2013外研版必修一module 5《a lesson in a lab》word学案(有答案).doc

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中小学教育资源站(http:/www.edudown.net),百万资源免费下载,无须注册! BOOKI Period Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab Oct 一、Introduction. 1. Words about general science. Translate the following: 1. 大众科学 2.固体 3. 液体 4. 气体 5. 存在 6. 加热 7. 膨胀 8. 收缩 9. 金属 10. 钢 11. 铁 12. 混合物 13. 物质 14. 氧气 15. 表面 16. 自然的,天然的 17. 人造的 2. Do Ex. 1, 2, 3, (P41)二、Vocabulary and Speaking. Language study 1. (1)十二(一打) (2)二十 (3)百 (4)千 (5)百万 (6)十亿 (7)dozens of (8) scores of (9)hundreds of (10)thousands of (11)millions of 2. 分数:1/3 4/5 a quarter 3/4 口诀:“分子基数词,分母序数词。分子大于1,分母加s”三、Reading and Vocabulary Reading comprehension. Listen to passage A and fill in the blanks. It is hard to a world without metals. Different metals have different uses, , steel is used in cars, and iron electrical equipment. When we use metals, it is important to know how they with different , for example, water and oxygen. The of metals can be Here is a table with metals that react most , and the metals that react least . . Read passage B and fill in the blanks1. Passage B shows us 2. The first part of passage B mainly tells us 3. The text describes the reaction of iron in , and .4. In the experiment, cotton wool is used to and oil is used to . 5. please write down the three conclusions of the experiment (1) (2) (3) . Read the passage A & B carefully and answer the following question. 1. Which is the best title for the passage A? A. The Different uses of Metals B. The Reaction of Metals C. The Reaction of Metals with WaterD. The Reaction of Metals with Oxygen2. According to Passage A, we know that is often used in cars, and is often used in electrical equipment. A. steel, copper B. iron, zinc C. steel, ironD. iron, copper3. Which metal doesnt react with water? A. Sodium B. Iron C. Copper D. Potassium 4. Which metal reacts with steam? A. Calcium B. ZincC. CopperD. Sodium 5. If you put a shovel (铁锨)in a damp place, it will there. A. rust B. form an oxide C. not rust D. keep the place dry 6. Iron rusts in . A. dry air B. air-free water C. ordinary air D. ordinary water 7. According to Passage B, we know that the “air-free water” probably means . A. air with a lot of water B. air without water C. water with plenty of air D. water without air 参考答案:一、1. general science 2. solid 3. liquid 4. air 5. exist6. heat7. expand8. contract 9. metal10. steel11. iron12. mixture13. substance 14. oxygen 15. surface 16. natural17. man-made 二、1. dozen2. score 3. hundred 4. thousand 5. million6. billion 7. 许多,大量的8. 许多9. 成百上千10. 成千上万的 11. 百万计的. 分数:one third for fifths 1/4three quarters 三、. think of for exampleis used in react substances reaction put in order at the top at the bottom . 1. how iron reacts with air and with water 2. the aim and the apparatus of the experiment 3. dry air, air-free water ordinary water4. keep the air dry keep the air out of the water 5. (1)Iron does not rust in dry air (2) Iron does not rust in air-free water (3)Iron rusts in ordinary water . 1. B2. C3. C4. B5. A6. D7. DPeriod Module 5 Introduction & Reading Oct . Language points: 1. exist v. 存在,生存existence n. 使产生,成立 开始存在,产生 你相信存在上帝吗? 2. heat n. 热,热度 v. 加热,使兴奋 1) Every morning (她只温些牛奶作早餐)。 2) (神舟6号发射使我们很兴奋) 3)The sun (给我们光和热). 4) (热烈的讨论) 3. expand v. 膨胀,伸展,扩大 contract v. 收缩Metals .(金属受热膨胀,受冷收缩) 4.mixture n.混合物 mix v. 混合 mixed 混合的,男女混杂的 1)mix up 搅和,混淆 (把面粉和水搅匀。) 2) (油和水不相融). 3)你若把蓝色和黄色混合起来,就配成了绿色。 4)这是个男女同校的学校。 5. twice as large as / forty-nine times large than 我们教室是他们教室的三倍大。 1) 2) 3) 6. 分数百分数表示法:分子基数词,分母序数词,分子大于1,分母加“s”。 