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孔孟老庄名言精粹,Sayings from Confucius ,Mencius LaoZi and ZhuangZi,From:王丽珍,夏军,陈小燕,孔子(公元前551479),名丘,字仲尼,鲁国胄悒(现山东省曲阜)人,中国古代伟大的思想家,政治家,教育家。 孔子是中国历史上第一个创立了体系的哲学家。他创立了仁学,把“仁”作为人道观(伦理思想)的核心。他不仅提出了“正名”,“中庸”,“道”,“天”,“仁”等基本概念,而且提出了仁智统一的学说,提倡忠恕之道,强调了认识论和伦理学的统一。,一个政治家,孔子主张建立一个仁政指导下的安定和谐的社会,要求统治者用道德的力量使人心归顺,而不是用刑罚暴力去压服他们。虽然孔子在政治上没有取得成功,但却对文化和教育作出了伟大的贡献。 孔子毕生从事教育,是中国历史上第一个开创私人讲学之风的人,并以此打破了学在官府的局面。据史记记载,孔子有弟子三千,贤人七十。论语一书(共20篇)作为孔子言论的记录,在相当程度上反映了孔子的为人及其主要思想。 孔子的学说不仅在中国,而且在世界其他国家和地区,尤其是美国,日本,朝鲜,新加坡,越南颇具影响,被推崇为东方文明的象征。,孔子(Confucius),一 为政以德 Good Government Rules By Virtue 二 仁者爱人 A Man of Humanity Loves Man 三 修养谦恭 Self-cultivation and Courtliness 四 慎言敏行 Diligent in Duties and Careful in Speech 五 知人交友 Appreciate Others and Make Friends 六 博学近思 To Study Extensively and To Reflect Earnestly,为政以德,譬如北辰,居其所而众星共之。(论语.为政) 含义:用道德来治理国家的人,就能像北极星那样居于固定的方位,群星都环绕在它的周围。 翻译:A ruler who governs his state by virtues is like the north star, which remains in its place while all the other stars surround it.,一,为政以德 Good Government Rules By Virtue,子为政,焉用杀?子欲善而民善焉。君子之德风,小人之德草;草上之风,必偃。(论语。颜渊) 释义:品德高尚的人治理国家,何需杀人呢?你要是想做好事,老百姓也会跟着学好,领导者的品德好比是风,老百姓的品德好比是草;风吹到草上,草就必然会随之摇动。 翻译:In your government ,what is the need of slaying? If your desire is for good ,the people will be good .The moral character of a ruler is like wind and that of the people is like grass. In whatever direction the wind blows ,the grass always bends.,。,名不正,则言不顺,言不顺,则事不成。(论语。为政),释意:名分不正讲起话来就不顺当;讲起话来不顺当,事情就办不好 翻译: If names are not rectified, then words will not be in accord with truth ,If words are not in accord with truth then things cant be accomplished. 其身正,不令而行;其身不正,虽令不从(论语为政) 释义:如果执政者的行为端正,那么,即使他不发号施令,老百姓也能循规蹈矩;如果执政者行为不端正,那么,即使他三令五申,老百姓也不会归从。 翻译:If the ruler is personally upright, the common people will follow him without being ordered. But if he is not personally upright, even though he gives orders, she will not obey.,二,仁者爱人 A Man of Humanity Loves Man,夫仁者,己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人。能近取譬,可谓仁之方也矣。 释义:作为一个具有仁德的人,必须是自己想要成功,也得帮助别人成功;自己想要达到的,也得帮助别人达到。如果凡事都能设身处地为他人着想,那就是实行仁的方法了。 翻译:A man of humanity, wishing to establish his own character, establishes the character of others too, wishing to be successful himself, helps others to succeed too. The ability to take ones own feeling as a guide .That may be called the method of realizing humanity.,知者乐水,仁者乐山。知者动,仁者静。知者静,仁者寿. 论语。雍也 释义:有智慧的人喜爱水,有仁德的人喜爱山。有智慧的人活跃,有仁德的人好静。有智慧的人快乐,有仁德的人长寿。,翻译:The man of wisdom delights in water; the man of humanity delights in mountains .the man of wisdom is active; the man of humanity loves tranquility. The man of wisdom enjoys happiness; the man of humanity enjoys long life.,克己复礼为仁。