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Topics for Classic English & Business English 由本文档提供,2008.05,经典英语和商务英语主题,2,Topics for Classic English,经典英语共16个程度等级,3,入门,Intro level,为从未接触过英语的人士准备,uint-1 uint-2 uint-3 uint-4 uint-5 uint-6 uint-7 uint-8,介绍你自己 你来自哪里 谈论日常生活 描述衣服 谈论食物 时间和日期 买东西 逛城镇,初级,Level-1,学习基础语言知识,能认识并运用普遍词和问候语,缺乏语法知识,uint-1 uint-2 uint-3 uint-4 uint-5 uint-6 uint-7 uint-8,介绍你自己 询问时间看电影 谈论家庭 指方向 谈论有关购物 谈论计划 点菜 描述自己的家乡,Introduce yourself Ask for time, watching movie Talking about family Direction Talking about shopping Discussing a plan Order food Describing your hometown,Very little previous exposure to the language. Can use and recognize only common words, greetings, and expressions. A little grammatical knowledge,prepare for starting level students,Introduce yourself Where are you from Discussing daily life Describing clothes Talking about food Time and Date Going shopping Around town,4,初级,uint-1 uint-2 uint-3 uint-4 uint-5 uint-6 uint-7 uint-8,谈论你的工作 谈论你身边的人 聚会和邀请 谈论体育运动 描述人们的穿着 谈论过去 谈论过去 谈论喜好,基础,Level-3,能谈论个人兴趣和日常活动,运用基本语法结构,理解简单信息,命令和指示,uint-1 uint-2 uint-3 uint-4 uint-5 uint-6 uint-7 uint-8,谈论假期 描述天气 谈论动物 谈论家庭 神奇的不寻常的事 谈论过去 健康问题 做比较,身体部位、数字,Talking about your work Learning more about people Gathering and Inviting Talking about sport games Describing peoples wearing Talking about past Talking about past Talking about hobbies,Level-2,学习基础语言知识,能认识并运用普遍词和问候语,缺乏语法知识,Very little previous exposure to the language. Can use and recognize only common words, greetings, and expressions. A little grammatical knowledge,Talking about vacations Describing the weather Talking about animals Talking about families Unusual things Talking about past Issues of health,Can talk about interests and everyday activities and use basic grammatical constructions. Can understand simple messages, Instructions and directions.,Making compare, body, numbers,5,基础,Level-4,能谈论个人兴趣和日常活动,运用基本语法结构,理解简单信息,命令和指示,uint-1 uint-2 uint-3 uint-4 uint-5 uint-6 uint-7 uint-8,谈论娱乐、聚会、音乐词汇 计划和旅行 描述衣着 工作中的口语、工作广告 描述性格 谈论习惯 谈论烹饪 谈论假期,初中级,Level-5,基本理解力,但创造力不高,能对过去和将来的活动展开讨论,uint-1 uint-2 uint-3 uint-4 uint-5 uint-6 uint-7 uint-8,游戏和过程 科学、事实和虚幻、预测、技术 申请一个职位、写求职信 描述经历、经验 理解新闻内容 谈论工作和职业 谈论过去的经历 谈论迷信,Basic situational comprehension but limited creative capacity. Can ask and answer questions about familiar topics and discuss past and future activities,Can talk about interests and everyday activities and use basic grammatical constructions. Can understand simple messages, Instructions and directions.,Planning and traveling Describing wearing Describing character Discussing habits and obligations Talking about cooking and food Talking about holidays, compare places,Talking about entertainment, party, music,Oral language in work, advertisement in work,Applying for a job Describing experiences Understanding new content Talking about work and career Talking about past experience,Games and processes,Exploring science, talking about future, technology,Being superstitious, superstitious and bad luck,6,初中级,Level-6,基本理解力,但创造力不高,能对过去和将来的活动展开讨论,uint-1 