2/3 1/5 10% 35% 1)三分之一的钱用在了买衣服上。 2)在场的三分之二的人都反对这个计划。 3)You can believe him. has been done. A. Ninety-nine percents of the work B. Two fifth of the article C. Half of what he promised D. Three quarter of the business 7. Its hard to think of a world without metals. Its important to know how they react with different substances. It is +adj.(n) +for (of) sb. to do sth. 1) master a foreign language. (对年轻人来说掌握一门外语是很必要的。) 2) . (准时是很重要的) 3) . (他帮助我真是太善良了)8. put sth. in order in order in good order out of order in order of 1) Lily, (把你的东西整理好)after you play with them. 2) After the experiment, (一切都有序地排列在器皿柜中). 9. add some oil to the water addto add to add up add up to 1) She . (她在咖啡里加上些糖)。 2) Your carelessness . (增加了我们的困难)。 3) . (把这些数字加起来) 4) The money he spent 10. conclusion n. 结论,推论 conclude v. 下结论,推断出 得出结论 我断定他不适合这项工作 . Exercises: 1. general science 2、地球表面 3、太阳到地球的距离 4、三分之二的学生 5、人造的 6、按正确顺序 7、科学实验 8. electrical equipment 9、一打 10、二十个 11、在底部 12. keep out of 13、得出结论 14、热烈的讨论 15、把加到上 16、按顺序排列起来 Period Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab Oct Grammar Degrees of comparison. . 比较等级结构的用法1、原级比较句式有:(1)A is not so (as) adj/ adv. as B. A不如B Xiao Wang is as tall as Xiao Liu. This building looks not so / as high as that one. (2) as +adj. +n. +as =as +adj. +a/ an +n. +as I have as many books as Tom. 2、比较级的结构和用法(1)双方比较表示一方超过另一方,用“比较级+than”的结构表示。 This pen is better than that one. (2)表示一方不及另一方时,用“less+原级+than”的结构表示。 This room is less beautiful than that one. (3)表示一方随另一方的程度而变化时,用“the+比较级(+主语+谓语),the +比较级(主语+谓 语)”的结构。例如: 他越努力工作,越感到高兴。(4)不与其他事物相比,表示本身程度的改变时,用“比较级+and+比较级”的结构。 天气变得越来越冷了。(5)“the + 比较级+of the two”表示两者之中“较的一个更” Who wants ? 谁要这两个中大的那个?(6)某些以or结尾的形容词进行比较时,用to代替than, 这些词有inferior, superior, junior, senior, prior等。 He is superior to Xiao Zhang in maths. 在数学方面他比小张优秀。(7)表示倍数的比较,有以下几种句型: A is three (four, ) times the size (height, length, width, depth) of B. A is three (four, ) times as big (high, long, wide)as B. A is three (four, ) times bigger (higher, longer) than B. 注意:用times 表示倍数,一般只限于表示包括基数在内3倍或3倍以上的数,表示两倍可以用twice。3、最高级的用法(1)三者或三者以上相比,表示最高程度时用“the+最高级”的结构表示。 Zhang Hua is the tallest of the three. 张华是他们三人中最高的一个。(2)最高级可以被序数词以及much, by far, nearly, almost, by no means, not quite, not really, nothing like等词语所修饰。(3)表示最高程度的形容词没有最高级和比较级。如:excellent, extreme, perfect(4)作状语的副词的最高级前可以不加定冠词。如:Of all the boys he came (the) earliest.、修饰比较级的有: 语法训练1. Professor White has written some short stories, but he is known for his plays. A. the best B. more C. better D. the most 2. Bobs tape-recorder is so wonderful. Mine is at least good, if not . A. as; betterB. twice as much C. the same; the bestD. so; better3. The factory has produced computers as they did last year. A. twice as many B. twice as much C. as twice as manyD. as twice much 4. How is the patient now? Is he out of danger? No, than yesterday, Im afraid. A. no better B. a little betterC. not worseD. no worse5. Which do you think tastes ? None. A. bestB. goodC. betterD. well6. If the manager had to choose between the two, he would say John was choice. A. better B. goodC. the betterD. best 7. Neither of the knives can do. This one is the other. A. no sharper thanB. not sharper than C. as sharp as D. less sharper than8. Do you regret paying 1000 dollars for the painting? No, I would gladly have paid for it. A. twice so much B. so much twiceC. as much twiceD. twice as much9. My glasses cost me the last pair I bought. A. three timesB. three times as much as C. three times more as D. three times as many as 10. How about playing a game of bridge? I cant think of idea. A. a