2019-2020年高一下学期rcise6 含答案.doc

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I. Grammar2019-2020年高一下学期Exercise6 含答案My elder brother Steve, in the absence of my father who died when I was six, gave me important lessons in values and but for his guidance, I 1_ (bee) another punk in the neighbourhood.For instance, Steve taught me to face the results of my behavior. Once when I returned in tears from a Saturday baseball game, it was Steve 2_ took the time to ask me what happened. When I explained that my baseball 3_ fly through Mrs. Holts basement window, 4_ (break) the glass with a crash, Steve encouraged me to confess to her. After all, I should have been playing in the park down Fifth Street and not in the path between buildings. Although my knees knocked as I explained to Mrs. Holt, I offered to pay for the window 5_ my pocket money if she would return my ball. I also learned from Steve that personal property is a sacred thing. After I found a shiny silver pen in my fifth-grade classroom, I wanted to keep it, but Steve explained that it might be important to someone else 6_ _ _ the fact that it had little value. He reminded me of how much Id hate to lose to someone else the small dog my father carved from a piece of cheap wood. I returned the pen to my teacher, Mrs. David, and still remembered the smell of her perfume as she patted me on my shoulder.Yet of all the instructions Steve gave me, his respect for life is 7_ (vivid) in my mind. When I was twelve, I killed an old brown sparrow in the yard with a BB gun. 8_ (excite) with my accuracy, I screamed to Steve to e from the house to take a look. I shall never forget the way 9_ _ he stood for a long moment and stared at the bird on the ground. Then in a dead, quiet voice, he asked, “Did it hurt you first, Mark?” I didnt know what to answer. He continued with his eyes firm, “The only time you should even think of hurting a living thing is if it hurts you first. And then you think a long, long time. “I really felt terrible then, but that moment stands out 10_ the most important lesson my brother taught me. (B)As children approach adulthood, school education has a greater effect on the development of them and how to deal with the relationship between teachers and students is quite important.Generation gap is natural between parents and children. So it is 11_ teachers and students. In fact, it can 12_ (narrow) through mutual understanding and respect. Good teachers are regarded as the students friends and they will cope with the students problems fairly and equally which will mand students trust. Besides, students rely on teachers and they hope to turn to teachers when 13_ (face) with difficulties, so a good teacher should have a clear idea of what the students are thinking and caring for and should municate with them more 14_ _ there will be some misunderstandings in between. Last but not least, students and teachers should respect each other and often think about the things from the others perspective 15_ _ there will be a harmonious atmosphere. And I think 16_ _ _ the teachers bear in mind that with understanding and experienced guidance es a win-win situation, the generation gap actually will also promote the school education positively.II. Reading prehensionIts no surprise that Jennifer Seniors insightful, provocative magazine cover story, “I love My Children, I Hate My Life,” is arousing much chatter nothing gets people talking like the suggestion that child rearing is anything less than a pletely fulfilling, life-enriching experience. Rather than concluding that children make parents either happy or miserable, Senior suggests we need to redefine happiness: instead of thinking of it as something that can be measured by moment-to-moment joy, we should consider being happy as a past-tense condition. Even though the day-to-day experience of raising kids can be soul-crushingly hard, Senior writes that “the very things that in the moment dampen our moods can later be sources of intense gratification and delight.”The magazine cover showing an attractive mother holding a cute baby is hardly the only Madonna-and-child image on newsstands this week. There are also stories about newly adoptive and newly single mom Sandra Bullock, as well as the usual “Jennifer Aniston is pregnant” news. Practically every week features at least one celebrity mom, or mom-to-be, smiling on the newsstands.In a society that so persistently celebrates procreation, is it any wonder that admitting you regret having children is equivalent to admitting you support kitten-killing ? It doesnt seem quite