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4A Unit2强化练习Class_ Name_一、汉译英1.我的兔子_2 我想_3.我喜欢 _4我想要_5.我明白了._6真可爱!_7你的狮子_8 这只熊_9那只老虎_10给你._11她的书签 _12他的熊猫_13你的书包_14 一张蓝色的照片_15喜欢狗_16一只可爱的猴子_二、 英译汉1.your five fat dogs_ 2.in a toy shop_ 3.thank you_4.my thin monkey_ 5.a nice cat_ 6.see his photo_7.on the green desk_ 8.have a look_9.a little boy_10.her new skirt_ 11.in which box_ 12.happy bees_三、在下列每组单词中找出一个不属于同类的词,将其标号填入题前的括号内。 ( )1、A、catB、monkeyC、tigerD、hat( )2、A、bus B、kiteC、planeD、car( )3、A、blackB、orangeC、appleD、brown( )4、A、mangoesB、bananaC、pearsD、peaches( )5、A、milkB、juiceC、coffeeD、cake( )6、A、pencilB、skirtC、jacketD、blouse四、根据首字母或中文提示填空1. Whats t_ over there? Its a bag.2. Look at the three_(猴子).3. Can I have a look? S_. Here you are.4. In w_ box? Guess! The green box?5. Is this y_ copybook? No, it isnt my copybook.五、根据所给的情景,选择正确的英文表达方式,将序号填在题前括号内.( )1.夸奖对方的夹克衫好看时可以说:A. Whats your name, please?( )2.想知道别人的姓名时问:B. Lets go to the cinema.( )3.邀请别人去电影院说:C. How much is it?( )4.询问某物的价钱时说:D. Come here ,please.( )5.晚上与别人分手时说:E. Happy TeachersDay!( )6.请别人过来说:F. May I have a copybook for Su Hai?( )7.教师节你对老师说: G. Good night. ( ) 8.为苏海要一本抄写本说: H. What a pretty jacket! ( ) 9.想知道对方的笔袋里有什么,问:I. May I have a look? ( )10.询问是否可以看一看说: J. Whats in your pencil-case?六、选择填空( )1.-May I have a ruler? -_ AThank you.B. Sure. Here you are.C. Thanks.( )2.-_ -Yes, come in ,please. A.May I have a look?B.May I have a notebook for Helen?C.May I come in ?( )3.-_ -Thank you very much. A.What a nice coat!B.May I have a look at your coat?C.How are you, Mr Green?( )4.-Heres a rubber for you . -_ AOK.BSure. Here you are.CThank you .( )5.-Goodbye, Mr Zhang. -_ A.Good morning, Nancy.B. Good night, Nancy.C.Goodbye, Nancy.( )6.-Is that_ coat? A. heB. herC. she( )7.- Whats this? -_ . A. Thats a storybook.B.This is a storybook.C. Its a storybook.( )8.- Whats in your_? - Four tapes. A. ball penB. pencil caseC. rubber( )9 _ your pencil-case blue?A. AmB. AreC. Is( )10. In _ pencil-case?A. whichB. whatC. where七、连词成句1. monkey, nice, a, is, this _.2. I, a, look, have, can _?3. is, that, a, book _?4. the, too, nice, is, lion _.5. too, your , panda , like , I _.6. my, that, school, is , bag _.7. that, desk, the, whats ,on _?8. pencil, is, you, this, for _.9. like, dog, this, Id, fat , please _.10. think,I,his,rabbit,this,is _.八、看图完成对话A: _ that on the _?B: Its a _.A: Can I have a _? B: _. Here_ are.A: _ you!B: Thats OK!附答案:一、汉译英1. my rabbit 2.I think 3. I like 4. Id like 5. I see. 6. How lovely! 7. your lion 8. this bear 9. that tiger 10. Here you are. 11. her bookmark 12. his panda 13. your school bag 14. a blue photo 15. like dogs 16. a lovely monkey三、 英译汉1,你的五只肥狗 2,在一家玩具店 3,谢谢 4,我的瘦猴子 5,一只漂亮的猫 6,看见他的照片 7,在绿色的书桌上 8,看一看 9,一个小男孩 10,她的新短裙 11,在哪个盒子里 12,快乐的蜜蜂三、在下列每组单词中找出一个不属于同类的词,将其标号填入题前的括号内。1. D 2.B 3.C 4. B 5. D 6. A四、根据首字母或中文提示填空1. that 2. monkeys 3. Sure 4.which 5.your五、根据所给的情景,选择正确的英文表达方式,将序号填在题前括号内1.H 2. A 3. B 4.C 5. G 6. D 7. E 8. F 9. J 10. I六、选择填空1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. A七、连词成句1. This is a nice monkey.2. Can I have a look?3. Is that a book?4. The lion is nice, too.5. I like your panda, too.6. That is my school bag.7. Whats that on the desk?8. This pencil is for you.9. Id like this fat dog, please.10. This is his rabbit, I think.八、看图完成对话A: Whats that on the desk?B: Its a photo.A: Can I have a look?B: Sure/OK/Yes. Here you are.A: Thank you!B: Thats OK!


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