2015届外研版高考英语一轮复习 必修二复习题及答案解析.doc

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模块过关检测必修二第卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节:(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1What does the man want to do in the evening?AMeet new friends.BStay with his uncle.CGo out with his friends.2What do we know about Paul?AHe works hard.BHe is good at physics.CHe has passed an exam.3Why does the man fail to see Dr Cooper on Monday afternoon?ADr Cooper wont be at office.BDr Cooper will be fully engaged.CDr Cooper will have a meeting.4Where will the party be held next week?AIn a caf.BIn the school.CAt Mikes house.5What are the speakers mainly talking about?AA job. BA letter. CA family.第二节:(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答6至8题。6What is wrong with the mans shirt?AThe color fades.BThe size is wrong.CThe style is not popular.7What size does the man want?A40. B41. C42.8What did the woman do in the end?AChanged the mans shirt for another one.BGave the money back to the man.CRefused to change the mans shirt.听第7段材料,回答9至11题。9What time is it when the speakers are having the conversation?A8:25 pm. B9:25 pm. C7:25 pm.10What are the speakers talking about?AA football game on TV.BWhat they are going to do tonight.CThe TV program Nature&Science.11What will the speakers probably do before 8 oclock?AWatch the football game.BTake a walk.CWatch the program Nature&Science.听第8段材料,回答12至14题。12When were the earliest gardens of Suzhou built?AIn the 6th century BC.BIn the 8th century.CIn the Ming and Qing Dynasties.13How many gardens were there in Suzhou in the 18th century?ALess than 160.B180.COver 200.14What do we know about the Humble Administrators Garden from the dialogue?AIt is the largest garden in Suzhou.BIt is the most famous classical garden in China.CIt is one of the classical gardens of Suzhou.听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15Where does the conversation take place?AOn the phone. BIn a hotel. CAt the airport.16Why does the man want to change the reservation?AIts impossible for him to catch the flight at 9:30 pm.BMr.Lee is not able to catch the flight at 9:30 pm.CThe man is not able to catch the flight at 11:30 pm.17Which flight will Mr.Lee take?AFlight Number 288 to Vienna at 9:30 pm.BFlight Number 362 to Vienna at 11:30 pm.CFlight Number 362 to Vienna at 11:30 am.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18How many places of interest are mentioned in the monologue?ATwo. BThree. CFour.19Who is probably the speaker?AA TV host. BA historian. CA tour guide.20What can we learn from the monologue?AThe Story House is made of wood and brick.BThe Great Church looks like a palace.CThere are over 20,000 dragons around the Grand Hotel.听力原文Text 1W:How about spending the evening staying with Uncle George?M:Come on,Mum.Id really like to go out with my friends.Text 2W:Paul passed physics even though he hardly did any work.M:How he managed that is a mystery to me.I thought the course was extremely difficult.Text 3M:Hello.Id like to make an appointment with Dr Cooper.Could I meet him Monday afternoon?W:Im afraid he has been booked on that date.Could you make it Tuesday morning?Text 4M:So the party is at Mikes house this weekend,right?W:Yes,but we wont go to anyones house next week.M:Then where will the party be held?W:Ive booked a caf near the school.Text 5W:Hey,listen to this:my little brother started school last week!M:Great.What else does it say?W:Well,look here,my cousin Nabil got a new job,and his wife just had a baby.M:Gee.Its great to get news from home,isnt it?Text 6M:Hi,Miss,can I return this shirt?W:Whats the matter with it?M:Its the wrong size.I wear size 42,but its a size 40.W:I remember now.Your wife bought it yesterday.She wanted a size 41,but we didnt have it.She took the smaller size.M:She didnt know that I now wear size 42.W:We dont have a size 42,either.OK,Ill get your money for you.Text 7M:Do you want to watch TV tonight,Kate?W:Well,theres nothing interesting on.But turn it on if you want to.M:I want to see the program Nature&Science.W:Oh,I forgot that was on tonight.Id like to see it,too.M:It comes on at 8:25.Theres an hour to go.What shall we do for an hour?W:How about a walk in the moonlight?M:How sweet!When was our last walk?W:Hmm.I cannot remember.M:Put on your overcoat.It may be a bit cold outside.Oh,wait.I remember theres a football game on TV tonight.But what time is it?W:Let me see.Hmm,the paper says it starts at two oclock tomorrow morning.M:Two oclock tomorrow morning?Then I prefer to sleep.Text 8M:Kathy,have you ever been to Suzhou in East Chinas Jiangsu Province?W:Not yet.But I know Suzhou is known as a garden city.M:Right.The earliest gardens of Suzhou belonged to the King of Wu.They date far back to