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七年级下学期新目标英语期中考试注意:本张试卷满分为100分。请同学们将答案写在答题卷上!听力部分 (20%).选择你所听到的字母或单词。(5%)()1A. B B. V C. G ()2A. F B. M C. L ()3A. black B. thank C. bag ()4. A. this B. they C. three ()5A. seven days B. seven balls C. seven books 听句子,选择相应的答案(5%)( )6A. Fine, thanks. B. Good morning. C. Nice to meet you. ( )7A. Yes, he is. B. No, Im not. C. No, you arent.( )8A. It is thirteen. B. Its blue. C. Im blue. ( )9A. David. B. Jim. C. Jenny.( )10A. It is on the bed. B. She is in the room. C. They are on the table. III. 听短文,选择正确的选项。(10%)( ) 11. A. Peter Smith. B. David Smith. C. Jim Green.( ) 12. A. Class2. B. Class5. C. Class7. ( ) 13. A. No, he doesnt. B. Yes, he does. C. Yes, he doesnt.( ) 14. A. Hamburgers and French fries. B. Hamburgers and ice cream. C. French fries and ice cream.( ) 15. A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.笔试部分(80%)I. 单项选择题。(15%)( ) 16. Hello! What this? A. areB. isC. itD. on( ) 17. to you, Miss Yang.A. How are youB. Hello C. Good morning D. Hi( ) 18. your name?A. WhatB. WhatreC. Whats D. Where( ) 19. This is my friend. name is Tony.A. HisB. YourC. Her D. My( ) 20.- Is this your pen? -Yes, .A. this isB. it isC. he isD. I am( ) 21. - do you spell PEN? -P-E-N.A. HowB. WhatC. WhereD. How is( ) 22. -Whats that in English? - a backpack.A. ItsB. ItC. itsD. Its( ) 23. -Are those your friends? -No, . They are his friends.A. He isntB. they areC. They arentD. they arent( ) 24. -Sally, you bring my math book to school? -OK, Tom.A. canB. areC. doD. Can( ) 25. - Peter, where are you? -Im my room.A. onB. inC. ofD. under( ) 26. - you a computer? -Yes, I do.A. Do, haveB. Are, have C. Are, has D. Can, have( ) 27. -Lets play_ soccer. -That sounds great.A. aB. an C. / D. the( ) 28. My parents have some bread and milk_ their breakfast.A. onB. ofC. for D. at( ) 29.- Mary, this is Wei Fang. -_.A. Nice to meet you. B. Thank you. C. How are you? D. OK.( )30. Bill Blacks family name is_.A. BlackB. BillC. BruceD. BrownII.完型填空。(10%)Ed Smith is31 student(学生). He 32 a great sports collection. He has eight tennis rackets, nine basketballs, 33 seven baseballs. He has three 34 balls and five volleyballs. 35 he 36 play sports-he only 37 them 38 TV! 39 sister Sonia is different (不同的) from him. She plays sports40 day!( ) 31. A /B. anC. theD. a( ) 32. A. have B. havesC. hasD. is( ) 33. A. and B. but C. soD. these( ) 34. A. soccers B. soccerC. socceres D. socer( ) 35. A. And B. But C. So D. Like( ) 36. A. doesnt B. dont C. isnt D. does( ) 37. A. look B. watch C. watchs D. watches( ) 38. A. on B. of C. at D. in( ) 39. A. his B. Hes C. His D. Her( ) 40. A. a B. every C. one D. twoIV. 阅读理解。(20%)(A)Hello! My names David. Im 15. Im a student of No.6 Middle School. I have three friends at school. They are Tom, Bill and Jim. They are all 15 years old. We are friendly to each other(互相). There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister Joy and I. My sister is only five. She is lovely(可爱的). We live in Room407. Our telephone number is six seven five four nine eight three two. ( ) 41. What school is David in?A. No.4 Middle School. B. No. 6 Middle School. C. No.5 Middle School.( ) 42. Who are Davids friends?A. Tom, Bob, Jim B. Tom, Jerry, Bill C. Tom, Bill, Jim( ) 43. Are they friendly to each other?A. Yes, they are. B. No, they arent . C. Yes, they arent.( ) 44. How many people are there in Davids family?A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.