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名 词根据上下文意思,选择最佳答案填空。1.In this strange village ,there are many small flags on their _. A.roof B.roofs C.rooves D.roofes2.He gained his _by printing _of famous writers. A.walth,work B.wealths;works C.wealths;work D.wealth;works3.Illlook into the matter as soon as possible.Just have a little_. A.wait B.time C.patience D.rest4.Many people agree that_knowledge of English is must in_in-ternational trade today. A.a;不填 B.the;an C.the;the D.不填;the5.He dropped the _and broke it. A.cup of coffee B.coffees cup C.cup for coffee D.coffee cup6.If by any chance someone comes to see me,ask him to leave a_. A.message B.letter C.sentence D.notice7.I need _cloth,for Im going to make_clothes. A.a lot of;many B.much;much C.many;many D.many;a lot of8.How happy they are!Obviously,they are_. A.in nice spirits B.in nice spirit C.in high spirits D.in high spirit9.Is there_for one more in the car? A.seat B.situation C.position D.room10.A worker ant has two_,one for itself,and one for carrying food to“the folks back home.” A.stomach B.stomaches C.stomachs D.stomacs11.Both Marx and Engles were_. A.German B.Germans C.Germany D.from German12.How was your recent visit to Qingdao?It was great.We visited some friends,and spent the_days at the seaside. A.few last sunny B.last few sunny C.last sunny few D.few sunny last13._is standing at the corner of the street. A.A police B.The police C.Police D.A policeman14. To the sea captains surprise,he found that_travel could also be quite pleasant. A.earth B.land C.ground D.plain15.Professor Li gave him one of the best_Ive never heard. A.advices B.pieces of advice C.idea D.suggestion16.Thomas has worked for the car factory_for thirty years. A.man and boy B.boy and man C.boy or man D.man or boy17.What do you want? I want _that is on the table. A.the piece of bread B.a piece of bread C.a bread D.some of bread18.Our new_has four bedrooms and a sitting room. A.home B.house C.family D.place19.I wonder why_are interested in action films(武打片). A.the people B.people C.peoples D.the peoples20.Which do you like better,_or_. A.tomatopotato B.tomatoespotatos C.tomatospotatoes D.tomatoespotatoes21.Hawks eat more field_than_. A.mousechicken B.micechicken C.mousechichens D.micechickens22.Have you ever visited the leaning tower in Pisa? Oh,yes,_. A.dozens of times B.a dozen of times C.dozens of time D.a dozen time23._has been used to save his life. A.All possible means B.Every possible means D.Every possible mean D.Allthe possible means24.Jenny went to the _to buy a pair or shoes. A.shoes store B.shoe store C.shoes store D.shoesstore25.Would you please show me the way to the_? A.dressess shop B.drees shop C.dressshop D.dresses shop26.”Isnt it getting dark early tonight?” “I think so,I see_is on already.” A.the streets light B.the street light C.the light of the street D.the light of streets27.This is a useful book for_. A.physicsteachers B.physics teachers C.physics teacher D.physicss teachers28.Ton