一日克己复礼,天下归仁焉。为仁由己,而由人乎哉。(论语。颜渊) 释义:克制自己,使自己的言行符合礼,这就是仁,一旦这样做了,天下的人就都会归从于仁了。实行仁德完全要靠自己,难道还需要靠别人吗? 翻译:He who can restrain himself and return to propriety is humanity. Once he has succeeded in doing so, all of the people will respond to humanity .To practice humanity depends on oneself. Dose it depends on others?,能行五者于天下为仁矣。恭,宽,信,敏,惠。恭则不侮,宽则得众;信则人任焉,敏;则有功,惠则足以使人。 释义:能够推行五种品德的便是仁人了。这五种品德就是:庄重,宽厚,守信,勤快,慈惠。庄重就不会遭受侮辱;宽厚,就会得到众人的拥护;守信,就会得到别人的任用;勤快,就会有大的成效;慈惠,就能更好的使唤别人。 翻译:One who can practice five things wherever he may be is a man of humanity .They are courtesy, generalisity, truthfulness, diligence and kindness. If one is courtesy, he will not be treated with disrespect .If one is generous ,he will win the heart of all .If one is truthful, he will be trusted .If one is diligent ,he will be successful .And if one is kind ,he will be able to enjoy service of others.,三,修养谦恭Self-cultivation and Courtliness,见贤思齐焉,见不贤而自内省也。(论语。里仁) 释义:看见贤人,就应该向他看齐:看见不贤的人,就应该自我反省(自己有没有和他相同之处) 翻译:When you see a virtuous man, think of emulating him; when you see an immoral man, examine yourself.,君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚。 释义:君子总是心胸宽广,而小人却是内心烦恼忧愁。 翻译:The superior man is always calm and at ease ;the inferior man is always worried and full of distress.,非礼勿视,非礼勿听,非礼勿言,非礼勿动 释义:不合乎礼法的东西就不看,不合乎礼法的言论不听,不合乎礼法的话不说,不合乎礼法的事不做。(论语。颜渊) 翻译:Do not look at what is contrary to propriety, do not listen to what is contrary to propriety, do not speak what is contrary to propriety, and do not make any movement which is contrary to propriety.,君子有九思:视思明,听思聪,色思温,貌思恭,言思忠,事思敬,疑思问,忿思难,见得思义。 释义:君子有九种思虑:看的时候是否明白,听的时候是否清晰,脸部表情是否温和,容貌态度是否端庄,讲话是否诚实,做事是否认真,碰到疑难时是否向人请教,将要发怒时是否会有后患,索取利益是否合乎礼仪。 翻译:The superior man has nine considerations. In seeing ,he wishes to see clearly. In hearing ,he wishes to hear directly. In countenance ,he wishes to be warm. In his manner, he wishes to be respectful. In his speech, he wishes to be sincere. In handling affairs, he wishes to be serious. When in doubt, he wishes to ask. When he is angry, he wishes to think of the resultant difficulties. And when he sees an opportunity for again, he wishes to think of righteousness.,四,慎言敏行Diligent in Duties and Careful in Speech,君子食无不饱,居无求安,就有道而正焉,可谓好学也已。 释义:君子饮食不贪足饱足,居住不贪求舒适,工作勤快而说话谨慎,向有仁德的人看齐,以纠正自己的错误。这就可称得上是好学了。 翻译:The superior man does not seek fulfillment of his appetite in eating ,nor does he seek comfort in his lodging .He is diligent in his duties and careful in his speech. He associates with man of moral principles and thereby rectifies himself. Such a person may be said to eager to learn. 