( ) 45. Whats the telephone number?A. 67459832 B. 67548932 C. 67549832 (B)根据对话内容判断句子正( T ),误( F ).Tony: Hello, Grace.Grace: Hello, Tony.Tony: Lets play computer games.Grace: That sounds great. Where is your computer?Tony: I dont have a computer. Do you have one?Grace: No, I dont. Lets play tennis.Tony: Sorry, I dont have a tennis racket.Grace: Lets play ping-pong.Tony: Good. My ping-pong bats are on the desk.( ) 46. Tony doesnt have a computer.( ) 47. Grace has a computer.( ) 48. Tony has a tennis racket. He likes to play tennis.( ) 49. Grace and Tony want to play ping-pong together (一起).( ) 50. Graces ping-pong bats are on the desk.V. 句子搭配。(10%)( ) 51. Good afternoon.A. Yes, R-U-L-E-R.( ) 52. How are you?B. Yes, he is.( ) 53. Whats this in English?C. No, it isnt.( ) 54. Can you spell RULER?D. Red.( ) 55. What color are the apples?E. Im OK.( ) 56. Whats her name?F. Good afternoon.( ) 57. Is this your pencil?G. In your backpack.( ) 58. Is that your brother?H. No, I dont.( ) 59. Where are my books?I. Jenny.( ) 60. Do you like bananas? J. Its an alarm clock.VI. 任务型阅读。(5%)Yao Ming is a good basketball player. He is 25 years old. His birthday is September12. His favorite color is blue. His favorite food is hot dog.Name61 Age 62Birthday 63Favorite color 64Favorite food 65 VII. 用适当的词完成下列对话,每空一词。(10%)Sam: 66 this? Its 67 eraser. But it isnt 68 eraser. Hi, Jack, is this 69 eraser?Jack: No, it isnt. Its 70 .Sam: 71 ! Ann.Ann: Yes(什么事)?Sam: Is this your eraser?Ann: No, it isnt. Its 72 eraser. Lucy, is this your eraser?Lucy: Yes, it is.Ann: Here 73 are.Lucy: 74 you!Ann: Thats 75 .VIII. 句型转换。每空一词。(10%)1. That is a backpack. (对划线部分提问)76 that 77 English?2. Her pencil is green. (对划线部分提问) 78 79 is her pencil?3. My ping-pong bats are on the desk. (对划线部分提问) 80 81 your ping-pong bats?4. I have a volleyball? (一般疑问句) 82 83 have a volleyball?5. Sonia likes eggs for breakfast. (否定句) Sonia 84 85 eggs for breakfast.七年级新目标英语期中考试(答卷) 学校 班级 姓名 学号 听力部分(20%).选择你所听到的字母或单词。(5%)1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._听句子,选择相应的答案(5%)6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._III. 听短文,选择正确的选项。(10%)11._ 12._ 13._ 14._ 15._笔试部分(80%)I. 单项选择题。(15%)16._ 17._ 18._ 19._ 20._21._ 22._ 23._ 24._ 25._26._ 27._ 28._ 29._ 30._II.完型填空。(10%)31._ 32._ 33._ 34._ 35._36._ 37._ 38._ 39._ 40._IV. 阅读理解。(20%)41._ 42._ 43._ 44._ 45._46._ 47._ 48._ 49._ 50._V. 句子搭配。(10%)51._ 52._ 53._ 54._ 55._56._ 57._ 58._ 59._ 60._VI. 任务型阅读。(5%)61._ 62._ 63._ 64._ 65._VII. 用适当的词完成下列对话,每空一词。(10%)66._ 67._ 68._ 69._ 70._71._ 72._ 73._ 74._ 75._VIII. 句型转换。每空一词。(10%)76._ 77._ 78._ 79._ 80._81._ 82._ 83._ 84._ 85._听力部分材料及参考答案.选择你所听到的字母或单词。(5%)1. G 2. F 3. thank 4. this 5. seven books听句子,选择相应的答案(5%)6. How are you?7. Is Jim your brother?8. What color is your eraser?9. Whats your mothers name, please?10. Where is Lucy?III. 听短文,选择正确的选项。(10%) Im Peter Smith. Im in Class7. My telephone number is 258-63. I have a baseball bat, but I like to play soccer. I like hamburgers and ice cream, but I dont like broccoli. My fathers name is Paul Smith, and my mother is Gina. I have a sister. Her name is Mary.1. Whats the boys name?2. What class is he in?3. Does he like to play soccer?4. What food does he like?5. How many people are there in his family?听力部分1-5 CABAC6-10 AABCB11-15 ACBBB笔试部分16-20 BCCAB21-25 AADAB26-30 ACCAA31-35 DCABB36-40 ADACB41-45 BCABC46-50 TFFTF51-55 FEJAD56-60 ICBGH61. Yao Ming62. 2563. September 1264. Blue65. Hot dog66. Whats 67. an 68. my69. your70. Anns71. Hello/Hi 72. her 73. you 74. Thank 75. OK76. Whats 77. in 78. What 79. color 80. Where81. are 82. Do 83. you 84. doesnt 85. like

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