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2019-2020年高一下学期期末考试(英语)缺答案第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Who is interested in football?A. Tommy B. John C. Simmon2. Where is the mans book?A. Under the chair B. In the desk C. On the table3. When did the girl get the bike?A. When she was 11 years old. B. When she was 13 years old. C. When she was in Grade 6.4. What will the man do on Friday?A. Go to school. B. Go to a party. C. Go to the library.5. Whats the man busy doing on Saturday?A. Doing the housework. B. Reading magazines. C. Editing a magazine.第二节 (共15小题;每题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What club does the woman like best?A. The climbing club. B. The bicycle travel club. C. The tennis club.7. What does the man suggest the woman do?A. Join the singing club. B. Drop out of the sports club. C. Join more clubs.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. How long havent the two speakers seen each other?A. For a month B. For two months. C. For a year.9. When does the conversation take place?A. In the morning B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening.10. What will the woman do in an hour?A. Go home. B. Take a shower. C. Have a class.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. When did the woman decide to be a school teacher?A. When she was in high school. B. When she was 23. C. After she graduated from university.12. What did the man think of his history class?A. Interesting. B. Exciting. C. Boring.13. What does the man do?A. He is a teacher. B. He is a doctor. C. He is a singer.听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14. What does the woman think of the first scarf?A. She doesnt like the color. B. It is not warm. C. It is expensive.15. What color scarf does the woman choose?A. A blue one B. A black one. C. A red one.16. How much does the woman have to pay?A. $100. B. $90. C. $85.17. What discount will the woman get if she buys a coat next month?A. 15%. B. 10%. C. 20%.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. When did the attack happen outside Sunny Jims pub?A. At 1 am B. At 1 pm. C. At 10 pm.19. How many homes have been damaged by the flood?A. Seven. B. Thirty-four. C. Fifteen.20. Where will the smoking ban be carried out this week?A. In all restaurants. B. In local village bars. C. In pubs which do not serve food.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. As long as you study hard, you are sure to _your goal.A. organize B. recognize C. achieve D. e true22. It is a good habit to _, for people will always believe in you.A. keep ones word B. hold ones breath C. tell a lie D. watch out23. They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of _ sat a small boy.A. whom B. where C. it D. which 24. Theres no need to _ e as you are.A. cheer upB. dress up C. put upD. take up25. _ a meal for a family of ten, in my opinion, is not easy.A. Prepare B. Preparing C. Being prepared D. Having prepared26. Sometimes I really wonder how I could make friends with a man who has so little _ with me.A. at ease B. in rags C. in timeD. in mon27. You dont need to know who the girl standing over there is, but if you _ know, her name is Jenny.A. mayB. canC. must D. shall28. A man may usually be known by the books he reads _ by the friends he keeps.A. as long as B. as well asC. as far asD. as much as 29. She really felt _ living in that countryside alone without anyone to turn to.A. cut in B . settle down C. cut off D. badly off30. _ youve finished the work, you ought to have a good rest.A. As if B. Even though C. Now that D.So far31. The new bridge_by the end of last month.A.has been designed B.had been designed C. was designed D.would be designed32. His articles show that he has a(n) _ for writing and he is sure to make a writer.A. gift B. interest C. present D. origin33. Its always difficult being in a foreign country, _if you dont speak the language.A. extremely B. generally C. particularlyD. specially34. What the doctor doubts is _ my mother will recover from the heart disease soon.A. when B. how C.whyD. whether35. Would you be so kind as to show me the way to the station? _.A. Not at all B. Sure C. Yes, I could D. I can do it第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上涂黑。Once the King of India was ill and sent for his doctor. The doctor came, 36 him and said, “You will be well soon in a few days if you take bulls milk.” The King was 37 , for he had never heard of a bull that gave milk. “How is it 38 ?” he asked.