君子欲讷于言而敏于行。 释义:品德高尚的人出言要谨慎,而行动却要敏捷。 翻译:It is desirable for a superior man to be slow in word and prompt in action. 三军可夺帅也,匹夫不可夺志也(论语子罕) 释义:对于一支军队,可以擒拿其主帅.但是对于一个大丈夫是不能强迫他改变志向的。 翻译:The commander of the army may be taken away ,but the will of even a common man may not to be taken away from him.,五,知人交友 Appreciate Others and Make Friends,日三省吾身为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友叫而不信乎?传不习乎? 释义:我每天在三反省自己,替别人出某是否忠心?与朋友交往是否守信?对老师搜传授的东西是否加以温习? 翻译:every day I examine myself on three points : whether in counseling others I have not been loyal ;whether in intercourse with my friends I have not been faithful ;and whether I have not repeated again and again and practiced the instructions of my teacher,岁寒然后知松柏之后凋也 释义:只有在天气严寒的时候人们才知道松柏是长青的 翻译:Not until the weather turns cold do we realize that the pines and cypress are the last to their leaves,君子成人之美,不成人之恶,小人反是(论语颜渊) 释义:君子成全别人的好事,而不对别人做的坏事推波助澜。小人却恰恰相反 翻译:The Superior man seeks to enable the good wishes of others ,not their bad ones ,the inferior man does just the contrary 益者三友,损者三友。友直,友亮,友多闻,益矣。友便辟,友善柔,友便佞,损矣(论语季氏) 释义:有益的朋友有三种,有害的朋友也有三种。同正直的人交朋友,同忠实的人交朋友,同见多识广的人交朋友,便是有益。同谄媚奉承的人交朋友,同当面说好话,背后下毒手的人交朋友,同夸夸其谈的人交朋友,便是有害。 翻译:There are three kinds of friendship which are beneficial and three kinds of friendship which are harmful . friendship with the upright, the devoted and the learned is beneficial .friendship with the flattering ,the double faced and the too eloquent is harmful.,六 博学近思 To Study Extensively and To Reflect Earnestly,学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。 释义:学习但是不思考就会感到迷惘,思考但是不学习就会感到疑惑 翻译:He who learns but does not think is lost ; He who thinks but does not learn is danger,三人行必有我师焉;择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之论语述而 释义:几个人在一起走,其中必定有人可以做我的老师。选择他们优 点而加以学习,把他们的缺点作为反观自己的镜子。 翻译:When three of us are walking together, I am sure to have a teacher ,I would select his merits to follow, and his bad qualities to correct myself.,毋意,毋必,毋固,毋我。(论语子罕) 释义:不凭空揣测,不主观臆断,不固执己见,不自以为是。 翻译:He made no conjecture nor absolute certainty ; he was never obstinacy, never egoism. 博学而笃志,切问而近思仁在其中矣(论语子张) 释义:广泛地学习并坚定自己的志向,恳切的发问并深思现实的问 题,仁就在这里面了。 翻译:To study extensively ,to be steadfast in ones purpose ,to inquire earnestly reflect on what is at hand humanity consists in these.,孟子(约公元前372289年),名轲,字子舆,邹(今山邹县)人。他继承并发展了孔子的学说,是孔子之后儒家学派的主要代表,中国古代著名的思想家,哲学家,教育家。 作为一个哲学家,他的主要学说是性善论。他主张“养浩然之气”,提出“天人合一”论。在人性问题上,他比孔子又跨进了一步,明确指出“人性本善”,并在此基础上建立了他的整个思想体系,提出了一系列论点:(1)人人都具有良知良能。(2)人若“尽心”,便能“事天”,“知命”。(3)恶并非天生,而是人的过失和不能抵御外界的恶劣影响所造成的。(4)人必须尽力“复其性”。(5)学习的最终目的是为了追回其失去的“善心”。 