goodB. a better C. the better D. the best 11. He speaks English well indeed, but of course not a native speaker. A. as fluent as B. more fluent than C. so fluently as D. much fluently than 12. It is general believed that teaching is it is a science. A. an art much as B. much an art as C. as an art much as D. as much an art as 13. As far as I am concerned, education is about learning and the more you learn, . A. the more for life are you equipped B. the more equipped for life you are C. the more life you are equipped for D. you are equipped the more for life 14. Have you read this book? Yes. But that one is worth reading. I suggest you read it if you have time. A. best B. well C. better D. more 15. Norway is one of European countries with a large land area than Britain, Iceland or Italy. A. as bigB. the biggest C. so bigD. the bigger 16. I hear your aunt likes travel, music, clothes and fine food. Oh, yah, and music may have been of her tastes. A. the rather more respectable B. much the most respectable C. very the most respectableD. even more respectable one17. His job was than we all had expected. A. by far the best B. very better C. more better D. far better 18. Are you satisfied with her answer? Not at all. It couldnt have been . A. worse B. so bad C. better D. the worst 19. , the worse I seem to feel. A. When I take more medicine B. The more medicine take C. Taking more of the medicineD. More medicine taken20. Boris has brains. In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class has IQ. A. a high B. a higherC. the higher D. the highest参考答案:. 2. (3) The harder he works, the happier he feels (4)The weather /Its getting colder and colder (5)the bigger one of them . a little , a bit, a lot, rather, much, by far, even, still, any 语法训练1. C 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. B 11. C 12. D 13. B 14. C 15. D 16. B 17. D 18. A 19. B 20. BPeriod Module 5 Oct Listening / Writing /Everyday English. When we describe a simple scientific experiment, what things do we usually say? . Grasp the following. 1. a change in weight (size.) 2. 比较级的几个句型 1) Come a bit closer. 2) The closer you are, the more youll see. 3) We need rather more than that. 4)We need a piece which is much bigger than that. 5)Is it any heavier? 6) Its getting brighter and brighter. 3. Everyday English: 1) Where do we go from here? 2) keep the noise down. turn the radio down / up/ on /off 3) Youve got it! 4) Well done. 5) Its your turn now. 6) Go ahead. 4. The words used when we describe the stages of process. Answers to Period III.Language points: 1.bring into existence come into existence Do you believe God exists? 2.1)she only heats some milk for breakfast. 2)The launching of Shen zhou- VI heated us . 3) gives us light and heat 4) a heated discussion 3. expand when heated and contract when cooled 4.1)mix up flour and water 2)Oil and water will not mix. 3)If you mix blue and yellow,you will get green. 4)This is a mixed school. 5.1)Our classroom is three times as big as theirs. 2) Our classroom is three times bigger than theirs. 3)Our classroom is three times the size of theirs. 6. two thirds one fifth 10 percent thirty five percent 1)One third of the money is spent on clothes. 2)Two thirds of the people present are against the plan. 3) C 7. 1)It is necessary for a young person to 2)It is important to be on time. 3)Its very kind of him to help me. 8.