uint-2 uint-3 uint-4 uint-5 uint-6 uint-7 uint-8,保持健康、解释体育规则 谈论喜好 梦想和愿望 计划一次度假 谈论市场计划 谈论人际关系、约会 出生、婚姻和死亡 找出合适的单词,中级,Level-7,正常的表达日常生活情况,但表达方式简单,流利读写熟悉话题,uint-1 uint-2 uint-3 uint-4 uint-5 uint-6 uint-7 uint-8,描述你的世界 描述你的世界 协商结果、谈判假设 讨论健康、医药 强调细节 描述个人关系 谈论举止行为方面 交流、阅读技巧,Staying healthy, explaining sport rules,Converse easily on everyday matters but with a limited range of style and expression. Reads and writes fluently about familiar topics,Basic situational comprehension but limited creative capacity. Can ask and answer questions about familiar topics and discuss past and future activities,Talking about preference Dreams and Wishes Planning a vocation Discussing marketing plan Relationships, dating Birth, Marriage and Death Finding the right words,Describing your world Describing your world Negotiating solutions Talking about health and medicine,Stressing the details Describing personal relationships Learning about behavior Building communication skills,7,中级,Level-8,正常的表达日常生活情况,但表达方式简单,流利读写熟悉话题,uint-1 uint-2 uint-3 uint-4 uint-5 uint-6 uint-7 uint-8,不常见的体育运动、极限运动 讨论性别、个性 金钱、个人理财、生活消费 健康与饮食 生活方式 谚语和寓言 社会趋势 有关日常生活,中高级,Level-9,对一般专业文章有良好的理解力,语法能力强,能够很自信的表达并证明观点,uint-1 uint-2 uint-3 uint-4 uint-5 uint-6 uint-7 uint-8,谈论电影 描述恐惧 谈论科技 宗教与信仰 自己的目标、职业计划 谈论人计算机应用 理解法律与法庭 提高听力技巧,Good comprehension of most non-specialist texts, high level of grammatical competence. Can express and support points of view with confidence.,Converse easily on everyday matters but with a limited range of style and expression. Reads and writes fluently about familiar topics,Unusual sports and activities,Talking about difference, gender,Money matters, personal finance,Describing your diet Talking about lifestyles Proverbs and Fables Trends and Society Dealing with daily issues,Talking about films Describing Fears Discussing technology Discussing Religion,Talking about goals, career planning, wishes.,Using computer Understanding the law and courts Improving listening skills,8,中高级,Level-10,对一般专业文章有良好的理解力,语法能力强,能够很自信的表达并证明观点,uint-1 uint-2 uint-3 uint-4 uint-5 uint-6 uint-7 uint-8,文化差异、风俗习惯 讲故事,创造性写作 讨论未知的事情 公司文化环境 英语的种类、英语的未来 描述统计 约会和结婚 回顾,关于学习的讨论,高级,Level-11,出色的运用词汇和功能语言,可以阅读多种类型的文章,正确的写作,uint-1 uint-2 uint-3 uint-4 uint-5 uint-6 uint-7 uint-8,谈论政治 描述建筑 理解城市发展问题 金融贸易,贸易术语 军队和公民的义务 谈论艺术 谈论动物 谈论健康、遗传,Excellent command of vocabulary and all functional language. Able to read most types of texts; writes accurately with few grammatical errors.,Good comprehension of most non-specialist texts, high level of grammatical competence. Can express and support points of view with confidence.,Cultural difference Storytelling, writing creatively Talking about the unknown Describing Statistics Dating and Marriage,Looking at English, different varieties of English,Corporate culture and environment,Looking back, talking about learning.,Talking about politics Discussing architecture U urban development Military and civil service The world of art Talking about animals Talking about health,Exploring economics and