在政治上,孟子极力主张施“仁政”,行“德治”,反“霸道”,提倡“民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻”的民本思想。 孟子的思想主要包含在孟子一书中。此书共七篇,一般认为是孟子和他的弟子共同编著。孟子的学说不仅对明代的王阳明和清代的戴震有直接影响,而且对以后中国的文化和哲学思想的发展,均有深远影响。,孟子(Mencius),一 人性本善 Human Nature is Originally Good 二 以德行仁 Practice Humanity with virtue 三 尽心知性 He who Exerts His Mind to Utmost Knows His Nature 四 善养浩气 Skillful in Nourishing Vital Force,一 人性本善Human Nature is Originally Good,1,人皆有不忍之心(孟子公孙丑上) 释义:每个人都不忍心看到别人受苦。,翻译:All man have the mind which cannot bear (to see the suffering of) others.,2、恻隐之心,人也。羞恶之心,义也。恭敬之心,礼也。是非之心,智也。仁义礼智,非由外乐我也,我固有之也,弗思耳矣。(孟子告子上) 释义:怜悯同情之心就是仁德,羞耻憎恶之心就是义,恭敬推让之心就是礼,是非正义之心就是智。仁义礼智不是由外人给与我们的,而是我们本来就有的,只是我们没有很好地思索它们罢了。,翻译:The mind of commiseration is humanity ; that of shame and dislike is righteousness; that of respect and revenge is propriety; and that of right and wrong is wisdom. we originally possessed all of them ,however we do not think( to find them),二 以德行仁 Practice Humanity with virtue,1.尊贤使能,俊杰在位,则天下之士皆悦,而愿立于其朝矣。(孟子公孙丑上) 释义:如果尊重有道德的人,任用有贤能的人,使德才兼备的人有相称的职位,那么,天下的能人就会高兴,愿意到朝廷做官。,翻译:If a ruler honors the worthy and employs the competent so that offices are occupied by the wisest, then scholars throughout the world would be delighted to stand in his court.,2.贤者以其昭昭使人昭昭,今以其昏昏使人昭昭。(孟子尽天下) 释义:贤能的人是用自己的明辨事理来教导别人明辨事理,而现在的人是自己糊涂却要求别人明辨事理。,翻译:The shape instructs others to be sensible with his wisdom, however the people nowadays asks others to be sensible while he himself is muddled.,.仁,人心也;义,人路也。舍其路而弗由,放其心而不知求,哀哉! 学问之路无他,求其放心而已矣。(孟子告子上) 释义:仁是人的本心,义是人的正路,放弃了正路而不走,丧失了善心而不找回来,这真是可悲呀学习的最终目的不是别的,只是把那失去的本心找回来罢了。,翻译:Humanity is mans heart and rightness is mans path .what a pity the man who abandons the path and does not follow it ,and who has lost his heart and does not know how to recover it the great end of learning is nothing else ,but to seek for the lost mind .,民为贵,社稷次之,君为亲。(孟子尽心下 释义:人民是最重要的,土谷之神稍次,君主是最不重要的。,翻译:(In a state) the people are the most important ;the spirits of the land and grain are the nest ;the ruler is of slight important.,三 尽心知性 He who Exerts His Mind to Utmost Knows His Nature,1.故天将降大任于是人也,必先苦其心志劳其筋骨饿其体肤空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。(孟子告子下) 释义:当上天将要把重大的是哦名交给某个人时,一定要先使他的心志受到折磨,筋骨受到劳累,肠胃受到饥饿,身躯受到困乏,使他的所作所为总是不能如愿。这样就能触动他的心灵,坚韧他的性情,增强他的才干。,翻译:When the heaven is about to confer a great responsibility on any man, it will test his resolution ,exhaust his frame ,make his suffer starvation, subject him to extreme poverty ,frustrate his efforts ,so as to stimulate his mind ,burden his nature ,and improve wherever he is incompetent,尽其心者,之其性也。知其性,则知天矣。存其心,养其性,所以事天也。(孟子尽心上) 释义:充分发挥自己的本心,就是认识了自己的本性,认识了自己的本性,就认识天了。