the Spring and Autumn Period of the 6th century BC.And more gardens were built in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.W:Yes.The number of gardens in Suzhou increased to over 200 from the 16th to the 18th century.Dozens of them have survived to the present and are kept in a good state of preservation.M:These gardens often have to be constructed in a limited amount of space but still enable one to feel the charm of mountains,forests and springs.Walkways and bridges divide the whole area into smaller gardens within gardens and by the technique of “borrowing views”,scenery is borrowed both from outside and inside the garden.W:Exactly.Among the classical gardens of Suzhou,I like the Humble Administrators Garden most,or in Chinese Zhuozheng Yuan.It is the largest private garden in Suzhou,as well as one of the four most famous classical gardens in China.M:How I wish I could have such a garden of my own!W:I am afraid this is a dream of many,but one that only very few can realize.Still,we can go to Suzhou to have a look,even though we cant own it.Text 9W:East Airlines.May I help you?M:Yes,please.Mr.Lee has a reservation on Flight Number 288 to Vienna,tonight at 9:30.Im afraid itll be difficult for him to make it at that time.Is there a later flight this evening?W:Just one moment,please.M:OK.W:One moment,please.Yes,weve got his reservation here.Theres another flight at 11:30 tonight.M:Thats fine.Can you change the reservation then,please?W:All right.Cancel the ticket for Flight Number 288,and book one seat on Flight Number 362 to Vienna.M:Flight Number 362 to Vienna at 11:30 tonight.Thats perfect.Mr.Lee will pick up his ticket at the airport.W:Very good,sir.It must be collected no later than 11:00.M:All right.Thanks,goodbye.W:Goodbye.Text 10Do you like to look at buildings?I do!Today I will visit some very spectacular local buildings.Come with me On the Go!The first building I visit is Taipei Story House.The building looks European.The Story House has two levels and is made of wood and brick,like most of the houses in Europe.It is amazingly beautiful.Another interesting building is the Great Church.It is also in European design.It looks like a tall tower.The Grand Hotel is a landmark of Taipei.It looks like a big palace.We can see many dragons around it.There are over 200,000 dragons around the building!In my opinion,buildings of the future will look different because of the new technologies.These buildings will have many lights and glass.A future building may look somewhat like a space station!Now its your turn.Find some buildings near you and describe them!See you next time On the Go!答案1.C2.C3.B4.A5.B6.B7.C8.B9.C10B11.B12.A13.C14.C15.A16.B17.B18.B19.A20.A第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节:(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A(2013四川卷)Fun DayTo celebrate the Year of the SnakeOrganised by Lam Tin Youth Centre and Kwun Tong High SchoolDate:2 February 2013Time:10 am5 pmPlace:Kwun Tong PlaygroundFee:$20(buy three get one free)Programmes:drama,lion dance,magic show and ballet performanceHightlights:1)enter the lucky draw to win a digital camera2)learn to make festival foodJoin us on the Fun Day!All are welcome!Note:*Tickets are available at the General Office of Lam Tin Youth Centre.*For those who would like to be a volunteer please contact Miss Olivia Wong one week before the activity.【解题导语】本文为广告类文章。告诉大家将要举行的庆祝蛇年的活动安排情况以及注意事项。21What you have just read is a _Anote Breport Cschedule Dposter答案D推理判断题。根据题目,事情安排的时间、地点、费用等情况可判断这是一份海报。22What is going to take place on 2 February,2013?AA big event to welcome a Chinese new year.BA social gathering to raise money for wildlife.CA party for close friends to meet and have fun.DA meeting of Kwun Tong High School students.答案A推理判断题。根据文章的标题以及活动安排可推知在Kwun Tong High School将会举行盛大的新年庆祝活动。故选A项。23How much do you have to pay in total if four of you go together?A$20. B$40. C$60. D$80.答案C细节理解题。关于收费文中给出的信息为buy three get one free,故可知四个人只需买三个人的票就可以得到四张票,故选C项。24Which of the following statements is true?ATickets are sold in Kwun Tong High School.BIts unnecessary to take soft drinks with you.CFree digital cameras are provided for everybody.DFestival food will be served without extra charge.答案B细节理解题。根据文中的信息“Free Soft Drinks”可知提供饮料,故没必要自己带饮料。因此选B项。根据Note中的内容可知在the General Office of Lam Tin Youth Centre可以买到门票,A项错误;幸运抽奖才可能得到数码相机,C项错误;没有提到提供节日食品不收费,只是说可以学做节日食品,故D项错误。