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2019-2020年高一人教版英语必修三课时作业:Unit2Healthyeating(1)含答案I单词拼写(20分)1. All the students work hard, (做准备)their lessons for the ing mid-examinations.2. On the morning of May Day, he got up earlier than_ (平常).3. Can you_ (尝出 )anything strange in this soup?4. ( 奇怪) enough, he seemed to know that already.5. What (逼)him to steal money?6. At the end of this street, there stands a newly-opened r_7. When will the c_ between our class and Class One start?8. At the bad news, his family felt f_.9. He has t_ of living abroad. He is considering going back to China.10. The boy lifted the big stone with all his s_短语翻译(20分) 11为做准备 12感到沮丧 13到午饭时为止 14对感到厌烦 15在去的路上,即将成为 16匆匆过去 17用制造 18在的尽头 19新开张的 20最好 21撒谎 22多于,不止 23想起,想到 24充满 25脱掉,去掉 26应当做 27对感到惊讶,惊愕 28保持健康 29(做了某事)而不受惩罚;携带跑掉 30快点,赶快 句型转换(10分)31. He loved money best than anybody else. Nobody loved money_ than he.32. A model dressed well walked into the hall slowly. A_ model walked into the hall slowly.33. Because of his illness, he is likely to be absent at the meeting. _ he is ill, it is possible for him not to attend the meeting.34. The little boy sat in bed, listening to the light music.The little boy on the bed and listened to the music.35. He spent six months in finishing the fancy novel.It him six months to finish the fancy novel.单项填空(30分)36. The little girl a book from her bag and began to read.A. handed B. drew C. dragged D. pulled37. Life was hard for us then, when my father was out of work.A. usually B. naturally C. basically D. especially38. She told me that she_ by swimming and playing tennis.A. remained health B. remained solid C. kept fit D. kept strong39. I didnt feel like the film so he suggested the day in the park. A. seeing; spending B. to see; to spend C. seeing; to spend D. to see; spending40. Why are you still lying in bed? I think you should your studies. All right. Ill do it right now.A. get down to B. get on with C. get into D. get up to41. Some students were thought of for what they had done.A. high B. highly C. praise D. good42. What was your impression of last nights lecture?_ speaking, I thought it was rather boring.A. Honestly B. Very C. Honest D. Really43. that all the lights are off before you leave the lab.A. Find out B. Learn by heart C. Make sure D. Be careful44. Its dangerous if you have, the fire all the night.A. to burn B. burn C. burned D. burning45. The money he spent_ food is much more than that clothes.A. on; in B. in; on C. on; on D. in; in46. In order to gain a bigger share in the international market, many state-run panies are striving _their products more petitive. A. to make B. making C. to have made D. having made47. You are your time trying to persuade him; hell never join us. (NMET 1995) A. spending B. wasting C. losing D. missing48. A taxi driver often reminds passengers to their belongings when they leave the car. A. keep B. catch C. hold D. take49. How are you today?Oh, I_ as ill as I do now for a very long time. (NMET xx)A. didnt feel B. wasnt feeling C. dont feel D. havent felt50. The_ boy was last seen_ near the East Lake. (xx 上海 )A. missing; playing B. missing; play C. missed splayed D. missed; to playV阅读理解(20分)AAlthough I had left school against the advice of my teachers, I had, without telling anyone, tried to continue my studies in literature (文学) at evening classes. It was a tiresome walk from one end of the city to another and to sit among adults was uninteresting. I was the youngest in the class, so the friendship I knew at school was absent, I put up with it for a short period. It was too long a walk on cold winters nights and it was hard to put my heart into Shakespeare with wet shoes and trousers. So I continued reading books and started writing poetry at home.By chance, I won some prizes and award (奖励) for literature. A young woman from a TV pany came to the college one day. She told me that I had won a national poetry award. I stared at her in astonishment and disbelieved her. She wanted to make a short film about me, to which I said: No, I couldnt do that. Not that I had any real excuse, I was just frightened. In the end she persuaded me that I should do it the following day.So I did. They made a short film of me reading one of my poems and I became more interested in literature than ever. I wondered what I should do after this, and decided some weeks later that I could not imagine myself spending the rest of my days dealing with machines. So one evening, I hesitatingly (犹豫的) told my parents that I wanted to return to school. They were greatly surprised and, I think, a little afraid but they did not try to persuade me not to. They wanted to know if I was sure, if I knew what it meant and whether I realized that if I gave up my job training, it would be very difficult to get a good job. But nothing could stop me, and they asked about the matter not further.51. Which of the following has more probably been discussed in the paragraph above this passage?_A. The writers unhappy childhood.B. The poor teaching quality of the writers school.C. The writers leaving school against his teachers advice.D. Whether it was worth leaving school for job training.52. The writer did not feel fortable at the evening school because_A. he found it difficult to make friends with his classmatesB. he had to walk a long distance to the evening schoolC. he could not put his heart into reading books after he was caught in the rainD. all of the above53. After his success, the writer_A. decided to get a good jobB. decided to continue his studies in literature at the evening schoolC. decided to return to the school he had leftD. began to feel very important and proud54. Which of the following is NOT true? _A. His parents worried that he would have no future if he returned to school.B. His parents worried that he would leave school again.C. It was difficult for one who studied literature to get a job.D. His parents did not want him to continue his education.BAn intelligence tester among the Kentucky poor whites presented the following problem to a boy being tested If you went to the store and bought six cents worth of candy and gave the shop assistant 10 cents, what change would you receive? The boy replied I never had 10 cents, and if I had I wouldnt spend it for candy, and anyway candy is what your mother makes. The intelligence tester tried again restating the problem as follows. If you had taken 10 cows to pasture for your father and six of them ran away, how many would you have left to drive home? The boy replied, We dont have 10 cows, but if we did and I lost six, I wouldnt dare go home.55. The boys answers to the test questions shows us_.A. he is good at solving word problemsB. his experience is quite different from the testersC. he has no maths abilityD. his intelligence is far below the average boys56. Based on the boys answers, which of the following qualities do poor whites in Kentucky probably value most?_A. mon sense. B. Wild imagination.C. Honesty. D. Book knowledge.57. Which is the best conclusion for the passage?_A. The boy is very silly.B. the cultural background influenced the boy.C. The boy didnt know the answers to the questions.D. The boy didnt understand the questions.58. What does the underlined word pasture probably means?_A. Grassland for feeding cows.B. Big farm for raising animals.C. Vegetable fields.D. Mountains with green grass.59. Why was the boy asked the two questions?_A. To fool him.B. To play a joke on him.C. To find out if his family is poor.D. To test his intelligence.延伸探究题60. Of the making of good books there is no end; neither any end to their influence on mans lives. (xx 广东)A. there is B. there are C. is there D. are there61. How about eight oclock outside the cinema? That_ me fine. (NMET xx)A. fits B. meets C. satisfies D. suits62. Ive never seen anyone run so fast David go. (xx 浙江) A. just watch B. just to watchC. just watching D. just having watched


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