保存了一个人的本心,培养一个人的本性,这就是事奉天的方法。,翻译:He who exerts his mind to the utmost knows his nature. he knows his nature knows heaven. to preserve ones mind and to nourish ones nature is the way to serve heaven,行之而不著焉,习矣而不察焉,终身由之而不知其道者,众也。(孟子尽心上) 释义:干了,却不能明白为什么要这样干;习惯了,却不知其所以然;一辈子都遵循它,却不知其中的道理,这样的人就是平凡人。,翻译:To act without understanding and do so habitually without examination ,following certain courses all their lives without knowing the principles behind them, the is the way of the masses of people.,四 善养浩气 Skillful in Nourishing Vital Force,1.夫志,气之帅也;气,体之充也。夫志至焉,气次焉。故曰:“持其志,无暴其气”。 (孟子公孙丑上) 释义:意志,是气的统帅;气,是充满人体内的精神力量。意志是最高的,而气是次一等的。因此说:“要把握自己的意志,而不要感情用事”。,翻译:The will is the leader of the vital force ,and the vital force pervades and animates the body, the will is the highest; the vital force comes next. therefore I say,“ hold the will firm and never do violence to the vital force.,2.其为气也,配义与道,无是,则馁矣。(孟子公孙丑上) 释义:这种气是与义和道相配合的,否则,就没有力量了。这种气又是由于不断地积累义而产生的,而不是由于正义的突然出现而一下子获得的。当一个人做了一件亏心事,那么,这个人(的气)就没有力量了。,翻译:The vital force is accompanied by righteousness and morality. without them ,it will be devoid of nourishment. it is produced by the accumulation of righteous deeds but is not obtained by incident acts of righteousness, when ones conduct is not satisfactory to his own mind, then one will be devoid of nourishment.,翻译:Neither riches or honors can tempt him , Neither poverty nor a low social position can change his noble mind ,neither threat nor force can bend his will ,such a person is great man.,3.富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈,此之谓大丈夫。(孟子滕文公下),释义:富贵不能使我放纵享乐,贫贱不能使我改变志向,威武不能使我卑躬屈膝,老子(Lao Zi) 老子,据史记载,姓李,名耳,聃。楚国苦县(今河南鹿邑)人。当过周王朝“守藏室之史”。道家学派的创始人,中国古代著名的哲学家。 与儒家重视社会秩序,积极处世的哲学不同,老子强调个人的活动,主张清静无为他提出“道”就是“一”,道是万物的开始又贯穿于万物的始终,认为理想的个人生活,社会秩序和政治都是建立在道的基础上,并在道的支配下;道作为一种处世哲学,指的是素朴,虚静,柔弱,自生,最重要的是指无为,也就是顺其自然。老子哲学的特点是:在“天人”之辩上,主张“无为”;在“名实”之辩上,强调“无名”。从他的辩证法的否定原理来看,老子的哲学并不完全是一种退让哲学,还是一种实践活动的谋略。 。老子的全部哲学思想集于一本仅5250字,81章的老子(亦即道德经)书中。此书是诗和哲理的统一。在中国历史上,没有哪一本经典著作能以如此精炼的文字产生广泛深远的影响。如果不能真正理解老子书中深奥的哲理,就无法懂得中国的哲学,宗教,政治,艺术等。,老子(Lao Zi),一 道法自然 Tao Models Itself After Nature 二 无为而治 Letting Nature Take Its Own Course 三 反者道动 Reversion is The Action of Tao 四 圣人要妙 The Sages Treasures,一 道法自然 Tao Models Itself After Nature,1.道可道,非常道;名可名,非常名。无名,天地之始:有名,万物之母。(老子,一章) 释义:可以说出的“道”,就不是恒长的“道”;可以说出的名,就不是恒长的“名”。“无名”是天地的原始,“有名”是万物的根本。,翻译:The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao. The name that can be named is not the eternal name .The nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth .The named is the mother of all things,


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