“Order Gulbo to get it for you,” answered the doctor, “He can do anything.” Gulbo was a person with great knowledge and was 39 to the doctor. So the doctor thought this would be a way of making him 40 . When the King told Gulbo what the doctor said and 41 him to get bulls milk, Gulbo 42 understood what the doctor was trying to do.When he got home, he sat thinking how to get out of the 43 . His daughter, seeing him worried, asked what was the 44 . On hearing what the King had asked for, she said, “dont 45 , Father, I will help you.”The next day she took some old clothes, went to the bank of the river near the palace, and chose a place 46 the Kings bedroom window. In the middle of the night, she started to do her washing. She made so much noise 47 the King could not sleep. The King got very angry and sent a guard to 48 what was the matter. The soldier found the girl, and led her to the King. “Why do you wash your clothes here at night?” said the King.The girl 49 to be afraid and said, “I had to wash clothes at night. This afternoon my father had a baby, I was 50 all day because of that. Then I found there were no clean 51 for the baby, so I had to e and wash them now.”“What!” cried the King. “Are you trying to make a 52 of me? I have never heard of man having a baby.”“Well, if the King himself orders someone to get bulls milk for him, 53 cant a man have a baby?”The King smiled and said, “You must be Gulbos 54 . Go and tell your father that he may keep the bulls milk for his 55 .”36. A. checked B. tested C. judged D. examined37. A. pleased B. surprised C. touched D. moved38. A. possible B. impossible C. usual D. unusual39. A. a friend B. an enemy C. a neighbor D. a patient40. A. suffer B. happy C. content D. laugh41. A. begged B. ordered C. decided D. requested42. A. suddenly B. certainly C. immediately D. directly43. A. chance B. situation C. status D. emergency44. A. matter B. wrong C. thing D. problem45. A. frighten B. worry C. doubt D. astonish46. A. above B. on C. below D. outside47. A. but B. when C. as D. that48. A. find out B. get out C. take out D. bring out49. A. began B. looked C. became D. pretended50. A. busy B. free C. surprised D. anxious51. A. food B. clothes C. boxes D. something52. A. trick B. joke C. friend D. fool53. A. why B. how C. who D. what54. A. girl B. daughter C. wife D. friend55. A. daughter B. son C. girl D. baby第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AThere was once a blind (盲的) man, who did a lot of traveling alone. He was making his first trip to Texas and happened to be seated next to a Texan on the flight.The Texan spent a lot of time telling him how everything was bigger and better in Texas. After the blind man reached his destination, a large resort (度假) hotel, he was very excited about being in Texas. The long trip had worn him out a little so he decided to stop at the bar for a small soda and a light snack before going up to his room to sleep.When the waitress set down his drink, it was in a huge cup. “Wow, I had heard everything in Texas is bigger,” he told her. “Thats right,” she replied. The blind man ate his snack and finished his drink. After drinking such a large amount, it was natural that his next stop was to be the restroom. He asked the waitress for directions. She told him to turn left at the corner, and then take the second door on the right.He reached the first door and continued. A few steps later he stumbled (绊倒) slightly and missed the second door and ended up going through the third door instead. Not realizing he had entered the swimming area he walked forward and immediately fell into the swimming pool. Remembering that everything was bigger in Texas, he had his head above water and started shouting ,“Dont flush(冲洗)! Dont flush!”56. Why was the blind man excited about being in Texas?A. It was the first time that he had travelled abroad. B. People from Texas were very friendly than he expected.C. He heard that everything was bigger and better in Texas.D. The waiters in the large resort hotel was very humorous.57. Why did the blind man enter the swimming area?A. He wanted to go swimming. B. He wanted to have a bath.C. He stumbled and missed the restroom door. D. The waitress gave him wrong directions.58. Why did the blind man go to the bar?A. To go through it on his way to his room.B. To have a short rest after a long walk.C. To have something to eat there.D. To ask a waitress for directions.59. Why did the blind man shout out “Dont flush! Dont flush!”