BWhy is pink or purple a color for girls and blue or brown for boys?The answer depends largely on cultural values as well as personal experiences.To the Egyptians,green was a color that represented the hope and joy of spring,while for Muslims,it means heaven.Red is a symbol of good luck in many cultures.In China,children are given money in a red envelope to bring good fortune in the New Year.For many nations,blue is a symbol of protection and religious beliefs.Greek people often wear a blue necklace hoping to protect themselves against evils(灾祸)Peoples choice of colors is also influenced by their bodies reactions toward them.Green is said to be the most restful color.It has the ability to reduce pain and relax people both mentally and physically.People who work in green environment have been found to have fewer stomach aches.Red can cause a persons blood pressure to rise and increase peoples appetites(食欲)Many decorators will include different shades of red in the restaurant.Similarly,many commercial websites will have a red “Buy Now” button because red is a color that easily catches a persons eye.Blue is another calming color.Unlike red,blue can cause people to lose appetite.So if you want to eat less,some suggest that eating from blue plates can help.The next time you are deciding on what to wear or what color to decorate your room,think about the color carefully.【解题导语】本文从多方面介绍了颜色对人们的影响和作用,希望我们在生活中能利用这种影响,使生活更加美好。25Muslims regard green as a symbol of heaven mainly because of their _Acultural valuesBcommercial purposesCpersonal experiencesDphysical reactions to the color答案A细节理解题。由文章第二段The answer depends largely on cultural values as well as personal experiences.和.for Muslims,it means heaven.可知,穆斯林把绿色当做a symbol of heaven更多地是因为cultural values。注意:句中有as well as时更多地是强调as well as前面的内容,因此选择A项。26Why will many commercial websites have a red“Buy Now” button?ATo relax people physically.BTo increase peoples appetites.CTo encourage people to make a purchase.DTo cause a persons blood pressure to rise.答案C推理判断题。根据文章第四段可知,红色能使人血压升高,增强食欲,而商业网站上的红色“Buy Now”按钮的目的根本不是为使人身体得到放松,也不是增强人的食欲和使人血压升高。商业网站的目的就是为了自己的商业利益,因此,按钮的目的是为了让人购买商品,选择C项。27Which of the following would be the most proper title for the text?AColors and Human BeingsBThe Cultural Meaning of ColorCColors and Personal ExperiencesDThe Meaning and Function of Color答案D主旨大意题。通观全文,文章叙述了颜色cultural values,personal experiences,bodies reactions等方面的作用和影响,作为文章的题目A项过于宽泛,B项只提及Cultural Meaning,C项只提及Personal Experiences又不够全面。D项涉及颜色的Meaning 和 Function两方面,能概括全文大意,因此选择D项。COwls (猫头鹰) are mysterious creatures.We often think of them as scary.They sometimes live in abandoned houses.They fly without a sound through backyards at night.In stories,they appear with ghosts.When we hear an owls familiar “whooo.whooo.,”it can make us feel very frightened.Owls fly silently,without even a whisper of wings moving through the air.Its as though they appear out of nowherelike ghosts on wings.Owls fly and hunt on the darkest of nights.An owls night habits make it unique.Do these creatures of the night possess strange powers?Owls possess unusual powers of sight and hearing,but they are not supernatural powers.They are natural adaptations that let them live most efficiently (高效地) at night.There is no reason to fear owls.Their habits make them helpful to humans.By hunting mice and other rodents (啮齿目动物),owls help to keep a natural balance between plant and animal life.Without owls,there would be a large number of rodents in farmers fields and storage barns.More than 100 species of owls occupy a variety of habitats around the world.A few oceanic islands and the Antarctic have no owls.The worlds owls come in large,medium,small,smaller,and smallest.For example,the Eurasian eagle owlone of the largesthas a body that is two to three feet long,with a wingspan (翼展) of up to five and onehalf feet.The North American elf owl (the worlds smallest owl) is five to six inches long and has a wingspan that measures slightly more than one foot.Most male and female owls of the same species look alike,although females are usually larger.In some species,the females colors are like those of the trees or grass where she makes her nest.Baby owls,called chicks,stay with their parents until they are about three months old.They soon find their own hunting areas,where they may stay for the rest of their lives.Some owls can live 20 years or more.【解题导语】本文是说明文。文章介绍了猫头鹰的生活习性及不同种类的特征。28Most people regard owls as _Aclever BhardworkingCterrifying Dshy答案C推理判断题。由第一段中的Owls are mysterious creatures.We often think of them as scary可知答案。29Owls help humans in that they _Ahelp preserve the balance of natureBfrighten rodents away from humansChave unusual powersDhelp guard backyards答案A细节理解题。由第二段中的owls help to keep a natural balance of plant and animal life可知,猫头鹰有利于保持生态平衡。30What is special about owls?AThey fly silently.BThey are night hunters.CThey possess supernatural powers.DThey can be found around the world.答案B细节理解题。由第一段中的Owls fly and hunt on the darkest of nights.An owls night habits make it unique可知答案。31The third paragraph is mainly about owls_Ahabitats BsizesCspecies Dwingspans答案C段落大意题。