was late for two classes this morning.He said that he forgot both of the_. A.rooms number B.room number C.rooms number D.room numbers29.The mother helped the child_. A.build sand castles B.build castles in sands C.build castles with sands D.build castles by sands30.There are three_in our factory. A.woman doctors B.women doctor C.women doctors D.women doctor31.Janny asked me to get her_,for the old one broke a few days ago. A.a pot of tea B.a pot of tea C.a tea pot D.a teas pot32.We called at _yesterday. A.my uncle B.my uncles C.my nucles D.a friend of my nucle33.I will give you_to finish it . A.two weeks time B.two weekstime C.two week time D.two weeks time34.Every morning the Turners daughter got up early to _the cows. A.water B.milk C.grass D.food35.The history of_is full of achievements and adventures A.man B.men C.mens D.the men 36.The Culture Revolution took place in_of the 20th century. A.the sixty B.the sixties C.sixty D.sixties【试题解析】1、 答案选B。以f或fe结尾的名词,其复数形式一般是把f或fe改成v再加es。但roof,chief,gulf,serf等名词,其复数形式是在词尾直接加s。2、 答案选D。Wealth是不可数名词。Works表“著作”、“作品”是可数名词。全句意思是:“他获得巨大的财富是通过印刷著名作家的著作。”3、 答案选C。第一句的意思是“我将尽可能快地调查此事。”just用在祈使句之首,表示“试请,且请。”A项wait当“等待”用时是可数名词,不能用a little 连用。B项(have a little)time 与原题的句意不符。D项是休息一会,也不符题意。第二句含义为“请要有耐心。”4、 答案选A。knowledge 是不可数名词,因有修饰语of English 修饰,故可用冠词修饰。international trade是抽象名词,因有修饰语of English 修饰,帮可用冠词修饰。international trade是抽象名词,前面不加the.5、 答案选D。原题中的it 是信息词,它指代的是装加啡的杯,即打碎的是咖啡杯,而不是一杯咖啡。参见本章三-1。6、 答案选A。从条件句中的意思:“如果偶尔有人来看我”可知,下文必须填mes-sage,即“让他留下口信”。才符合全句的逻辑。7、 答案选A。Cloth 不可数可词不达意,只能或中选择;又因clothes(衣服的总称)是复数名词,只能用many等来修饰。所以答案只能选A。全句意思是:“我需要很多布,因为我准备做许多衣服。8、 答案选C。Be in high spirits为固定词组,意思是“情绪高”。Spirits 这里的意思是“兴致”,失去了“精神;精灵”的含义。有些名词在一定的词组中要用复数形式。再加:make preparations(做准备),give respects to(致敬意),give regards to(问候)等。9、 答案选D。Seat是可数名词;room表示“空间”、“地方”时,是不可数名词,posi-tion表示“位置”;situation表示“形势”。“make room for”是“为腾出地方”。10、答案选C。以字母“sh,ch,s,x”结尾的名词变复数时,词尾加“es”。如:busbuses,brushbrushes,watchwatches,boxboxes。但stomach的结尾字母“ch” 发k的音,故直接加“s”。注意:month的复数也是直接加s是months。11、答案选B。Germans。表示国籍的名词,有的单数和复数同形;有的复数在词形上要做相应变化,请同学们注意: a Chinese Chinese 中国人a Japanese Japanese 日本人a German Germans 德国人an American Americans 美国人 an Egyptian Egyptians 埃及人 an Arab Arabs 阿拉伯人 a Russian Russians 俄国人 an Italian Italians 意大利人 a Frenchman Frenchman 法国人 an Englishman Englishman 英国人12.答案选B。Sunny days是名词短词,意为“艳阳天”,选择A或B。Last few的意思是“最后几个”。Last 应用在few之前,所以答案为B。全句意思是:你们这次的青岛之行怎么样?棒极了,我们看望了一些朋友,最后几天是在阳光明媚的海滩上度过的。13.答案选D。Police是个集合名词,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。本句中谓部分是is standing,所以答案只能考虑D。表示一个、两个或更多的警察时用a policeman,two policemen,。 Police前虽不能与具体的数字连用,但可以和不确定的数字连用。例如:Several hundred police are needed.需要好几百名警察。14、答案选B。earth(地球;地上);land(陆地);ground( 地面;土地);plain(平原)。与“海”相对的陆地叫land,与“天空”相对的陆地叫earth.所以答案为B。意思是:使船长吃惊的是,他觉得陆路旅行也是令人愉快的。15、答案选B。16、答案选A。17、答案选A。18、答案选B。19、答案选B。20、答案选D。21、答案选D。22、答案选A。23、答案选B。2426题的答案都选B。27、答案选B。28、答案选D。29、答案选A。30、答案选C。 31、答案选C。32、答案选B。33、答案选B。34、答案选B。35、答案选A。36、答案选B

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