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2019-2020年七年级英语下册Unit12Whatdidyoudolastweekend练习(A卷,无答案)(新版)人教新目标版1 单项选择。()1.Linda played tennis _ Saturday morning. A.in B. on C. at ()2.We _ yesterday evening? A.camp B.camping C.went camping()3._ she play the piano well last Sunday? A.Did B.Does C.Do()4._ interesting book it is! A.How B.What C.What an()5.Dont _ too late, or youll feel tired tomorrow. A.stay up B.put up C.wake up()6.Thats _they didnt tell you about it. A.when B.why C.what()7.He_ for a test last night. A.had B.studied C.did ()8.-What did you do last Sunday morning?-_. A.Fly a kite B.Flew a kite C.Flying a kite ()9.Lets go _in the _ pool. A.swim;swim B.swim;swimming C.swimming;swimming()10.-Did you have_to tell us?-_really. A.something;Dont B.everything;Not C.anything;Not()11. _ the second night, it rained. A. In B. At C. On ()12. My uncle _ a tent one hour _. A.put on;ago B.put up;ago C.put up;before()13.The baby is sleeping. Please dont _. A.wake up him B.wake him up C. wake up he()14.Snakes dont have ears but they can feel things_. A.moving B.to move C.move()15.The little boy is _ smart that everyone _ him. A.such;like B.so;likes C.so;like二译一译1. 去划船_ 2.在湖边 _ 3.打羽毛球_ 4.熬夜_ 5.跑开_ 6.对.叫 _ 7.为考试学习 _ 8. 放风筝_ 9. 吃惊_ 10.搭起;举起 _ 11. 上下跳 _ 12. 把.弄醒 _ 13. 任何有趣的事_ 14. 自然历史博物馆_ 15 和某人一起共进晚餐_三完形填空A:_ was your weekend? B: It was bad.A:Why? B:Do you remember my dog _long yellow hair?A:Yes. Its _interesting dog. B:I_a walk with it.But it was lost when I stopped _ with a friend. A:Did your parents know about it? B:Dont _. I can help you _ it after school. A:Thank you. ( )1. A. What B. Where C. How ( )2. A. has B. with C. and ( )3. A. a B.an C. the ( )4. A. went for B. went to C. go gor( )5. A. talking B.to talk C. and talk( )6. A . everything B. something C. anything( )7. A. sad B. worry C. Bad( )8. A. look for B. find C. see

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