fair, then, to pare the regrets of parents to the regrets of the children. Unhappy parents rarely are provoked to wonder if they shouldnt have had kids, but unhappy childless folks are bothered with the message that children are the single most important thing in the world: obviously their misery must be a direct result of the gaping baby-size holes in their lives.Of course, the image of parenthood that celebrity magazines like Us Weekly and People present is hugely unrealistic, especially when the parents are single mothers like Bullock. According to several studies concluding that parents are less happy than childless couples, single parents are the least happy of all. No shock there, considering how much work it is to raise a kid without a partner to lean on; yet to hear Sandra and Britney tell it, raising a kid on their “own” (read: with round-the-clock help) is a piece of cake.Its hard to imagine that many people are dumb enough to want children just because Reese and Angelina make it look so glamorous: most adults understand that a baby is not a haircut. But its interesting to wonder if the images we see every week of stress-free, happiness-enhancing parenthood arent in some small, subconscious way contributing to our own dissatisfactions with the actual experience, in the same way that a small part of us hoped getting “the Rachel” might make us look just a little bit like Jennifer Aniston.17. Jennifer Senior suggests in her article that raising a child can bring _.Atemporary delight Benjoyment in progressChappiness in retrospect Dlasting reward18. We learn from Paragraph 2 that _.Acelebrity moms are a permanent source for gossip.Bsingle mothers with babies deserve greater attention.Cnews about pregnant celebrities is entertaining.Dhaving children is highly valued by the public.19. It is suggested in Paragraph 3 that childless folks _.Aare constantly exposed to criticism. Bare largely ignored by the media.Cfail to fulfill their social responsibilities. Dare less likely to be satisfied with their life.20. According to Paragraph 4, the message conveyed by celebrity magazines is _.Aforting. Bambiguous. Cpensatory. Dmisleading.21. Which of the following can be inferred from the last paragraph?AHaving children contributes little to the glamour of celebrity moms.BCelebrity moms have influenced our attitude towards child rearing.CHaving children intensifies our dissatisfaction with life.DWe sometimes neglect the happiness from child rearing.III. Translation1. 只有当一名士兵穿上防弹背心的时候,他才可能在战争中幸存下来。(Only ; survive)Only when a soldier wears a bulletproof vest, may he survive the war.2. 这位教授应该给出席会议的学生一堂关于当前形势的精彩讲座。(suppose; present)be supposed to do sth.present sb. with sth. = present sth. to sb.students present at the meetingthe present situationThis professor is supposed to present the students present at the meeting with a splendid / magnificent / superb / excellent lecture about the present situation. 3. 因为缺乏足够的知识,我无法理解他的意思。(point)For (the) lack of enough / sufficient / adequate knowledge, I cant get his point.In the absence of enough knowledge, I cant get his point.4. 我害怕在小饭店吃东西,因为我可能会食物中毒。(fright)I am frightened of eating food in those small restaurants / to eat food in those small restaurants because I may have (get) food poisoning.5. 一些大树替那幢坐落在七宝古镇的房子遮蔽了风雨。(shelter; locate)F shelter n. 避难的地方 (不可数)(1) provide sth. for sb. = provide sb. with sth.Some trees provide shelter from the wind and the rain for the house which is located in Qibao Old Town.(2) take shelter from sth.The house located in Qibao Old Town takes shelter from the wind and the rain under some trees. F shelter v. 庇护;遮蔽A shelter B from C (A庇护B远离C)Some trees shelter the house located in Qibao Old Town from the wind and the rain.B shelter from C under A (B在A的庇护下远离C)The house located in Qibao Old Town shelter from the wind and the rain under the tree.6. 生气是没有意义的。(point)There is no point in doing sth. get angry / bee angry / burst into anger There is no point (in) getting angry / being angry / bursting into anger.7. 据说当地的一些警察被投毒了。(poison)It is said that + sentence Sb. be said to do It is said that some local police have been poisoned. Some local police are said to _ (poison)8. 教师的收入无法与商人的收入相比,但是这些学生还是愿意毕业后去教书。(pare)The ine of a teacher cant be pared with that of a businessman, but these students are still willing to teach after graduation. 9. 当你紧张的时候,深呼吸可以帮你冷静下来。(breath)When you are nervous, taking a deep breath can help you calm down.10. 与强尼德普比Jonny Depp,Eric更加的帅气。(parison)In parison with Jonny Depp, Eric is more handsome.

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