?A. He thought he was caught in a big toilet and someone was cleaning it.B. He didnt want anyone to clean the toilet at that time.C. He didnt want anyone to clean the swimming pool at that time.D. He thought it was such a big swimming pool that making it clean was no use.60. If the passage is taken from a website, which part of the website does it belong to?A. Travel services. B. Hotel services. C. Funny stories. D. Health problems.B“Ill have coffee,” I told the waitress at a cafe during my first week in Bulgaria. She shook her head from side to side. “OK, tea,” I said, thinking that maybe there was something wrong with the coffee machine. Again, she shook her head. “Um . cola?” Once more, she shook her head. By now, she was looking at me like I was crazy, and I was totally confused. Then I remembered: A shake of the head by a Bulgarian means “yes,” and a nod what the rest of the world does for “yes” means “no.” I knew about this before I arrived in Bulgaria, but it was amazing how something that seemed simple and easy enough to remember could lead to so much confusion, and so many funny moments.When I began teaching on the first day of school there, I made sure my students knew about this cultural difference. When my students answered a question correctly or said something really great, Id nod as usual. A second later, they were trying to change their answer, since they thought the nod meant they had been wrong. It was really interesting. I also had to deal with confused colleagues who couldnt figure out why I kept nodding while they talked, as if I were arguing with them. In truth, I was just trying to show that I understood and was following along with the story. And then there was the even greater problem of how to act with Bulgarians who spoke English and were clear about the nodding-shaking problem. Should I nod or shake for “yes” when I was speaking English with them? And what should I do when we were speaking Bulgarian? What if we were in a situation where both languages were being spoken? 61.Why did the author change coffee to tea?A. He was told the coffee machine was broken.B. He preferred to have tea instead of coffee in Bulgaria.C. He misunderstood the waitresss shaking head for no coffee.D. He was told that the coffee had been sold out.62. Why were the students trying to change their answer after seeing the authors nodding?A. They didnt know the right answer at that time.B. They didnt know the authors nodding meant agreement.C. They knew there was no answer at all.D. They wanted to try other interesting answers.63. The underlined words “greater problem” in Paragraph 3 probably refer to _.A. how to behave properly in classB. how to municate a feeling to BulgariansC. how to act with English-speaking Bulgarians knowing the different nodding-shaking customsD. how to let Bulgarians bee aware that their nodding-shaking customs are wrong64. According to the last paragraph, which of the following is NOT true?A. The author should nod if he wanted to show disagreement to a local Bulgarian.B. The author was arguing with his colleagues by nodding when they talked.C. The author could understand what his colleagues were talking about.D. The author was confused about the things he came across in Bulgaria sometimes.65. From the passage we can infer that _.A. whether to nod or shake your head is important in every countryB. if you want to get a coffee in Bulgaria, you must speak BulgarianC. knowing a culture and behaving according to it are not quite the same in a new countryD. every foreigner will experience many astonishing moments in Bulgaria.CIn a moment of personal crisis(危机), how much help can you expect from a New York taxi driver? I began studying this question and answers are interesting.One morning, I got into three different taxis and announced,“Well,its my first day back in New York in seven years. Ive been in prison.” Not a single driver replied, so I tried again. “Yeah,I shot a man in Reno.” I explained,hoping the driver would ask me why,but nobody asked. The only response came from a Ghanaian driver,“Reno?That is in Nevada?”Taxi drivers were uniform sympathetic(同情的) when I said Id just been fired. “This is America,” a Haitian driver said .“One door is closed. Another is open.” He argued against my plan to burn down my bosss house. A Pakistani driver even turned down a chance to profit from my loss of hope;he refused to take me to the middle of the George Washington Bridgea $20 trip. “Why you want to go there?Go home and relax. Dont worry. Take a new job.”One very hot weekday in July,while wearing a red ski mask and holding a stuffed pillowcase with the word “BANK” on it,I tried calling a taxi five times outside different banks. The driver picked me up every time. My ride with a Haitian driver was typical(典型的) of the superb help I received.