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2019-2020年高三英语3月模拟试题本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分,共 120 分,考试时间 120 分钟。 第一部分:英语听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(共5小题)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. When will the woman discuss her class project with the man?A. During the mans class. B. After todays classC.Tomorrow.2. Where does this conversation most probably take place?A. In a garden. B.In a kitchen. C. In a market.3. How does the womans sister go to university ?A. By bus. B.On foot. C. By subway.4. What was the weather like last Saturday ?A. It was sunny. B. It was raining all day. C. It turned fine in the afternoon.5. What does the man mean ?A. He knows whats wrong with the watch.B. The woman needs to buy another new battery.C. The clock shop can probably repair the womans watch.第二节(共15小题)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. What did the woman do last night?A. She saw a film. B.She went shopping. C. She watched a football match.7. Why couldnt the man keep in touch with the woman last night?A. The womans mobile phone was stolen.B. The womans mobile phone was power off.C. The man had something important to do.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. What is the weather like these days?A. Hot. B.Cold. C.Rainy.9. Where is the typhoon expected to e from?A. The mainland.B.The western Pacific. C. The mans city.10. When is the typhoon likely to e to the speakers city?A. Tomorrow morning. B.Today. C. Tomorrow evening.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. Whats the relationship between the two speakers?A. Doctor and patient. B. Teacher and student. C. Husband and wife.12. What do we learn about the man?A. The man is badly ill.B. The man has caught a cold.C. The man doesnt like his job very much.13. What did the woman do with the mans trouble?A. She prepared some hot water for him.B. She told him to go to bed.C. She telephoned the doctor immediately.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. Where does the woman want to go?A. To go to the park.B. To go to the English Language Institute.C. To go to the King Street.15. Where are the speakers?A. In the park. B.In a department store. C. At the station.16. Which road should she take when she es to the end of the park?A. The road on the left. B. The road on the right. C. The road leading to the park.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. When will the Burj Dubai be pleted?A. In xx. B. In xx. C. In xx. 18. Where is the center of the tallest buildings at present?A. In Europe and the Middle East.B. In North America and Asia.C. In Asia and the Middle East.19. Why do people build so many tall buildings?A. Tall buildings are wonderful to look at.B. Tall building save more resources.C. People like to live in tall buildings.20. What is the height of the Empire State Building?A. About 400 meters. B. About 200 meters. C. About 300 meters.第二部分:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1分,满分 20 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 21 40 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。 When I say I believe all children can learn, people sometimes misunderstand. Because I have been working with poor, minority children in Harlem for the last 25 years, some people think I am saying that if you give a bright kid from a poor family a good 21 support system, he or she can succeed. Thats absolutely true, 22 thats not what I mean. You see I truly believe that all kids can learn. I believe it, Ive seen it, and Ive even 23 it. Back in 1975 I worked in a summer camp 24 for kids with real problems. They are kids that everyone 25 their parents had given up on. We would 26 with the kids. These children didnt know the difference between baking powder (面粉) and table salt, but 27 they had eaten a warm biscuit out of the oven, they wanted to learn how to make some more. 28 , kids who couldnt sit 29 were carefully looking at ingredients as we measured them out, learning the simple math and spelling lessons we could along the way. By the end of the summer, I remember parents crying when they saw how their children had 30 . The biscuits, 31 , were delicious, and I can still remember the taste of them today. More importantly, I still remember the lesson they taught me: that if we, the 32 , can find the right 33 for a child, theres hope for their education. That starts with looking hard at each child, finding out what 34 them, and exploiting (利用) that excitement. When I was growing up poor in the south Bronx, one of four boys 35 by a single mom, I probably looked like I was 36 nowhere, getting into trouble. And I would have 37 dead or in prison, like many of my friends, if it hadnt been for a couple of teachers who 38 my fascination (喜爱) with reading and made sure I had great books to read. Because of that, I have 39 myself to going into the poorest munities in America and making sure kids like me dont get written 40 . My first taste of success came way back at that summer camp. It came with a plate of steaming, hot biscuits that tasted so good that they could have brought a tear to your eye. 21. A. cultural B. educational C. emotional D. physical 22. A. but B. and C. so D. for 23. A. trusted B. showed C. tasted D. smelled 24. A. intended B. reserved C. served D. provided 25. A. as B. even C. still D. always26. A. cook B. chat C. act D. play 27. A. before B. while C. when D. once 28. A. Suddenly B. Unfortunately C. Expectedly D. Constantly 29. A. close B. still C. firm D. hard 30. A. exchanged B. challenged C. improved D. promoted 31. A. for example B. above all C. by the way D. in other words 32. A. adults B. experts C. researchers D. parents 33. A. conclusion B. motivation C. determination D. attention 34. A. amuses B. excites C. upsets D. forts 35. A. cared B. supported C. protected D. raised 36. A. planning B. relying C. heading D. stopping 37. A. escaped from B. turned into C. led to D. ended up 38. A. explored B. admitted C. spotted D. permitted 39. A. applied B. buried C. absorbed D. persuaded 40. A. down B. on C. in D. off 第三部分:阅读理解(第一节 15小题,第二节 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40分)第一节:阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。 