commerce,9,高级,Level-12,出色的运用词汇和功能语言,可以阅读多种类型的文章,正确的写作,uint-1 uint-2 uint-3 uint-4 uint-5 uint-6 uint-7 uint-8,分析广告 谈论环境 谈论媒体 使用医学术语 谈论冒险、投资冒险 自学 达到流利演讲 回归,复习,进阶,Level-13,流利地道的口语,完全理解文章的内涵,地道的语言组织结构进行写作描述,uint-1 uint-2 uint-3 uint-4 uint-5 uint-6 uint-7 uint-8,谈论新闻动态 交流技巧 头脑和身体 银幕 购物及贸易 城市问题 谈论乌托邦 谈论教育问题,Speak fluently and spontaneously. Understand complex factual and literary writings and can write well-structured texts on complex subjects.,Excellent command of vocabulary and all functional language. Able to read most types of texts; writes accurately with few grammatical errors.,Analyzing advertisement Discussing environment Talking about media Using medical terms Taking a risk Educating yourself Reaching for fluency Looking back, reviewing,In the news Communications skills Mind and Body The silver screen Shopping and trade Urban issues UTOPIA Education,10,进阶,Level-14,流利地道的口语,完全理解文章的内涵,地道的语言组织结构进行写作描述,uint-1 uint-2 uint-3 uint-4 uint-5 uint-6 uint-7 uint-8,谈论科技 国籍及文化 道德规范 语言 金钱物质 压力及生活方式 名声、声望 地理,Speak fluently and spontaneously. Understand complex factual and literary writings and can write well-structured texts on complex subjects.,Technology Nationality and Culture Ethics Language Money matters Stress and lifestyles Fame Geography,11,商务英语共包含7大商务技能 社交技能 Social Skills 电话技能 Telephoning 会议技能 Meeting Skills 谈判技能 Negotiating Skills 演讲技能 Presentations Skills 通讯技能 Correspondence Skills 领导和管理技能 Leadership & management Skills,Topics for Business English,12,社交,Social Skills,uint-1,与客户社交(谈论工作,正确穿着,商务场合人物介绍等) 商务旅行全套安排(预订,登记酒店,询问信息,学习旅行规则等) 主持各种社会活动(称赞,敬久,加强联系,学习礼节等),uint-2,uint-3,电话,Telephoning,uint-1,接听电话(职业化的接听,转接,留言相关,学习不同的口音和国籍,国际航空民用ICAO字母标识等) 记留言(转达留言,问讯价格,给留言,复习转述句型等) 确保客户满意(投诉,处理投诉,计划约会,打销售电话等),uint-2,uint-3,Socializing with clients,Hosting a social event,Answering the telephone,Talking messages,Ensuring customer satisfaction,Making travel arrangements,13,会议,Meeting Skills,uint-1,会议草案(正式和非正式的英语,说明想法,做介绍,使用会议议程表等) 参加会议(提出建议,复习情态动词,学习新词汇,表达同意等) 进行一次会议(如何表达确认或疑问,澄清观点,让客户放心,使用语调,谈判等),uint-2,uint-3,谈判,Negotiating Skills,uint-1,联络客户(成为一名出色的谈判者,策划谈判,使用被动语态,说明谈判等) 和客户建立密切的关系(各种工作职位,商务谈判中的各种表达短语,提供和询问想法,道歉等) 达成交易(讨价还价的语言,获得回应,学习打断,提出建议等),uint-2,uint-3,Understanding protocol,Participating in meetings,Conducting a meeting,Making contact with a client,Building report with a client,Closing deals,14,演讲,Presentations Skills,uint-1,介绍产品(在演示中使用一定的表达方式,组织演示,介绍你自己,连接短语和动词等) 描述你的公司(获得观众的注意,强调,描述趋势,使用主动句等) 描述产品的长处(给出推荐建议,结实澄清,结束报告,评价表现等),uint-2,uint-3,通讯,Correspondence Skills,uint-1,提供公司信息(构思一封新,变得有通信能力,辨别一封信的不同组成部分,对问题进行解答等) 处理定单(发出查询,回复询问,确认定单,学习常用短语等) 交易(阅读销售报告,描述变化,理解法律合同,阅读合同等),uint-2,uint-3,Introducing the product,Describing your company,Describing product strength,Providing company information,Dealing with orders,Making deals,15,领导和管理,Leadership & management Skills,uint-1,做决定(讨论组织,复习动词时态,讨论人员问题,发单词的尾音等) 谈谈雇员(形容人物,谈论问题,表达义务,讨论员工等) 当好一名领导(谈论有关做事动机,提供帮助,谈论领导能力,使用现在完成时等),uint-2,uint-3,Making decisions,Talking about staffing,Being a leader,16,Thank you,


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