第三段首句More than 100 species of owls occupy a variety of habitats around the world是主题句,再根据本段中所举的几种猫头鹰可知,本段主要讲猫头鹰的种类。D(2013辽宁卷)China is a land of bicycles.At least it was back in 1992 when I traveled the country.Back then everyone seemed to be riding a bicycle.Millions of them,all black.Cars were rare.Yet since my arrival in Beijing last year,Ive found the opposite is true.There are millions of cars.However,people still use their bicycles to get around.For many,its the easiest and cheapest way to travel today.Bicycles also come in different colorssilver,green,red,blue,yellow,whatever you want.Its fun watching people biking.They rush quickly through crossroads,move skillfully through traffic,and ride even on sidewalks(人行道)Bicycles allow people the freedom to move about that cars just cant provide.Eager to be part of this aspect of Chinese culture,I decided to buy a bicycle.Great weather accompanied my great buy.I immediately jumped up on my bicycle seat and started home.My first ride home was orderly(守秩序的)To be safe,I stayed with a“pack”of bikers while cars on the streets came running swiftly out of nowhere at times.I didnt want to get hit.So I took the ride carefully.Crossing the streets was the biggest problem.It was a lot like crossing a major highway back in the United States.The streets here were wide,so crossing took time,skill and a little bit of luck.I finally made it home.The feeling on the bicycle was amazing.The air hitting my face and going through my hair was wonderful.I was sitting on top of the world as I passed by places and people.Biking made me feel alive.【解题导语】本文讲述了作者来到中国买自行车后第一次骑车回家的感受。32According to the author,why are bicycles still popular in China today?ABecause they are traditional and safe.BBecause they are convenient and inexpensive.CBecause they are colorful and available.DBecause they are fast and environment friendly.答案B 细节理解题。从文章第一段中.its the easiest and cheapest way to travel today.可以看出作者认为骑自行车是简单方便和便宜的。33The author decided to buy a bicycle because he intended _Ato ride it for funBto use it for transportCto experience local cultureDto improve his riding skills答案C细节理解题。文章第三段中提到Eager to be part of this aspect of Chinese culture,I decided to buy a bicycle.。由此可以看出作者想体验中国文化。34How did the author feel about his street crossing?AIt was boring. BIt was difficult.CIt was lively. DIt was wonderful.答案B推理判断题。从倒数第二段中Crossing the streets was the biggest problem.以及.crossing took time,skill and a little bit of luck.可以看出作者觉得骑车过马路很危险、很困难。35Which of the following best describes the authors biking experience?AThe author enjoyed showing off his biking skills.BThe author was annoyed by the air while riding.CThe author was praised by the other bikers.DThe author took great pleasure in biking.答案D推理判断题。从文章最后一段中提到的amazing,wonderful,feel alive可看出作者感觉很好。第二节:(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。The benefits of keeping a journalIf you want to grow,one important thing you should do is keeping a journal.It may seem simple,but it can make a big difference in your life.I have been keeping journals for years.Writing all the lessons I learn and all the ideas I get has been a habit for me._36_ Here are some benefits you will get by keeping a journal.It prevents you from losing an idea.Have you ever forgotten an idea only to lose it later because you didnt write it down?_37_ But then I developed the habit of writing down every idea that came into my mind as soon as possible.If Im away from my computer,I usually write it down on a piece of paper that I bring wherever I go.I will then transfer the idea to the journal in my computer.It helps you review all the lessons youve learned.By reviewing your journal,you can quickly see the lessons youve learned and the ideas youve forgotten._38_ You can use the ideas to propel (鞭策) yourself forward._39_ After keeping a journal for years,you can look back at it and see how far youve gone.Things that were big problems in the past might seem small today.The raw ideas you had in the past might have been realized today.It helps you expand (详述) your ideas.When you try to end up with a sentence to express an idea,you are thinking actively about it._40_ At the end,you will expand your ideas.AI often experienced that myself.BIt trains you to express your thoughts.CIt allows you to see your progress over time.DJust use whatever tool you feel affordable with.EThinking actively helps you connect your idea to another idea.FAnd to be honest,I cant imagine what my life would be like without it.GThen you can do whatever necessary to avoid repeating the same mistakes.答案36.F37.A38.G39.C40.E第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。To be a stranger in a world in


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