A Been issued a speeding ticket? Failed to stop at a stop sign? What about your family members? And friends? If you are like most of us, the answer to at least one of those questions is “yes”the vast majority of us have slipped up at least once or twice. An innovative new websiteInstant Checkmate is now revealing the full “scoop” on millions of Americans. Instant Checkmate collects hundreds of millions of publicly available criminal, traffic, and arrest records and posts them online so they can easily be searched by anyone. Members of the site can literally begin searching within seconds, and are able to check as many records as they like (think: friends, family, neighbors, etc.). Previously, if you wanted to research someones arrest records, you might have had to actually go in to a county court officein the appropriate countyand formally request information on an individual. This process may have taken days or weeks, or the information might not have been available at all. With websites like Instant Checkmate, however, a background check takes just a few clicks of the mouse, and no more than a minute or two. While preparing this article I decided to run a quick search on myself to give the service a real-world test. To my embarrassment, the search revealed several items Id long forgottenone of them being for the possession of a fake ID I was issued back in college when I was just 18 years old. After searching myself and finding those records, my curiosity was aroused, and I began researching family membersapparently my aunt Susanne isnt a very good driver, judging by the numerous traffic citations that showed on her record. One of the most interesting aspects of Instant Checkmate is that it shows not only criminal records, but also more general background information like marriage records, divorce records, various types of licenses (medical, firearm, aviation, etc.), previous addresses, phone numbers, birthdates and even satellite imagery of known addressesits really pretty scary just how much information is in these reports. In addition to giving information on the specific person you search for, the report also includes a scrolling list of “local sex offenders” for whatever region youve searchedalong with a map plotting out the locations of those offenders. I started reading the ones that showed up in my report carefully, and I was absolutely blown away when I came across my junior high school wrestling coachs mug shot. His crime was listed as “Out of state offense,” so I wasnt able to get the specifics, but he was definitely a registered sex offender. Scary stuff. I would definitely remend this tool to friends and family. Anyone can start running background checks on Instant Checkmate within a few secondsjust click this link to get started. If you would like to search someone you know. 41. All of the following information can be searched on Instant Checkmate EXCEPT _. A. financial records B. personal information C. local sex offenders D. various licenses 42. According to Paragraph 4, what do we know about the information search in the past? A. The efficiency of records search was greatly improved. B. The records were accessible with a click of the mouse. C. It was not necessary for one to go to the court in person. D. It took at least several days before the records were available. 43. The author felt embarrassed because he _. A. was suspected of being issued a fake ID B. was reminded of his dishonest behavior C. realized his aunt was an awful driver D. found his wrestling coach immoral 44. What is the authors attitude towards his junior high school wrestling coach? A. Doubtful. B. Tolerant. C. Fearful. D. Aggressive. 45. What is the purpose of the passage? A. To express his appreciation of Instant Checkmate. B. To describe favorable ways to search for records. C. To declare the importance of Instant Checkmate. D. To introduce an innovative searching website. BPsychologists tell us that we are what we think ourselves to be. Our self-image defines for us what we believe we can and cannot do. Each of us over the years has built up beliefs about ourselves. Unconsciously, our pictures of who we are have been formed by past experiences. Our successes and failures, what others have told us and what we think people believe about us all help form impressions of who we think we are. Because self-image is so important in our growth, it is important to examine our concepts of self in order to reach our full potential. A danger is that we often accept as true the wrong images of self. An example is a student who sees himself as “poor in English.” He can be heard to say, “Oh, Ive never been good in English classes.” Chances are the student failed in an English test at one time in the past. Rather than saying “I failed a test; what can I learn from it ?” he began thinking, “Im a failure; Ill never do well in English.” or, perhaps his parents or friends made negative remarks to him about his grades. These are ways that poor self-images develop. In this case the student became what he thought he was. Changing our self-image is possible. Some psychologists suggest we begin to change our self-image by mentally picturing ourselves performing well at some task. For instance, subjects would sit quietly and imagine themselves throwing darts at a bulls-eye (靶心) on a target. Over a period of weeks their dart game improved. That poor English student might have found he was much better in the subject than he thought if he had tried seeing himself as a better student. The point of changing self-image is not to develop an image of ourselves that is not real. To try to bee something we really arent is just as wrong as living the unrealistic, inferior (低级的) image we may have. The aim is to find the “real” self, to bring our mental images of ourselves in line with our true potential. Another important part of changing self-concept is to not think about past mistakes. Dont let failures do harm. Our errors or shame over mistakes are necessary steps in learning. It is all right to make mistakes. But when they have taught us what we did wrong, we should forget them and not dwell on them. Sometimes we keep remembering our failures or mistakes and feel guilty or embarrassed about them. We let them take over, and then we develop a fear. Thats exactly what the “poor” English student allowed to happen. 46. Which of the following is NOT given as a factor that helps to form our self-images? A. What we did in the past. B. What we are doing right now. C. Other peoples opinions about us. D. Our successes as well as our failures. 