26, Thurs. 2:00-5:00pm. Ralf Ericssion has taught beginners to masters and he has learned that everything builds on just a few basic concepts that he will show you here.13. Of all the courses mentioned in the text, the shortest one is_.A. Understanding puters B. Basic Photography C. Oil Painting D. Typing14. There are typing courses_. A. from Monday to Friday B. on Saturdays and Sundays C. from Monday to Saturday D. on Tuesdays and Thursdays15. If you want to take the oil painting course, you should _. A. know that oil painting is not so easy to learn B. master some basic oil painting techniques beforehand C. contact the teacher Ralf Ericssion for your enrollment D. have free time on the afternoon of every Thursday in January第2节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How to Win a Debate petition Debating doesnt mean that you can end up arguing with your opponents(对手). 16 The following tips on how to win a debate will further help you out.1. 17 This is very important. If you already know the debate topic that you are going to debate on, learn as much about it as you can. Research on it and then form opinions about it. Only if you know something in and out, will you be able to talk convincingly on it.2. Be confident. When you are putting your point in front of your opponents as well as the audience, be sure of yourself. Along with the words, your body language, voice modulation (语调) and eye contact, will play a major part in your success in debating. 18 3. Give real life examples. While debating, make use of very simple language, which your audience can understand very easily. Give as many real examples as you can when making a point. 19 Thus, the judges and audience will find you much more convincing. 4. Be descriptive. To win any debate, there is something about the human mind that you should be aware of. The thing with us humans is that if we see something, we believe and remember it much more than something we merely hear! 20 Tell you point of view in such a way that they can actually “see” what you are saying. If you are somehow able to pull this off, there is no doubt that you will be the winner of the debate petition! Follow the tips mentioned above, and with time, you will see yourself winning over your judges and audience.A. Be well prepared.B. Promote dialogue instead of arguing with your opponents.C. Try to paint a picture in the mind of your judges and audience.D. So participate in as many debating contests as you can.E. To prove your point, tell something you or someone else has personally experienced.F. So practice with friends or in front of the mirror so that you are certain of your ability.G. Your main purpose is to convince your audience what you are saying is right. 第二部分 语言知识运用第一节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题l.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Long, long ago,there was a small village. This village had a(an)21tradition. At the beginning of every year, any boy who had reached the age of majority (成年) was given land and money to build a home. The boy had to22his home before winter. If his home failed to endure(忍耐) the cold weather in winter, the villagers could not23him in any way. One24, Paul and Marc reached their majority. They25their land and money and decided to search nearby villages for ideas on building their homes. In each village,they found the nicest26 and talked to the owners. Each owner gladly offered27. After Marc saw several homes, he28the best ideas and went back to his own land. Paul,29, continued collecting more ideas. Soon he had so many great ideas that he began to30some of them. But he always believed he could find even better ideas in the next village. Marc began building his home. He had several false starts, 31his home gradually rose from his land. By fall, Marc had finished his home. It wasnt perfect, but it was strong and he could32it later. Paul enjoyed all the beautiful homes and33with home owners. The first snow came and Paul, realizing he was running out of time,34back to his land. He built the best home he could in the time he had, but it was 35 . The first winter storm destroyed his home and he froze to36.The villagers mourned for him. Marc37the winter. Each year, Marc searched for other good ideas he could use to make his own home look better. He became a leader in the village,38a family, and lived a happy, content life. We all build and improve our own mental homes. Its 39and fun for us to search for ideas from other mental home owners, but we only improve our own mental home if we actually40the best ideas.21A. strangeB. hopeful C. good D. reasonable22A. find B. run C. plete D. buy23A. helpB. encourage C. scold D. persuade24A. winterB. summer C. autumn D. spring25A .exchanged B. received C. recognized D. won26A.girls B. jobs C. houses D. presents27A. rooms B. drinks C. attention D. advice28A .expected B. gathered C. created D. understood29A. similarly B. finally C.however D. therefore30A. forget B. believe C. replace D. doubt31A. because B. although C. but D. so32A. repair B. rebuild C. sell D. improve33A. conversations B. achievements C. struggles D. arguments34A. drove B. rushed C. flew D. moved35A. weak B. funny C. small D. amazing36A. blindness B. death C. sadness D. disease37A. experienced B. hated C. survived D. spent38A. brought B. earned C. contacted D. raised39A. slow B. easy C. dangerous D. special40A. realize B. bring C. collect D. apply第 II 卷第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 On December 19th, xx, an airbus took off from the capital airport of Saudi Arabia. After about an hours flight, something 61 (believe) happened on the plane. The air hostess was about to serve lunch 62 a small mouse stole out from the bag of a young man, which frightened the young woman nearby and she shouted loudly. Then more and more mice came out of 63 bag. 64 (catch) by surprise, the other passengers all shouted in panic. The steward managed to get in touch with the control center on the ground. With the order from the ground, the plane 65 (success) landed at the nearest airport. As soon as the plane was on the ground, all the passengers got off. Then seven specialists got on the plane 66 (kill) the mice. Many means had been tried but 67 of them were good enough. At last, they tried to fill in the plane 68 carbon-dioxide, which poisoned all the mice. It 69 ( report) that the young man wanted to carry the mice to another city and sell them as 70 (pet), but he didnt expect they succeeded in escaping from the bag.第三部分 写作 (共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下短文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。A city, whether big and small, should be clean. Only when we live in a clean city we live a happy life. As we know, a clean city, that disease may be reduced and peoples health may be better, are good both for our mind and body. No one believes people lived in a dirty city with waste everywhere can live happy. However, with more and more people moved into our city, it is not easy to keep our city clean. Beside, some factories will pour waste into the air, the river and onto the ground, making it is hard to keep our city clean. To make our city the better place to live in, we still have a lot to do.第二节 书面表达 ( 满分25分) 假设你是学生李华,进入高三后你发现很多同学为了学习不吃早饭,经常熬夜等不健康学习生活方式。学校校报的英语专栏正在开展以“健康生活方式”为主题的英语征文活动,你打算投稿。请根据以下提示信息写一篇英语短文。 1指出现在部分高三同学不健康的学习生活方式; 2结合实际从以下三方面提出具体健康生活方式: a膳食; b体育锻炼; c人生态度。注意:1词数100左右;2可适当增加细节以使行文连贯。高三第五次模拟考试英语参考答案阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)1-4 BADC 5-8ADBC 9-12 ABDC 13-15BAD 16-20 GAFEC完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 21-25 ACADB 26-30 CDBCA 3135 CDABA 36-40 BCDBD语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)61. unbelievable 62. when 63. the/ his 64. Caught 65. successfully 66. to


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