“Lets go across the park,”I said,“I just robbed the bank there. I got $25,000.” “$25,000?”he asked. “Yeah,you think it was wrong to take it?” “No,man. I work 8 hours and I dont make almost $70. If I can do that,I do it, too.” As we approached 86th and Lexington,I pointed to the Chemical Bank. “Hey,there is another bank,”I said,“Could you wait here a minute while I go inside?” “No,I cant wait. Pay me now.” His unwillingness may have had something to do with moneytaxi drivers think the rate(费用) for waiting time is too lowbut I think he wanted me to learn that even a bank robber cant expect unconditional(无条件的) support.66From the Ghanaian drivers response,we can infer that_.Ahe was afraid of the authorBhe thought the author was crazyChe looked down upon the authorDhe was not interested in the killing67Why did the Pakistani driver refuse to take the author to the middle of the George Washington Bridge?ABecause he was able to help the author to find a new job.BBecause he wanted to go home and relax.CBecause he thought that the author would kill himself.DBecause it was far away from his home.68In the authors opinion,the drivers unwillingness to wait outside the Chemical Bank shows_.Athe driver thought it wrong to support a taxi rider unconditionallyBthe driver was frightened and wanted to leave him as soon as possibleCthe driver did not want to help a suspect to escape from a bank robberyDthe driver thought that the rate for waiting time was too low69Which of the following statements is TRUE about New York taxi drivers?AThey are ready to help you do whatever you want to.BThey are sympathetic with those who are out of work.CThey refuse to pick up those who would kill themselves.DThey work only for money.70The passage mainly discusses_.Athe way to please taxi ridersBthe way to deal with taxi ridersCtaxi drivers attitude to riders in personal troubleDtaxi drivers attitude to troublesome taxi ridersD“Few things help an individual(个人) more than to place responsibility upon him,and let him know that you trust him.” These words are from the black American educator,Booker Washington. He was saying that,“If you want people to grow up,you have to stop treating them like children.”In America,families are close but children are encouraged to be independent,to make their own decisions,even at a very early age. Its not unusual for a child of seven to be given an pocket money every week. The child is encouraged to save some of the money but he or she can spend it on whatever they choose,for example,buying clothes,school supplies or CDs. Some teenagers even have their own credit cards! Thats a big responsibility since even adults are likely to overspend when they have credit cards.From an early age,American children are asked for their opinions and they are included in family decision making. At the dinner table,teenagers will be listened to on any topic,from politics to buying a new family car or where the family will go on vacation. In this way,teenagers are getting practice in being individuals:they are learning how to stand on their own two feet.Many Chinese young people are being almost as interested as American teens in searching for independence. They want to express those qualities that make them unique(独特的) human beings. You can see this in the way they dress, the music they listen to and the friends they choose. “Super Girl” Li Yuchun caught the imagination of Chinese teenagers on the “Super Girl” television contest. She was not the traditional “nice,young Chinese girl”With her short,spiky hair and boy-like clothes,she was telling everyone that she was different. She had the courage to be her own person and to stand on her own two feet.and she won!There is an old saying,“Everyone should carefully observe which way his heart draws him and then choose that way with all his strength.” If you do this,step by step,over a period of time,you may find that you have bee the person you always wanted to be.71The passage is intended to encourage the youth to_.Asave money for useful thingsBbee independentCexpress their great dreamsDmake important decisions72A child of seven is given pocket money so that he can_.Abe accepted as a popular guyBlearn to decide how to use moneyCoverspend money without careDhave school supplies of his own73The author implies that many Chinese children_.Aare more independent than AmericansBshould bee interested in AmericaCare happy with their present situationDare not satisfied to be nice,quiet ones74.In America, teenagers are not getting practice in being individuals by _.A. being asked for their opinions.B. being listened to on where to spend holiday.C. being made to follow their parents examples.D. being allowed to make their f


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