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,完形填空专题,知识目标: 了解句子、段落、篇章中衔接与 连贯提示性词语(clue words)及其重现和 同现手段(reiteration & collocation)。 掌握完形填空中运用重现和同 现的解题技巧,并利用其解题。,Guessing the missing words.,有多个答案哦,1)_are/is helpful to patients. 2)_are/is helpful to patients. They help them to recover and give them good suggestions. 3)_are/is helpful to patients. They cure them and help them to recover.,Brain storming,Exercises, Doctors, Nurses, Good mood, Appropriate treatment,Doctors, Nurses,Doctors,What is a clue word?,A clue word (提示词)is very useful in a cloze, according to the clue words, youll find its much easier to do a cloze.,1) He is_, because he is stuck in the traffic jam.,2) Usually he is very gentle, but today he is so _.,late,rude,clue words,clue words,Mr. Brown is a teacher, and he works in the school. 2) KFC staff not only work in the day, but also work during the night. 3) It is so urgent that he has no time to explain more. 4) Linda slipped and fell down the stairs because the floor was wet. 5) Time is very valuable. We must treasure our time.,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,1)Mr. Brown is a teacher,and he works in the _. 2) KFC staff not only work in the day, but also work during the _. 3) It is so urgent that he has _ time to explain more. 4) Linda _ and fell down the stairs because the floor was wet. 5) Time is very valuable. We must _ our time.,school,night,no,slipped,treasure,Collocation 同现,Reiteration 重现,clue word 提示词,What is collocation?,1.语义场同现,2.因果同现,3.修饰同现,4.结构同现,看到“factory”这个词, 你会想到,He didnt have breakfast, so he is _now.,天使般的_, 魔鬼般的_。,add to , either or , oweto,What is reiteration?,1)原词重现: 有时为了表达的需求,在上下文中有同一 概念出现,可以借助这一信息选择正确答案。 如: Wouldnt it be great if we didnt have to remember passwords ever again? If we could just sit in front of our computers and be 21 logged in? Crave mentions how NEC Soft BiodeLogon system uses face recognition technology to log you on to Windows, rather than using a 22 .(NMET 2007 广东) 22. A. face B. password C. software D. system,_ _,2)同义词或近义词重现: 原文表达中,可借助意思相同或相近的词, 有时则是用解释性的语言来连接上下文的语义。如: One of the most popular trends today is for families and groups to go with a theme when choosing their costumes. For example, costumes might be _4_ on the basis of a favorite movie, fairy tale, or some other connecting theme. 4. A. purchased B. selected C. gained D. rewarded,_,3)上下义词重现: 上下义词是指词的总结和分解关系,上义词是总称词,下义词是其包含的个体或种类。 如:food是bread, noodle, milk, rice的上义词,反之bread, noodle, milk, rice是food的下义词。,下面让我们用 “clue word” 的 “collocation” “reiteration” 来一起瞻前顾后地练习一下 吧!,Long ago in a small, faraway village , there was a place known as the House of 1,000 Mirrors. A small , happy little dog learned of this place and decided to visit it. Arriving there , he bounced 1 up the stairs to the doorway. He looked through it with his ears lifted high and his tail 2 as fast as possible. To his great surprise , he 3 himself staring at 1,000 other happy little dogs with their tails swinging like him.,1. A. angrily B. merrily 2. A. wagging B. removing 3. A. found B. looked,Passage 1,While some students sleep or study during their long travel, public transportation also 1 a chance for socializing with peers. Students on the way to school is regulated by school 2, which may prohibit 3 activities in publicchewing gum, consuming snacks, reading books while walkinganything that might reflect 4 on the reputation of the school. Each school has a unique uniform that makes its students easily 5 to the public.,1. A. gives B. offers C. sends 2. A. policies B. teachers C. schedule 3. A. sure B. certain C. special 4. A. well B. badly C. truly 5. A. polite B. familiar C. identifiable,Passage 2,1. A. do B. say C. think D. see 2. A. decreased B. limited C. rising D. steady 3. A. residents B. occupants C. inhabitants D. citizens 4. A. elder B. special C. aged D. strange,Society has to try all means to care more for the elderly population. This is easy to 1 but difficult to arrange. With an increased life expectancy and a 2 birthrate due to the family planning policy, Chinas population is aging at unprecedented levels. Statistics suggest that by the end of the 20th century, more than 10 percent of the countrys 3 will be at least 60 years old. By the year 2040, this 4 group will make up one fourth of the population.,Passage 3,_,_,_,_,_,同义重现。根据前文Chinas population 可知此处应指中国籍公民。A、B、C三项都是“居民”的意思。,_,_,_,反义同现。easy to say but difficult to arrange说起来容易实践起来难,“说”和“做”相对应。,反义同现。根据常识,中国的计划生育政策应该是 使出生率降低了,此处最佳选项应是decreased, 和increased相对应。,修饰同现。这一段是围绕中国人口老龄化的走势展开的。根据前文at least 60 years old可知此处指的是老年人群体(aged group)。elder意为“年长的”;elderly 意为“年老的”。,The same statistics also 5 that more than half of the aged population are financially supported by their 6 . Only a quarter of them are 7 ,while only some of the rest live on retirement pensions.,5. A. display B. show C. view D. prove 6. A. ancestor B. grandson C. parents D. offspring 7. A. dependent B. independent C. reliable D. lonely,Passage 3,_,同义重现。由the same statistics可知就是指上文提到的statistics,此处应用show与上文的suggest(表明)同义。display(表演)、view(看)、prove(证明)不合语境。,根据下文可知照顾老年人的重任落在他们的孩子身上,故用offspring(子孙后代)。ancestor(祖先)、grandson、parents不合语义。,由only可知前后文之间有对比关系。前文表明一半的老人依靠后代,这里应指只有四分之一的老人是独立的。,_,8. A. support B. help C. keep D. sustain 9. A. much B. few C. considerable D. little 10. A. job B. work C. life D. care,修饰同现。a considerable number of = a large number of大量的。,根据逻辑推理可知这些子女也要工作养家(support their own families)。sustain意为“维持(生命)”。,原词重现。该段中心是围绕home care,故此处需填care(照顾,护理)。daily life日常生活。,Whatever their financial situations are, the responsibility of most elderly peoples home care thus falls upon their children who already work full-time to 8 their own families. A 9 number of elderly population also live far way from their children, which sets tricky obstacles in their daily 10 .,Passage 3,_,_,A clue word with its reiteration & collocation is very useful in a cloze, according to the clue words, youll find its much easier to do a cloze efficiently.,Summary,2. In a sentence, if one word is missing, you can complete the sentence according to the clue words with its reiteration & collocation.,Summary,3. In a passage, if some words are missing, you can complete the passage according to the clue words with its reiteration & collocation.,Summary,4. In an article, there are lots of clue words, read it carefully and find the clue words with its reiteration & collocation ,they will help you to get the main idea of the article.,Summary,5. In a cloze, make good use of clue words with its reiteration & collocation is quite important.,Summary,Homework: 运用重现和同现的解题技巧 完成2008与2009广东高考 英语完形填空题。,

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