47. What does Paragraph 2 mainly discuss? A. How a poor self-image develops. B. How people accept self-images as true. C. How poor grades affect the forming of ones self-image. D. How others negative remarks form ones poor self-image. 48. The author suggests that “poor” English student should _. A. treasure his parents or friends negative remarks about his grades B. think he failed one test and can not learn English well C. sit quietly and try reflecting on himself performing well at the test D. remember well his failure and promise not to make mistakes again 49. Which phrase can best replace the underlined “dwell on” in Paragraph 5? A. settle them down. B. depend on them. C. think them over. D. live on them. 50. What is the authors attitude towards “mistake”? A. Reflecting on mistakes helps change self-image. B. People may learn a lot from making mistakes. C. We should keep remembering mistakes. D. Developing a fear of mistakes helps change self-image. CAs graduation day approached, excitement increased. Being out of high school meant I was finally ing of age. Soon I would be on my own, making my own decisions, doing what I wanted without someone looking over my shoulder and it meant going to school with boys-a wele change ing from an all-girl high school. There was never any question in my mind that I would go to a college away from home. My mothers idea, on the other hand, was just the opposite. Trying her best not to force her preferences on me, she would subtly ask whether I had considered particular schools - all of which happened to be located in or near my hometown of Chicago. Once it was established that, as long as it was financially affordable, I would be going away anyway, my familys perspective changed. Their concern shifted from whether I was going away to how far. The schools I was considering on the East Coast suddenly looked much more attractive than those in California. But which college I would attend was just one of what seemed like a never-ending list of unknowns: What would college be like? Would I be unbearably lonely not knowing anyone else who was going to the same school? Would the other students like me? Would I make friends easily? Would I miss my family so much that I wouldnt be able to stand it? And what about the work - would I be able to keep up? (Being an A student in high school seemed to offer little assurance I would be able to survive college.) What if the college I selected turned out to be a horrible mistake? Would I be able to transfer to another school? Then panic set in. My feelings took a 180-degree turn. I really didnt want to leave high school at all, and it was questionable whether I wanted to grow up after all. It had been nice being respected as a senior by the underclass students for the past year; I didnt enjoy the idea of being on the bottom rung of the ladder again. Despite months of expectation, nothing could have prepared me for the impact of the actual day. As the familiar music of “Pomp and Circumstance” echoed in the background, I looked around at the other students in white caps and gowns as we solemnly (庄严地) filed into the auditorium (礼堂). Tears welled up uncontrollably in my eyes, and I was consumed by a rush of sadness. As if in a daze, I rose from my seat when I heard my name called and slowly crossed the stage to receive my diploma (毕业证书). As I reached out my hand, I knew that I was reaching not just for a piece of paper but for a brand-new life. Exciting as the prospect of a new life seemed, it wasnt easy saying good-bye to the old one- the familiar faces, the familiar routine. I would even miss that chemistry class I wasnt particularly fond of and the long mute each day between home and school that I hated. Good or bad, it was what I knew. That September, I was fortunate to attend a wonderful university in Providence, Rhode Island. I neednt have worried about liking it. My years there turned out to be some of the best years of my life. And as for friends, some of the friendships I formed there I still treasure today. Years later, financial difficulties forced my high school to close its doors for good. Although going back is impossible, its forting to know I can revisit my special memories any time. 51. Which of the following is NOT the reason for the authors feeling excited about graduation? A. Making her own decision. B. Doing whatever she wants. C. Having schoolmates with both sexes. D. Being legally an adult. 52. The authors mother _. A. didnt care about which college her daughter went to B. tries her best to tell the author which college is her favorite C. preferred the colleges on the East Coast than those in California D. willingly allowed the author to make her own choice 53. Why did the author worry about her school work in college? A. Good performance in high school doesnt necessarily mean success in college. B. Feeling lonely in an entirely new school may have a negative influence. C. Unbearable homesickness may stop the author from focusing on study. D. Peer pressure in a good university makes it hard to keep up. 54. What does “being on the bottom rung of the ladder” mean? A. Being a freshman. B. Being an unpopular student. C. Being a loser . D. Being childish person. 55. What can we learn from the last two paragraphs? A. The author was eager to say goodbye to the old school days. B. The author found she was so attached to her old school on the graduation day. C. The author missed her chemistry lessons because they are her favorite. D. The author felt forted because she can revisit her old school. 第二节:根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How northern Europeans beat the winter bluesAsk a child from northern Europe to draw two picturesone on a rainy day and a second in the sunshineand this is what you will get: in the first, as raindrops fall from the top of the page, the man behind the window has an unhappy expression. When a yellow sun sends out some light from the corner, the man is smiling.Northern Europeans associate rain with sadness and sunshine with happiness. They think this is true because they are so aware of how their environment affects them. _56_In October xx, a group of researchers examined the influence of different daily weather factors, including temperature, wind an

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