把按顺序排列 有序的 井然有序 无序的,杂乱无章的 按的顺序 1)put your things in order 2)everything is put in order in the cupboard.9把加到上 增加,添加 合计,加起来 总计达 1)added some sugar to the coffee 2)added to our difficulty 3)Add up this figures 4)added up to no more than 1000 yuan.10. come to /draw /arrive at a conclusion Ive concluded that he is not the right person for the job.II. Exercises : 大众科学 the surface of the earth the distance of the sun from the earth Two thirds of the students man-made in the correct order a scientific experiment 电器 a dozen score at the bottom 使。不进入 come to /reach /arrive at a conclusion a heated discussion addto putin order Period IV I. Well say the aim ,apparauts(equipment ),method,result and conclusion.II. 4.first, then ,next,after that , lastly BOOKI MODULE 5 Period Cultural cornerOct .阅读文章,回答下列问题1、Whats the main idea/topic sentence of the text? My feelings about science have really changed. 2、Why has Mark become more interested in Science? Because he changed schools last year and the science teachers are excellent. 3、The Nobel Prize is the highest scientific price there is , So we should be very proud of that.翻译此句 略 4、Why are Marks parents astonished. 略 5、Ill try to go to either Montreal or Ottawa university, because both should have good physics. Departments.Which sentence can take place this sentence in the text? Im going to try to go to either Moutreal or Ottawa. .language points1、I never used to enjoy science.我过去从来不喜欢科学。used to 从前做,以前是;过去常常There a restaurant here.从前这里有一家餐厅。I dont smoke these days, but I used to.我现在不抽烟,但我以前抽。辩析:used to do sth.;be/get used to doing sth.与be used to do sth.(1)used to do sth.表示过去常常发生的动作或存在的状态,后接 ,常用来表示今昔对比。They used to in the river.他们过去常常在河里游泳。(2)be used to (doing)sth.“习惯于”,可用于现在、过去、将来多种时态;be可用get, become等来代替,后接 。As a Chinese, he English food. 作为一个中国人,他不习惯英国食物。He used to very late, so hes not used to so early.他原来常常起得很晚,所以他现在还不习惯早起。You will soon our way of life.你将很快习惯于我们的生活方式。(3)be used to do sth.表示“被用来做某事”,是动词use的被动语态形式。Wood is used to make paper. 木材被用来造纸。Cloth is used to make clothes.布料被用来做衣服。2、In the last twenty years, seven Canadian scientists have won the Nobel Prize!在过去二十年间,有七位加拿大科学家获得过诺贝尔奖。短语“in/during the last/past+时间段”,表示“在过去时间里,这时谓语动词一般用 。我们国家在过去的二十年里发生了巨大的变化。Great changes in the past twenty years in our country.In the past two months no visitors again.在过去两个月里再也没有参观者来过这里。思维拓展:短语in the past表示“在过去”的意思,谓语动词用一般过去时态。In the past, most American mothers at home to their children during the day。在过去,大多数美国的母亲白天都在家里照顾孩子。3、We should be very proud of that!我们应该为此而感到骄傲!proud adj.骄傲的;自豪的;得意的 be/feel proud 以而自豪He has been too proud to ask for help。 他自尊心太强,从不向他人求助。我们为他们的成功而骄傲。We their success. He was too proud to join our party.他太骄傲,不屑参加我们的聚会。思维拓展:pride n.骄傲,自豪 短语:take pride in=be proud of 以为自豪He his school record。他为学校的成绩骄傲。She is/feels proud of her sons success.=She takes pride in her sons success.她为儿子的成功感到自豪He is his fathers pride. 他是他父亲的自豪。4、Im going to try to go to either Montreal or Ottawa University , as both are supposed to have good Physics Departments.我打算或者去上蒙特利尔大学,或者去上渥太华大学,因为这两所大学都有良好的物理系。(1)eitheror或者或者(表示 可能性中任选其一)I left it either on the table or in the drawer. 我不是把它放在桌子上了,就是把它放在抽屉里了。思维拓展:neithernor既不也不捷克和他的父母对那个女孩都不感兴趣。Neither Jack nor his parents the girl。(2)be supposed to do sth .应该做某事,应当做某事Who is supposed to look after the room? 这房子应该由谁管?You are not supposed to take the books out of the room. 这些书不能拿出屋出。思维拓展:be supposed to have done 本应该做某事(但事实上没做)You the work by now .这工作你现在应该已经完成了。(但没完成)5、They always thought I would become an English teacher.他们原来总是以为我成为一名英语老师。sb. Thought 表明说话人以前的想法,宾语从句随之用过去时或过去将来时。Oh, its you! I didnt know I see you here. 啊,是你呀!不知道能在这儿见到你。I recognize you Tom. 我原来没认出你是汤姆。6、late adj. 迟的,晚的


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